INTERNATIONAL HYDROGRAPHIC ORGANIZATION PRODUCT SPECIFICATION for RASTER NAVIGATIONAL CHARTS (RNC) 1st Edition, January 1999 Special Publication No. 61 published by the International Hydrographic Bureau MONACO S-61 International Hydrographic Bureau 4, Quai Antoine 1er B.P. 445 - MC 98011 MONACO Cedex Principautι de Monaco Telefax: (377) 93 10 81 40 E-mail: Web: FOREWORD In December 1998, the International Maritime Organization's Maritime Safety Committee adopted an amendment [IMO resolution MSC.86 (70)] to the then-current Performance Standards for Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS), adopted by IMO resolution A.817 (19), as amended by IMO resolution MSC.64 (67), which are also annexed to IHO Publication S-52. IMO resolution MSC.86 (70) permits ECDIS equipment to operate in a Raster Chart Display System (RCDS) mode in the absence of Electronic Navigational Charts (ENC). When operating in the RCDS mode, ECDIS should be used together with an appropriate folio of up-to-date paper charts. The RCDS mode of operation is described in a new Appendix 7 to the IMO Performance Standards for ECDIS. For convenience it is annexed to this publication, with the kind permission of the IMO. A key component of the RCDS mode is the Raster Navigational Chart (RNC). Section 4.1 of Appendix 7 states that the RNC must conform to IHO standards. The necessary RNC Product Specification was developed by the IHO's Transfer Standard Maintenance and Application Development Working Group (TSMAD) during 1997 and 1998 and was adopted by the IHO's Committee on Hydrographic Requirements and Information Systems (CHRIS) in October 1998. __________ TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction ................................ 1 2. Definitions ................................. 1 3. RNC Requirements ............................. 1 3.3 Image Files ............................. 1 3.4 Meta-Data ................................ 2 3.5 Updates ............................... 3 Annex A - RCDS Mode of Operation (Appendix 7 to IMO Performance Standards for ECDIS)... A-1 1INTRODUCTION 1.1The elements of this product specification define the minimum requirements a Raster Navigational Chart (RNC) must have to satisfy the draft performance standard for a Raster Chart Display System (RCDS). 1.2This product specification does not define underlying raster data structures of a raster navigational chart. The national hydrographic office producing the raster navigational chart should select that data structure. 2DEFINITIONS 2.1For the purpose of this product specification: 2.1.1Raster Chart Display System (RCDS) means a navigation information system displaying RNCs with positional information from navigation sensors to assist the mariner in route planning and route monitoring, and if required, display additional navigation-related information. 2.1.2Raster Navigational Chart (RNC) means a digital facsimile of a paper nautical chart, produced by or distributed on the authority of a government authorized hydrographic office. RNC is used in these specifications to mean either a single chart or a collection of charts. 2.1.3Notice to Mariners (NtM) means a published change to an RNC produced by or distributed under the authority of a government authorized hydrographic office. 3RNC REQUIREMENTS 3.1An RNC should contain an image file, which is a digital facsimile of an existing, official paper chart. It should also contain meta-data describing the RNC as stated in this product specification. 3.2The arrangement of the image data and the meta-data into one or more digital files should be determined by the national hydrographic offices originating the RNC. 3.3Image Files 3.3.1The digital format of the image file should be determined by the national hydrographic office producing the RNC. 3.3.2The resolution of the digital image (pixels-per-inch) and any method used to compress or process that image file should be sufficient to display clearly all information that was contained on the original paper nautical chart. In particular, methods such as antialiasing should be employed to achieve maximum contrast and fidelity of displayed chart information compared to the printed chart. 3.3.3The accuracy of the digital image file, as measured by the ability to determine the correct geographic coordinates of an individual pixel when the image file is used together with the RNC meta-data, should allow a ship’s position to be displayed at least as accurately as when using the original paper chart. 3.4Meta-Data 3.4.1The digital format of the meta-data should be determined by the national hydrographic office originating the RNC. 3.4.2The following meta-data should be included for each RNC. Where an image file contains more than one discrete chart image, e.g. chart insets, in addition to the main panel of the chart the meta-data should be included for each such discrete chart image. agency identifier specified using the producing agency codes listed in Annex A to Appendix A of IHO publication S-57. number. identifier (e.g. chart number) if different from the RNC. edition date. edition date and/or chart edition number. update or Notice to Mariners applied. updates or Notice to Mariners applied. Scale. of north (where appropriate for the chart projection in use). and associated projection parameters. datum. datum shift to WGS84 or PE-90 if the chart datum is not one of those two datums. datums. and height units. resolution of the image file as measured in pixels-per-millimeter or pixels-per-inch. mechanism, such as parameters and an algorithm, to allow geographical positions to be converted to RNC (pixel) coordinates and vice-versa. palettes for daytime, nighttime and dusk. used for daytime viewing should be those used on the paper versions of the same charts. for dusk and nighttime should follow as closely as practicable the Colours and Symbols Standards specified in IHO Special Publication S-52, Appendix 2. information which will allow each note, diagram, item of marginalia or other chart subarea of special interest to be found and displayed clearly, simply and quickly even though that subarea may not be located on the portion of the chart currently being displayed. information to allow any source diagram, which provides information about data quality, to be displayed clearly, simply and quickly even though the source diagram may not be located on the portion of the chart currently being displayed. 3.5Updates 3.5.1The following meta-data should be included for each RNC update. Where an RNC image file contains one or more discrete chart image, e.g. chart insets, in addition to the main panel of the chart, the meta-data should be sufficient to identify to which the update applies. agency identifier specified using the producing agency codes listed in Annex A to Appendix A of the IHO publication S-57. number. date. to which the update applies. edition date to which the update applies. changes to the meta-data of the RNC being updated (e.g. if a chart note changes, the relevant changes in RNC meta-data need to be included in the update). information to allow the update to be applied automatically to the RNC and for the update to be displayed. __________ ANNEX A RCDS MODE OF OPERATION (Appendix 7 to the IMO Performance Standards for ECDIS) Notes: 1)The RCDS Mode of Operation, adopted by IMO resolution MSC.86 (70) in December 1998, is reproduced in this publication for convenience, with the kind permission of the International Maritime Organization, London. Notes: 2)2) This should be read in conjunction with the IMO Performance Standards for ECDIS, which have been reproduced in Annex B to Publication S-52, 5th Edition. Whenever in this appendix reference is made to provisions of the Annex related to ECDIS, ECDIS should be substituted by RCDS, SENC by SRNC and ENC by RNC, as appropriate. All paragraphs of the Annex related to ECDIS are indicated as to whether they apply to RCDS, do not apply to RCDS, or are modified in order to apply to RCDS. These paragraphs are followed by additional requirements for ECDIS equipment in the RCDS mode. 1.INTRODUCTION 1.1Paragraph applies to RCDS. 1.2When operating in the RCDS mode, ECDIS equipment should be used together with an appropriate folio of up-to-date paper charts. 1.3 – 1.7Paragraphs apply to RCDS. 1.8RCDS should provide appropriate alarms or indications with respect to the information displayed or malfunction of the equipment (see Table 1 of this Appendix). 2.DEFINITIONS 2.1Raster Chart Display System (RCDS) means a navigation information system displaying RNCs with positional information from navigation sensors to assist the mariner in route planning and route monitoring, and if required, display additional navigation-related information. 2.2Raster Nautical Chart (RNC) means a facsimile of a paper chart originated by, or distributed on the authority of, a government-authorized hydrographic office. RNC is used in these standards to mean either a single chart or a collection of charts. 2.3System Raster Nautical Chart Database (SRNC) means a database resulting from the transformation of the RNC by the RCDS to include updates to the RNC by appropriate means. 2.4 – 2.5Paragraphs do not apply to RCDS. 2.6Paragraph applies to RCDS. 3.DISPLAY OF SRNC INFORMATION 3.1Paragraph applies to RCDS. 3.2SRNC information available for display during route planning and route monitoring should be subdivided into two categories: .1 the RCDS standard display consisting of RNC and its updates, including its scale, the scale at which it is displayed, its horizontal datum, and its units of depths and heights; and .2 any other information such as mariner's notes. 3.3Paragraph applies to RCDS. 3.4When a RNC is displayed on the RCDS, it should provide an indication advising the mariner if a more detailed (larger scale) RNC is available for the displayed area. 3.5It should be easy to add to, or remove from, the RCDS display any information additional to the RNC data, such as mariner's notes. It should not be possible to remove any information from the RNC. 3.6 – 3.7Paragraphs do not apply to RCDS. 3.8 – 3.10Paragraphs apply to RCDS. 3.11There should always be an indication if the ECDIS equipment is operating in the RCDS mode. 4.PROVISION AND UPDATING OF CHART INFORMATION 4.1The RNC used in RCDS should be the latest edition of that originated by, or distributed on the authority of, a government authorized hydrographic office and conform to IHO standards. RNCs not on WGS-84 or PE-90 should carry meta-data (i.e., additional data) to allow geo-referenced positional data to be displayed in the correct relationship to SRNC data. 4.2The contents of the SRNC should be adequate and up-to-date for that part of the intended voyage not covered by ENC. 4.3 – 4.8All paragraphs apply to RCDS. 5.SCALE This section applies to RCDS. 6.DISPLAY OF OTHER NAVIGATIONAL INFORMATION 6.1 – 6.3All paragraphs apply to RCDS. 7.DISPLAY MODE AND GENERATION OF THE NEIGHBOURING AREA 7.1It should always be possible to display the SRNC in "chart-up" orientation. Other orientations are permitted. 7.2 – 7.4All paragraphs apply to RCDS. 8.COLOURS AND SYMBOLS 8.1IHO recommended colours and symbols should be used to represent SRNC information. 8.2Paragraph applies to RCDS. 8.3Paragraph does not apply to RCDS. 8.4Paragraph applies to RCDS. 9.DISPLAY REQUIREMENTS 9.1 – 9.2Paragraphs apply to RCDS. 9.3Paragraph does not apply to RCDS. 9.4Paragraph applies to RCDS. 9.5RCDS should be capable of displaying, simply and quickly, chart notes which are not located on the portion of the chart currently being displayed. 10.ROUTE PLANNING, MONITORING AND VOYAGE RECORDING 10.1 – 10.2Paragraphs apply to RCDS. 10.3Paragraph does not apply to RCDS. 10.4Route Planning 10.4.1 – 10.4.3Paragraphs apply to RCDS. 10.4.4 – 10.4.5Paragraphs do not apply to RCDS. 10.4.6Paragraph applies to RCDS. 10.4.7It should be possible for the mariner to enter points, lines and areas which activate an automatic alarm. The display of these features should not degrade the SRNC information and it should be clearly distinguishable from the SRNC information. 10.5Route monitoring 10.5.1Paragraph applies to RCDS. 10.5.2It should be possible to display a sea area that does not have the ship on the display (e.g. for look ahead, route planning), while route monitoring. If this is done on the display used for route monitoring, the automatic route monitoring functions in 10.4.6 and 10.4.7 should be continuous. It should be possible to return to the route monitoring display covering own ship's position immediately by single operator action. 10.5.3 – 10.5.4Paragraphs do not apply to RCDS. 10.5.5 – 10.5.8Paragraphs apply to RCDS. 10.5.9The RCDS should only accept data referenced to the WGS-84 or PE-90 geodetic datum. RCDS should give an alarm if the positional data is not referenced to one of these datums. 10.5.10-10.5.13Paragraphs apply to RCDS. 10.5.14RCDS should allow the user to manually align the SRNC with positional data. This can be necessary, for example, to compensate for local charting errors. 10.5.15It should be possible to activate an automatic alarm when the ship crosses a point, line, or is within the boundary of a mariner-entered feature within a specified time or distance. 10.5.6Voyage recording 10.6.1 - 10.6.4All paragraphs apply to RCDS. 11.ACCURACY 11.1 – 11.2All paragraphs apply to RCDS. 12.CONNECTIONS WITH OTHER EQUIPMENT 12.1 – 12.2All paragraphs apply to RCDS. 13.PERFORMANCE TESTS, MALFUNCTION ALARMS AND INDICATIONS 13.1 – 13.2All paragraphs apply to RCDS. 14.BACK-UP ARRANGEMENTS All paragraphs apply to RCDS. 15.POWER SUPPLY 15.1 – 15.2All paragraphs apply to RCDS. Table 1 ALARMS AND INDICATIONS IN THE RCDS MODE OF OPERATION ParaRequirementInformation 10.4.6, 10.5.5AlarmDeviation from route 10.4.7, 10.5.15AlarmApproach to critical point, line, area or mariner-entered feature 10.5.7AlarmPosition system failure 10.5.8AlarmApproach to critical point 10.5.9AlarmDifferent geodetic datum 13.2AlarmMalfunction of RCDS mode 3.11IndicationECDIS operating in the raster mode 3.4, 5.1IndicationInformation under-scale or overscale 5.2IndicationLarger scale RNC available for the area of the vessel The definitions of indicators and alarms are given in Appendix 5. __________ Return to Raster Chart Information Page Return to Coast Survey Welcome Page