Report Date: 26-Jul-2000 Metadata Data Set Name: Surface Water Intakes Coverage, Western Lake Superior Mapping Area 1 Identification Information 1.1 Citation: 8 Citation Information: 8.1 Originator: Great Lakes Commission 8.2 Publication Date: 20000801 8.3 Publication Time: Unknown 8.4 Title: Western Lake Superior Inland Sensitivity Atlas 8.5 Edition: Final, Version 1 8.6 Geospatial Data Presentation Form: Atlas 8.7.1 Series Name: Inland Sensitivity Atlas 8.7.2 Issue Identification: Western Lake Superior 8.8.1 Publication Place: Chicago, Illinois 8.8.2 Publisher: U.S. EPA, Region 5 1.2 Description 1.2.1 Abstract: The Surface Water Intake Coverage provides mapped locations of local water intake facilities. It also includes an ordered database of information linked to these mapped facilities. Knowledge of water intake facilities is imperative for a quick and effective response to potential oil spill situations. This coverage helps to bring such areas within the Minnesota counties of Cook, Lake, St. Louis, and Carlton, and the Wisconsin counties of Douglas, Bayfield, Ashland, and Iron counties to the attention of spill planners and responders. The locations of these facilities were obtained and quality assured/quality controlled using maps and individual feedback from various public agencies and private sector groups regarding specific sites. 1.2.2 Purpose: In order to better protect unique commercial, environmental, and cultural resources from oil spills, the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 mandated a coordinated effort by federal, state, and local regulatory agencies and the regulated community to enhance oil spill preparedness and response. This coverage provides the location and attached data for the eight counties of the Western Lake Superior Mapping Area. The development of spatial databases and geographic information systems is done pursuant to implementing the preparedness and response mandates of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990. 1.2.3 Supplemental Information: These data were prepared at map scales of 1:24,000 and are best used in applications of comparable resolution. In addition, these data were developed to meet specific project objectives related to contingency planning and spill response and therefore may not represent exhaustive feature inventories. 1.3 Time Period Of Content 9 Time Period Information 9.3 Range of Dates/Times 9.3.1 Beginning Date: 19980709 9.3.3 Ending Date: 20000701 1.3.1 Currentness Reference: Publication date 1.4 Status 1.4.1 Progress: Complete 1.4.2 Maintenance and Update Frequency: As needed 1.5 Spatial Domain Description of Geographic Extent: The Western Lake Superior Mapping Area encompasses the Minnesota counties of Cook, Lake, St. Louis, and Carlton, and the Wisconsin counties of Douglas, Bayfield, Ashland, and Iron. 1.5.1 Bounding Coordinates West Bounding Coordinate: -93.2721 East Bounding Coordinate: -89.2449 North Bounding Coordinate: 48.7547 South Bounding Coordinate: 45.7888 1.6 Keywords 1.6.1 Theme Theme Keyword Thesaurus: None Theme Keyword: Surface Water Intakes 1.6.2 Place Place Keyword Thesaurus: None Place Keyword: Western Lake Superior Place Keyword: Minnesota Place Keyword: Wisconsin Place Keyword: Duluth Place Keyword: Superior 1.6.4 Temporal Temporal Keyword Thesaurus: None Temporal Keyword: 20000701 1.7 Access Constraints: None 1.8 Use Constraints: None 1.9 Point of Contact 10.1 Contact Person Primary 10.1.1 Contact Person: Thomas Rayburn 10.1.2 Contact Organization: Great Lakes Commission 10.3 Contact Position: Project Manager, Area Contingency Planning 10.4 Contact Address 10.4.1 Address Type: Mailing and Physical Address 10.4.2 Address: 400 Fourth Street 10.4.2 Address: The Argus II Building 10.4.3 City: Ann Arbor 10.4.4 State or Province: Michigan 10.4.5 Postal Code: 48103-4816 10.4.6 Country: USA 10.5 Contact Voice Telephone: 734-665-9135 10.7 Contact Facsimile Telephone: 734-665-4370 10.8 Contact Electronic Mail Address: 10.9 Hours of Service: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm, Monday-Friday 10.10 Contact Instructions: Unavailable 1.11 Data Set Credit: Great Lakes Commission 1.12 Security Information 1.12.1 Security Classification System: None 1.12.2 Security Classification: Unclassified 1.12.3 Security Handling Description: None 1.13 Native Data Set Environment: PC ArcView 3.2 1.14 Cross Reference 8.1 Originator: Great Lakes Commission 8.2 Publication Date: 20000801 8.3 Publication Time: Unknown 8.4 Title: Western Lake Superior Inland Sensitivity Atlas 8.5 Edition: Final, Version 1 8.6 Geospatial Data Presentation Form: Atlas 8.7.1 Series Name: Inland Sensitivity Atlas 8.7.2 Issue Identification: Western Lake Superior 8.8.1 Publication Place: Chicago, Illinois 8.8.2 Publisher: U.S. EPA, Region 5 2 Data Quality Information 2.1 Attribute Accuracy 2.1.1 Attribute Accuracy Report: Great Lakes Commission staff working on the Area Contingency Planning project verified all descriptive and spatial attributes and collected confirmation from owners and/or managers of attributes and boundaries via surveys or direct external review. Spatial data were cross-checked with multiple sources. Quality assurance and quality control for the data were developed utilizing in-house standard operating procedures. 2.2 Logical Consistency Report: Data were developed for this layer utilizing primary sources, primarily federal, state, local and private owners/operators. Initial data were supplied by state regulatory agencies overseeing surface water intakes in hard copy and electronic formats. Data and locational information were surveyed through the owners/operators and the locational features were corrected to assure features, such as surface water intakes, were located on surface waters at the 1:24,000 scale on the appropriate base map. An exhaustive external review process was performed by the primary holders of data. Location and attribute information is only as accurate and complete as the information specifically applies to each individual record at the time of data development. Data for these surface water intake facilities are attributed points, plotted in ArcView 3.2 GIS. These polygons were generated in 1999 and updated in 2000 based on current information from primary sources but do not necessarily always exactly overlay the base map 7.5 minute quadrangle maps with previous publication dates. 2.3 Completeness Report: This coverage does not necessarily include all surface water intake facilities within the Western Lake Superior Mapping Area. Primarily, the state regulatory agencies overseeing the surface water intakes provided the initial source and accurately portray these facilities, but not necessarily all facilities. Also, temporary or intermittent withdraws for agricultural purposes will be represented. This layer represents available data as of 1999. Exhaustive efforts were made to compile as thorough an atlas as possible. 2.4 Positional Accuracy 2.4.1 Horizontal Positional Accuracy Horizontal Positional Accuracy Report: Horizontal positional accuracy is tested by visual comparison of hard copy check plots to the source materials and verifying the location of the data on screen relative to other data layers in the same geographic area. 2.5.1 Source Information Source Citation: 8.1 Originator: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources 8.2 Publication Date: Unknown 8.4 Title: Water Intake Information 8.5 Edition: None 8.6 Geospatial Data Presentation Form: Database 8.7.1 Series Name: None 8.7.2 Issue Identification: None 8.8.1 Publication Place: Madison, Wisconsin 8.8.2 Publisher: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Type Of Source Media: Electronic Source Time Period Of Content: 9 Time Period Information 9.3 Range of Dates/Times 9.3.1 Beginning Date: 19980709 9.3.3 Ending Date: 20000701 Source Currentness Reference: Publication date Source Citation Abbreviation: None Source Contribution: Locational, contact information 2.5.1 Source Information Source Citation: 8.1 Originator: Minnesota Department of Public Health 8.2 Publication Date: Unknown 8.4 Title: Public Water Supplies - Surface Water 8.5 Edition: None 8.6 Geospatial Data Presentation Form: Database 8.7.1 Series Name: None 8.7.2 Issue Identification: None 8.8.1 Publication Place: Duluth, Minnesota 8.8.2 Publisher: Minnesota Department of Public Health Type Of Source Media: Paper Source Time Period Of Content: 9 Time Period Information 9.3 Range of Dates/Times 9.3.1 Beginning Date: 19980709 9.3.3 Ending Date: 20000701 Source Currentness Reference: Publication date Source Citation Abbreviation: None Source Contribution: Locational, contact information 2.5.2 Process Step Process Description: Data for the "Surface Water Intakes" layer were developed from multiple sources. Sources included the state surface water intake regulatory agencies for the state of Minnesota and Wisconsin. Either hard copy or electronic information was utilized, including Internet sources citing the intake locations and attribute information was extracted as applicable. The 7.5 minute quadrangle maps, as digital raster graphics, were also used as a base layer for locational information. The data were developed by the Great Lakes Commission and surveys were prepared for submission for each known surface water intake. The surveys were completed and returned to the Commission by the applicable owners/operators of the facilities. Additional phone and mail correspondence was also used to fill in applicable data gaps in the preparation of the draft atlas. The data was plotted in a GIS using ESRI's ArcView 3.1 and displayed against the digital raster imagery at a scale of 1:24,000. Data links were incorporated into these GIS files to match the mapped sites to the appropriate data record as outlined in Section 5.2.1, Entity and Attribute Overview. Draft hardcopy atlases were prepared from this data, supplied by the Great Lakes Commission, and the USGS's Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC) in Onalaska, Wisconsin. The UMESC produced hardcopy maps in portable document files (.pdf) format at scales of 1:25,000 and 1:100,000. These maps were then reproduced and distributed by the Great Lakes Commission for external review by primary source data holders. All updated, corrected and amended information was then added to the project files and returned to the UMESC for distribution in .pdf hardcopy format; and electronic distribution via CD-ROM and the Internet. Final electronic formats include ArcView 3.2 shapefiles, .e00ArcExport files, .pdfs, and converted CAMEO/Landview files. Process Date: 20000726 Process Time: Unknown Process Contact 10 Contact Information 10.1 Contact Person Primary 10.1.1 Contact Person: Thomas Rayburn 10.1.2 Contact Organization: Great Lakes Commission 10.3 Contact Position: Project Manager, Area Contingency Planning 10.4 Contact Address 10.4.1 Address Type: Mailing and Physical Address 10.4.2 Address: 400 Fourth Street 10.4.2 Address: The Argus II Building 10.4.3 City: Ann Arbor 10.4.4 State or Province: Michigan 10.4.5 Postal Code: 48103-4816 10.4.6 Country: USA 10.5 Contact Voice Telephone: 734-665-9135 10.7 Contact Facsimile Telephone: 734-665-4370 10.8 Contact Electronic Mail Address: 10.9 Hours of Service: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm, Monday-Friday 10.10 Contact Instructions: Unavailable 3 Spatial Data Organization Information 3.2 Direct Spatial Reference Method: Point 3.3 Point and Vector Object Information SDTS Point and Vector Object Type: Point 4 Spatial Reference Information 4.1 Horizontal Coordinate System Definition 4.1.2 Planar Grid Coordinate System Grid Coordinate System Name: Universal Transverse Mercator Universal Transverse Mercator UTM Zone Number: 15 Longitude Of Central Meridian: -93 Latitude Of Projection Origin: 0 False Easting: 500000 False Northing: 0 Scale Factor at Central Meridian: .9996 4.1.4 Geodetic Model Horizontal Datum Name: North American Datum of 1927 Ellipsoid Name: Clarke 1866 Semi-Major Axis: 6378206.4 Denominator of Flattening Ratio: 294.98 5 Entity and Attribute Information 5.2 Overview Description 5.2.1 Entity and Attribute Overview: Data items provided for, include: FACIL_NAME - Facility name; OPERATOR - Name of the facility operator; EMERG_PHON - 24-hour emergency telephone number; WATERBODY - Waterbody from which the water is drawn; RIVER_MILE - River mile location of intake structure, denoted by the descending bank, as applicable (e.g. 000.0LBD); WATER_USE - Purpose for water withdrawal; COUNTY - County in which the intake is located; STREET - Street address of where the intake is located; CITY - City, or nearest, where the intake is actually located; STATE - State in which the intake is located; ZIP_CODE - Zip code for the intake facility street address; CNCT_PHON - A non-emergency telephone number for the facility; TWSP_RANGE - Location of the intake by township and range locators (e.g., T00N_R00W), or township proper name; SECTION - Location by section, where available; LATITUDE - Latitude of the intake structure expressed in decimal degrees (e.g. 00.0000); LONGITUDE - Longitude of the intake structure expressed in decimal degrees (e.g. 00.0000); LOC_DESC (1-4) - Location description of the intake (e.g. legal description or street directions); INTK_INFO - Number of intakes and depth of intake ports; SEASON - Indicates whether the water is withdrawn year-round or on a seasonal basis and designates the season; STORE_TIME - Indicates whether the facility has back-up water reserves should the intake port needs to be closed. Reserve capacity is expressed as either a volume or a length of time during which the facility could go off line; ALT_SOURCE - Name and/or description of any back-up water source that may be drawn upon if the primary source is unavailable; POP_SERVED - Number of people served by the water intake (public water supplies, power plants); COMMENT (1-4) - Additional information about the intake; REF_NUMBER - Reference number serving as a unique identifier for each database record; ACCURACY - An upgradeable accuracy code for each database record: 1=Excellent - collected/verified at a scale of 1:1 to 1:20,000 or differentially corrected GPS, 2=Very Good - collected/verified at a scale of 1:20,001 to 1:60, 000 or non-differentially corrected GPS, 3=Good - collected/verified at a scale of 1:60,001 to 1:200,000, 4=Fair - collected/verified at a scale of 1:200,001 to 1:1,000,000, 5=Coarse - Unknown collection method/unverified or collected at a scale of greater than 1:1,000,000; VERIFIER - Name of the group that verified the data (Great Lakes Commission [GLC]); VERIF_DATE - Date on which the record accuracy was verified (MM/DD/YY); ADM_ADDR [1-3] - Administrative mailing address for the intake operator. This field should contain an administrative mailing address and contact phone number for the facility. Please note that the administrative mailing address and the contact address may not be the same. 5.2.2 Entity and Attribute Detail Citation: Database items and definitions are from: Inland Sensitivity Mapping Project Reference Manual Database Field Structures, published August 11, 2000, By the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency -Region 5, the U.S. Geological Survey-Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center, the Great Lakes Commission and the Upper Mississippi River Basin Association. 6 Distribution Information 6.1 Distributor 10.1 Contact Person Primary 10.1.1 Contact Person: Thomas Rayburn 10.1.2 Contact Organization: Great Lakes Commission 10.3 Contact Position: Project Manager, Area Contingency Planning 10.4 Contact Address 10.4.1 Address Type: Mailing and Physical Address 10.4.2 Address: 400 Fourth Street 10.4.2 Address: The Argus II Building 10.4.3 City: Ann Arbor 10.4.4 State or Province: Michigan 10.4.5 Postal Code: 48103-4816 10.4.6 Country: USA 10.5 Contact Voice Telephone: 734-665-9135 10.7 Contact Facsimile Telephone: 734-665-4370 10.8 Contact Electronic Mail Address: 10.9 Hours of Service: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm, Monday-Friday 10.10 Contact Instructions: Unavailable 6.3 Distribution Liability: Although these data have been processed successfully on a computer system at the U.S. Geological Survey, no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the accuracy or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. This disclaimer applies both to individual use of the data and aggregate use with other data. It is strongly recommended that these data are directly acquired from a U.S. Geological Survey server, and not indirectly through other sources which may have changed the data in some way. It is also strongly recommended that careful attention be paid to the contents of the metadata file associated with these data. The U.S. Geological Survey shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained herein. 7 Metadata Reference Information 7.1 Metadata Date: 20000726 7.2 Metadata Review Date: 20000801 7.4 Metadata Contact: 10.1 Contact Person Primary 10.1.1 Contact Person: Thomas Rayburn 10.1.2 Contact Organization: Great Lakes Commission 10.3 Contact Position: Project Manager, Area Contingency Planning 10.4 Contact Address 10.4.1 Address Type: Mailing and Physical Address 10.4.2 Address: 400 Fourth Street 10.4.2 Address: The Argus II Building 10.4.3 City: Ann Arbor 10.4.4 State or Province: Michigan 10.4.5 Postal Code: 48103-4816 10.4.6 Country: USA 10.5 Contact Voice Telephone: 734-665-9135 10.7 Contact Facsimile Telephone: 734-665-4370 10.8 Contact Electronic Mail Address: 10.9 Hours of Service: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm, Monday-Friday 10.10 Contact Instructions: Unavailable 7.5 Metadata Standard Name: NBII Content Standard for National Biological Information Infrastructure Metadata 7.6 Metadata Standard Version: NBII draft of December 1995, based on FGDC June 8, 1994. 7.8 Metadata Access Constraints: None 7.9 Metadata Use Constraints: None 7.10 Metadata Security Information 7.10.1 Metadata Security Classification System: None 7.10.2 Metadata Security Classification: Unclassified 7.10.3 Metadata Security Handling Description: None