National Rail Network 1:100,000 Metadata Identification Information Citation Originator: Bureau of Transportation Statistics, (comp.) Publication Date: 1997 Title: National Rail Network 1:100,000 Publication Information Publication Place: Washington, DC Publisher: Bureau of Transportation Statistics Larger Work Citation Originator: Bureau of Transportation Statistics Publication Date: 1997 Title: National Transportation Atlas Databases Publication Information Publication Place: Washington, DC Publisher: Bureau of Transportation Statistics Description Abstract: The Rail Network is a comprehensive database of the nation's railway system at the 1:100,000 scale. The data set covers the 48 contiguous States plus the District of Columbia. Purpose: The database provides location and partial attribute information for use in national and regional network analysis applications. Time Period of Content Single Date/Time Calendar Date: 1996 Currentness Reference: publication date Status Progress: Complete geography, partial attribute information Maintenance and Update Frequency: Annually Spatial Domain Bounding Coordinates (Nation Wide) West Bounding Coordinate: -124.510177 East Bounding Coordinate: -67.234970 North Bounding Coordinate: 49.002639 South Bounding Coordinate: 25.440092 Keywords Theme Theme Keyword Thesaurus: None Theme Keyword: network Theme Keyword: transportation Theme Keyword: railway Theme Keyword: rail Theme Keyword: digital line graph Theme Keyword: DLG Place Place Keyword Thesaurus: None Place Keyword: United States Access Constraints: None Use Constraints: None. Acknowledgment of the Bureau of Transportation Statistics National Transportation Atlas Database would be appreciated in products derived from these data. Point of Contact Contact Person Primary Contact Person: Jackson Royal Contact Organization: Volpe National Transportation Systems Center Contact Address Address Type: mailing and physical address Address: Service Assessment Division, DTS-49 Address: 55 Broadway City: Cambridge State or Province: MA Postal Code: 02142 Contact Voice Telephone: 617 494 3409 Contact Facsimile Telephone: 617 494 3260 Data Quality Information Attribute Accuracy Attribute Accuracy Report: The partial attribute list identifying 14 railroad ownership and trackage rights are based on information received from the FRA. A partial quality control evaluation of the accuracy of these attributes was performed on the database. The likelihood of attribute errors is greater in the urban than in the rural areas. The railroad ownership and trackage rights attributes are not complete. Of the 174,428 line segments in the dataset only 61,183 (approximately 35 percent) contain a value for the first railroad owner. Of 174,428 line segments, only 23,896 (less than 14 percent) contain a value for the first trackage right. For each ASCII attribute file a corresponding dBase format attribute file is supplied. Due to the requirement for the file name extension 'dbf', the attribute file number is included in the file name prefix (RAIL100K.TL2 contains the same attributes RAIL1TL2.DBF). Logical Consistency Report: The database is interconnected and is a flowable network. However, there probably are occasions where the connection between links are not exactly in the correct geographical location. There should be no redundancy of lines or nodes in the database. Initial QC checks found no obvious under- or overshoots. The database, however, is geographically accurate, at the 1:100,000 scale Completeness Report: The only attribute data included in this initial version of the 1:100,000 scale network are track ownership and trackage rights (for 14 railroads) and the State FIPS Code for the links. There are no attributes listed for Sidings. The ownership/trackage attributes were generated by conflating the FRA's 1:2,000,000 and the 1:100,000 TIGER/Line databases to the enhanced 1:100,000 DLG database. The railroad ownership and trackage rights attributes are not complete. Of the 174,428 line segments in the dataset only 61,183 (approximately 35 percent) contain a value for the first railroad owner. Of 174,428 line segments, only 23,896 (less than 14 percent) contain a value for the first trackage right. This version of the dataset contains no node attributes. The sequence number (SEQ) in the ownership (RAIL100K.TL1, RAIL1TL1.DBF) and trackage rights (RAIL100K.TL2, RAIL1TL2.DBF) attribute files may not truly reflect the number of railroads having ownership or trackage rights. In some cases the data provider skipped sequence number(s). For example, LINKID = 2010 has only a single Trackage Right assigned at SEQ eight. Positional Accuracy Horizontal Positional Accuracy Horizontal Positional Accuracy Report: The horizontal accuracy for these data can be stated as being that associated with a 1;100,000 scale map. Lineage Source Information Source Citation Originator: John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center Publication Date: 1997 Title: National Railroad Network Geospatial Data Presentation Form: map Publication Information Publication Place: Washington, DC Publisher: Bureau of Transportation Statistics Source Scale Denominator: 100,000 Type of Source Media: CD-ROM Source Time Period of Content Single Date/Time Calendar Date: 1996 Source Currentness Reference: 1996 Source Citation Abbreviation: FRARAIL Source Contribution: VOLPERAIL Process Step: Process Description: The FRARAIL and the VOLPERAIL were combined using conflation algorithms in both TransCAD and ARC/INFO. Manual adjustments were then made to the resulting spatial database. Source Used Citation Abbreviation: FRARAIL and VOLPERAIL Process Date: 1997 Source Produced Citation Abbreviation: Process Contact Contact Person Primary Contact Person: Jackson Royal Contact Organization: Volpe National Transportation Systems Center Contact Address Address Type: mailing and physical address Address: Service Assessment Division, DTS-49 Address: 55 Broadway City: Cambridge State or Province: MA Postal Code: 02142 Contact Voice Telephone: 617 494 3409 Contact Facsimile Telephone: 617 494 3260 Source Citation Originator: Rail Industry Publication Date: 199512 Title: The Official Railway Guide Publication Information Publication Place: New York, NY Publisher: K-111 Directory Corp. Type of Source Media: hardcopy Source Time Period of Content Single Date/Time Calendar Date: 199512 Source Currentness Reference: publication date Source Citation Abbreviation: ORG Source Contribution: Railroad line identification ownership and track rights Process Contact Contact Person Primary Contact Person: Jackson Royal Contact Organization: Volpe National Transportation Systems Center Contact Address Address Type: mailing and physical address Address: Service Assessment Division, DTS-49 Address: 55 Broadway City: Cambridge State or Province: MA Postal Code: 02142 Contact Voice Telephone: 617 494 3409 Contact Facsimile Telephone: 617 494 3260 Spatial Data Organization Information Direct Spatial Reference Method: Vector Point and Vector Object Information SDTS Terms Description SDTS Point and Vector Object Type: Node Point and Vector Object Count: 133,428 SDTS Point and Vector Object Type: Network chain, non-planar graph Point and Vector Object Count: 174,428 Spatial Reference Information Horizontal Coordinate System Definition Geographic Latitude Resolution: 0.000464 Longitude Resolution: 0.000464 Geographic Coordinate Units: Decimal degrees Geodetic Model Horizontal Datum Name: North American Datum of 1927 Ellipsoid Name: Clarke 1866 Entity and Attribute Information Detailed_Description: Entity_Type: Entity_Type_label: RAIL100K.LNK Entity_Type_Definition: Line Attribute Table Entity_Type_Definition_Source: Field Field Field Field Beg End Field Number Name Type Length Pos Pos Description 1 RECTYPE C 1 1 1 Record Type: always 'L' 2 VERSION C 2 2 3 File version number 3 REVISION C 2 4 5 Record revision number 4 MODDATE C 8 6 13 Record modification date 5 LINKID I 10 14 23 Unique sequential line identification 6 FEATURID I 10 24 33 Unique line identification 7 ANODE I 10 34 43 Node identification for the beginning node of the line 8 BNODE I 10 44 54 Node identification for the ending node of the line 9 DESCRIPT C 35 55 88 Name or identification for the line feature 10 STFIPS1 C 2 89 90 Primary State FIPS Code 11 STFIPS2 C 2 91 92 Secondary State FIPS Code Attribute: Attribute_Label: RECTYPE Attribute_Definition: One character which defines the type of file from a data set Attribute_Definition_Source: Assigned Attribute_Domain_Values: character Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: L Attribute: Attribute_Label: VERSION Attribute_Definition: File version number Attribute_Definition_Source: Assigned Attribute_Domain_Values: Positive integer Attribute: Attribute_Label: REVISION Attribute_Definition: Record revision number Attribute_Definition_Source: Assigned Attribute_Domain_Values: Positive integer Attribute: Attribute_Label: MODDATE Attribute_Definition: Record Modification Date - Date format: YYYYMMDD Attribute_Definition_Source: Assigned Attribute_Domain_Values: Positive integer Attribute: Attribute_Label: LINKID Attribute_Definition: Unique Identification for each line Attribute_Definition_Source: Assigned Attribute_Domain_Values: Positive integer Attribute: Attribute_Label: FEATURID Attribute_Definition: Unique Identification for each line Attribute_Definition_Source: Assigned Attribute_Domain_Values: Positive integer Attribute: Attribute_Label: ANODE Attribute_Definition: The record in the node file (NODEID) that corresponds to the starting position of the link Attribute_Definition_Source: Assigned Attribute_Domain_Values: positive integer Attribute: Attribute_Label: BNODE Attribute_Definition: The record in the node file (NODEID) that corresponds to the ending position of the link Attribute_Definition_Source: Assigned Attribute_Domain_Values: positive integer Attribute: Attribute_Label: DESCRIPT Attribute_Definition: Name or identification for the line - in this version, this field contains the first railroad owner name Attribute_Definition_Source: Attribute_Domain_Values: character Attribute: Attribute_Label: STFIPS1 Attribute_Definition: Two digit State FIPS Code Attribute_Definition_Source: FIPS Pub 6-4 Attribute_Domain_Values: Character Codeset_Domain: Codeset_Name: Federal Information Processing Standard Attribute: Attribute_Label: STFIPS2 Attribute_Definition: Two digit State FIPS Code Attribute_Definition_Source: FIPS Pub 6-4 Attribute_Domain_Values: Character Codeset_Domain: Codeset_Name: Federal Information Processing Standard Detailed_Description: Entity_Type: Entity_Type_label: RAIL100K.NOD Entity_Type_Definition: Node Attribute Table Entity_Type_Definition_Source: Field Field Field Field Beg End Field Number Name Type Length Pos Pos Description 1 RECTYPE C 1 1 1 Record Type: always 'N' 2 VERSION C 2 2 3 File version number 3 REVISION C 2 4 5 Record revision number 4 MODDATE C 8 6 13 Record modification date 5 NODEID I 10 14 23 Unique sequential node identification 6 FEATURID I 10 24 33 Unique node identification 7 LONGITUD I 10 34 43 Longitude (6 implied decimal places) 8 LATITUDE I 10 44 53 Latitude (6 implied decimal places) 9 DESCRIPT C 35 54 88 Name or identification for the node 10 STFIPS C 2 89 90 State FIPS Code Attribute: Attribute_Label: RECTYPE Attribute_Definition: One character which defines the type of file from a data set Attribute_Definition_Source: Assigned Attribute_Domain_Values: character Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: N Attribute: Attribute_Label: VERSION Attribute_Definition: File version number Attribute_Definition_Source: Assigned Attribute_Domain_Values: Positive integer Attribute: Attribute_Label: REVISION Attribute_Definition: Record revision number Attribute_Definition_Source: Assigned Attribute_Domain_Values: Positive integer Attribute: Attribute_Label: MODDATE Attribute_Definition: Record Modification Date - Date format: YYYYMMDD Attribute_Definition_Source: Assigned Attribute_Domain_Values: Positive integer Attribute: Attribute_Label: NODEID Attribute_Definition: Unique sequential identification for each node Attribute_Definition_Source: Assigned Attribute_Domain_Values: Positive integer Attribute: Attribute_Label: FEATURID Attribute_Definition: Unique Identification for each node Attribute_Definition_Source: Assigned Attribute_Domain_Values: Positive integer Attribute: Attribute_Label: LONGITUD Attribute_Definition: The longitude of the node expressed as a signed integer with six implied decimal places Attribute_Definition_Source: Attribute_Domain_Values: integer Attribute: Attribute_Label: LATITUDE Attribute_Definition: The latitude of the node expressed as a signed integer with six implied decimal places Attribute_Definition_Source: Attribute_Domain_Values: integer Attribute: Attribute_Label: DESCRIPT Attribute_Definition: Name or identification for the node Attribute_Definition_Source: Attribute_Domain_Values: character Attribute: Attribute_Label: STFIPS Attribute_Definition: Two digit State FIPS Code Attribute_Definition_Source: FIPS Pub 6-4 Attribute_Domain_Values: Character Codeset_Domain: Codeset_Name: Federal Information Processing Standard Detailed_Description: Entity_Type: Entity_Type_label: RAIL100K.GEO Entity_Type_Definition: Line Attribute Table Entity_Type_Definition_Source: Field Field Field Field Beg End Field Number Name Type Length Pos Pos Description 1 RECTYPE C 1 1 1 Record Type: always 'G' 2 VERSION C 2 2 3 File version number 3 REVISION C 2 4 5 Record revision number 4 MODDATE C 8 6 13 Record modification date 5 LINKID I 10 14 23 Unique sequential line identification 6 blank 20 24 43 blank 7 NPOINT I 3 44 46 Number of coordinate pairs that make up the line - the coordinate pairs then follow - up to four coordinate pairs per line, field length ten each per longitude and latitude with six implied decimals Attribute: Attribute_Label: RECTYPE Attribute_Definition: One character which defines the type of file from a data set Attribute_Definition_Source: Assigned Attribute_Domain_Values: character Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: G Attribute: Attribute_Label: VERSION Attribute_Definition: File version number Attribute_Definition_Source: Assigned Attribute_Domain_Values: Positive integer Attribute: Attribute_Label: REVISION Attribute_Definition: Record revision number Attribute_Definition_Source: Assigned Attribute_Domain_Values: Positive integer Attribute: Attribute_Label: MODDATE Attribute_Definition: Record Modification Date - Date format: YYYYMMDD Attribute_Definition_Source: Assigned Attribute_Domain_Values: Positive integer Attribute: Attribute_Label: LINKID Attribute_Definition: Unique Identification for each line Attribute_Definition_Source: Assigned Attribute_Domain_Values: Positive integer Attribute: Attribute_Label: blank Attribute_Definition: Attribute_Definition_Source: Attribute_Domain_Values: Attribute: Attribute_Label: NPOINT Attribute_Definition: The number of coordinate pairs that define the linear feature. The coordinate pairs then follow - up to four coordinate pairs per line, field length ten each per and latitude with six implied decimal places Attribute_Definition_Source: calculated Attribute_Domain_Values: positive integer Attribute: Attribute_Label: LONGITUD Attribute_Definition: The longitude of the node or shape point expressed as a signed integer with six implied decimal places Attribute_Definition_Source: Attribute_Domain_Values: integer Attribute: Attribute_Label: LATITUDE Attribute_Definition: The latitude of the node or shape point expressed as a signed integer with six implied decimal places Attribute_Definition_Source: Attribute_Domain_Values: integer Entity_Attribute_Information: Detailed_Description: Entity_Type: Entity_Type_label: RAIL100K.TL1, RAIL1TL1.DBF Entity_Type_Definition: Line Attribute Table Entity_Type_Definition_Source: Field Field Field Field Beg End Field Number Name Type Width Pos Pos Description 1 RECTYPE C 1 1 1 Record Type: Always 'T' 2 VERSION C 2 2 3 File Version Number 3 REVISION C 2 4 5 Record Revision Number 4 MODDATE C 8 6 13 Record modification date 5 FEATURID I 10 14 23 Unique line identification 6 LINKID I 10 24 33 Unique sequential line identification 7 SEQ I 2 34 35 Sequence number 8 RROWNER C 4 36 39 Railroad Owner Name Abbreviation Attribute: Attribute_Label: RECTYPE Attribute_Definition: One character which defines the type of file from a data set Attribute_Definition_Source: Assigned Attribute_Domain_Values: character Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: T Attribute: Attribute_Label: VERSION Attribute_Definition: File version number Attribute_Definition_Source: Assigned Attribute_Domain_Values: Positive integer Attribute: Attribute_Label: REVISION Attribute_Definition: Record revision number Attribute_Definition_Source: Assigned Attribute_Domain_Values: Positive integer Attribute: Attribute_Label: MODDATE Attribute_Definition: Record Modification Date - Date format: YYYYMMDD Attribute_Definition_Source: Assigned Attribute_Domain_Values: character Attribute: Attribute_Label: FEATURID Attribute_Definition: Unique Identification for each line Attribute_Definition_Source: assigned Attribute_Domain_Values: Positive integer Attribute: Attribute_Label: LINKID Attribute_Definition: Unique sequential identifier for each line Attribute_Definition_Source: assigned Attribute_Domain_Values: positive integer Attribute: Attribute_Label: SEQ Attribute_Definition: Number assigned to each record which identifies the number of the owner for the link. Attribute_Definition_Source: assigned Attribute_Domain_Values: positive integer Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: 1,2,3 Attribute: Attribute_Label: RROWNER Attribute_Definition: Attribute_Definition_Source: Attribute_Domain_Values: Character Detailed_Description: Entity_Type: Entity_Type_label: RAIL100K.TL2 , RAIL1TL2.DBF Entity_Type_Definition: Line Attribute Table Entity_Type_Definition_Source: Field Field Field Field Beg End Field Number Name Type Width Pos Pos Description 1 RECTYPE C 1 1 1 Record Type: Always 'T' 2 VERSION C 2 2 3 File Version Number 3 REVISION C 2 4 5 Record Revision Number 4 MODDATE C 8 6 13 Record modification date 5 FEATURID I 10 14 23 Unique line identification 6 LINKID I 10 24 33 Unique sequential line identification 7 SEQ I 2 34 35 Sequence number 8 TR C 4 36 39 Trackage Right Railroad Name Abbreviation Attribute: Attribute_Label: RECTYPE Attribute_Definition: One character which defines the type of file from a data set Attribute_Definition_Source: Assigned Attribute_Domain_Values: character Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: T Attribute: Attribute_Label: VERSION Attribute_Definition: File version number Attribute_Definition_Source: Assigned Attribute_Domain_Values: Positive integer Attribute: Attribute_Label: REVISION Attribute_Definition: Record revision number Attribute_Definition_Source: Assigned Attribute_Domain_Values: Positive integer Attribute: Attribute_Label: MODDATE Attribute_Definition: Record Modification Date - Date format: YYYYMMDD Attribute_Definition_Source: Assigned Attribute_Domain_Values: character Attribute: Attribute_Label: FEATURID Attribute_Definition: Unique Identification for each line Attribute_Definition_Source: assigned Attribute_Domain_Values: Positive integer Attribute: Attribute_Label: LINKID Attribute_Definition: Unique sequential identifier for each line Attribute_Definition_Source: assigned Attribute_Domain_Values: positive integer Attribute: Attribute_Label: SEQ Attribute_Definition: Number assigned to each record which identifies the number of the trackage right for the link. Attribute_Definition_Source: assigned Attribute_Domain_Values: positive integer Enumerated_Domain: Enumerated_Domain_Value: 1 through 9 Attribute: Attribute_Label: TR Attribute_Definition: Railroad name abbreviation identifying the Trackage Rights for the link Attribute_Definition_Source: Attribute_Domain_Values: Character Distribution Information Distributor Contact Organization Primary Contact Organization: BTS Product Distribution Center Contact Address Address Type: mailing and physical address Address: 400 Seventh Street, SW City: Washington State or Province: District of Columbia Postal Code: 20590 Contact Voice Telephone: 1 202 366 DATA Contact Facsimile Telephone: 1 202 366 3640 Contact Electronic Mail Address: Resource Description: National Transportation Atlas Databases 1997 Distribution Liability: None Standard Order Process Digital Form Digital Transfer Information Format Name: BTS (Bureau of Transportation Statistics standard format for spatial data) Format Information Content: The BTS standard format for spatial data is an interim format for distributing National Transportation Atlas Databases pending final approval of an SDTS Transportation Network Profile (TNP). The BTS standard format consists of a linked set of ASCII fixed record length files. File formats and data dictionary for the BTS standard format are described in the document, National Transportation Atlas Data Dictionary and Database Formats, September 1995. Copies of this documentation are distributed with each National Transportation Atlas Database. File Decompression Technique: No compression applied. However, if using digital transfer online option, note access instructions. Transfer Size: 78 megabytes Digital Transfer Option Online Option Computer Contact Information Network Address Network Resource Name: Access Instructions: Anyone with access to the Internet World Wide Web may connect to the BTS server. To access a specific database, go to the address listed above in the Network Resource Name. The BTS server allows visitors to create a downloadable package in any of three common archive formats: .zip - an MS-DOS zip archive; .tgz - a gzip-ed unix tar archive; and .tar - a unix tar archive. This archived package is placed in a temporary file which can then be copied off the BTS server to the visitor's home directory. Online Computer and Operating System: Sun Ultra running Solaris 2.5.1 operating system. Offline Option Offline Media: CD-ROM Recording Capacity Recording Density: 650 Recording Density Units: megabytes Recording Format: ISO 9660 Compatibility Information: CD-ROM is available in either MS-DOS or UNIX compatible record formats. Fees: none Ordering Instructions: Call, mail, fax, or E-mail BTS and request the National Transportation Atlas Databases 1997 CD-ROM. This and other BTS products may also be ordered from the BTS Internet site ( Metadata Reference Option Metadata Date: 19970422 Metadata Review Date: 199705 Metadata Contact: Contact Organization Primary Contact Organization: Bureau of Transportation Statistics Contact Address Address Type: mailing and physical address Address: 400 Seventh Street, SW City: Washington State or Province: DC Postal Code: 20590 Contact Voice Telephone: 1 202 366 DATA Contact Facsimile Telephone: 1 202 366 3640 Contact Electronic Mail Address: Metadata Standard Name: FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata Metadata Standard Version: 19940608