Arrowhead Regional Development Commission Metadata Directory

Metadata Summary

Minnesota's Mesabi Iron Range Mine Pit
Originator Minnesota DNR
Abstract Minnesota's Mesabi Iron Range Mine Pit coverage shows the Iron/Taconite mines and type of material extracted. Each Mine is named.
Time Period of Content
Currentness Reference 1999
Access Constraints Some restrictions may apply
Use Constraints NA
Browse Graphic File Name Not Applicable
Distributor Contact Jon Fiskness
Distributor Organization ARDC
Distributor Voice Phone 218-529-7504
Ordering Instructions Contact distributor via electronic, written, or verbal request.
Online Linkage NA

Full Metadata Record

These metadata were created using the Minnesota Geographic Metadata Guidelines .

Go to Section:
1. Identification Information
2. Data Quality Information
3. Spatial Data Organization Information
4. Spatial Reference Information
5. Entity and Attribute Information
6. Distribution Information
7. Metadata Reference Information

Section 1

Identification Information

Originator Minnesota DNR
Title Minnesota's Mesabi Iron Range Mine Pit
Abstract Minnesota's Mesabi Iron Range Mine Pit coverage shows the Iron/Taconite mines and type of material extracted. Each Mine is named.
Purpose To show location, type and name of each Iron mine on the Mesabi Range.
Time Period of Content Date
Currentness Reference 1999
Progress Complete
Maintenance and Update Frequency As Needed
Spatial Extent of Data Grand Rapids, MN to Babbitt, MN
Bounding Coordinates na
Place Keywords Minnesota's Mesabi Iron Range Mine Pit coverage shows the Iron/Taconite mines and type of material extracted. Each Mine is named.
Theme Keywords Minnesota's Mesabi Iron Range Mine Pit coverage shows the Iron/Taconite mines and type of material extracted. Each Mine is named.
Theme Keywords Thesaurus None
Access Constraints Some restrictions may apply
Use Constraints NA
Contact Person Information Jon Fiskness
GIS Coordinator
221 West 1st St.
Phone: 218-529-7504
FAX: 218-529-7592
Browse Graphic File Name Not Applicable
Browse Graphic File Description Not applicable
Associated Data Sets minedist1.shp

Section 2

Data Quality Information - - - - - - Go back to top

Attribute Accuracy No statistical attribute accuracy check has been performed.
Logical Consistency Numerous instances of undershoots, overshoots, unclosed polygons, and sliver polygons exist throughout the shapefile. This file has not been through any "cleaning" process.
Completeness Known pits have been added to data set.
Horizontal Positional Accuracy Unknown. Significant positional inaccuracies may be encountered.
Vertical Positional Accuracy Not applicable
Lineage MN DNR mesabi range and districts data set was used as the base, all data was in 1 coverage. Data was extracted to create to 2 coverages, Mine Districts and pits. The source for name and location verification was a hard copy map of the Mesabi Range Pits Titled, "Geologic Map: Mesabi Iron Range, Minnesota" produced by Meriden Engineering and the Minnesota Geologic Survey.
Source Scale Denominator 1:62500

Section 3

Spatial Data Organization Information - - - - - - Go back to top

Native Data Set Environment ArcView
Geographic Reference for Tabular Data Name
Spatial Object Type Vector
Vendor Specific Object Types Polygon
Tiling Scheme NA

Section 4

Spatial Reference Information - - - - - - Go back to top

Horizontal Coordinate Scheme UTM
Ellipsoid Clarke 1866
Horizontal Datum NAD83
Horizontal Units Meters
Distance Resolution Unknown
Altitude Datum Not Applicable
Altitude Units Not Applicable
Depth Datum Not Applicable
Depth Units Meters
Cell Width NA
Cell Height NA
Latitude Resolution NA
Longitude Resolution NA
UTM Zone Number 15E
SPCS Zone Identifier 2201
County Coordinate Zone ID NA
Coordinate Offsets None
Map Projection Name Transverse Mercator
Map Projection Parameters NA
Other Coordinate System Definition NA

Section 5

Entity and Attribute Information - - - - - - Go back to top

Entity and Attribute Overview The basic pit coverage for which this metadata record applies does currently include the pit name, area and type. Various elements of the Mesabi Range pits are being researched and will be added as attributes in the future. Contact distributor for details.
Detailed Citation NA

Section 6

Distribution Information - - - - - - Go back to top

Publisher Arrowhead Regional Development Commission
Publication Date 8/2/2001
Contact Person Information Jon Fiskness
GIS Coordinator
221 West First Street
Phone: 218-529-7504
FAX: 218-529-7592
Distributor's Data Set Identifier Mesabi Pits
Distribution Liability ARDC shall use its best efforts to ensure the data set is delivered free of physical defect and shall have sole authority to determine whether the data set was free of any physical defect at the time of delivery. The data set and associated manuals, reference materials, and technical documentation (if any) are provided "as is", without warranty as to their performance, merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. The entire risk as to the results and performance of the data set is assumed by the user. The Arrowhead Regional Development Commission shall not be liable for indirect, special, incidental, compensatory, or consequential damages or third party claims which may result from the use of the data set, even if ARDC has been advised of the possibility of such potential loss or damage.
Transfer Format Name ArcView Shapefile
Transfer Format Version Number 3
Transfer Size NA
Ordering Instructions Contact distributor via electronic, written, or verbal request.
Online Linkage NA

Section 7

Metadata Reference Information - - - - - - Go back to top

Metadata Date 8/2/2001
Contact Person Information Jon Fiskness
GIS Coordinator
221 West First Street
Phone: 218-529-7504
FAX: 218-529-7592
Metadata Standard Name Minnesota Geographic Metadata Guidelines
Metadata Standard Version 1.1
Metadata Standard Online Linkage

This page last updated Thursday, April 22, 2004 with Metaease Software.

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