All metrics were computed using functions within LASTools ( Processed by: Al Kirschbaum ( Process date: September 2019 Collection dates: refer back to the county-specific LiDAR collection dates included in the original LiDAR metadata Prior to creating forest structure rasters the following filters were applied to the original LiDAR data: 1) all points with scan angles greater than 20 degrees and less than -20 degrees were removed 2) all points with heights less than -2 feet and greater than 180 feet were removed Horizontal resolution: 5 feet Z (vegetation height): in feet Point classes included in the creation of this project: 1: Unclassified 2: Ground 3: Low Vegetation 4: Medium Vegetation 5: High Vegetation Description of canopy height raster Using the raw (.las) lidar files for this area, I used lastools to create a smoothed canopy height raster. Each 5 ft x 5 ft pixel represents the height (in feet) of the tallest vegetation in this location. The workflow I followed is best outlined here: The exact code I used in LAStools is included below... set PATH=%PATH%;C:\LAStools\bin; set BLOCK=K:\WI_County set STEP=5 set SUBGRIDSTEP=1 set MIN_MAX=0 180 set CORES=6 lasindex -i -v %BLOCK%\Classified_LAZ\*.laz ^ -cores %CORES% lastile -i -v %BLOCK%\Classified_LAZ\*.laz ^ -drop_scan_angle_above 20^ -drop_scan_angle_below -20^ -tile_size 2000 -buffer 200 -flag_as_withheld ^ -odir %BLOCK%\laz_tiled -olaz ^ -cores %CORES% lasheight -i -v %BLOCK%\laz_tiled\*.laz ^ -replace_z ^ -classify_below -2 7 ^ -classify_above 180 8 ^ -odir %BLOCK%\tiles_normalized -olaz ^ -cores %CORES% lasthin -i -v %BLOCK%\tiles_normalized\*.laz ^ -subcircle 2 ^ -keep_class 1 2 3 4 5^ -step %SUBGRIDSTEP% -highest ^ -odir %BLOCK%\tiles_thinned -olaz ^ -cores %CORES% lasgrid -i -v %BLOCK%\tiles_thinned\*.laz ^ -subcircle 2 ^ -step %STEP% -highest ^ -use_bb ^ -odir %BLOCK%\tiles_values -odix "_vals" -oimg ^ -cores %CORES%