"AWM - Irrigation Disposal of Wastewater"|"limitation"|"Summary: Soil interpretations for waste management provide a means to use organic wastes and wastewater as productive resources. Using these resources will result in energy conservation, prevent waste, and minimize problems associated with their disposal. The planned use of many wastes has proven beneficial to the producer and the user of these by-products. The characteristics of the soil are important in the application of organic wastes and wastewater to land for fertilization and irrigation. They are also important considerations if the soil is used as a medium for the treatment and disposal of these wastes. Favorable soil properties are required to prevent environmental damage. Soils can be a non-member, partial member or complete members of the set of soils that are limited for ""Irrigation Disposal of Wastewater"". If a soil's property within 150 cm (60 inches) of the soil surface has a membership indices greater then zero, then that soil property is limiting and the soil restrictive feature is identified. The overall interpretive rating assigned is the maximum membership indices of each soil interpretive property that comprise the ""Irrigation Disposal of Wastewater"" interpretive rule. Minor restrictive soil features are identified but not considered as part of the overall rating process. These restrictive features could be important factors where the major restrictive features are overcome through design application. Soils are placed into interpretive rating classes per their rating indices. These are not limited (rating index = 0), somewhat limited (rating index > 0 and < 1.0), or very limited (rating index = 1.0). Description: The wastewater considered in this guide is municipal wastewater and wastewater from food processing plants, lagoons, and storage ponds. Municipal wastewater contains domestic waste and, in some areas, includes industrial waste. It may be untreated, although this is rare, or wastewater may have received primary or secondary treatment. Food processing wastewater is the wastewater resulting from the preparation of fruits, vegetables, milk, cheese, and meats for public consumption. In some places, it has a high content of sodium and chloride. Lagoon and storage pond effluent, as discussed in this guide, refer to the effluent from facilities used to treat or store domestic wastes, wastewater from food processing, or liquid animal wastes. The effluent from a municipal or food processing plant lagoon or storage pond commonly is very low in carbonaceous and nitrogenous matter. The nitrogen content ranges from 10 to 30 mg/l. The effluent from animal waste treatment lagoons or storage ponds have much higher concentrations of these materials mainly because the manure has not been diluted as much as domestic wastes. The nitrogen content varies considerably but generally is from 50 to 2,000 mg/l. Ratings are based on the influence of existing soil properties on the use. Scope: National Some wastewater may cause an increase in sodicity or salinity in the soils in arid and semiarid regions but it generally does not in humid regions. The heavy metal contents of effluents are usually low; however, chemical analyses should be made prior to use. The soil properties and qualities need to be considered in the design, construction, management, and performance of wastewater irrigation systems. The soil properties and qualities important in design and management are the sodium adsorption ratio, depth to a seasonal high water table, the available water capacity, permeability, wind erodibility, erosion factor, slope, and flooding. The soil properties and qualities that influence construction are stones, depth to bedrock or cemented pan, and depth to a seasonal high water table. The properties and qualities that affect performance of the irrigation system are depth to bedrock or to a cemented pan, bulk density, the sodium adsorption ratio, salinity, and soil reaction. The cation exchange capacity also affects performance, and it is used here as an estimate of the capacity of a soil to adsorb heavy metals. Permanently frozen soils are not suited to irrigation. The soil rating guide is based on the utilization of the water for crop production and is not directed toward only the disposal or treatment of the wastewater. Checks should be made to ensure that heavy metals, nitrogen, and other salts are not added in excessive amounts. Criteria: The interpretive rating is the most limiting of the following restrictive features. 1. Low adsorption: Soils with low CEC to clay ratio have limited potential for sequestering heavy metals and other potential pollutants found in agricultural waste and sustaining vigorous plant growth. Soil feature considered is the weighted average of the cec/clay ratio (calculated from cec and clay representative values) to a depth of 150cm or to bedrock or a cemented restrictive layer. Property used: CLAY ACTIVITY (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting =< 0.050 Somewhat limiting > 0.050 to < 0.150 Not limiting => 0.150 Null cec or clay are assigned to the Not rated class. 2. Cobble content: Excessive cobbles (rock fragments, 3 to 10 inches in size) in the surface layer can interfere with the tillage and application equipment. Soil feature considered is percent by weight coarse fragments 3 to 10 inches in size in the surface soil layer. Property used: FRAGMENTS 75mm-250mm SURFACE LAYER (Modality - high, low, and representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 35% Somewhat limiting > 15% to <= 35% Not limiting =< 15% Null 3 to 10 inch rock fragment data are assigned to the Not rated class. 3. Droughty: Soils with low available water capacity have limited potential for sequestering effluent and sustaining vigorous plant growth. Soil feature considered is the (available water capacity * the layer thickness) summed through the last soil layer or to a cemented restrictive layer. Property used: AVAILABLE WATER CAPACITY (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting =< 7.5cm Somewhat limiting > 7.55 to < 15cm Not limiting => 15cm Null awc is assigned to the Not rated class. 4. Filtering capacity: The soil horizon with the maximum Ksat governs the leaching and seepage potential of the soil. When this rate is high, transmission of fluids into and through the soil is unimpeded and leaching and seepage may become environmental, health, and performance concern. Soil feature considered is the layer with the maximum Ksat within a depth of 150cm. Property used: KSAT HIGHEST MINIMUM, 0-150CM OR FIRST RESTRICTION (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting > 42.0 micrometers/sec Somewhat Limiting > 14.1 and <= 42.0 micrometers/sec Not limiting =< 14.1 micrometers/sec Null Ksat values are assigned to the Not limiting class. 5. Flooding: Flooding at frequency greater then rare has the potential to transport agricultural waste off site and pollute surface waters. Flooding also limits the recreational use and management of these soils. Soil feature considered is maximum flooding frequency classes over 12 months. Property used: FLOODING FREQUENCY (Maximum Duration) (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""very frequent"" or ""frequent"" Somewhat limiting = ""occasional"" Not limiting = ""none"" or ""very rare"" or ""rare"" Null frequency is assigned to the Not limiting class. 6. Restricted permeability: The soil horizon with the minimum Ksat governs the rate of water movement through the whole soil. When this rate is low, transmission of fluids into and through the soil is impeded and runoff, infiltration, and percolation of pollutants may become environmental, health, and performance concern. Soil feature considered is the layer with the minimum saturated hydraulic conductivity above a restrictive layer. Property used: KSAT MINIMUM ABOVE RESTRICTIVE LAYER (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting =< 1.0 micrometers/sec Somewhat Limiting > 1 and <= 4 micrometers/sec Not limiting > 4 micrometers/sec Null Ksat values are assigned to the Not rated class. 7. Depth to permafrost: Permafrost (permanently frozen soil layer) restricts or effects excavation, manipulation, transport, stability, and workability of the soil material. Soil features considered are restrictive feature depth and where kind is permafrost or USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) is ""cpf"" or USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER is ""pf"". Property used: DEPTH TO PERMAFROST (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Somewhat limiting => 50 to =< 100cm Not limiting > 100cm Null depths are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""cpf"" Not limiting not = ""cpf"" Null USDA Texture (In-Lieu-Of) are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""pf"" Not limiting not = ""pf"" Null USDA Texture Modifier are assigned to the Not limiting class. 8. Ponding: Ponding is the condition where standing water is on the soil surface for a given period of time. Soil that pond has restrictions that limit the installation and function of most landuse applications. Soil features considered are ponding duration and frequency classes for all months. Property used: PONDING DURATION (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""very brief"" or ""brief"" or ""long"" or ""very long"" Not limiting not = ""very brief"" or ""brief"" or ""long"" or ""very long"" Null duration is assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: PONDING FREQUENCY (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""none"" Not limiting not = ""none"" Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 9. Salinity: Soils with high salinity have reduced available water capacity and may induce salinity toxicity, which restricts vigorous plant growth and re-establishing vegetation in disturbed area. Soil feature considered is the highest value of salinity (electrical conductivity) of the surface layers. Property used: SALINITY SURFACE LAYER (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting => 8 mmhos/cm Somewhat limiting => 4 to < 8 mmhos/cm Not limiting < 4 mmhos/cm Null EC is assigned to the Not limiting class. 10. Depth to bedrock: Shallow depth to bedrock limits the soil's adsorptive capacity and the thickness of the biologically active zone through with waste materials can percolate. Shallow soils may pose environmental and health risks when agricultural and municipal waste materials are applied. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive type is ""bedrock (lithic)"" or ""bedrock (paralithic)."" Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO BEDROCK (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting =< 50cm Somewhat limiting > 50 to < 100cm Not limiting => 100cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 11. Depth to cemented pan: Depth to cemented pan restricts the construction, installation, and functioning of the installed application. Shallow soils have reduced water-holding capacities, restricted percolation rates and are difficult to reclaim and re-vegetated. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive kind is ""fragipan"", ""duripan"", ""petrocalcic"", ""ortstein"", or ""petrogypsic"" and restrictive feature hardness is not noncemented. Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO CEMENTED PAN (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Somewhat limiting => 50 to < 100cm Not limiting => 100cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. AND NOT Property used: RESTRICTIVE FEATURE HARDNESS (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting not = noncemented Not limiting = noncemented Null hardness is assigned to the Not limiting class. 12. Sodium content: Soils with high sodium adsorption ratio have the potential to restrict plant growth and re-establishing vegetation in disturbed area. Soil feature considered is the highest sodium adsorption ratio for horizons that have any portion in the depth range 0 to 20"" (0-50 cm). Property used: SODIUM ADSORPTION RATIO MAXIMUM IN DEPTH 0-50cm (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting > 13 Somewhat limiting > 3 to =< 13 Not limiting <= 3 Null SAR is assigned to the Not limiting class. 13. Large stones on the surface: Excessive stones (rock fragments, > 10 inch in size) in the surface layer can interfere with the tillage and application equipment. Soil feature considered is percent by weight rock fragments > 10 inches in size in the surface soil layer. Property used: FRAGMENTS > 250mm SURFACE LAYER (Modality - high, low, and representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 15% Somewhat limiting > 5% to <= 15% Not limiting =< 5% Null > 10 inch rock fragment data are assigned to the Not rated class. 14. Too acid: Soils with low surface pH increase metallic ion availability and restricts plan growth. Soil feature considered is the (pH) of the surface layer. Property used: SOIL REACTION 1-1 WATER SURFACE LAYER (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting => 6.5% Somewhat limiting => 5.0 to < 6.5% Not limiting < 5.0 Null pH values are assigned to the Not limiting class. 15. Depth to saturated zone: Soils with shallow depth to a water table may be difficult to reclaim and revegetate. These areas are slow to drain and can become waterlogged and boggy during periods of heavy precipitation. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first layer where soil moisture layer status is wet or saturated during any month. Property used: HIGH WATER TABLE DEPTH MINIMUM (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 60cm Somewhat limiting => 60 to < 120cm Not limiting => 120cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 16. Too steep for surface application: Steep slopes impede site preparation such as shaping and leveling and restrict the surface application of irrigation water. Property used: SLOPE (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting => 8% Somewhat limiting > 3 and < 8% Not limiting =< 3% Null Slope is assigned Not rated. 17. Too steep for sprinkler application: Steep slopes impede site preparation such as shaping and leveling and restrict the application of sprinkler applied of irrigation water. Property used: SLOPE (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting => 15% Somewhat limiting > 6 and < 15% Not limiting =< 6% Null Slope is assigned Not rated."|"Yes"|08/24/2005 08:54:36|"287"|"8885"|"372546" "AWM - Land Application of Municipal Sewage Sludge"|"limitation"|"Summary: Soil interpretations for waste management provide a means to use organic wastes and wastewater as productive resources. Using these resources will result in energy conservation, prevent waste, and minimize problems associated with their disposal. The planned use of many wastes has proven beneficial to the producer and the user of these by-products. The characteristics of the soil are important in the application of organic wastes and wastewater to land for fertilization and irrigation. They are also important considerations if the soil is used as a medium for the treatment and disposal of these wastes. Favorable soil properties are required to prevent environmental damage. Soils can be a non-member, partial member or complete members of the set of soils that are limited for ""Land Application of Municipal Sewage Sludge"". If a soil's property within 150 cm (60 inches) of the soil surface has a membership indices greater then zero, then that soil property is limiting and the soil restrictive feature is identified. The overall interpretive rating assigned is the maximum membership indices of each soil interpretive property that comprise the ""Land Application of Municipal Sewage Sludge"" interpretive rule. Minor restrictive soil features are identified but not considered as part of the overall rating process. These restrictive features could be important factors where the major restrictive features are overcome through design application. Soils are placed into interpretive rating classes per their rating indices. These are not limited (rating index = 0), somewhat limited (rating index > 0 and < 1.0), or very limited (rating index = 1.0). Description: Municipal sewage sludge is the residual product of the treatment of municipal sewage. The solid component is composed mainly of cell mass, primarily bacteria cells which have developed during secondary treatment and which have incorporated soluble organic into their own bodies. Sludge also contains small amounts of sand, silt, and other solid debris. The water content of sludge ranges from about 98 percent to about 40 percent or less. The sludge is called liquid if it is more than about 90 percent water, slurry if it is about 90 to 50 percent water, and solid if it is less than about 50 percent water. Depending on the water content, the sludge can be moved by pump, conveyor, or auger. Municipal sewage sludges have a variable nitrogen content. Some sludge contains constituents that are toxic to plant growth or hazardous to the food chain (such as heavy metals or exotic organic compounds) and should be chemically analyzed prior to use. Scope: National The soil-rating guide is based on utilizing the nutrients in the waste for crop production and is not directed toward reclaiming or restoring critical areas or making the most efficient use of moisture. Applications of slurry sludge can be by tank wagon or by irrigation equipment that is modified as necessary to function properly. Applications of solid and slurry sludges can be made at the surface or subsurface. The soil properties and qualities considered in the ratings are those that affect soil absorption, plant growth, microbial activity, the susceptibility to wind or water erosion, and the rate and method of application. Soil properties and qualities that affect absorption are permeability, the depth to a seasonal high water table, soil reaction, sodium adsorption ratio, salinity, and bulk density. They also affect plant growth and microbial activity. Slope and the susceptibility to flooding are used to measure the potential for water erosion. Stones and the depth to a seasonal high water table can interfere with the application of wastes. Permanently frozen soils are not suited to the treatment of wastes. Criteria: The interpretive rating is the most limiting of the following restrictive features. 1. Low adsorption: Soils with low CEC to clay ratio have limited potential for sequestering heavy metals and other potential pollutants found in agricultural waste and sustaining vigorous plant growth. Soil feature considered is the weighted average of the cec/clay ratio (calculated from cec and clay representative values) to a depth of 50cm. Property used: CLAY ACTIVITY IN DEPTH 0-50cm (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting =< 0.050 Somewhat limiting > 0.050 to < 0.150 Not limiting => 0.150 Null cec or clay are assigned to the Not rated class. 2. Cobble content: Excessive cobbles (rock fragments, 3 to 10 inches in size) in the surface layer can interfere with the tillage and application equipment. Soil feature considered is percent by weight coarse fragments 3 to 10 inches in size in the surface soil layer. Property used: FRAGMENTS 75mm-250mm SURFACE LAYER (Modality - high, low, and representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 35% Somewhat limiting > 15% to <= 35% Not limiting =< 15% Null 3 to 10 inch rock fragment data are assigned to the Not rated class. 3. Droughty: Soils with low available water capacity have limited potential for sequestering effluent and sustaining vigorous plant growth. Soil feature considered is the (available water capacity * the layer thickness) summed through the last soil layer or to a cemented restrictive layer. Property used: AVAILABLE WATER CAPACITY (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting =< 7.5cm Somewhat limiting > 7.55 to < 15cm Not limiting => 15cm Null awc is assigned to the Not rated class. 4. Filtering capacity: The soil horizon with the maximum Ksat governs the leaching and seepage potential of the soil. When this rate is high, transmission of fluids into and through the soil is unimpeded and leaching and seepage may become environmental, health, and performance concern. Soil feature considered is the layer with the maximum Ksat within a depth of 150cm. Property used: KSAT HIGHEST MINIMUM, 0-150CM OR FIRST RESTRICTION (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting > 42.0 micrometers/sec Somewhat Limiting > 14.1 and <= 42.0 micrometers/sec Not limiting =< 14.1 micrometers/sec Null Ksat values are assigned to the Not limiting class. 5. Flooding: Flooding has the potential to transport agricultural waste off site and pollute surface waters. Flooding also limits building, recreational, and sanitary facility use and management of these soils. Soil feature considered is maximum flooding frequency classes over 12 months. Property used: FLOODING FREQUENCY (Maximum Duration) (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""occasional"" or ""very frequent"" or ""frequent"" Somewhat limiting = ""very rare"" or ""rare"" Not limiting = ""none"" Null frequency is assigned to the Not limiting class. 6. Restricted permeability: The soil horizon with the minimum Ksat governs the rate of water movement through the whole soil. When this rate is low, transmission of fluids into and through the soil is impeded and runoff, infiltration, and percolation of pollutants may become environmental, health, and performance concern. Soil feature considered is the layer with the minimum saturated hydraulic conductivity above a restrictive layer. Property used: KSAT MINIMUM ABOVE RESTRICTIVE LAYER (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting =< 1.0 micrometers/sec Somewhat Limiting > 1 and <= 4 micrometers/sec Not limiting > 4 micrometers/sec Null Ksat values are assigned to the Not rated class. 7. Depth to permafrost: Permafrost (permanently frozen soil layer) restricts or effects excavation, manipulation, transport, stability, and workability of the soil material. Soil features considered are restrictive feature depth and where kind is permafrost or USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) is ""cpf"" or USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER is ""pf"". Property used: DEPTH TO PERMAFROST (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Somewhat limiting => 50 to =< 100cm Not limiting > 100cm Null depths are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""cpf"" Not limiting not = ""cpf"" Null USDA Texture (In-Lieu-Of) are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""pf"" Not limiting not = ""pf"" Null USDA Texture Modifier are assigned to the Not limiting class. 8. Ponding: Ponding is the condition where standing water is on the soil surface for a given period of time. Soil that pond has restrictions that limit the installation and function of most landuse applications. Soil features considered are ponding duration and frequency classes for all months. Property used: PONDING DURATION (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""very brief"" or ""brief"" or ""long"" or ""very long"" Not limiting not = ""very brief"" or ""brief"" or ""long"" or ""very long"" Null duration is assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: PONDING FREQUENCY (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""none"" Not limiting not = ""none"" Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 9. Salinity: Soils with high salinity have reduced available water capacity and may induce salinity toxicity, which restricts vigorous plant growth and re-establishing vegetation in disturbed area. Soil feature considered is the highest value of salinity (electrical conductivity) of the surface layers. Property used: SALINITY SURFACE LAYER (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting => 8 mmhos/cm Somewhat limiting => 4 to < 8 mmhos/cm Not limiting < 4 mmhos/cm Null EC is assigned to the Not limiting class. 10. Depth to bedrock: Shallow depth to bedrock limits the soil's adsorptive capacity and the thickness of the biologically active zone through with waste materials can percolate. Shallow soils may pose environmental and health risks when agricultural and municipal waste materials are applied. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive type is ""bedrock (lithic)"" or ""bedrock (paralithic)."" Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO BEDROCK (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting =< 50cm Somewhat limiting > 50 to < 100cm Not limiting => 100cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 11. Depth to cemented pan: Depth to cemented pan restricts the construction, installation, and functioning of the installed application. Shallow soils have reduced water-holding capacities, restricted percolation rates and are difficult to reclaim and re-vegetated. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive kind is ""fragipan"", ""duripan"", ""petrocalcic"", ""ortstein"", or ""petrogypsic"" and restrictive feature hardness is not noncemented. Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO CEMENTED PAN (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Somewhat limiting => 50 to < 100cm Not limiting => 100cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. AND NOT Property used: RESTRICTIVE FEATURE HARDNESS (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting not = noncemented Not limiting = noncemented Null hardness is assigned to the Not limiting class. 12. Shallow to densic materials: Shallow depth to ""Densic Materials"" reduces percolation of surface waters and effluent and restricts plant root growth. These semi-shallow soils may pose environmental and health risks when agricultural and municipal waste materials are applied. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive type is ""bedrock (densic)"" or ""densic material"". Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO DENSIC MATERIAL (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Somewhat limiting => 50 to < 100cm Not limiting => 100cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 13. Shallow to Discontinuity: Shallow depth to ""Densic Materials"" reduces percolation of surface waters and effluent and restricts plant root growth. These semi-shallow soils may pose environmental and health risks when agricultural and municipal waste materials are applied. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive type is ""abrupt textural change"" or ""strongly contrasting textural stratification"". Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO CONTRASTING MATERIALS (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Somewhat limiting => 50 to < 100cm Not limiting => 100cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 14. Slope: Steep slopes impede trafficability of heavy machinery and reclamation of borrow sites. Soil feature considered is the component slope. Property used: SLOPE (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting > 15% Somewhat limiting >= 8 and <= 15% Not limiting < 8% Null Slope is assigned Not rated. 15. Sodium content: Soils with high sodium adsorption ratio have the potential to restrict plant growth and re-establishing vegetation in disturbed area. Soil feature considered is the highest sodium adsorption ratio for horizons that have any portion in the depth range 0 to 20"" (0-50 cm). Property used: SODIUM ADSORPTION RATIO MAXIMUM IN DEPTH 0-50cm (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting > 13 Somewhat limiting > 3 to =< 13 Not limiting <= 3 Null SAR is assigned to the Not limiting class. 16. Large stones on the surface: Excessive stones (rock fragments, > 10 inch in size) in the surface layer can interfere with the tillage and application equipment. Soil feature considered is percent by weight rock fragments > 10 inches in size in the surface soil layer. Property used: FRAGMENTS > 250mm SURFACE LAYER (Modality - high, low, and representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 15% Somewhat limiting > 5% to <= 15% Not limiting =< 5% Null > 10 inch rock fragment data are assigned to the Not rated class. 17. Too acid: Soils with low surface pH increase metallic ion availability and restricts plan growth. Soil feature considered is the (pH) of the surface layer. Property used: SOIL REACTION 1-1 WATER SURFACE LAYER (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting => 6.5% Somewhat limiting => 5.0 to < 6.5% Not limiting < 5.0 Null pH values are assigned to the Not limiting class. 18. Depth to saturated zone: Soils with shallow depth to a water table may be difficult to reclaim and revegetate. These areas are slow to drain and can become waterlogged and boggy during periods of heavy precipitation. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first layer where soil moisture layer status is wet or saturated during any month. Property used: HIGH WATER TABLE DEPTH MINIMUM (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 60cm Somewhat limiting => 60 to < 120cm Not limiting => 120cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class."|"Yes"|08/24/2005 08:54:36|"235"|"8885"|"372562" "AWM - Manure and Food Processing Waste"|"limitation"|"Summary: Soil interpretations for waste management provide a means to use organic wastes and wastewater as productive resources. Using these resources will result in energy conservation, prevent waste, and minimize problems associated with their disposal. The planned use of many wastes has proven beneficial to the producer and the user of these by-products. The characteristics of the soil are important in the application of organic wastes and wastewater to land for fertilization and irrigation. They are also important considerations if the soil is used as a medium for the treatment and disposal of these wastes. Favorable soil properties are required to prevent environmental damage. Soils can be a non-member, partial member or complete members of the set of soils that are limited for ""Manure and Food Processing Waste"". If a soil's property within 150 cm (60 inches) of the soil surface has a membership indices greater then zero, then that soil property is limiting and the soil restrictive feature is identified. The overall interpretive rating assigned is the maximum membership indices of each soil interpretive property that comprise the ""Manure and Food Processing Waste"" interpretive rule. Minor restrictive soil features are identified but not considered as part of the overall rating process. These restrictive features could be important factors where the major restrictive features are overcome through design application. Soils are placed into interpretive rating classes per their rating indices. These are not limited (rating index = 0), somewhat limited (rating index > 0 and < 1.0), or very limited (rating index = 1.0). Description: Manure is the excrement of livestock and poultry. The consistency of manure is labile. It changes in storage or treatment, and it depends upon the bedding used and upon whether the manure is diluted or allowed to dry. Food processing wastes consist of damaged fruit and vegetables and the peelings, stems, leaves, pits, and soil particles removed in food preparation. Most wastes produced in the processing of milk, cheese, and meat are liquids. Paunch manure is an exception. Manure and food processing wastes have variable nitrogen content. The material is solid, slurry, or liquid. A high nitrogen content limits the application rate. Toxic or otherwise dangerous wastes, such as those mixed with the lye used in food processing, are outside the meaning of manure and food processing wastes as used in this interpretation. Scope: National The soil rating guide is based on utilizing the nutrients in the wastes for crop production and is not directed toward reclaiming or restoring critical areas or making the most efficient use of moisture. Applications of liquid wastes can be made by tank wagon or conventional irrigation methods that are modified as necessary to function properly. Applications of solid and slurry wastes can be made at the surface or subsurface. This interpretive rule uses the criteria published in the AGRICULTURAL WASTE MANAGEMENT FIELD HANDBOOK (Part 651), Engineering Division, Natural Resources Conservation Service, USDA. Soil properties and qualities considered are those that affect soil absorption, plant growth, microbial activity, the susceptibility to wind or water erosion, and the rate and method of the application of wastes. Soil properties that affect absorption are permeability, the depth to a seasonal high water table, sodium adsorption ratio, the depth to bedrock or a cemented pan, and the available water capacity. Soil reaction, sodium adsorption ratio, salinity, and bulk density are soil properties that affect plant growth and microbial activity. The wind erodibility group, erosion factor, slopes, and susceptibility to flooding are used to measure the potential for wind and water erosion. Stones and the depth to a seasonal high water table can interfere with the application of wastes. Permanently frozen soils are not suited to the treatment of wastes. Criteria: The interpretive rating is the most limiting of the following restrictive features. 1. Low adsorption: Soils with low CEC to clay ratio have limited potential for sequestering heavy metals and other potential pollutants found in agricultural waste and sustaining vigorous plant growth. Soil feature considered is the weighted average of the cec/clay ratio (calculated from cec and clay representative values) to a depth of 150cm or to bedrock or a cemented restrictive layer. Property used: CLAY ACTIVITY (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting =< 0.050 Somewhat limiting > 0.050 to < 0.150 Not limiting => 0.150 Null cec or clay are assigned to the Not rated class. 2. Cobble content: Excessive cobbles (rock fragments, 3 to 10 inches in size) in the surface layer can interfere with the tillage and application equipment. Soil feature considered is percent by weight coarse fragments 3 to 10 inches in size in the surface soil layer. Property used: FRAGMENTS 75mm-250mm SURFACE LAYER (Modality - high, low, and representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 35% Somewhat limiting > 15% to <= 35% Not limiting =< 15% Null 3 to 10 inch rock fragment data are assigned to the Not rated class. 3. Dense layer: Shallow depth to a layer with high bulk density is only somewhat limiting and reduce available water capacity and percolation rates can be expected. Soil feature considered is the maximum bulk density within a depth of 50 to 150cm. Property used: BULK DENSITY MAXIMUM IN DEPTH 50-150cm (Modality - high, low, and representative value) Restrictive limits: Somewhat limiting => 1.8 Not limiting < 1.8 Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 4. Droughty: Soils with low available water capacity have limited potential for sequestering effluent and sustaining vigorous plant growth. Soil feature considered is the (available water capacity * the layer thickness) summed through the last soil layer or to a cemented restrictive layer. Property used: AVAILABLE WATER CAPACITY (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting =< 7.5cm Somewhat limiting > 7.55 to < 15cm Not limiting => 15cm Null awc is assigned to the Not rated class. 5. Filtering capacity: The soil horizon with the maximum Ksat governs the leaching and seepage potential of the soil. When this rate is high, transmission of fluids into and through the soil is unimpeded and leaching and seepage may become environmental, health, and performance concern. Soil feature considered is the layer with the maximum Ksat within a depth of 150cm. Property used: KSAT HIGHEST MINIMUM, 0-150CM OR FIRST RESTRICTION (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting > 42.0 micrometers/sec Somewhat Limiting > 14.1 and <= 42.0 micrometers/sec Not limiting =< 14.1 micrometers/sec Null Ksat values are assigned to the Not limiting class. 6. Flooding: Flooding at frequency greater then rare has the potential to transport agricultural waste off site and pollute surface waters. Flooding also limits the recreational use and management of these soils. Soil feature considered is maximum flooding frequency classes over 12 months. Property used: FLOODING FREQUENCY (Maximum Duration) (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""very frequent"" or ""frequent"" Somewhat limiting = ""occasional"" Not limiting = ""none"" or ""very rare"" or ""rare"" Null frequency is assigned to the Not limiting class. 7. Leaching or Runoff limitation: Soil's in Hydrologic Soil Group D have slow intake rate and runoff is a potential limitation. Protecting surface water from runoff contain manure or food processing waste is a concern. Soil's in Hydrologic Group A or dual groups have high to moderate intake rates and a water table near the surface. These soils have potential leaching limitations and manure or food processing effluent leaching into ground water is a concern. Soil feature considered is hydrologic soil group. Property used: HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Runoff limitation = d Leaching limitation = a, a/d, b/d, c/d Not limiting = b, c Null Hydrologic Group is assigned to the Not rated class. 8. Too Stony: Excessive stones (rock fragments, > 10 inch in size) on the soil surface can interfere with equipment operations and are a nuisance for most landuses. Soil feature considered is percent of the soil surface covered by rock fragments > 10 inches in size. Property used: FRAGMENTS >=250MM ON SURFACE (Modality - high, low, and representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 3.0% Somewhat limiting >= .1% to <= 3.0% Not limiting < .1% Null surface cover percentage of rock fragments with an rv >=250mm are assigned to the Not limiting class. 9. Restricted permeability: The soil horizon with the minimum Ksat governs the rate of water movement through the whole soil. When this rate is low, transmission of fluids into and through the soil is impeded and runoff, infiltration, and percolation of pollutants may become environmental, health, and performance concern. Soil feature considered is the layer with the minimum saturated hydraulic conductivity above a restrictive layer. Property used: KSAT MINIMUM ABOVE RESTRICTIVE LAYER (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting =< 1.4 micrometers/sec Somewhat Limiting > 1.4 and <= 4 micrometers/sec Not limiting > 4 micrometers/sec Null Ksat values are assigned to the Not rated class. 10. Depth to permafrost: Permafrost (permanently frozen soil layer) restricts or effects excavation, manipulation, transport, stability, and workability of the soil material. Soil features considered are restrictive feature depth and where kind is permafrost or USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) is ""cpf"" or USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER is ""pf"". Property used: DEPTH TO PERMAFROST (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Somewhat limiting => 50 to =< 100cm Not limiting > 100cm Null depths are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""cpf"" Not limiting not = ""cpf"" Null USDA Texture (In-Lieu-Of) are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""pf"" Not limiting not = ""pf"" Null USDA Texture Modifier are assigned to the Not limiting class. 11. Ponding: Ponding is the condition where standing water is on the soil surface for a given period of time. Soil that pond has restrictions that limit the installation and function of most landuse applications. Soil features considered are ponding duration and frequency classes for all months. Property used: PONDING DURATION (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""very brief"" or ""brief"" or ""long"" or ""very long"" Not limiting not = ""very brief"" or ""brief"" or ""long"" or ""very long"" Null duration is assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: PONDING FREQUENCY (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""none"" Not limiting not = ""none"" Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 12. Salinity: Soils with high salinity have reduced available water capacity and may induce salinity toxicity, which restricts vigorous plant growth and re-establishing vegetation in disturbed area. Soil feature considered is the highest value of salinity (electrical conductivity) of the layers between 0 and 50cm. Property used: SALINITY MAXIMUM IN DEPTH 0-50cm (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting => 16 mmhos/cm Somewhat limiting => 4 to < 16 mmhos/cm Not limiting < 4 mmhos/cm Null EC is assigned to the Not limiting class. 13. Depth to bedrock: Shallow depth to bedrock limits the soil's adsorptive capacity and the thickness of the biologically active zone through with waste materials can percolate. Shallow soils may pose environmental and health risks when agricultural and municipal waste materials are applied. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive type is ""bedrock (lithic)"" or ""bedrock (paralithic)."" Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO BEDROCK (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting =< 50cm Somewhat limiting > 50 to < 100cm Not limiting => 100cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 14. Depth to cemented pan: Depth to cemented pan restricts the construction, installation, and functioning of the installed application. Shallow soils have reduced water-holding capacities, restricted percolation rates and are difficult to reclaim and re-vegetated. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive kind is ""fragipan"", ""duripan"", ""petrocalcic"", ""ortstein"", or ""petrogypsic"" and restrictive feature hardness is not noncemented. Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO CEMENTED PAN (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Somewhat limiting => 50 to < 100cm Not limiting => 100cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. AND NOT Property used: RESTRICTIVE FEATURE HARDNESS (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting not = noncemented Not limiting = noncemented Null hardness is assigned to the Not limiting class. 15. Shallow to densic materials: Shallow depth to ""Densic Materials"" reduces percolation of surface waters and effluent and restricts plant root growth. These semi-shallow soils may pose environmental and health risks when agricultural and municipal waste materials are applied. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive type is ""bedrock (densic)"" or ""densic material"". Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO DENSIC MATERIAL (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Somewhat limiting => 50 to < 100cm Not limiting => 100cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 16. Shallow to Discontinuity: Shallow depth to ""Densic Materials"" reduces percolation of surface waters and effluent and restricts plant root growth. These semi-shallow soils may pose environmental and health risks when agricultural and municipal waste materials are applied. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive type is ""abrupt textural change"" or ""strongly contrasting textural stratification"". Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO CONTRASTING MATERIALS (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Somewhat limiting => 50 to < 100cm Not limiting => 100cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 17. Slope: Steep slopes impede trafficability of heavy machinery. Soil feature considered is the component slope. Property used: SLOPE (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting > 15% Somewhat limiting >= 8 and <= 15% Not limiting < 8% Null Slope is assigned Not rated. 18. Sodium content: Soils with high sodium adsorption ratio have the potential to restrict plant growth and re-establishing vegetation in disturbed area. Soil feature considered is the highest sodium adsorption ratio for horizons that have any portion in the depth range 0 to 20"" (0-50 cm). Property used: SODIUM ADSORPTION RATIO MAXIMUM IN DEPTH 0-50cm (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting > 13 Somewhat limiting > 3 to =< 13 Not limiting <= 3 Null SAR is assigned to the Not limiting class. 19. Large stones on the surface: Excessive stones (rock fragments, > 10 inch in size) in the surface layer can interfere with the tillage and application equipment. Soil feature considered is percent by weight rock fragments > 10 inches in size in the surface soil layer. Property used: FRAGMENTS > 250mm SURFACE LAYER (Modality - high, low, and representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 15% Somewhat limiting > 5% to <= 15% Not limiting =< 5% Null > 10 inch rock fragment data are assigned to the Not rated class. 20. Too acid: Soils with low surface pH increase metallic ion availability and restricts plant growth. Soil feature considered is the (pH) of the surface layer. Property used: SOIL REACTION 1-1 WATER SURFACE LAYER (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restriction limits: Not Limiting > 6.5% Somewhat limiting > 3.5 to <= 6.5% Limiting =< 3.5 Null pH values are assigned to the Not limiting class. 21. Depth to saturated zone: Soils with shallow depth to a water table may be difficult to reclaim and revegetate. These areas are slow to drain and can become waterlogged and boggy during periods of heavy precipitation. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first layer where soil moisture layer status is wet or saturated during any month. Property used: HIGH WATER TABLE DEPTH MINIMUM (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 60cm Somewhat limiting => 60 to < 120cm Not limiting => 120cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class."|"Yes"|08/24/2005 08:54:36|"205"|"8885"|"372566" "AWM - Overland Flow Process Treatment of Wastewater"|"limitation"|"Summary: Soil interpretations for waste management provide a means to use organic wastes and wastewater as productive resources. Using these resources will result in energy conservation, prevent waste, and minimize problems associated with their disposal. The planned use of many wastes has proven beneficial to the producer and the user of these by-products. The characteristics of the soil are important in the application of organic wastes and wastewater to land for fertilization and irrigation. They are also important considerations if the soil is used as a medium for the treatment and disposal of these wastes. Favorable soil properties are required to prevent environmental damage. Soils can be a non-member, partial member or complete members of the set of soils that are limited for ""Overland Flow Process Treatment of Wastewater"". If a soil's property within 150 cm (60 inches) of the soil surface has a membership indices greater then zero, then that soil property is limiting and the soil restrictive feature is identified. The overall interpretive rating assigned is the maximum membership indices of each soil interpretive property that comprise the ""Overland Flow Process Treatment of Wastewater"" interpretive rule. Minor restrictive soil features are identified but not considered as part of the overall rating process. These restrictive features could be important factors where the major restrictive features are overcome through design application. Soils are placed into interpretive rating classes per their rating indices. These are not limited (rating index = 0), somewhat limited (rating index > 0 and < 1.0), or very limited (rating index = 1.0). Description: The wastewater considered is from municipal wastewater, food-processing plants, lagoons, and storage ponds. Municipal wastewater is the waste stream from a municipality. It contains domestic waste and possibly industrial waste. It may be, although rarely is, raw sewage (untreated), or it may be wastewater that has received primary or secondary treatment. Food-processing wastewater is the wastewater resulting from the preparation of fruits, vegetables, milk, cheese, and meats for public consumption. In some places, it is high in sodium and chloride. Lagoon and storage pond effluents, as discussed here, refer to the effluents from a lagoon or storage pond that is used to treat or store food-processing wastewater, domestic wastes, or animal wastes. Domestic wastes are very dilute, and the effluent from a facility that treats them commonly is very low in carbonaceous and nitrogenous matter. The nitrogen content ranges from 10 to 30 mg/l. Lagoons and storage ponds that treat animal wastes have an effluent that has a much higher concentration of these materials mainly because the manure has not been diluted as much as domestic wastes. The nitrogen content varies considerably but generally is 50 to 2,000 mg/l. The heavy metal content generally is low; however, chemical analyses should be made prior to use. In this process, wastewater is applied to the upper reaches of sloped land and allowed to flow across vegetated surfaces that are sometimes called terraces, to runoff collection ditches. The length of the run generally is 150 to 300 feet. Application rates range from 2.5 to 16.0 inches per week. The wastewater leaves solids and nutrients to plants and soil surfaces as it flows downslope in a thin film. Most of the water reaches the collection ditch, some is lost by evapotranspiration, and a small part percolates to the ground water. Scope: National The soil-rating guide is based on the treatment of the wastewater and not utilizing wastewater for irrigating of crops. However, areas are vegetated because plants are a necessary part of the soil-plant treatment process. Wastewater generally is applied by sprinkler or surface application methods. Soil properties and qualities considered in rating the degree of limitation are those that affect absorption, plant growth, microbial activity, and the design and construction of site. The properties that affect adsorption are soil reaction and the cation exchange capacity. Soil reaction, salinity, and the sodium adsorption ratio are soil properties that affect plant growth and microbial activity. Slope, permeability within a depth of about 30 inches, depth to a seasonal high water table, flooding, depth to bedrock or to a cemented pan, and stones are soil properties and qualities that influence design and construction. Permanently frozen soils are not suited to treating wastewater. Criteria: The interpretive rating is the most limiting of the following restrictive features. 1. Low adsorption: Soils with low CEC to clay ratio have limited potential for sequestering heavy metals and other potential pollutants found in agricultural waste and sustaining vigorous plant growth. Soil feature considered is the weighted average of the cec/clay ratio (calculated from cec and clay representative values) to a depth of 150cm or to bedrock or a cemented restrictive layer. Property used: CLAY ACTIVITY (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting =< 0.050 Somewhat limiting > 0.050 to < 0.150 Not limiting => 0.150 Null cec or clay are assigned to the Not rated class. 2. Cobble content: Excessive cobbles (rock fragments, 3 to 10 inches in size) in the upper 40 inches (100 cm) of the soil can interfere with the plant root growth and reduces available water capacity. Soil feature considered is percent weighted average by weight coarse fragments 3 to 10 inches in size in the upper 40 inches of soil. Property used: FRAGMENTS 75mm-250mm WEIGHTED AVE. IN DEPTH 0-40 in. (Modality - high, low, and representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 35% Somewhat limiting > 15% to <= 35% Not limiting <= 15% Null 3 to 10 inch rock fragment data are assigned to the Not rated class. 3. Salinity: Soils with high salinity in the surface layer have reduced available water capacity, which restrict plant growth and re-establishing vegetation in disturbed area. Soil feature considered is the salinity (electrical conductivity) of the surface layers. Property used: SALINITY SURFACE LAYER (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting > 16 mmhos/cm Somewhat limiting >= 8 to <= 16 mmhos/cm Not limiting < 8 mmhos/cm Null EC is assigned to the Not limiting class. 4. Flooding: Flooding has the potential to transport agricultural waste off site and pollute surface waters. Flooding also limits building, recreational, and sanitary facility use and management of these soils. Soil feature considered is maximum flooding frequency classes over 12 months. Property used: FLOODING FREQUENCY (Maximum Duration) (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""occasional"" or ""very frequent"" or ""frequent"" Somewhat limiting = ""very rare"" or ""rare"" Not limiting = ""none"" Null frequency is assigned to the Not limiting class. 5. Depth to permafrost: Permafrost (permanently frozen soil layer) restricts or effects excavation, manipulation, transport, stability, and workability of the soil material. Soil features considered are restrictive feature depth and where kind is permafrost or USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) is ""cpf"" or USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER is ""pf"". Property used: DEPTH TO PERMAFROST (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Somewhat limiting => 50 to =< 100cm Not limiting > 100cm Null depths are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""cpf"" Not limiting not = ""cpf"" Null USDA Texture (In-Lieu-Of) are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""pf"" Not limiting not = ""pf"" Null USDA Texture Modifier are assigned to the Not limiting class. 6. Ponding: Ponding is the condition where standing water is on the soil surface for a given period of time. Soil that pond has restrictions that limit the installation and function of most landuse applications. Soil features considered are ponding duration and frequency classes for all months. Property used: PONDING DURATION (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""very brief"" or ""brief"" or ""long"" or ""very long"" Not limiting not = ""very brief"" or ""brief"" or ""long"" or ""very long"" Null duration is assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: PONDING FREQUENCY (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""none"" Not limiting not = ""none"" Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 7. Seepage: The soil surface layer Ksat governs the soil's infiltration rate and leaching potential. When this rate is high, transmission of fluids into and through the soil surface layer is unimpeded and leaching may become an environmental, health, or performance concern. Soil feature considered is the surface layer Ksat. Property used: PERMEABILITY SURFACE LAYER (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting > 4.0 micrometers/sec Somewhat Limiting > 1.0 and <= 4.0 micrometers/sec Not limiting =< 1.0 micrometers/sec Null Ksat values are assigned to the Not rated class. 8. Depth to bedrock: The depth to bedrock limits the volume of material suitable for use as landfill cover. Soils that are shallow are also difficult to reclaim and re-vegetated. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive type is ""bedrock (lithic)"" or ""bedrock (paralithic)."" Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO BEDROCK (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 100cm Somewhat limiting => 100 to =< 150cm Not limiting > 150cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 9. Depth to cemented pan: Depth to cemented pan restricts the construction, installation, and functioning of the installed application. Shallow soils are also difficult to reclaim and re-vegetated. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive kind is ""fragipan"", ""duripan"", ""petrocalcic"", ""ortstein"", or ""petrogypsic"" and restrictive feature hardness is not noncemented. Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO CEMENTED PAN (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 100cm Somewhat limiting => 100 to =< 150cm Not limiting > 150cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. AND NOT Property used: RESTRICTIVE FEATURE HARDNESS (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting not = noncemented Not limiting = noncemented Null hardness is assigned to the Not limiting class. 10. Too level: The movement of water over level soils is to slow for the application design.. Property used: SLOPE (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting < 1% Not limiting => 1% Null Slope is assigned Not rated. 11. Too steep for surface application: Steep slopes impede site preparation such as shaping and leveling and wastewater is removed from the area to rapidly. Property used: SLOPE (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting => 12% Somewhat limiting > 6 and < 12% Not limiting =< 6% Null Slope is assigned Not rated. 12. Sodium content: Soils with high sodium adsorption ratio have the potential to restrict plant growth and re-establishing vegetation in disturbed area. Soil feature considered is the highest sodium adsorption ratio for horizons that have any portion in the depth range 0 to 20"" (0-50 cm). Property used: SODIUM ADSORPTION RATIO MAXIMUM IN DEPTH 0-50cm (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting > 13 Somewhat limiting > 3 to =< 13 Not limiting <= 3 Null SAR is assigned to the Not limiting class. 13. Stone content: Excessive stones (rock fragments, > 10 inch in size) in the upper 40 inches (100 cm) of the soil can interfere with the plant root growth and reduces available water capacity. Soil feature considered is percent weighted average by weight coarse fragments > 10 inches in size in the upper 40 inches of soil. Property used: FRAGMENTS > 250mm WEIGHTED AVE. IN DEPTH 0-40 in. (Modality - high, low, and representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 15% Somewhat limiting > 5% to <= 15% Not limiting <= 5% Null > 10 inch rock fragment data are assigned to the Not rated class. 14. Too acid: Soils with low surface pH increase metallic ion availability and restricts plan growth. Soil feature considered is the (pH) of the surface layer. Property used: SOIL REACTION 1-1 WATER SURFACE LAYER (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting => 6.5% Somewhat limiting => 5.0 to < 6.5% Not limiting < 5.0 Null pH values are assigned to the Not limiting class. 15. Depth to saturated zone: Soils with shallow depth to a water table may be difficult to reclaim and revegetate. These areas are slow to drain and can become waterlogged and boggy during periods of heavy precipitation. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first layer where soil moisture layer status is wet or saturated during any month. Property used: HIGH WATER TABLE DEPTH MINIMUM (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 60cm Somewhat limiting => 60 to < 120cm Not limiting => 120cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class."|"Yes"|07/19/2005 06:02:45|"258"|"8885"|"372558" "AWM - Rapid Infiltration Disposal of Wastewater"|"limitation"|"Summary: Soil interpretations for waste management provide a means to use organic wastes and wastewater as productive resources. Using these resources will result in energy conservation, prevent waste, and minimize problems associated with their disposal. The planned use of many wastes has proven beneficial to the producer and the user of these by-products. The characteristics of the soil are important in the application of organic wastes and wastewater to land for fertilization and irrigation. They are also important considerations if the soil is used as a medium for the treatment and disposal of these wastes. Favorable soil properties are required to prevent environmental damage. Soils can be a non-member, partial member or complete members of the set of soils that are limited for ""Rapid Infiltration Disposal of Wastewater"". If a soil's property within 150 cm (60 inches) of the soil surface has a membership indices greater then zero, then that soil property is limiting and the soil restrictive feature is identified. The overall interpretive rating assigned is the maximum membership indices of each soil interpretive property that comprise the ""Rapid Infiltration Disposal of Wastewater"" interpretive rule. Minor restrictive soil features are identified but not considered as part of the overall rating process. These restrictive features could be important factors where the major restrictive features are overcome through design application. Soils are placed into interpretive rating classes per their rating indices. These are not limited (rating index = 0), somewhat limited (rating index > 0 and < 1.0), or very limited (rating index = 1.0). Description: In this process, the wastewater is applied in a level basin and percolates through the soil. The treated water eventually reaches the ground water. Application rates range from 4 to 120 inches per week. The wastewater considered generally is from municipal wastewater treatment plants. The nitrogen content generally is low. Normally, the heavy metal content is low; however, chemical analysis should be made prior to use. Because the thickness of soil material needed for proper renovation of the wastewater is more than 72 inches, geologic and hydrologic investigations during the planning stages. This information is needed to ensure proper design and to determine reliability of performance as well as the potential for pollution of the ground water. Scope: National The soil-rating guide is based on the treatment of the wastewater and not utilizing wastewater for irrigating of crops. Vegetation is not a necessary part of the treatment design or process but the basin may be vegetated. The soil properties and qualities that influence risk of pollution, design and construction, and performance are major considerations. Depth to a seasonal high water table, flooding, and depth to bedrock or to a cemented pan present potential hazards and influence design and construction. Slope and stones are also important considerations in design and construction. The properties and qualities that influence performance are permeability and soil reaction. Permanently frozen soils are not suited to treating wastewater. Criteria: The interpretive rating is the most limiting of the following restrictive features. 1. Cobble content: Excessive cobbles (rock fragments, 3 to 10 inches in size) in the upper 72 inches (180 cm) of the soil can interfere with construction equipment. Soil feature considered is percent weighted average by weight coarse fragments 3 to 10 inches in size in the upper 72 inches of soil or above a restrictive layer. Property used: FRAGMENTS 75mm-250mm WEIGHTED AVE. IN DEPTH 0-72 in. (Modality - high, low, and representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 35% Somewhat limiting > 15% to <= 35% Not limiting <= 15% Null 3 to 10 inch rock fragment data are assigned to the Not rated class. 2. Flooding: Flooding at frequency greater then rare has the potential to transport agricultural waste off site and pollute surface waters. Flooding also limits the recreational use and management of these soils. Soil feature considered is maximum flooding frequency classes over 12 months. Property used: FLOODING FREQUENCY (Maximum Duration) (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""very frequent"" or ""frequent"" Somewhat limiting = ""occasional"" Not limiting = ""none"" or ""very rare"" or ""rare"" Null frequency is assigned to the Not limiting class. 3. Restricted permeability: The soil horizon with the minimum Ksat governs the rate of water movement through the whole soil. When this rate is low, transmission of fluids into and through the soil is impeded and runoff, infiltration, and percolation of pollutants may become environmental, health, and performance concern. Soil feature considered is the layer with the minimum saturated hydraulic conductivity above a restrictive layer. Property used: KSAT MINIMUM ABOVE RESTRICTIVE LAYER (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting < 10.0 micrometers/sec Somewhat Limiting => 10.0 and <= 40.0 micrometers/sec Not limiting > 40.0 micrometers/sec Null Ksat values are assigned to the Not rated class. 4. Depth to permafrost: Permafrost (permanently frozen soil layer) restricts or effects excavation, manipulation, transport, stability, and workability of the soil material. Soil features considered are restrictive feature depth and where kind is permafrost or USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) is ""cpf"" or USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER is ""pf"". Property used: DEPTH TO PERMAFROST (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Somewhat limiting => 50 to =< 100cm Not limiting > 100cm Null depths are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""cpf"" Not limiting not = ""cpf"" Null USDA Texture (In-Lieu-Of) are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""pf"" Not limiting not = ""pf"" Null USDA Texture Modifier are assigned to the Not limiting class. 5. Ponding: Ponding is the condition where standing water is on the soil surface for a given period of time. Soil that pond has restrictions that limit the installation and function of most landuse applications. Soil features considered are ponding duration and frequency classes for all months. Property used: PONDING DURATION (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""very brief"" or ""brief"" or ""long"" or ""very long"" Not limiting not = ""very brief"" or ""brief"" or ""long"" or ""very long"" Null duration is assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: PONDING FREQUENCY (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""none"" Not limiting not = ""none"" Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 6. Depth to bedrock: Shallow depth to bedrock limits the soil's adsorptive capacity and the thickness of the biologically active zone through with waste materials can percolate. Shallow soils may pose environmental and health risks when agricultural and municipal waste materials are applied. These soils may pose construction limitations or environmental and health risks when trench landfills are installed. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive type is ""bedrock (lithic)"" or ""bedrock (paralithic)."" Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO BEDROCK (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 182cm Not limiting => 182cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 7. Depth to cemented pan: Depth to cemented pan restricts the soil's adsorptive capacity and the thickness of the biologically active zone through with waste materials can percolate. Shallow soils may pose environmental and health risks when agricultural and municipal waste materials are applied. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive kind is ""fragipan"", ""duripan"", ""petrocalcic"", ""ortstein"", or ""petrogypsic"" and restrictive feature hardness is not noncemented. Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO CEMENTED PAN (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 182cm Not limiting => 182cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. AND NOT Property used: RESTRICTIVE FEATURE HARDNESS (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting not = noncemented Not limiting = noncemented Null hardness is assigned to the Not limiting class. 8. Slope: Steep slopes affect the design and function of installed systems and facilities. Soil feature considered is the component slope. Property used: SLOPE (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting => 8% Somewhat limiting > 4 and < 8% Not limiting =< 4% Null Slope is assigned Not rated. 9. Stone content: Excessive stones (rock fragments, > 10 inch in size) in the upper 72 inches (180 cm) of the soil can interfere with construction equipment. Soil feature considered is percent weighted average by weight coarse fragments > 10 inches in size in the upper 72 inches of soil or above a restricive layer. Property used: FRAGMENTS > 250mm WEIGHTED AVE. IN DEPTH 0-72 in. (Modality - high, low, and representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 15% Somewhat limiting > 5% to <= 15% Not limiting <= 5% Null > 10 inch rock fragment data are assigned to the Not rated class. 10. Too acid: Soils with low pH increase metallic ion availability and restricts plan growth. Soil feature considered is the minimum (pH) of the horizons or layers below the surface layer. Property used: SOIL REACTION 1-1 WATER MINIMUM SUB-SURFACE LAYERS TO 180cm (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting >= 5% Somewhat limiting => 3.5 to < 5% Not limiting < 3.5 Null pH is assigned to the Not limiting class. 11. Depth to saturated zone: Soils with shallow depth to a water table may become waterlogged and boggy during periods of heavy precipitation and are slow to drain. These soils have the potential to contamination the ground water which may create health and environmental hazards. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first layer where soil moisture layer status is wet or saturated during any month. Property used: DEPTH TO HIGH WATER TABLE APPARENT MINIMUM (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 180cm Not limiting => 180cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: DEPTH TO HIGH WATER TABLE PERCHED MINIMUM (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 60cm Somewhat limiting => 60 to =< 120cm Not limiting > 120cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class."|"Yes"|09/14/2005 13:51:49|"238"|"8885"|"372574" "AWM - Slow Rate Process Treatment of Wastewater"|"limitation"|"Summary: Soil interpretations for waste management provide a means to use organic wastes and wastewater as productive resources. Using these resources will result in energy conservation, prevent waste, and minimize problems associated with their disposal. The planned use of many wastes has proven beneficial to the producer and the user of these by-products. The characteristics of the soil are important in the application of organic wastes and wastewater to land for fertilization and irrigation. They are also important considerations if the soil is used as a medium for the treatment and disposal of these wastes. Favorable soil properties are required to prevent environmental damage. Soils can be a non-member, partial member or complete members of the set of soils that are limited for ""Slow Rate Process Treatment of Wastewater"". If a soil's property within 150 cm (60 inches) of the soil surface has a membership indices greater then zero, then that soil property is limiting and the soil restrictive feature is identified. The overall interpretive rating assigned is the maximum membership indices of each soil interpretive property that comprise the ""Slow Rate Process Treatment of Wastewater"" interpretive rule. Minor restrictive soil features are identified but not considered as part of the overall rating process. These restrictive features could be important factors where the major restrictive features are overcome through design application. Soils are placed into interpretive rating classes per their rating indices. These are not limited (rating index = 0), somewhat limited (rating index > 0 and < 1.0), or very limited (rating index = 1.0). Description: In this process wastewater is applied to the land at a rate normally between 0.5 and 4.0 inches per week. The primary purpose is wastewater treatment rather than irrigation of crops. Application rates commonly exceed those needed for supplemental irrigation for crop production. The applied wastewater is treated as it moves through the soil. Much of the treated water percolates to the ground water and some enter the atmosphere by evapotranspiration. Surface runoff of the applied water generally is not allowed. Water-logging is avoided either through control of the application rate or the use of tile drains, or both. The wastewater considered includes municipal wastewater and effluent from food-processing plants, lagoons, and storage ponds. Municipal wastewater is the waste stream from a municipality. It contains domestic waste and possibly industrial waste. It may be, although rarely is, untreated sewage or may be wastewater that has received primary or secondary treatment. Food-processing wastewater is the wastewater resulting from the preparation of fruits, vegetables, milk, cheese, and meats for public consumption. In some places, it is high in sodium and chloride. Lagoon and storage pond effluents, as discussed here, refer to the effluents from a facility used to treat or store food-processing wastewater, domestic wastes, or animal wastes. Domestic and food-processing wastewater is very dilute, and the effluent from facilities that treat or store it commonly is very low in carbonaceous and nitrogenous matter. The nitrogen content ranges from 10 to 30 mg/l. Lagoons or storage ponds for animal wastes have an effluent that has a much higher concentration of these materials mainly because the manure has not been diluted as much as domestic wastes. The nitrogen content varies considerably but generally is 50 to 2,000 mg/l. The heavy metal content generally is low; however, chemical analyses should be made prior to use. Scope: National The soil-rating guide is based on the treatment of the wastewater and not utilizing wastewater for irrigating of crops. Vegetation is not a necessary part of the treatment design or process but the basin may be vegetated. However, it is assumed that crops are grown or may be grown as a part of the soil-plant treatment process. Checks should be made to ensure that heavy metals and nitrogen are not added in excessive amounts. Soil properties and qualities considered in rating the degree of limitation are those that affect soil absorption, plant growth, microbial activity, the susceptibility to wind or water erosion, and the application of wastes. Properties and qualities that affect absorption are the sodium adsorption ratio, depth to a seasonal high water table, the available water capacity, permeability, depth to bedrock or to a cemented pan, soil reaction, cation exchange capacity, and slope. Soil reaction, the sodium adsorption ratio, salinity, and bulk density are soil properties that affect plant growth and microbial activity. Wind erodibility group, erosion factor, slope, and susceptibility to flooding are used to measure the potential for wind erosion and water erosion. Stones can interfere with the application of wastes. Permanently frozen soils are not suited to treating wastewater. Criteria: The interpretive rating is the most limiting of the following restrictive features. 1. Low adsorption: Soils with low CEC to clay ratio have limited potential for sequestering heavy metals and other potential pollutants found in agricultural waste and sustaining vigorous plant growth. Soil feature considered is the weighted average of the cec/clay ratio (calculated from cec and clay representative values) to a depth of 150cm or to bedrock or a cemented restrictive layer. Property used: CLAY ACTIVITY (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting =< 0.050 Somewhat limiting > 0.050 to < 0.150 Not limiting => 0.150 Null cec or clay are assigned to the Not rated class. 2. Cobble content: Excessive cobbles (rock fragments, 3 to 10 inches in size) in the surface layer can interfere with the tillage and application equipment. Soil feature considered is percent by weight coarse fragments 3 to 10 inches in size in the surface soil layer. Property used: FRAGMENTS 75mm-250mm SURFACE LAYER (Modality - high, low, and representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 35% Somewhat limiting > 15% to <= 35% Not limiting =< 15% Null 3 to 10 inch rock fragment data are assigned to the Not rated class. 3. Filtering capacity: The soil horizon with the maximum Ksat governs the leaching and seepage potential of the soil. When this rate is high, transmission of fluids into and through the soil is unimpeded and leaching and seepage may become environmental, health, and performance concern. Soil feature considered is the layer with the maximum Ksat within a depth of 150cm. Property used: KSAT HIGHEST MINIMUM, 0-150CM OR FIRST RESTRICTION (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting > 42.0 micrometers/sec Somewhat Limiting > 14.1 and <= 42.0 micrometers/sec Not limiting =< 14.1 micrometers/sec Null Ksat values are assigned to the Not limiting class. 4. Flooding: Flooding at frequency greater then rare has the potential to transport agricultural waste off site and pollute surface waters. Flooding also limits the recreational use and management of these soils. Soil feature considered is maximum flooding frequency classes over 12 months. Property used: FLOODING FREQUENCY (Maximum Duration) (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""very frequent"" or ""frequent"" Somewhat limiting = ""occasional"" Not limiting = ""none"" or ""very rare"" or ""rare"" Null frequency is assigned to the Not limiting class. 5. Restricted permeability: The soil horizon with the minimum Ksat governs the rate of water movement through the whole soil. When this rate is low, transmission of fluids into and through the soil is impeded and runoff, infiltration, and percolation of pollutants may become environmental, health, and performance concern. Soil feature considered is the layer with the minimum saturated hydraulic conductivity above a restrictive layer. Property used: KSAT MINIMUM ABOVE RESTRICTIVE LAYER (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting =< .4 micrometers/sec Somewhat Limiting > .4 and < 4 micrometers/sec Not limiting => 4 micrometers/sec Null Ksat values are assigned to the Not rated class. 6. Depth to permafrost: Permafrost (permanently frozen soil layer) restricts or effects excavation, manipulation, transport, stability, and workability of the soil material. Soil features considered are restrictive feature depth and where kind is permafrost or USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) is ""cpf"" or USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER is ""pf"". Property used: DEPTH TO PERMAFROST (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Somewhat limiting => 50 to =< 100cm Not limiting > 100cm Null depths are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""cpf"" Not limiting not = ""cpf"" Null USDA Texture (In-Lieu-Of) are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""pf"" Not limiting not = ""pf"" Null USDA Texture Modifier are assigned to the Not limiting class. 7. Ponding: Ponding is the condition where standing water is on the soil surface for a given period of time. Soil that pond has restrictions that limit the installation and function of most landuse applications. Soil features considered are ponding duration and frequency classes for all months. Property used: PONDING DURATION (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""very brief"" or ""brief"" or ""long"" or ""very long"" Not limiting not = ""very brief"" or ""brief"" or ""long"" or ""very long"" Null duration is assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: PONDING FREQUENCY (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""none"" Not limiting not = ""none"" Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 8. Salinity: Soils with high salinity have reduced available water capacity and may induce salinity toxicity, which restricts vigorous plant growth and re-establishing vegetation in disturbed area. Soil feature considered is the highest value of salinity (electrical conductivity) of the surface layers. Property used: SALINITY SURFACE LAYER (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting => 8 mmhos/cm Somewhat limiting => 4 to < 8 mmhos/cm Not limiting < 4 mmhos/cm Null EC is assigned to the Not limiting class. 9. Depth to bedrock: The depth to bedrock limits the volume of material suitable for use as landfill cover. Soils that are shallow are also difficult to reclaim and re-vegetated. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive type is ""bedrock (lithic)"" or ""bedrock (paralithic)."" Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO BEDROCK (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 100cm Somewhat limiting => 100 to =< 150cm Not limiting > 150cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 10. Depth to cemented pan: Depth to cemented pan restricts the construction, installation, and functioning of the installed application. Shallow soils are also difficult to reclaim and re-vegetated. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive kind is ""fragipan"", ""duripan"", ""petrocalcic"", ""ortstein"", or ""petrogypsic"" and restrictive feature hardness is not noncemented. Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO CEMENTED PAN (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 100cm Somewhat limiting => 100 to =< 150cm Not limiting > 150cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. AND NOT Property used: RESTRICTIVE FEATURE HARDNESS (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting not = noncemented Not limiting = noncemented Null hardness is assigned to the Not limiting class. 11. Too steep for surface application: Steep slopes impede site preparation such as shaping and leveling and restrict the surface application of irrigation water. Property used: SLOPE (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting => 8% Somewhat limiting > 3 and < 8% Not limiting =< 3% Null Slope is assigned Not rated. 12. Too steep for sprinkler application: Steep slopes allow wastewater to move offsite to quickly and impede site preparation such as shaping and leveling. Property used: SLOPE (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting => 12% Somewhat limiting > 6 and < 12% Not limiting =< 6% Null Slope is assigned Not rated. 13. Sodium content: Soils with high sodium adsorption ratio have the potential to restrict plant growth and re-establishing vegetation in disturbed area. Soil feature considered is the highest sodium adsorption ratio for horizons that have any portion in the depth range 0 to 20"" (0-50 cm). Property used: SODIUM ADSORPTION RATIO MAXIMUM IN DEPTH 0-50cm (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting > 13 Somewhat limiting > 3 to =< 13 Not limiting <= 3 Null SAR is assigned to the Not limiting class. 14. Large stones on the surface: Excessive stones (rock fragments, > 10 inch in size) in the surface layer can interfere with the tillage and application equipment. Soil feature considered is percent by weight rock fragments > 10 inches in size in the surface soil layer. Property used: FRAGMENTS > 250mm SURFACE LAYER (Modality - high, low, and representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 15% Somewhat limiting > 5% to <= 15% Not limiting =< 5% Null > 10 inch rock fragment data are assigned to the Not rated class. 15. Too acid: Soils with low surface pH increase metallic ion availability and restricts plan growth. Soil feature considered is the (pH) of the surface layer. Property used: SOIL REACTION 1-1 WATER SURFACE LAYER (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting => 6.5% Somewhat limiting => 5.0 to < 6.5% Not limiting < 5.0 Null pH values are assigned to the Not limiting class. 16. Depth to saturated zone: Soils with shallow depth to a water table may be difficult to reclaim and revegetate. These areas are slow to drain and can become waterlogged and boggy during periods of heavy precipitation. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first layer where soil moisture layer status is wet or saturated during any month. Property used: HIGH WATER TABLE DEPTH MINIMUM (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 60cm Somewhat limiting => 60 to < 120cm Not limiting => 120cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class."|"Yes"|08/24/2005 08:54:36|"254"|"8885"|"372578" "ENG - Catastrophic Mortality, Large Animal Disposal, Pit"|"limitation"|"Summary: Soils can be a non-member, partial member or complete members of the set of soils that are limited for use as ""Catastrophic Mortality, Large Animal Disposal, Pit"". If a soil's property within 200 cm (~79 inches) of the soil surface has a membership indices greater than zero, then that soil property is limiting. The interpretive rating assigned is the maximum membership indices for one or more of the soil interpretive properties that comprise the ""Catastrophic Mortality, Large Animal Disposal, Pit"" interpretive rule. Minor restrictive soil features are identified but not considered as part of the overall rating process. These restrictive features could be important factors where the major restrictive features are overcome through design application. Soils are placed into interpretive rating classes per their rating indices. These are not limited (rating index = 0), somewhat limited (rating index > 0 and < 1.0), or very limited (rating index = 1.0). Description: Catastrophic Mortality, Large Animal Disposal, Pit is a method of disposing dead animals by placing the carcasses in successive layers in an excavated pit. The carcasses are spread, compacted, and covered daily with a thin layer of soil that is excavated from the pit. When the pit is full, a final cover of soil material at least 2 feet thick is placed over the burial pit. Scope: National The interpretation is applicable to both heavily populated and sparsely populated areas. While some general observations may be made, onsite evaluation is required before the final site is selected. Improper site selection, design, or installation may cause contamination of ground water, seepage, and contamination of stream systems from surface drainage or floodwater. Potential contamination may be reduced or eliminated by installing systems designed to overcome or reduce the effects of the limiting soil property. The rating is for soils in their present condition and does not consider present land use. Ratings are based on properties and qualities to the depth normally observed during soil mapping (approximately 6 or 7 feet). However, because pits may be as deep as 15 feet or more, geologic investigations are needed to determine the potential for pollution of ground water as well as to determine the design needed. These investigations, which are generally arranged by the pit developer, include the examination of stratification, rock formations, and geologic conditions that might lead to the conducting of leachates to aquifers, wells, watercourses, and other water sources. The presence of hard, nonrippable bedrock, bedrock crevices, or highly permeable strata in or immediately underlying the proposed pit bottom is undesirable because of the difficulty in excavation and the potential pollution of underground water. Properties that influence the risk of pollution, ease of excavation, trafficability, and revegetation are major considerations. Soils that flood or have a water table within the depth of excavation present a potential pollution hazard and are difficult to excavate. Slope is an important consideration because it affects the work involved in road construction, the performance of the roads, and the control of surface water around the pit. It may also cause difficulty in constructing pits for which the pit bottom must be kept level and oriented to follow the contour. The ease with which the pit is dug and with which a soil can be used as daily and final covers is based largely on texture and consistence of the soil. The texture and consistence of a soil determine the degree of workability of the soil both when dry and when wet. Soils that are plastic and sticky when wet are difficult to excavate, grade, or compact and difficult to place as a uniformly thick cover over a layer of carcasses. The uppermost part of the final cover should be soil material that is favorable for the growth of plants. It should not contain excess sodium or salt and should not be too acid. In comparison with other horizons, the A horizon in most soils has the best workability and the highest content of organic matter. Thus, for a Large Animal Disposal, Pit operation it may be desirable to stockpile the surface layer for use in the final blanketing of the filled pit area."|"Yes"|10/04/2005 10:14:24|"18978"|"8885"|"372585" "ENG - Catastrophic Mortality, Large Animal Disposal, Trench"|"limitation"|"Summary: Soils can be a non-member, partial member or complete members of the set of soils that are limited for use as ""Catastrophic Mortality, Large Animal Disposal, Trench"". If a soil's property within 200 cm (~79 inches) of the soil surface has a membership indices greater than zero, then that soil property is limiting. The interpretive rating assigned is the maximum membership indices for one or more of the soil interpretive properties that comprise the ""Catastrophic Mortality, Large Animal Disposal, Trench"" interpretive rule. Minor restrictive soil features are identified but not considered as part of the overall rating process. These restrictive features could be important factors where the major restrictive features are overcome through design application. Soils are placed into interpretive rating classes per their rating indices. These are not limited (rating index = 0), somewhat limited (rating index > 0 and < 1.0), or very limited (rating index = 1.0). Description: Catastrophic Mortality, Large Animal Disposal, Trench is a method of disposing dead animals by placing the carcasses in successive layers in an excavated trench. The carcasses are spread, compacted, and covered daily with a thin layer of soil that is excavated from the trench. When the trench is full, a final cover of soil material at least 2 feet thick is placed over the filled trench area. Scope: National The interpretation is applicable to both heavily populated and sparsely populated areas. While some general observations may be made, onsite evaluation is required before the final site is selected. Improper site selection, design, or installation may cause contamination of ground water, seepage, and contamination of stream systems from surface drainage or floodwater. Potential contamination may be reduced or eliminated by installing systems designed to overcome or reduce the effects of the limiting soil property. The rating is for soils in their present condition and does not consider present land use. Ratings are based on properties and qualities to the depth normally observed during soil mapping (approximately 6 or 7 feet). However, because trenches may be as deep as 15 feet or more, geologic investigations are needed to determine the potential for pollution of ground water as well as to determine the design needed. These investigations, which are generally arranged by the trench developer, include the examination of stratification, rock formations, and geologic conditions that might lead to the conducting of leachates to aquifers, wells, watercourses, and other water sources. The presence of hard, nonrippable bedrock, bedrock crevices, or highly permeable strata in or immediately underlying the proposed trench bottom is undesirable because of the difficulty in excavation and the potential pollution of underground water. Properties that influence the risk of pollution, ease of excavation, trafficability, and revegetation are major considerations. Soils that flood or have a water table within the depth of excavation present a potential pollution hazard and are difficult to excavate. Slope is an important consideration because it affects the work involved in road construction, the performance of the roads, and the control of surface water around the trench. It may also cause difficulty in constructing trenches for which the trench bottom must be kept level and oriented to follow the contour. The ease with which the trench is dug and with which a soil can be used as daily and final covers is based largely on texture and consistence of the soil. The texture and consistence of a soil determine the degree of workability of the soil both when dry and when wet. Soils that are plastic and sticky when wet are difficult to excavate, grade, or compact and difficult to place as a uniformly thick cover over a layer of carcasses. The uppermost part of the final cover should be soil material that is favorable for the growth of plants. It should not contain excess sodium or salt and should not be too acid. In comparison with other horizons, the A horizon in most soils has the best workability and the highest content of organic matter. Thus, for a Large Animal Disposal, Trench operation it may be desirable to stockpile the surface layer for use in the final blanketing of the fill"|"Yes"|10/04/2005 10:14:24|"18820"|"8885"|"372589" "ENG - Construction Materials; Gravel Source (WI)"|"suitability"|"This rule name was changed from ""Region 10 ENG - Construction Materials; Gravel Source"" to ""ENG - Construction Materials; Gravel Source (WI)"" to comply with new guidelines for customized templates, 12/13/2004, tam 620.06 Construction Material. Reference National Soil Survey Handbook, 1998. (a) General. (1) Soil survey interpretations for construction materials are made to provide guidance to users in selecting the site of a potential source. Individual soils or groups of soils may be selected as potential source materials because their source is close at hand, is the only source available, or meets some or all of the physical or chemical properties required for the intended application. In theory every soil may be used as source materials, but in reality only a few soils have the profile characteristics that meet the defined criteria and performance requirements when rated for a specific propose. The use of rating guides can provide the user a means to select potential sites for further evaluation. (2) As a part of the soil survey process, each soil is rated in its present condition. Suitability ratings and associated restrictive features are given for roadfill, topsoil, and soil reconstruction material. Ratings of probable and improbable sources of material are given for sand and gravel. The ratings do not consider the quality of the source material because quality depends on how the source material is to be used. Final site evaluation and site selection require an onsite inspection to determine the suitability of the materials for the intended purpose. Implementation of these interpretations helps to minimize the need for excessive random exploratory investigation by pinpointing potential sites. (3) Soil interpretations for construction material have a potential for broader application by the user than the name implies. The use of these interpretations in planning may include various needs directed towards urban and rural development. The interpretations may apply to farm and ranch operations; stockpiling materials for borrow pits and new mine reclamation; source material used to rehabilitate areas of soil disturbance; thin layer cover material for parking areas, roads, trails etc.; and other uses. Where the present headings for the interpretations do not meet desired application in the local area, the user may request a change to the headings. Caution should be exercised to ensure that the proposed changes are within the original intent of the original interpretation guides. (4) Soils are rated as sources for roadfill, topsoil, sand, gravel, and soil reconstruction material used for drastically disturbed areas. Suitability ratings of good, fair, or poor and restrictive features are given for soils used as a source of roadfill and topsoil. Ratings of probable and improbable are given for soils used as a source of sand and gravel. A rating of probable means that, on the basis of the available evidence, the source material is likely to be in or below the soil. A rating of improbable means that the source material is unlikely to be in or below the soil. The ratings do not consider the quality of the source material because quality depends on how the source material is to be used. (d) Gravel source. (1) Gravel as a construction material is defined as particles ranging in size from 4.76 mm (sieve #4) to 76 mm (3 inches) in diameter. Gravel is used in great quantities in many kinds of construction. Specifications for each purpose vary widely. The intent of this rating is to show only the probability of finding material in suitable quantity. The suitability of the gravel for specific purposes is not evaluated. (2) The properties used to evaluate the soil as a probable source of gravel (Table 620-ENG 9) are grain size as indicated by the Unified soil classification, the thickness of the gravel layer, and the amount of rock fragments in the soil material. If the lowest layer of the soil contains gravel, the soil is rated as a probable source regardless of thickness. The assumption is that the gravel layer below the depth of observation exceeds the minimum thickness. Table 620-9 Gravel Source. LIMITS RESTRICTIVE PROPERTY PROBABLE IMPROBABLE FEATURE 1. USDA TEXTURE --- ICE PERMAFROST 2. UNIFIED (THICKEST LAYER GW, GP, GW-GM, FAVORABLE 10-60"" OR BOTTOM GP-GM LAYER) 2a. UNIFIED (THICKEST LAYER SW, SP, SW-SM, FAVORABLE 10-60"" OR BOTTOM SP-SM LAYER) 100% PASSING #4 SIEVE =>25 2b. UNIFIED (THICKEST LAYER SW, SP, SW-SM, TOO SANDY 10-60"" OR BOTTOM SP-SM LAYER) 100% PASSING #4 SIEVE <25 2c. UNIFIED PT EXCESS HUMUS 2d. UNIFIED ALL OTHER EXCESS FINES 3. LAYER THICKNESS >36 <36 THIN LAYER (0-72 IN) 4. WEIGHT PERCENT >3"" <50 >50 LARGE STONES (THICKEST LAYER 10-60"")"|"Yes"|07/14/2005 05:19:29|"18536"|"8885"|"372548" "ENG - Construction Materials; Reclamation"|"suitability"|"Summary: Soil survey interpretations for construction materials are made to provide guidance to users in selecting the site of a potential source. Soils may be selected as potential source materials because they are nearby, are the only source available, or meets some or all of the physical or chemical properties required for the intended application. In theory, every soil may be used as source materials, but in reality, only a few soils have the profile characteristics that meet the defined criteria and performance requirements when rated for a specific propose. The use of rating guides can provide the user a means to select potential sites for further evaluation. Suitability ratings and associated restrictive features are for roadfill, topsoil, sand, gravel, and soil reconstruction material. The ratings do not consider the quality of the source material because quality depends on how the source material is to be used. Final site evaluation and selection require an onsite inspection to determine the suitability and quality of the materials for the intended purpose. Implementation of these interpretations helps minimize the need for excessive random exploratory investigation by pinpointing potential sites. Soils can be a non-member, partial member or complete members of the set of soils that are suited as a source of ""Reclamation"" material. If a soil's property within 150 cm (60 inches) of the soil surface has a membership indices greater then zero, then that soil property contributes to the soils potential as a source of reclamation material. The soil property contributing lest is identified as the soil feature making this soil a less then a desirable source of reclamation material. The overall interpretive rating assigned is the minimum membership indices of the soil interpretive property that comprise the "" Reclamation"" interpretive rule. Soils are placed into suitability rating classes per their rating indices. These are poor (rating index = 0), fair (rating index > 0 and < 1.0), or good (rating index = 1.0). Description: Soil reconstruction of areas drastically disturbed, as in surface mining, is the process of replacing layers of soil material or unconsolidated geologic material, or both, in a vertical sequence of such quality and thickness that a favorable medium for plant growth is provided. Most new state strip mine programs emphasize that the land surface be restored to about its natural configuration or better and that the soil be reconstructed to maintain or improve its suitability for the intended use. Thus, knowledge of the soil and underlying material is needed to plan proper reconstruction operations of mined land. This guide for soil reconstruction material evaluates the material as a medium for plant growth. This guide does not cover areas of quarry, pit, dredge, and older surface mine operations that require an offsite source of soil reconstruction material. When the soil materials are properly used in reconstruction, a rating of good means that vegetation is relatively easy to establish and maintain, that the surface is stable and resists erosion, and that the reconstructed soil has good potential productivity. Material rated fair can be vegetated and stabilized by modifying one or more properties. Topdressing with better material or applications of soil amendments may be necessary for satisfactory performance. Material rated poor has such severe problems that revegetation and stabilization are very difficult and costly. Topdressing with better material is necessary to establish and maintain vegetation. Soil properties influence selection of a site as a potential source of reconstruction material. The soil interpretation for reconstruction material source is used as a tool in evaluating soil suitability or identifying the soil limitations as a potential source. The rating is for soils in their present condition and does not consider present land use. Scope: National Vegetation is difficult to establish on soils that have high pH. Many of these soils also have a high sodium adsorption ratio, which indicates potential instability and water transmission problems. Materials that are extremely acid or have the potential upon oxidation of becoming extremely acid are difficult and expensive to vegetate. They also contribute to poor water quality, in runoff or in ground water. The available water capacity also is important in establishing vegetation. Soils that have a low available water capacity may require irrigation for the establishment of vegetation. The stability of the soil depends upon its erodibility by water and wind and its strength. Water erodibility is indicated by the K factor; wind erodibility is rated according to the ""I"" value of the wind erodibility group. Potential slippage hazard is related to soil texture, and although other factors also contribute, the ratings of soil texture represent one important factor. The fraction 3-10 inches is a weight percentage of rock fragments in the material used for soil reconstruction. The amount and size of rock fragments influence the ease of excavation, stockpiling, and respreading and the suitability for the final use of the land. A certain amount of rock fragments can be tolerated depending upon their size and the intended use of the reclaimed area. If the size of rock fragments exceeds 10 inches, problems are more severe. Criteria: The interpretive rating is the most suited of the following soil features. 1. Too clayey: Clayey soils may become sticky when wet and are difficult to spread and compact. Soil feature considered is the maximum percent clay to a depth of 100cm or above a cemented restrictive feature. Property used: CLAY PERCENT THICKEST LAYER IN DEPTH 0-100CM (Modality - high, low, and representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting >= 40% Somewhat limiting > 30 to < 40% Not limiting <= 30% Null clay percentage is assigned to the Not rated class. 2. Cobble content: Excessive cobbles (rock fragments, 3 to 10 inches in size) in the upper 72 inches (180 cm) of the soil can interfere with construction equipment. Soil feature considered is percent weighted average by weight coarse fragments 3 to 10 inches in size in the upper 72 inches of soil or above a restrictive layer. Property used: FRAGMENTS 75mm-250mm WEIGHTED AVE. IN DEPTH 0-72 in. (Modality - high, low, and representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 50% Somewhat limiting > 25% to <= 50% Not limiting <= 25% Null 3 to 10 inch rock fragment data are assigned to the Not rated class. 3. Water erosion: Soils with high K factors have a tendency to erode and when used as reclamation materials are subject to water erosion. Water erosion preventative practices are recommended on soils with high K factors. Soil feature considered is the maximum K factor (whole) within a depth of 40 inches. Property used: SOIL EROSION FACTOR MAXIMUM 1/99 (Modality - representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting => .70 Somewhat limiting > .35 to < .70 Not limiting <= .35 Null K factor whole is assigned to the Not limiting class. 4. Carbonate content: Soils with high calcium carbonate content in the thickest layer may limit vegetative growth of some plant species. Soil feature considered is the layer with the maximum calcium carbonate equivalent. Property used: CALCIUM CARBONATE EQUIVALENT MAXIMUM (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting => 40 % Somewhat Limiting > 15 and < 40 % Not limiting =< 15 % Null CaCO3 values are assigned to the Not limiting class. 5. Sodium content: Soils with high sodium adsorption ratio have the potential to restrict plan growth and re-establishing vegetation in disturbed area. Soil feature considered is the highest sodium adsorption ratio for horizons that have any portion in the depth range 0 to 20"" (0-50 cm). Property used: SODIUM ADSORPTION RATIO MAXIMUM IN DEPTH 0-50cm (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting > 13 Somewhat limiting > 4 to =< 13 Not limiting <= 4 Null SAR is assigned to the Not limiting class. 6. Droughty: Soils with high available water capacity are not droughty. This condition encourages vigorous plant growth and the establishment of grasses, shrubs, and trees. Soil feature considered is the (available water capacity * the layer thickness) summed through the last soil layer or to a cemented restrictive layer. Property used: AVAILABLE WATER CAPACITY (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting =< 7.5cm Somewhat limiting > 7.5 to < 15cm Not limiting => 15cm Null AWC is assigned to the Not rated class. 7. Depth to bedrock: The depth to bedrock limits the volume of material suitable for use as topsoil or for site reclamation. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive type is ""bedrock (lithic)"" or ""bedrock (paralithic)."" Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO BEDROCK (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Somewhat limiting => 50 to =< 100cm Not limiting > 100cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 8. Depth to cemented pan: Depth to cemented pan limits the volume of material suitable for use as topsoil and for recliamation. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive kind is ""fragipan"", ""duripan"", ""petrocalcic"", ""ortstein"", or ""petrogypsic"" and restrictive feature hardness is noncemented. Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO CEMENTED PAN (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Somewhat limiting => 50 to < 100cm Not limiting => 100cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. AND Property used: RESTRICTIVE FEATURE HARDNESS (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting not = noncemented Not limiting = noncemented Null hardness is assigned to the Not limiting class. 9. Stone content: Excessive stones (rock fragments, > 10 inch in size) in the upper 72 inches (180 cm) of the soil can interfere with construction equipment. Soil feature considered is percent weighted average by weight coarse fragments > 10 inches in size in the upper 72 inches of soil or above a restricive layer. Property used: FRAGMENTS > 250mm WEIGHTED AVE. IN DEPTH 0-72 in. (Modality - high, low, and representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 15% Somewhat limiting > 5% to <= 15% Not limiting <= 5% Null > 10 inch rock fragment data are assigned to the Not rated class. 10. Low content of organic matter: Soil low in organic matter has poor tilth and inherent fertility. Organic matter should be add to these soil when they are used as reclamation material. Soil feature considered is percent organic matter content of the thickest soil layer above a cemented restrictive layer within a depth of 180cm. Property used: ORGANIC MATTER PERCENT THICKEST LAYER IN DEPTH 0-180CM (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = 0% Somewhat limiting > 0 to < 1% Not limiting => 1% Null layer organic matter contents are assigned to the Not rated class. 11. Too alkaline: Soils with high pH restrict plan growth and re-establishing vegetation in disturbed area. Soil feature considered is the maximum pH (either measured as 1 to 1 water or .01m CaCl2) of any soil layer. Property used: SOIL REACTION 1-1 WATER (Maximum) (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting > 8.5 Not limiting =< 8.5 Null pH values are assigned to the Not rated class. 12. Too acid: Soils with low pH restrict plan growth and re-establishing vegetation in disturbed area. Soil feature considered is the minimum pH (either measured as 1 to 1 water or .01m CaCl2) of any soil layer. Low pH values below 100cm are not as restrictive as those above 100cm Property used: SOIL REACTION 1-1 WATER IN DEPTH 0-100cm (min) (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting < 4.0 Somewhat limiting => 4.0 to < 6.5 Not limiting => 6.5 Null pH values are assigned to the Not rated class. OR Property used: SOIL REACTION 1-1 WATER IN DEPTH 100-150cm (min) (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restriction limits: Somewhat limiting < 4.0 Not limiting => 4.0 13. Salinity: Soils with high salinity have reduced available water capacity, which restrict plan growth and re-establishing vegetation in disturbed area. Soil feature considered is the highest salinity (electrical conductivity) for all layers. Property used: SALINITY MAXIMUM (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting > 16 mmhos/cm Somewhat limiting <= 8 to >= 16 mmhos/cm Not limiting < 8 mmhos/cm Null EC is assigned to the Not limiting class. 14. Too sandy: Soil with a thick sandy layer that is low in clay is hard to re-vegetate when used as topsoil or reclamation material. They may also be subject to wind erosion. Soil features considered are the percent clay and the #4 and 200# sieve sizes of the thickest layer within 100cm of the soil surface or above a cemented restrictive feature. Sand percentage is calculated using the difference between the #4 and #200 sieve. Property used: SAND (#4-#200SIEVE) THICKEST LAYER 0 to 100 CM (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting >= 85 Somewhat limiting > 70 and < 85 Not limiting <= 70 Null sieves are assigned to the Not rated class. AND Property used: CLAY PERCENT THICKEST LAYER IN DEPTH 0-100CM (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting =< 10cm Somewhat limiting > 10 and < 15 Not limiting => 15cm Null clay percentage in the thickest layer is assigned to the Not rated class. 15. Wind erosion: Soils in low WEG (Wind Erodibility Group) have a tendency to erode and when used as reclamation materials are subject to wind erosion. Wind erosion preventative practices are recommended on soils with low WEG. Soil feature considered is WEG. Property used: WIND ERODIBILITY GROUP (Modality - representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting ""1"" and ""2"" Not limiting all others Null K factor whole is assigned to the Not limiting class."|"Yes"|07/14/2005 05:39:24|"10514"|"8885"|"372572" "ENG - Construction Materials; Roadfill"|"suitability"|"Summary: Soil survey interpretations for construction materials are made to provide guidance to users in selecting the site of a potential source. Soils may be selected as potential source materials because they are nearby, are the only source available, or meets some or all of the physical or chemical properties required for the intended application. In theory, every soil may be used as source materials, but in reality, only a few soils have the profile characteristics that meet the defined criteria and performance requirements when rated for a specific propose. The use of rating guides can provide the user a means to select potential sites for further evaluation. Suitability ratings and associated restrictive features are for roadfill, topsoil, sand, gravel, and soil reconstruction material. The ratings do not consider the quality of the source material because quality depends on how the source material is to be used. Final site evaluation and selection require an onsite inspection to determine the suitability and quality of the materials for the intended purpose. Implementation of these interpretations helps minimize the need for excessive random exploratory investigation by pinpointing potential sites. Soils can be a non-member, partial member or complete members of the set of soils that are suited as a source of ""Roadfill"". If a soil's property within 150 cm (60 inches) of the soil surface has a membership indices greater then zero, then that soil property contributes to the soil's potential as a source of roadfill. The soil property contributing lest is identified as the soil feature making this soil a less then a desirable source of roadfill. The overall interpretive rating assigned is the minimum membership indices of the soil interpretive property that comprise the ""Roadfill"" interpretive rule. Soils are placed into suitability rating classes per their rating indices. These are poor (rating index = 0), fair (rating index > 0 and < 1.0), or good (rating index = 1.0). Description: Roadfill consists of soil material that is excavated from its original position and used in road embankments elsewhere. The evaluations for roadfill are for low embankments that generally are less than 6 feet in height and are less exacting in design than high embankments, such as those along superhighways. The rating is given for the whole soil, from the surface to a depth of about 5 feet, based on the assumption that soil horizons will be mixed in loading, dumping, and spreading. In Table 620-7 criteria, limits, and restrictive features for rating soils for local roads and streets are given. Soils are rated as to the amount of material available for excavation, the ease of excavation, and how well the material performs after it is in place. Scope: National Soil properties that affect the amount of material available for excavation are thickness of suitable material above bedrock or other material that is not suitable. The percent of coarse fragments more than 3 inches in diameter, the depth to a seasonal high water table, and the slope are properties that influence the ease of excavation. How well the soil performs in place is indicated by the AASHTO classification and group index and by the shrink-swell potential. A high content of gypsum can cause piping or pitting. Some damage to the borrow area is expected; but if revegetation and erosion control are likely to be difficult, the soil is rated severe. Criteria: The interpretive rating is the most suited of the following soil features. 1. Cobble content: Excessive cobbles (rock fragments, 3 to 10 inches in size) in the upper 40 inches (100 cm) of the soil can interfere with construction equipment and grade stabilization. Soil feature considered is percent weighted average by weight coarse fragments 3 to 10 inches in size in the upper 40 inches of soil. Property used: FRAGMENTS 75mm-250mm WEIGHTED AVE. IN DEPTH 0-40 in. (Modality - high, low, and representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 35% Somewhat limiting > 15% to <= 35% Not limiting <= 15% Null 3 to 10 inch rock fragments are assigned to the Not rated class. 2. Shrink-swell: Excessive shrink-swell (weighted average) between 25 and 150cm deep can cause roads to shift and paving to crack. Soil feature considered is weighted average percent linear extensibility between a depth of 10 to 60 inches or above bedrock. Property used: SHRINK-SWELL 25-150cm OR ABOVE Restrictive Layer Wt_Ave. (Modality - high, low, and representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting => 9% Somewhat limiting => 3% to < 9% Not limiting < 3% Null linear extensibility is assigned to the Not limiting class. 3. Slope: Steep slopes impede trafficability of heavy machinery and reclamation of borrow sites. Soil feature considered is the component slope. Property used: SLOPE (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting => 25% Somewhat limiting > 15 and < 25% Not limiting =< 15% Null Slope is assigned Not rated. 4. Stone content: Excessive stones (rock fragments, > 10 inch in size) in the upper 40 inches (100 cm) of the soil can interfere with construction equipment and packing. Soil feature considered is percent weighted average by weight coarse fragments > 10 inches in size in the upper 40 inches of soil. Property used: FRAGMENTS > 250mm WEIGHTED AVE. IN DEPTH 0-40 in. (Modality - high, low, and representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 15% Somewhat limiting > 5% to <= 15% Not limiting <= 5% Null > 10 inch rock fragment data are assigned to the Not rated class. 5. Low strength: Soils with high AASHTO Group Index have low strength which affects the soil's traffic-supporting capacity and reduces the soil's potential as a site for roadfill. This condition is only partially restrictive when clay mineralogy is kaolinitic. Soil feature considered is the AASHTO Group Index of the thickest soil layer below 25cm or to a cemented restrictive layer and taxonomic family mineralogy. Property used: AASHTO GIN THICKEST LAYER IN DEPTH (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting => 8 Somewhat limiting > 5 to < 8 Not limiting =< 5 Null AASHTO Group Index values are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: TAXONOMIC MINERALOGY CLASS (Modality - representative value) Restriction limits: If taxonomic family mineralogy is kaolinitic then the soil clayey rating is reduced by 90%. Null taxonomic mineralogy classes are assigned Not Rated. 6. Depth to permafrost: Permafrost (permanently frozen soil layer) restricts or effects excavation, manipulation, transport, stability, and workability of the soil material. Soil features considered are restrictive feature depth and where kind is permafrost or USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) is ""cpf"" or USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER is ""pf"". Property used: DEPTH TO PERMAFROST (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Somewhat limiting => 50 to =< 100cm Not limiting > 100cm Null depths are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""cpf"" Not limiting not = ""cpf"" Null depths are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""pf"" Not limiting not = ""pf"" Null depths are assigned to the Not limiting class. 7. Depth to bedrock: The depth to bedrock limits the volume of material suitable for use as roadfill. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive type is ""bedrock (lithic)"" or ""bedrock (paralithic)."" Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO BEDROCK (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 100cm Somewhat limiting => 100 to < 150cm Not limiting => 150cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 8. Depth to cemented pan: Depth to cemented pan limits the volume of material suitable for use as roadfill. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive kind is ""fragipan"", ""duripan"", ""petrocalcic"", ""ortstein"", or ""petrogypsic"" and restrictive feature hardness is noncemented. Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO CEMENTED PAN (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting =< 100cm Somewhat limiting > 100 to < 150cm Not limiting => 150cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. AND Property used: RESTRICTIVE FEATURE HARDNESS (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting not = noncemented Not limiting = noncemented Null hardness is assigned to the Not limiting class. 9. Depth to saturated zone: Soils with shallow depth to a water table have limited volume of material suitable for use as fill materials and maybe difficult to reclaim and revegetated. These areas are slow to drain and can become waterlogged and boggy during periods of heavy precipitation. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first layer where soil moisture layer status is wet or saturated during any month. Property used: HIGH WATER TABLE DEPTH MINIMUM (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting =< 30cm Somewhat limiting > 30 to < 90cm Not limiting => 90cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class."|"Yes"|08/30/2004 08:27:16|"10028"|"8885"|"372576" "ENG - Construction Materials; Sand Source"|"suitability"|"Summary: Soil survey interpretations for construction materials are made to provide guidance to users in selecting the site of a potential source. Soils may be selected as potential source materials because they are nearby, are the only source available, or meets some or all of the physical or chemical properties required for the intended application. In theory, every soil may be used as source materials, but in reality, only a few soils have the profile characteristics that meet the defined criteria and performance requirements when rated for a specific propose. The use of rating guides can provide the user a means to select potential sites for further evaluation. Suitability ratings and associated restrictive features are for roadfill, topsoil, sand, gravel, and soil reconstruction material. The ratings do not consider the quality of the source material because quality depends on how the source material is to be used. Final site evaluation and selection require an onsite inspection to determine the suitability and quality of the materials for the intended purpose. Implementation of these interpretations helps minimize the need for excessive random exploratory investigation by pinpointing potential sites. Soils can be a non-member, partial member or complete members of the set of soils that are suited as a ""Sand Source"". If a soil's property within 150 cm (60 inches) of the soil surface has a membership indices greater then zero, then that soil property contributes to the soils potential as a source of sand. The soil property contributing lest is identified as the soil feature making this soil a less then desirable source of sand. The overall interpretive rating assigned is the minimum membership indices of each soil interpretive property that comprise the ""Sand Source "" interpretive rule. Soils are placed into suitability rating classes per their rating indices. These are poor (rating index = 0), fair (rating index > 0 and < 1.0), or good (rating index = 1.0). Description: Sand as a construction material is usually defined as particles ranging in size from 0.074 mm (sieve #200) to 4.75 mm (sieve #4) in diameter. Sand is used in great quantities in many kinds of construction. Specifications for each purpose vary widely. The intent of this rating is to show only the probability of finding material in suitable quantity. The suitability of the sand for specific purposes is not evaluated. Soil properties influence selection of a site as a potential source of sand. The soil interpretation for sand source is used as a tool in evaluating soil suitability or identifying the soil limitations as a potential source. The rating is for soils in their present condition and does not consider present land use. Scope: National The properties used to evaluate the soils as a probable source of sand are the grain size as indicated by the Unified soil classification, the thickness of the sand layer, and the amount of rock fragments in the soil material. They are listed in Table 620-8. If the lowest layer of the soil contains sand, the soil is rated as a probable source regardless of thickness. The assumption is that the sand layer below the depth of observation exceeds the minimum thickness. Criteria: The interpretive rating is the most suited of the following soil features. 1. Content of organic matter: Soil in Unified class pt is high in organic materials and not a good source of construction materials. Soil feature considered is the rv or first Unified class of all soil layers. Property used: NOT UNIFIED (pt, oh, ol) (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = pt Not limiting not = pt Null Unified classes are assigned to the Not rated class. 2. Depth to permafrost: Permafrost (permanently frozen soil layer) restricts or effects excavation, manipulation, transport, stability, and workability of the soil material. Soil features considered are restrictive feature depth and where kind is permafrost or USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) is ""cpf"" or USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER is ""pf"". Property used: DEPTH TO PERMAFROST (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Somewhat limiting => 50 to =< 100cm Not limiting > 100cm Null depths are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""cpf"" Not limiting not = ""cpf"" Null depths are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""pf"" Not limiting not = ""pf"" Null depths are assigned to the Not limiting class. 3. Bottom layer: If the bottom layer contains significant amounts of material that passes the #4 sieve and not the #200 sieve, and does not contain rocks or coarse fragments, then the bottom layer is a potential source for sand. The bottom layer takes precedence over the thickest layer. There is no layer thickness restriction on the bottom layer. The following child rules are joined by the AND operator and the one with the lowest index number determine the interpretive result. Child rules used: Percent Passing #4 Sieve - #200 Sieve (Bottom Layer) -- Sandy: Soil with a sandy bottom layer is a source of sand. Soil feature considered is estimated sand of the bottom layer or the last layer above bedrock using the difference between the #4 and 200# sieve sizes. Property used: SAND (#4-#200SIEVE) BOTTOM LAYER (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting <= 50 Somewhat limiting > 50 and < 95 Not limiting >= 95 Null sieves are assigned to the Not limiting class. AND Coarse Fragments 3 to 10 inch (Bottom Layer) -- Cobble content: Excessive cobbles (rock fragments, 3 to 10 inches in size) in the bottom layer limits the layers potential as a source of commercial gravel by reducing the volume of available gravel. Soil feature considered is percent by weight coarse fragments 3 to 10 inches in size in the bottom soil layer and above bedrock. Property used: FRAGMENTS 75mm to 250mm BOTTOM LAYERS (Modality - high, low, and representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting >= 35% Somewhat limiting > 0% to < 35% Not limiting = 0% Null 3 to 10 inch rock fragments are assigned to the Limiting class. AND Coarse Fragments > 10 inch (Bottom Layer) -- Stone content: Excessive stones (rock fragments > 10 inches in size) in the bottom layer limits the layers potential as a source of commercial gravel by reducing the volume of available gravel. Soil feature considered is percent by weight rock fragments greater then 10 inches in size in the bottom soil layer and above bedrock. Property used: FRAGMENTS > 250mm BOTTOM LAYER (Modality - high, low, and representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting >= 35% Somewhat limiting > 0% to < 35% Not limiting = 0% Null > 10-inch rock fragments are assigned to the Limiting class. 4. Thickest layer: If the thickest layer contains significant amounts of material that passes the #4 sieve and does not pass the #200 sieve, and does not contain rocks or coarse fragments, then the thickest layer is a potential source for sand. The bottom layer takes precedence over the thickest layer. The following child rules are joined by the AND operator and the one with the lowest index number determine the interpretive result. Child rules used: Layer Thickness -- Thin layer: The thickest soil layer is derived from layer depth to evaluate the potential quantity of sand or gravel available as a commercial source. The thinner the layer the less potential. Soil feature considered is layer thickness above a cemented restrictive feature. Property used: THICKEST LAYER IN DEPTH 0-72 in. (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting <= 30cm Somewhat limiting > 30 and < 100cm Not limiting >= 100cm Null thickness is assigned to the Not rated class. AND Percent Passing #4 Sieve - #200 Sieve (Thickest Layer) -- Sandy: Soil with a thick sandy layer is a source of sand. Soil feature considered is estimated sand of the soil's thickest layer above a cemented layer using the difference between the #4 and 200# sieve sizes. Property used: SAND (#4-#200SIEVE) THICKEST LAYER (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting <= 50 Somewhat limiting > 50 and < 95 Not limiting >= 95 Null sieves are assigned to the Not rated class. AND Coarse Fragments 3 to 10 inch (Thickest Layer) -- Cobble content: Excessive cobbles (rock fragments, 3 to 10 inches in size) in the thickest layer limits the layer's potential as a source of commercial gravel by reducing the volume of available gravel. Soil feature considered is percent by weight coarse fragments 3 to 10 inches in size in the thickest soil layer within depth of 0 to 72"" (0 to 180cm) or to a restrictive layer. Property used: FRAGMENTS 75mm to 250mm THICKEST LAYER IN DEPTH 0-72 in. (Modality - high, low, and representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting >= 35% Somewhat limiting > 0% to < 35% Not limiting = 0% Null 3 to 10 inch rock fragments are assigned to the Not rated class. AND Coarse Fragments > 10 inch (Thickest Layer) -- Stone content: Excessive stones (rock fragments, > 10 inch in size) in the thickest layer limits the layer's potential as a source of commercial gravel by reducing the volume of available gravel. Soil feature considered is percent by weight coarse fragments > 10 inches in size in the thickest soil layer within depth of 0 to 72"" (0 to 180cm) or to a restrictive layer. Property used: FRAGMENTS > 250mm THICKEST LAYER IN DEPTH 0-72 in. (Modality - high, low, and representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting >= 35% Somewhat limiting > 0% to < 35% Not limiting = 0% Null > 10 inch rock fragments are assigned to the Not rated class."|"Yes"|07/14/2005 05:19:29|"10332"|"8885"|"372568" "ENG - Construction Materials; Topsoil"|"suitability"|"Summary: Soil survey interpretations for construction materials are made to provide guidance to users in selecting the site of a potential source. Soils may be selected as potential source materials because they are nearby, are the only source available, or meets some or all of the physical or chemical properties required for the intended application. In theory, every soil may be used as source materials, but in reality, only a few soils have the profile characteristics that meet the defined criteria and performance requirements when rated for a specific propose. The use of rating guides can provide the user a means to select potential sites for further evaluation. Suitability ratings and associated restrictive features are for roadfill, topsoil, sand, gravel, and soil reconstruction material. The ratings do not consider the quality of the source material because quality depends on how the source material is to be used. Final site evaluation and selection require an onsite inspection to determine the suitability and quality of the materials for the intended purpose. Implementation of these interpretations helps minimize the need for excessive random exploratory investigation by pinpointing potential sites. Soils can be a non-member, partial member or complete members of the set of soils that are suited as a source of ""Topsoil"". If a soil's property within 150 cm (60 inches) of the soil surface has a membership indices greater then zero, then that soil property contributes to the soil's potential as a source of topsoil. The soil property contributing lest is identified as the soil feature making this soil a less then a desirable source of topsoil. The overall interpretive rating assigned is the minimum membership indices of the soil interpretive property that comprise the ""Topsoil"" interpretive rule. Soils are placed into suitability rating classes per their rating indices. These are poor (rating index = 0), fair (rating index > 0 and < 1.0), or good (rating index = 1.0). Description: The term ""topsoil"" has several meanings. As used here, the term describes soil material used to cover an area and improve soil conditions for the establishment and maintenance of adapted vegetation. Generally, the upper part of the soil, which is richest in organic matter, is most desirable for use as topsoil; however, material excavated from deeper layers is also used. In this rating, the upper 40 inches of soil material is evaluated for use as topsoil. In the borrow area, the material below 40 inches is evaluated for its suitability for plant growth after the upper 40 inches is removed. Scope: National Soil properties that are used to rate the soil as topsoil are those that affect plant growth; the ease of excavation, loading, and spreading; and the reclamation of the borrow area. The physical and chemical soil properties and qualities that influence plant growth are the presence of toxic substances, soil reaction, and those properties that are inferred from the soil texture, such as the available water capacity and fertility. The properties that influence the ease of excavation, loading, and spreading are the amount of rock fragments, slope, depth to the water table, soil texture, and thickness of suitable material. The properties that influence the reclamation of the borrow area are the slope, depth to the water table, amount of rock fragments, depth to rock, and the presence of toxic material. Criteria: The interpretive rating is the most suited of the following soil features. 1. Carbonate content: Soils with high calcium carbonate content in the thickest layer may limit vegetative growth of some plant species. Soil feature considered is calcium carbonate equivalent of the thickest horizon that has any portion between depths 0"" to 40"" (0 to 100 cm) or above a restrictive layer. Property used: CALCIUM CARBONATE THICKEST LAYER IN DEPTH 0-100CM (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting => 40 % Somewhat Limiting > 15 and < 40 % Not limiting =< 15 % Null CaCO3 values are assigned to the Not limiting class. 2. Too Clayey: Clayey soils, low in organic matter, may become sticky when wet and have poor tilth. When used for topsoil, controlling compaction, proper seedbed preparation and establishing new growth is difficult. Soil features considered are the maximum percent clay and organic matter content to a depth of 100cm or above a cemented restrictive feature. The model is constructed so that soils with clay content between 30 and 40% and have organic matter are not as restrictive as those with clay content in excess of 40%. Property used: CLAY PERCENT THICKEST LAYER IN DEPTH 0-100CM (Modality - high, low, and representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting > 30% Not limiting =< 30% Null clay percentage is assigned to the Not rated class. OR DEPENDENCY INDEX Property used: ORGANIC MATTER PERCENT THICKEST LAYER IN DEPTH 0-100CM (Modality - high, low, and representative value) Restriction limits: Somewhat limiting < 3% (Index numbers decrease from 1 at 3% organic matter to .5 at 0% organic matter. This index number is multiplied by the clay index to derive a dependency index.) Not limiting => 3% Null clay percentage is assigned to the Not rated class. * Property used: CLAY PERCENT THICKEST LAYER IN DEPTH 0-100CM (Modality - high, low, and representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting >= 40% Somewhat limiting > 30 to < 40% Not limiting <= 30% Null clay percentage is assigned to the Not rated class. 3. Hard to reclaim: Shallow depth to layers with high bulk density are diffucult to revegetate and reclaim. These layers have low available water capacity and percolation rates. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first soil layer where high bulk density is greater then 1.8. Property used: DEPTH TO BULK DENSITY >1.8 G/CC (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting =< 50cm Somewhat limiting > 50 to < 100cm Not limiting => 100cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 4. Hard to reclaim: Soils that have gravel and rocks in the thickest layer between 40 and 72 inches are poor sources of top soil and interfere with grading, seeding, germination, and plant growth. The following child rules are joined by the AND operator and the one with the lowest index number determine the interpretive result. Child rules used: Percent Passing #10 Sieve; Thickest Layer 40 to 72 inches -- Gravel content: Excessive gravel in the thickest layer between 40 and 72 inches can interfere with grading, seeding, germination, and plant growth. Soil feature considered is percent passing the #10 sieve of the thickest soil layer above cemented restrictive feature. Property used: PASSING # 10 SIEVE THICKEST LAYER IN DEPTH 40-72 in. (Modality - high, low, and representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting <= 50% Somewhat limiting > 50% to < 75% Not limiting >= 75% Null #10 sieve data are assigned to the Not rated class. AND Cobbles in the Thickest Layer 40 to 72 inches -- Cobble content: Excessive cobbles (rock fragments, 3 to 10 inches in size) in the thickest layer between 40 and 72 inches deep can interfere with construction equipment and grading. Soil feature considered is percent by weight coarse fragments 3 to 10 inches in size of the thickest layer between a depth of 40 to 72 inches. Property used: FRAGMENTS 75mm to 250mm THICKEST LAYER IN DEPTH 40-72 in (Modality - high, low, and representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting >= 25% Somewhat limiting > 5% to < 25% Not limiting <= 5% Null 3 to 10 inch rock fragment data are assigned to the Not limiting class. 5. Rock fragments: Soils that have gravel and rocks in the thickest layer to a depth of 40 inches are poor sources of top soil and interfere with grading, seeding, germination, and plant growth. The following child rules are joined by the AND operator and the one with the lowest index number determine the interpretive result. Child rules used: Percent Passing #10 Sieve in the Thickest Layer to 40 in. -- Gravel content: Excessive gravel in the thickest layer of the upper 40 inches (100 cm) of the soil can interfere with grading, seeding, germination, and plant growth. Soil feature considered is percent passing the #10 sieve of the thickest soil layer above cemented restrictive feature. Property used: PASSING # 10 SIEVE THICKEST LAYER IN DEPTH 0-40 in. (Modality - high, low, and representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting <= 70% Somewhat limiting > 70% to < 90% Not limiting >= 90% Null #10 sieve data are assigned to the Not rated class. AND Cobbles in the Thickest Layer to 40 inches -- Cobble content: Excessive cobbles (rock fragments, 3 to 10 inches in size) in the thickest layer of the upper 40 inches (100 cm) of the soil can interfere with construction equipment and grading. Soil feature considered is percent by weight coarse fragments 3 to 10 inches in size of the thickest layer in the upper 40 inches of soil. Property used: FRAGMENTS 75mm to 250mm THICKEST LAYER IN DEPTH 0-40 in. (Modality - high, low, and representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting >= 25% Somewhat limiting > 5% to < 25% Not limiting <= 5% Null 3 to 10 inch rock fragment data are assigned to the Not rated class. 6. Content of organic matter: Soil with high in organic matter, has low strength, and is difficult to reclaim. Soil feature considered is percent organic matter content of the thickest soil layer above a restrictive layer and between 25 and 100cm. Property used: ORGANIC MATTER PERCENT THICKEST LAYER IN DEPTH 0-100CM (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 30% Somewhat limiting => 15% to <= 30% Not limiting < 15% Null layer organic matter contents are assigned to the Not rated class. 7. Depth to permafrost: Permafrost (permanently frozen soil layer) restricts or effects excavation, manipulation, transport, stability, and workability of the soil material. Soil features considered are restrictive feature depth and where kind is permafrost or USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) is ""cpf"" or USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER is ""pf"". Property used: DEPTH TO PERMAFROST (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Somewhat limiting => 50 to =< 100cm Not limiting > 100cm Null depths are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""cpf"" Not limiting not = ""cpf"" Null depths are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""pf"" Not limiting not = ""pf"" Null depths are assigned to the Not limiting class. 8. Depth to bedrock: The depth to bedrock limits the volume of material suitable for use as topsoil or for site reclamation. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive type is ""bedrock (lithic)"" or ""bedrock (paralithic)."" Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO BEDROCK (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Somewhat limiting => 50 to =< 100cm Not limiting > 100cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 9. Depth to cemented pan: Depth to cemented pan limits the volume of material suitable for use as topsoil and for recliamation. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive kind is ""fragipan"", ""duripan"", ""petrocalcic"", ""ortstein"", or ""petrogypsic"" and restrictive feature hardness is noncemented. Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO CEMENTED PAN (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Somewhat limiting => 50 to < 100cm Not limiting => 100cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. AND Property used: RESTRICTIVE FEATURE HARDNESS (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting not = noncemented Not limiting = noncemented Null hardness is assigned to the Not limiting class. 10. Slope: Steep slopes impede trafficability of heavy machinery and reclamation of borrow sites. Soil feature considered is the component slope. Property used: SLOPE (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting => 15% Somewhat limiting > 8 and < 15% Not limiting =< 8% Null Slope is assigned Not rated. 11. Too acid: Soils with low pH restrict plan growth and re-establishing vegetation in disturbed area. Soil feature considered is the (pH) of the thickest horizon in the depth range 0 to 100cm or a cemented restictive layer. Property used: SOIL REACTION 1-1 WATER THICKEST LAYER IN DEPTH 0-100cm (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting < 3.5 Not limiting => 3.5 Null pH values are assigned to the Not rated class. 12. Salinity: Soils with high salinity in the thickest layer have reduced available water capacity, which restrict plan growth and re-establishing vegetation in disturbed area. Soil feature considered is the salinity (electrical conductivity) for the thickest horizon within 100cm of the soil surface. Property used: SOIL SALINITY THICKEST LAYER IN DEPTH 0-100cm (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting > 8 mmhos/cm Somewhat limiting <= 4 to >= 8 mmhos/cm Not limiting < 4 mmhos/cm Null EC is assigned to the Not limiting class. 13. Too sandy: Soil with a thick sandy layer that is low in clay is hard to re-vegetate when used as topsoil or reclamation material. They may also be subject to wind erosion. Soil features considered are the percent clay and the #4 and 200# sieve sizes of the thickest layer within 100cm of the soil surface or above a cemented restrictive feature. Sand percentage is calculated using the difference between the #4 and #200 sieve. Property used: SAND (#4-#200SIEVE) THICKEST LAYER 0 to 100 CM (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting >= 85 Somewhat limiting > 70 and < 85 Not limiting <= 70 Null sieves are assigned to the Not rated class. AND Property used: CLAY PERCENT THICKEST LAYER IN DEPTH 0-100CM (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting =< 10cm Somewhat limiting > 10 and < 15 Not limiting => 15cm Null clay percentage in the thickest layer is assigned to the Not rated class. 14. Sodium content: Soils with high sodium adsorption ratio in the thickest layer have the potential to restrict plant growth and re-establishing vegetation when used as a source of topsoil. Soil feature considered is the thickest layer's sodium adsorption ratio within a depth of 100cm or above a cemented restrictive feature. Property used: SODIUM ADSORPTION RATIO THICKEST LAYER IN DEPTH 0-100cm (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting => 13 Somewhat limiting > 4 to < 13 Not limiting <= 4 Null SAR is assigned to the Not limiting class. 15. Depth to saturated zone: Soils with shallow depth to a water table have limited volume of material suitable for use as fill materials and maybe difficult to reclaim and revegetated. These areas are slow to drain and can become waterlogged and boggy during periods of heavy precipitation. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first layer where soil moisture layer status is wet or saturated during any month. Property used: HIGH WATER TABLE DEPTH MINIMUM (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting =< 30cm Somewhat limiting > 30 to < 90cm Not limiting => 90cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class."|"Yes"|07/14/2005 05:17:39|"10345"|"8885"|"372584" "ENG - Daily Cover for Landfill"|"limitation"|"Summary: Soils can be a non-member, partial member or complete members of the set of soils that are limited for use as ""Daily Cover for Landfill"". If a soil's property within 150 cm (60 inches) of the soil surface has a membership indices greater then zero, then that soil property is limiting. The interpretive rating assigned is the maximum membership indices for one or more of the soil interpretive properties that comprise the ""Daily Cover for Landfill"" interpretive rule. Minor restrictive soil features are identified but not considered as part of the overall rating process. These restrictive features could be important factors where the major restrictive features are overcome through design application. Soils are placed into interpretive rating classes per their rating indices. These are not limited (rating index = 0), somewhat limited (rating index > 0 and < 1.0), or very limited (rating index = 1.0). Description: Daily cover for landfill is the soil material that is applied daily to compacted solid waste in a sanitary landfill. The cover material is obtained offsite, transported, and spread on the area. The required soil characteristics for both daily and final cover materials are similar enough to share one rating. Scope: National Soil interpretations for Daily Cover for Landfills are a tool for guiding the user in barrow site selection and has additional application for the reclamation of some quarries, pits, and surface mine operations. The interpretation is applicable to both heavily populated and sparsely populated areas. While some general observations may be made, onsite evaluation is required before the final site is selected. The ratings are for soils in their present condition and do not consider present land use. Suitability of a soil for use as cover is based on properties that reflect workability and the ease of digging and of moving and spreading the material over the refuse daily during both wet and dry periods. Soils that are loamy or silty and that are free of stones are better suited than other soils. Clayey soils may be sticky and difficult to spread, and sandy soils may be subject to soil blowing. Slope affects the ease of excavation and of moving the cover material. It also may affect the final configuration of the borrow area and, thus, runoff, erosion, and reclamation. The soils selected for daily cover for landfill should also be suitable for growing plants. They should not contain significant amounts of substances that are toxic to plants, such as a high content of sodium, salts, or lime. They should be thick enough over bedrock, a cemented pan, or the water table so that material can be removed efficiently while leaving a borrow area that can be revegetated. However, some damage to the borrow area is expected and plant growth may not be optimum. Criteria: The interpretive rating is the most limiting of the following restrictive features. 1. Too Acid: Soils with low pH restrict plan growth and re-establishing vegetation in disturbed area. Soil feature considered is the (pH) of the thickest horizon in the depth range 10"" to 72"" (25-180 cm) or restrictive layer. Property used: SOIL REACTION 1-1 WATER THICKEST LAYER IN DEPTH 25-150cm (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting < 3.5 Not limiting => 3.5 Null pH values are assigned to the Not limiting class. 2. Carbonate content: Soils with high calcium carbonate content in the thickest layer may limit vegetative growth of some plant species. Soil feature considered is calcium carbonate equivalent for the thickest horizon that has any portion in the depths 10"" to > 60"" (25 to 500 cm) or above a restrictive layer. Property used: CALCIUM CARBONATE THICKEST LAYER IN DEPTH 25, >150CM (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting > 40% Not limiting =< 40% Null CaCO3 values are assigned to the Not limiting class. 3. Too clayey: Clayey soils may become sticky when wet and are difficult to spread and compact. This condition is not restrictive for soil in Aridic moisture regimes and is only partially restrictive when clay mineralogy is kaolinitic. Soil feature considered is the first or rv USDA texture of the thickest soil layer between 25 and 150cm or above a restrictive layer and taxonomic family mineralogy. Property used: USDA TEXTURE THICKEST LAYER IN DEPTH 25-150cm (Modality - representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting C, SiC Somewhat limiting CL, SiCL, SC Not limiting All others Null USDA textures are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: TAXONOMIC MINERALOGY CLASS (Modality - representative value) Restriction limits: If taxonomic family mineralogy is kaolinitic then the soil clayey rating is reduced by .5. Null taxonomic mineralogy classes are assigned Not Rated 4. Gravel content: Gravel (small stones) may impede the workability of the soil and restrict site reclamation. This condition is restrictive when the soil contains a high content of gravel and not in the set of soils considered organic as defined by the soil Not in unified class ""pt"". Soil feature considered is weighted average of rock fragments of size 2mm to <75mm in all horizons above a restrictive layer or within 180cm of the surface. Property used: FRAGMENTS 2mm-<75mm WT. AVE. 0-180cm (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting >= 50% Somewhat limiting > 25% to < 50% Not limiting < 25% Null sieve and unified classes are assigned to the Limiting class. And Property used: UNIFIED (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Pt or Null Unified classes are not considered by this rule and if present will give a Not limiting rating for Gravel content. 5. Content of organic matter: Soil in Unified class pt is high in organic materials, have low strength, and are hard to reclaim. Soil feature considered is the rv or first Unified class of the thickest soil layer between 25 and 180cm. Property used: UNIFIED THICKEST LAYER 25-180cm (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""pt"" Not limiting not = ""pt"" Null Unified classes are assigned to the Not limiting class. 6. Content of large stones: Large stone impede the workability of the soil and restrict trafficability of heavy machinery and site reclamation. Soil feature considered is the weighted average percentage of rock fragments of size greater than 75mm in the horizons above a restrictive feature or from 0 to 180 cm deep. Property used: FRAGMENTS > 75mm Wt. Ave. 0-180cm (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting >= 50% Somewhat limiting > 25% to < 50% Not limiting < 25% Null fragment data are assigned Not rated. 7. Seepage: When the thickest soil horizon's Ksat is high then the rate of water movement through these materials is high and seepage and/or leaching is an environmental, health, and performance concern. Property used: PERMEABILITY THICKEST LAYER IN DEPTH 25-150cm (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting => 42 micrometers/sec Somewhat Limiting > 14 to < 42 micrometers/sec Not limiting =< 14 micrometers/sec Null Ksat values are assigned to the Not limiting class. 8. Depth to permafrost: Permafrost (permanently frozen soil layer) restricts or effects excavation, manipulation, transport, stability, and workability of the soil material. Soil features considered are restrictive feature depth and kind where kind is permafrost or USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) is ""cpf"" or USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER is ""pf"". Property used: DEPTH TO PERMAFROST (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Somewhat limiting => 50 to =< 100cm Not limiting > 100cm Null depths are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""cpf"" Not limiting not = ""cpf"" Null USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) is assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""pf"" Not limiting not = ""pf"" Null USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER is assigned to the Not limiting class. 9. Ponding: Ponding is the condition where standing water is on the soil surface for a given period of time. Soil that pond has restrictions that limit the installation and function of most landuse applications. Soil features considered are ponding duration and frequency classes for all months. Property used: PONDING DURATION (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""very brief"" or ""brief"" or ""long"" or ""very long"" Not limiting not = ""very brief"" or ""brief"" or ""long"" or ""very long"" Null duration is assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: PONDING FREQUENCY (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""none"" Not limiting not = ""none"" Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 10. Salinity: Soils with high salinity and not in aridic moisture regimes have reduced available water capacity which restrict plan growth and re-establishing vegetation in disturbed area. This condition is not restrictive for soil in Aridic moisture regimes. Soil feature considered is the highest value of salinity (electrical conductivity) for horizons that have any portion in the depth range 10"" to 60"" (25-150 cm). Property used: SALINITY MAXIMUM IN DEPTH 25-150cm (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting > 16 mmnos/cm Not limiting <= 16 mmhos/cm Null EC is assigned to the Not limiting class. 11. Depth to bedrock: The depth to bedrock limits the volume of material suitable for use as landfill cover. Soils that are shallow are also difficult to reclaim and re-vegetated. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive type is ""bedrock (lithic)"" or ""bedrock (paralithic)."" Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO BEDROCK (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 100cm Somewhat limiting => 100 to =< 150cm Not limiting > 150cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 12. Depth to cemented pan: Depth to cemented pan restricts the construction, installation, and functioning of the installed application. Soils that are shallow are also difficult to reclaim and re-vegetated. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive kind is ""fragipan"", ""duripan"", ""petrocalcic"", ""ortstein"", or ""petrogypsic"" and restrictive feature hardness is noncemented. Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO CEMENTED PAN (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 100cm Somewhat limiting => 100 to =< 150cm Not limiting > 150cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. AND NOT Property used: RESTRICTIVE FEATURE HARDNESS (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting not = noncemented Not limiting = noncemented Null hardness is assigned to the Not limiting class. 13. Slope: Steep slopes impede trafficability of heavy machinery and reclamation of borrow sites. Soil feature considered is the component slope. Property used: SLOPE (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting > 15% Somewhat limiting >= 8 and <= 15% Not limiting < 8% Null Slope is assigned Not rated. 14. Sodium content: Soils with high sodium adsorption ratio have the potential to restrict plan growth and re-establishing vegetation in disturbed area. This condition is not restrictive for soil in Aridic moisture regimes. Soil feature considered is the highest value of sodium adsorption ratio for horizons that have any portion in the depth range 10"" to 60"" (25-150 cm). Property used: SODIUM ADSORPTION RATIO MAXIMUM IN DEPTH 25-150cm (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting > 13 mmnos/cm Not limiting <= 13 mmhos/cm Null SAR is assigned to the Not limiting class. 15. Hard to compact: Soil's are HARD TO PACK if they are in Unified classes mh, ol, oh, or ch. This condition is only partially restrictive when clay mineralogy is kaolinitic. Soil feature considered is the first or rv Unified class of the thickest soil layer between 25 and 180cm or above a restrictive layer and taxonomic family mineralogy. Property used: UNIFIED THICKEST LAYER 25-180cm (Modality - representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting = ol, oh, ch, mh Somewhat limiting = ol, oh, ch, mh If kaolinitic Not limiting All others Null UNIFIED class is assigned to the Not limiting class. Property used: TAXONOMIC MINERALOGY CLASS (Modality - representative value) Restriction limits: If taxonomic family mineralogy is kaolinitic then the soil clayey rating is reduced by .5. Null taxonomic mineralogy classes are assigned Not limiting. 16. Too Sandy: Sandy soils may be subject to soil blowing and are droughty, making establishment of vegetative cover difficult. Soil feature considered is the first or rv USDA texture of the thickest soil layer between 25 and 180cm or above a restrictive layer. Property used: USDA TEXTURE THICKEST LAYER IN DEPTH 25-180cm (Modality - representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting = cos, s, fs, sg Somewhat limiting = cos, s, fs, sg Not limiting All others Null USDA textures are assigned to the Not limiting class. 17. Depth to saturated zone: Shallow depth to water table limits the volume of material suitable for use as landfill cover. Soils that are shallow to water are also difficult to reclaim and revegetated and contamination from leaching may create health and environmental hazards. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first layer where soil moisture layer status is wet or saturated during any month. Property used: HIGH WATER TABLE DEPTH MINIMUM (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 45cm Somewhat limiting => 45 to =< 105cm Not limiting > 105cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class."|"Yes"|09/20/2005 09:39:38|"989"|"8885"|"372556" "ENG - Dwellings W/O Basements"|"limitation"|"Summary: Soils can be a non-member, partial member or complete members of the set of soils that are limited for ""Dwellings W/O Basements"". If a soil's property within 150 cm (60 inches) of the soil surface has a membership indices greater then zero, then that soil property is limiting and the soil restrictive feature is identified. The overall interpretive rating assigned is the maximum membership indices of each soil interpretive property that comprise the ""Dwellings W/O Basements"" interpretive rule. Minor restrictive soil features are identified but not considered as part of the overall rating process. These restrictive features could be important factors where the major restrictive features are overcome through design application. Soils are placed into interpretive rating classes per their rating indices. These are not limited (rating index = 0), somewhat limited (rating index > 0 and < 1.0), or very limited (rating index = 1.0). Description: Dwellings without basements are single-family houses of three stories or less without basements. The foundation is assumed to be spread footings of reinforced concrete built on undisturbed soil at a depth of 2 feet or at the depth of maximum frost penetration, whichever is deeper. Scope: National Soil properties influence the development of building and construction sites, including the selection of the site, the design of the structure, construction, performance, and after construction maintenance. The soil interpretations for dwellings w/o basements are used as a tool in evaluating soil suitability and identifying soil limitations for the practice. The rating is for soils in their present condition and does not consider present land use. Ratings are based on soil properties and qualities affecting the capacity of soil to support a load without movement and on those that affect excavation and construction costs. The properties and qualities affecting load-supporting capacity without movement are the presence of a high water table, flooding, and the shrink-swell behavior and compressibility of the soils. Compressibility is inferred from the Unified classification. Properties influencing the ease and amount of excavation are a seasonal high water table, slope, depth to bedrock or to a cemented pan, and the amount and size of rock fragments. Criteria: The interpretive rating is the most limiting of the following restrictive features. 1. Depth to hard bedrock: Shallow depth to hard bedrock limits site preparation such as shaping and leveling and restricts installation of small buildings and roads or streets. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive type is ""bedrock (lithic)"". Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO BEDROCK HARD (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Somewhat limiting => 50 to < 100cm Not limiting => 100cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 2. Flooding: Soil that floods limit the installation and function for building site applications. Soil feature considered is maximum flooding frequency classes over 12 months. Property used: FLOODING FREQUENCY (Maximum Duration) (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""very rare"" or ""rare"" or ""occasional"" or ""frequent"" or ""very frequent"" Not limiting = ""none"" Null frequency is assigned to the Not limiting class. 3. Content of organic matter: Soil in Unified class pt, ol, or oh is high in organic materials, has low strength, and is hard to reclaim. Soil feature considered is the rv or first Unified class of the thickest soil layer above a restrictive layer and between 25 and 100cm. Property used: UNIFIED THICKEST LAYER 25-100cm (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = pt, ol, or oh Not limiting not = pt, ol, or oh Null Unified classes are assigned to the Not limiting class. 4. Content of large stones: Large stone impede the workability of the soil and restrict trafficability of heavy machinery and site reclamation. Soil feature considered is the weighted average percentage of rock fragments of size greater than 75mm in the horizons above a restrictive feature or from 0 to 100 cm deep. Property used: FRAGMENTS > 75MM WEIGHTED AVE. IN DEPTH 0-100CM (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 50% Somewhat limiting >= 25% to <= 50% Not limiting < 25% Null fragment data are assigned Not rated. 5. Depth to permafrost: Permafrost (permanently frozen soil layer) restricts or effects excavation, manipulation, transport, stability, and workability of the soil material. Soil features considered are restrictive feature depth and where kind is permafrost or USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) is ""cpf"" or USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER is ""pf"". Property used: DEPTH TO PERMAFROST (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Somewhat limiting => 50 to =< 100cm Not limiting > 100cm Null depths are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""cpf"" Not limiting not = ""cpf"" Null USDA Texture (In-Lieu-Of) are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""pf"" Not limiting not = ""pf"" Null USDA Texture Modifier are assigned to the Not limiting class. 6. Ponding: Ponding is the condition where standing water is on the soil surface for a given period of time. Soil that pond has restrictions that limit the installation and function of most landuse applications. Soil features considered are ponding duration and frequency classes for all months. Property used: PONDING DURATION (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""very brief"" or ""brief"" or ""long"" or ""very long"" Not limiting not = ""very brief"" or ""brief"" or ""long"" or ""very long"" Null duration is assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: PONDING FREQUENCY (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""none"" Not limiting not = ""none"" Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 7. Depth to soft bedrock: Shallow depth to soft bedrock limits site preparation such as shaping and leveling and restricts the installation of small buildings and roads or streets. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive type is ""bedrock (paralithic)."" Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO BEDROCK SOFT (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Not limiting => 50cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 8. Shrink-swell: Excessive shrink-swell in the thickest layer between 25 and 100cm deep can cause building foundations to shift, flooring slabs to crack and roadways to buckle. Soil feature considered is percent linear extensibility of the thickest layer between a depth of 10 to 40 inches or above bedrock. Property used: SHRINK-SWELL THICKEST LAYER 25-100cm OR ABOVE ROCK (Modality - high, low, and representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 6% Somewhat limiting => 3% to <= 6% Not limiting < 3% Null linear extensibility is assigned to the Not limiting class. 9. Slope: Steep slopes impede trafficability of heavy machinery and reclamation of borrow sites. Soil feature considered is the component slope. Property used: SLOPE (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting > 15% Somewhat limiting >= 8 and <= 15% Not limiting < 8% Null Slope is assigned Not rated. 10. Depth to thick cemented pan: Depth to thick cemented pan limits site preparation such as shaping and leveling and restricts the installation of small buildings and roads or streets. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer more then 46cm thick where restrictive kind is ""fragipan"", ""duripan"", ""petrocalcic"", ""ortstein"", or ""petrogypsic"" and restrictive feature hardness is not noncemented. Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO CEMENTED PAN THICK (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting =< 50cm Somewhat limiting > 50 to < 100cm Not limiting => 100cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. AND NOT Property used: RESTRICTIVE FEATURE HARDNESS (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting not = noncemented Not limiting = noncemented Null hardness is assigned to the Not limiting class. 11. Depth to thin cemented pan: Depth to thin cemented pan limits site preparation such as shaping and leveling and restricts the installation of small buildings and roads or streets. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer less then or equal to 46cm thick where restrictive kind is ""fragipan"", ""duripan"", ""petrocalcic"", ""ortstein"", or ""petrogypsic"" and restrictive feature hardness is not noncemented. Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO CEMENTED PAN THIN (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Not limiting => 50cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. AND NOT Property used: RESTRICTIVE FEATURE HARDNESS (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting not = noncemented Not limiting = noncemented Null hardness is assigned to the Not limiting class. 12. Subsidence: Soils with high subsidence can cause building and road foundations to shift or collapse, flooring slabs to crack and roadways to buckle. Soil feature considered is total subsidence. Property used: SUBSIDENCE TOTAL (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting => 30cm Not limiting < 30cm Null pH values are assigned to the Not limiting class. 13. Depth to saturated zone: Soils with shallow depth to a water table maybe difficult to reclaim and revegetated. These areas are slow to drain and can become waterlogged and boggy during periods of heavy precipitation. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first layer where soil moisture layer status is wet or saturated during any month. Property used: HIGH WATER TABLE DEPTH MINIMUM (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting =< 43cm Somewhat limiting > 43 to <= 75cm Not limiting > 75cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 14. Unstable Fill: Soils that are reconstructed because of land reclamation practices can cause differential settlement. These areas of differential settlement are difficult to identify and are typically destructive to engineering infrastructure. Soil feature considered is the component local phase. Property used: COMPONENT LOCAL PHASE Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""unstable fill"" Not limiting not = ""unstable fill"" Null local phase is assigned to the Not limiting class."|"Yes"|07/19/2005 06:05:08|"340"|"8885"|"372565" "ENG - Dwellings With Basements"|"limitation"|"Summary: Soils can be a non-member, partial member or complete members of the set of soils that are limited for ""Dwellings With Basements"". If a soil's property within 150 cm (60 inches) of the soil surface has a membership indices greater then zero, then that soil property is limiting and the soil restrictive feature is identified. The overall interpretive rating assigned is the maximum membership indices of each soil interpretive property that comprise the ""Dwellings With Basements"" interpretive rule. Minor restrictive soil features are identified but not considered as part of the overall rating process. These restrictive features could be important factors where the major restrictive features are overcome through design application. Soils are placed into interpretive rating classes per their rating indices. These are not limited (rating index = 0), somewhat limited (rating index > 0 and < 1.0), or very limited (rating index = 1.0). Description: Dwellings with basements are single-family houses of three stories or less with basements. The foundation is assumed to be spread footings of reinforced concrete built on undisturbed soil at a depth of about 7 feet. Scope: National Soil properties influence the development of building and construction sites, including the selection of the site, the design of the structure, construction, performance, and after construction maintenance. The soil interpretations for dwellings with basements are used as a tool in evaluating soil suitability and identifying soil limitations for the practice. The rating is for soils in their present condition and does not consider present land use. Ratings are based on soil properties and qualities affecting the capacity of soil to support a load without movement and on those that affect excavation and construction costs. The properties affecting load-supporting capacity without movement are presence of a seasonal high water table, flooding, and the shrink-swell behavior and compressibility of the soils. Compressibility is inferred from the Unified classification. Properties influencing the ease and amount of excavation are flooding, a high water table, slope, depth to bedrock or to a cemented pan, and the amount and size of coarse fragments. Criteria: The interpretive rating is the most limiting of the following restrictive features. 1. Depth to hard bedrock: Shallow depth to hard bedrock limits site preparation and restricts the installation of basements, shallow excavations, and lagoons. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive type is ""bedrock (lithic)"". Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO BEDROCK HARD (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 100cm Somewhat limiting => 100 to < 150cm Not limiting => 150cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 2. Flooding: Soil that floods limit the installation and function for building site applications. Soil feature considered is maximum flooding frequency classes over 12 months. Property used: FLOODING FREQUENCY (Maximum Duration) (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""very rare"" or ""rare"" or ""occasional"" or ""frequent"" or ""very frequent"" Not limiting = ""none"" Null frequency is assigned to the Not limiting class. 3. Content of organic matter: Soil in Unified class pt, ol, or oh is high in organic materials, has low strength, and is hard to reclaim. Soil feature considered is the rv or first Unified class of the deepest soil layer or the last layer above bedrock. Property used: UNIFIED BOTTOM LAYER (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = pt, ol, or oh Not limiting not = pt, ol, or oh Null Unified classes are assigned to the Not limited class. 4. Content of large stones: Large stone impede the workability of the soil and restrict trafficability of heavy machinery and site reclamation. Soil feature considered is the weighted average percentage of rock fragments of size greater than 75mm in the horizons above a restrictive feature or from 0 to 100 cm deep. Property used: FRAGMENTS > 75MM WEIGHTED AVE. IN DEPTH 0-100CM (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 50% Somewhat limiting >= 25% to <= 50% Not limiting < 25% Null FRAGMENTS > 75mm are assigned Not rated. 5. Depth to permafrost: Permafrost (permanently frozen soil layer) restricts or effects excavation, manipulation, transport, stability, and workability of the soil material. Soil features considered are restrictive feature depth and where kind is permafrost or USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) is ""cpf"" or USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER is ""pf"". Property used: DEPTH TO PERMAFROST (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Somewhat limiting => 50 to =< 100cm Not limiting > 100cm Null depths are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""cpf"" Not limiting not = ""cpf"" Null USDA Texture (In-Lieu-Of) are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""pf"" Not limiting not = ""pf"" Null USDA Texture Modifier are assigned to the Not limiting class. 6. Ponding: Ponding is the condition where standing water is on the soil surface for a given period of time. Soil that pond has restrictions that limit the installation and function of most landuse applications. Soil features considered are ponding duration and frequency classes for all months. Property used: PONDING DURATION (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""very brief"" or ""brief"" or ""long"" or ""very long"" Not limiting not = ""very brief"" or ""brief"" or ""long"" or ""very long"" Null duration is assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: PONDING FREQUENCY (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""none"" Not limiting not = ""none"" Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 7. Depth to soft bedrock: Shallow depth to soft bedrock limits site preparation such as shaping and leveling and restricts the soils ability to support small buildings with basements. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive type is ""bedrock (paralithic)."" Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO BEDROCK SOFT (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Somewhat limiting => 50 to < 100cm Not limiting => 100cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 8. Shrink-swell: Excessive shrink-swell in the thickest layer between 25 and 150cm deep can cause building foundations to shift and basements to crack. Soil feature considered is percent linear extensibility of the thickest layer between a depth of 10 to 60 inches or above bedrock. Property used: SHRINK-SWELL THICKEST LAYER 25-180cm OR ABOVE ROCK (Modality - high, low, and representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting => 6% Somewhat limiting > 3% to < 6% Not limiting =< 3% Null linear extensibility is assigned to the Not limiting class. 9. Slope: Steep slopes impede trafficability of heavy machinery and reclamation of borrow sites. Soil feature considered is the component slope. Property used: SLOPE (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting > 15% Somewhat limiting >= 8 and <= 15% Not limiting < 8% Null Slope is assigned Not rated. 10. Depth to thick cemented pan: Depth to thick cemented pan limit site preparation and restricts the installation of basements, shallow excavations, and lagoons. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer more then 46cm thick where restrictive kind is ""fragipan"", ""duripan"", ""petrocalcic"", ""ortstein"", or ""petrogypsic"" and restrictive feature hardness is not noncemented. Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO CEMENTED PAN THICK (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting =< 100cm Somewhat limiting > 100 to < 150cm Not limiting => 150cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. AND NOT Property used: RESTRICTIVE FEATURE HARDNESS (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting not = noncemented Not limiting = noncemented Null hardness is assigned to the Not limiting class. 11. Depth to thin cemented pan: Depth to thin cemented pan limits site preparation such as shaping and leveling and restricts the installation of small buildings and roads or streets. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer less then or equal to 46cm thick where restrictive kind is ""fragipan"", ""duripan"", ""petrocalcic"", ""ortstein"", or ""petrogypsic"" and restrictive feature hardness is not noncemented. Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO CEMENTED PAN THIN (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Not limiting => 50cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. AND NOT Property used: RESTRICTIVE FEATURE HARDNESS (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting not = noncemented Not limiting = noncemented Null hardness is assigned to the Not limiting class. 12. Subsidence: Soils with high subsidence can cause building and road foundations to shift or collapse, flooring slabs to crack and roadways to buckle. Soil feature considered is total subsidence. Property used: SUBSIDENCE TOTAL (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting => 30cm Not limiting < 30cm Null pH values are assigned to the Not limiting class. 13. Depth to saturated zone: Soils with shallow depth to a water table may become waterlogged and boggy during periods of heavy precipitation and are slow to drain. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first layer where soil moisture layer status is wet or saturated during any month. Property used: HIGH WATER TABLE DEPTH MINIMUM (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 75cm Somewhat limiting => 75 to < 182cm Not limiting => 182cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 14. Unstable fill: Soils that are reconstructed because of land reclamation practices can cause differential settlement. These areas of differential settlement are difficult to identify and are typically destructive to engineering infrastructure. Soil feature considered is the component local phase. Property used: COMPONENT LOCAL PHASE Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""unstable fill"" Not limiting not = ""unstable fill"" Null local phase is assigned to the Not limiting class."|"Yes"|07/19/2005 06:05:08|"393"|"8885"|"372557" "ENG - Lawn, Landscape, Golf Fairway"|"limitation"|"Summary: Soils can be a non-member, partial member or complete members of the set of soils that are limited for ""Lawn, Landscape, Golf Fairway"". If a soil's property within 150 cm (60 inches) of the soil surface has a membership indices greater then zero, then that soil property is limiting and the soil restrictive feature is identified. The overall interpretive rating assigned is the maximum membership indices of each soil interpretive property that comprise the ""Lawn, Landscape, Golf Fairway"" interpretive rule. Minor restrictive soil features are identified but not considered as part of the overall rating process. These restrictive features could be important factors where the major restrictive features are overcome through design application. Soils are placed into interpretive rating classes per their rating indices. These are not limited (rating index = 0), somewhat limited (rating index > 0 and < 1.0), or very limited (rating index = 1.0). Description: Soils are rated for their use in establishing and maintaining turf for lawns and golf fairways and ornamental trees and shrubs for residential or commercial landscaping. Scope: National Soil interpretations for lawn, landscape, or golf fairways are used as a tool in evaluating soil suitability and identifying soil limitations for the practice. The rating is for soils in their present condition and does not consider present land use. These ratings are based on the use of soil material at the location that may have some land smoothing. Irrigation may or may not be needed and is not a criterion in rating. Traps, trees, roughs, and greens are not considered as part of the golf fairway. The soil properties and qualities considered in rating soils for lawns, landscaping, and golf fairways include those that affect growth and trafficability after vegetation is established. The properties that affect plant growth are the content of salt, sodium, or calcium carbonate; sulfidic materials; soil reaction; depth to the water table; depth to bedrock or a cemented pan; and the available water capacity in the upper 40 inches of soil. The properties that affect trafficability after vegetation is established are flooding, wetness, slope, stoniness, and the amount of clay, sand, or organic matter in the surface layer. Criteria: The interpretive rating is the most limiting of the following restrictive features. 1. Droughty: Soils with low available water capacity are droughty. This condition restricts plant growth and the establishment of grasses, shrubs, and trees. Soil feature considered is the (available water capacity * the layer thickness) summed to a depth of 100cm or a cemented restrictive layer. Property used: AVAILABLE WATER CAPACITY IN DEPTH 0-100cm (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 5cm Somewhat limiting => 5 to =< 10cm Not limiting > 10cm Null awc is assigned to the Not rated class. 2. Flooding: Flooding at frequency greater then rare has the potential to transport agricultural waste off site and pollute surface waters. Flooding also limits the recreational use and management of these soils. Soil feature considered is maximum flooding frequency classes over 12 months. Property used: FLOODING FREQUENCY (Maximum Duration) (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""very frequent"" or ""frequent"" Somewhat limiting = ""occasional"" Not limiting = ""none"" or ""very rare"" or ""rare"" Null frequency is assigned to the Not limiting class. 3. Content of large stones: Excessive stones (rock fragments, > 3 inch) in size in soil surface layer are nuisances and may impede maintenance. Soil feature considered is percent by weight rock fragments > 3 inches in size in the surface soil layer. Property used: FRAGMENTS > 75mm SURFACE LAYER (Modality - high, low, and representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 30% Somewhat limiting >= 5% to <= 30% Not limiting < 5% Null > 3 inch rock fragment data are assigned to the Not rated class. 4. Carbonate content: Soils with high calcium carbonate content in the thickest layer may limit vegetative growth of some plant species. Soil feature considered is the layer with the maximum calcium carbonate equivalent to a depth of 40cm. Property used: CALCIUM CARBONATE EQUIVALENT MAXIMUM IN DEPTH 0-100CM (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting > 40 % Not limiting =< 40 % Null CaCO3 values are assigned to the Not limiting class. 5. USDA Texture Modifiers - Surface Organics: Soils with surface USDA Texture In-Lieu-Of ""mpt"" or ""muck"" or ""peat"" or USDA Texture Modifier ""mucky"" or ""peaty"" are high in organic materials, have low strength, and are hard to reclaim. Soil feature considered is the rv or first USDA Texture In-Lieu-Of or USDA Texture Modifier of the surface layer if the layer is greater then 25cm thick. Property used: USDA TEXTURE IN-LIEU-OF ""Surface Layer"" (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""mpt"" or ""muck"" or ""peat"" Not limiting not = ""mpt"" or ""muck"" or ""peat"" Null USDA TEXTURE IN-LIEU-OF is assigned to the Not rated class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER SURFACE LAYER (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""mucky"" or ""peaty"" Not limiting not = ""mucky"" or ""peaty"" Null USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER is assigned to the Not rated class. AND Property used: SURFACE LAYER THICKNESS nssc (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 25cm Not limiting <= 25cm 6. Depth to permafrost: Permafrost (permanently frozen soil layer) restricts or effects excavation, manipulation, transport, stability, and workability of the soil material. Soil features considered are restrictive feature depth and where kind is permafrost or USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) is ""cpf"" or USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER is ""pf"". Property used: DEPTH TO PERMAFROST (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Somewhat limiting => 50 to =< 100cm Not limiting > 100cm Null depths are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""cpf"" Not limiting not = ""cpf"" Null USDA Texture (In-Lieu-Of) are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""pf"" Not limiting not = ""pf"" Null USDA Texture Modifier are assigned to the Not limiting class. 7. Ponding: Ponding is the condition where standing water is on the soil surface for a given period of time. Soil that pond has restrictions that limit the installation and function of most landuse applications. Soil features considered are ponding duration and frequency classes for all months. Property used: PONDING DURATION (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""very brief"" or ""brief"" or ""long"" or ""very long"" Not limiting not = ""very brief"" or ""brief"" or ""long"" or ""very long"" Null duration is assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: PONDING FREQUENCY (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""none"" Not limiting not = ""none"" Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 8. Salinity: Soils with high salinity have reduced available water capacity and may induce salinity toxicity, which restricts vigorous plant growth and re-establishing vegetation in disturbed area. Soil feature considered is the highest value of salinity (electrical conductivity) of the surface layers. Property used: SALINITY SURFACE LAYER (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting => 8 mmhos/cm Somewhat limiting => 4 to < 8 mmhos/cm Not limiting < 4 mmhos/cm Null EC is assigned to the Not limiting class. 9. Depth to bedrock: Shallow depth to bedrock limits the soil's adsorptive capacity and the thickness of the biologically active zone through with waste materials can percolate. Shallow soils may pose environmental and health risks when agricultural and municipal waste materials are applied. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive type is ""bedrock (lithic)"" or ""bedrock (paralithic)."" Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO BEDROCK (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting =< 50cm Somewhat limiting > 50 to < 100cm Not limiting => 100cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 10. Depth to cemented pan: Depth to cemented pan restricts the construction, installation, and functioning of the installed application. Shallow soils have reduced water-holding capacities, restricted percolation rates and are difficult to reclaim and re-vegetated. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive kind is ""fragipan"", ""duripan"", ""petrocalcic"", ""ortstein"", or ""petrogypsic"" and restrictive feature hardness is not noncemented. Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO CEMENTED PAN (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Somewhat limiting => 50 to < 100cm Not limiting => 100cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. AND NOT Property used: RESTRICTIVE FEATURE HARDNESS (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting not = noncemented Not limiting = noncemented Null hardness is assigned to the Not limiting class. 11. Slope: Steep slopes impede trafficability of heavy machinery and reclamation of borrow sites. Soil feature considered is the component slope. Property used: SLOPE (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting > 15% Somewhat limiting >= 8 and <= 15% Not limiting < 8% Null Slope is assigned Not rated. 12. Gravel content: Gravel (small stones) in the surface layer is a nuisance and may impede maintenance. Soil feature considered is the surface percent retained on the #10 sieve (100 - #10). This is adjusted for stones by multiplying it times the fraction less than 3"" (1 - (Rock 3-10 + Rock >10)/100). Property used: FRAGMENTS 2MM-75mm SURFACE LAYER (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 50% Somewhat limiting >= 25 to <= 50% Not limiting < 25% Null sieve are assigned to the Not rated class. 13. Sodium content: Soils with high sodium adsorption ratio have the potential to restrict plan growth and re-establishing vegetation in disturbed area. Soil feature considered is the horizon with the highest sodium adsorption ratio. Property used: SODIUM ADSORPTION RATIO MAXIMUM (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting > 12 Not limiting <= 12 Null SAR is assigned to the Not limiting class. 14. Sulfur content: Soil in taxonomic Great Group ""sulfaquents"" or ""sulfihemists"" are high in sulfidic materials that restrict plant growth and re-vegetation of disturbed areas. Soil feature considered is taxonomic Great Group. Property used: TAXONOMIC GREAT GROUP (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""sulfaquents"" or ""sulfihemists"" Not limiting not = ""sulfaquents"" or ""sulfihemists"" Null Unified classes are assigned to the Not limiting class. 15. Too acid: Soils with low pH restrict plan growth and re-establishing vegetation in disturbed area. Soil feature considered is the (pH) of the surface layer. Property used: SOIL REACTION 1-1 WATER SURFACE LAYER (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting < 3.5 Not limiting => 3.5 Null pH values are assigned to the Not limiting class. 16. Too clayey: Soil with clayey surface layer has slow intake rates and compaction may reduce the growth of grass and ornamental plantings. Soil feature considered is the clay percentage of the surface layer. Property used: CLAY PERCENT SURFACE LAYER (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 40% Not limiting =< 40% Null clay percentage is assigned to the Not rated class. 17. Too sandy: Soil with sandy surface layer is subject to blowing sand, are hard to re-vegetate, and restricts the soils ability to support multiple use recreational activities. Soil feature considered is the rv or first USDA Texture class of the surface layer. Property used: USDA TEXTURE SURFACE LAYER NSSC (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting ""COS"" Somewhat limiting ""LCOS"" or ""S"" Not limiting all other USDA Textures Null USDA Texture is assigned to the Not limiting class. 18. Depth to saturated zone: Soils with shallow depth to a water table may become waterlogged and boggy during periods of heavy precipitation and are slow to drain. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first layer where soil moisture layer status is wet or saturated during any month. Property used: HIGH WATER TABLE DEPTH MINIMUM (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting =< 30cm Somewhat limiting > 30 to < 75cm Not limiting => 75cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class."|"Yes"|07/14/2005 07:12:13|"402"|"8885"|"372569" "ENG - Local Roads and Streets"|"limitation"|"Summary: Soils can be a non-member, partial member or complete members of the set of soils that are limited for ""Local Roads and Streets"". If a soil's property within 150 cm (60 inches) of the soil surface has a membership indices greater then zero, then that soil property is limiting and the soil restrictive feature is identified. The overall interpretive rating assigned is the maximum membership indices of each soil interpretive property that comprise the ""Local Roads and Streets"" interpretive rule. Minor restrictive soil features are identified but not considered as part of the overall rating process. These restrictive features could be important factors where the major restrictive features are overcome through design application. Soils are placed into interpretive rating classes per their rating indices. These are not limited (rating index = 0), somewhat limited (rating index > 0 and < 1.0), or very limited (rating index = 1.0). Description: Local roads and streets are those roads and streets that have all-weather surfacing (commonly of asphalt or concrete) and that are expected to carry automobile traffic year-round. Scope: National The roads and streets consist of (1) the underlying local soil material, either cut or fill, which is called ""the sub-grade""; (2) the base material, which may be lime-stabilized soil, cement-stabilized soil, gravel, or crushed rock; (3) the actual road surface or street pavement, which is either flexible (asphalt), rigid (concrete), or gravel with binder in it. They are graded to shed water, and conventional drainage measures are provided. With the probable exception of the hard surface, roads and streets are built mainly from the soil at hand. Soil interpretations for local roads and streets are used as a tool in evaluating soil suitability and identifying soil limitations for the practice. The rating is for soils in their present condition and does not consider present land use. Scope: National Soil properties and qualities that affect local roads and streets are those that influence the ease of excavation and grading and the traffic-supporting capacity. The properties and qualities that affect the ease of excavation and grading are hardness of bedrock or a cemented pan, depth to bedrock or a cemented pan, depth to a water table, flooding, the amount of large stones, and slope. The properties that affect traffic-supporting capacity are soil strength as inferred from the AASHTO group index and the Unified classification, subsidence, shrink-swell behavior, potential frost action, and depth to the seasonal high water table. Criteria: The interpretive rating is the most limiting of the following restrictive features. 1. Depth to hard bedrock: Shallow depth to hard bedrock limits site preparation such as shaping and leveling and restricts installation of small buildings and roads or streets. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive type is ""bedrock (lithic)"". Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO BEDROCK HARD (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Somewhat limiting => 50 to < 100cm Not limiting => 100cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 2. Flooding: Flooding has the potential to transport agricultural waste off site and pollute surface waters. Flooding also limits building, recreational, and sanitary facility use and management of these soils. Soil feature considered is maximum flooding frequency classes over 12 months. Property used: FLOODING FREQUENCY (Maximum Duration) (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""occasional"" or ""very frequent"" or ""frequent"" Somewhat limiting = ""very rare"" or ""rare"" Not limiting = ""none"" Null frequency is assigned to the Not limiting class. 3. Content of large stones: Large stone impede the workability of the soil and restrict trafficability of heavy machinery and site reclamation. Soil feature considered is the weighted average percentage of rock fragments of size greater than 75mm in the horizons above a restrictive feature or from 0 to 100 cm deep. Property used: FRAGMENTS > 75MM WEIGHTED AVE. IN DEPTH 0-100CM (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 50% Somewhat limiting >= 25% to <= 50% Not limiting < 25% Null fragment data are assigned Not rated. 4. Depth to permafrost: Permafrost (permanently frozen soil layer) restricts or effects excavation, manipulation, transport, stability, and workability of the soil material. Soil features considered are restrictive feature depth and where kind is permafrost or USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) is ""cpf"" or USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER is ""pf"". Property used: DEPTH TO PERMAFROST (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Somewhat limiting => 50 to =< 100cm Not limiting > 100cm Null depths are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""cpf"" Not limiting not = ""cpf"" Null USDA Texture (In-Lieu-Of) are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""pf"" Not limiting not = ""pf"" Null USDA Texture Modifier are assigned to the Not limiting class. 5. Ponding: Ponding is the condition where standing water is on the soil surface for a given period of time. Soil that pond has restrictions that limit the installation and function of most landuse applications. Soil features considered are ponding duration and frequency classes for all months. Property used: PONDING DURATION (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""very brief"" or ""brief"" or ""long"" or ""very long"" Not limiting not = ""very brief"" or ""brief"" or ""long"" or ""very long"" Null duration is assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: PONDING FREQUENCY (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""none"" Not limiting not = ""none"" Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 6. Frost action: Frost heaving can cause roadbeds to shift and paving to crack. Soil feature considered is frost action. Property used: POTENTIAL FROST ACTION (Modality - representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting = ""high"" Somewhat Limiting = ""moderate"" Not limiting all others Null frost action values are assigned to the Not limiting class. 7. Depth to soft bedrock: Shallow depth to soft bedrock limits site preparation such as shaping and leveling and restricts the installation of small buildings and roads or streets. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive type is ""bedrock (paralithic)."" Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO BEDROCK SOFT (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Not limiting => 50cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 8. Shrink-swell: Excessive shrink-swell in the thickest layer between 25 and 100cm deep can cause building foundations to shift, flooring slabs to crack and roadways to buckle. Soil feature considered is percent linear extensibility of the thickest layer between a depth of 10 to 40 inches or above bedrock. Property used: SHRINK-SWELL THICKEST LAYER 25-100cm OR ABOVE ROCK (Modality - high, low, and representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 6% Somewhat limiting => 3% to <= 6% Not limiting < 3% Null linear extensibility is assigned to the Not limiting class. 9. Slope: Steep slopes impede trafficability of heavy machinery and reclamation of borrow sites. Soil feature considered is the component slope. Property used: SLOPE (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting > 15% Somewhat limiting >= 8 and <= 15% Not limiting < 8% Null Slope is assigned Not rated. 10. Low strength: Soils with high AASHTO Group Index have low strength which affects the soil's traffic-supporting capacity. This condition is only partially restrictive when clay mineralogy is kaolinitic. Soil feature considered is the AASHTO Group Index of the thickest soil layer between 25 and 100cm or above a cemented restrictive layer and taxonomic family mineralogy. Property used: AASHTO GROUP INDEX NUMBER THICKEST LAYER IN DEPTH 10-40 in. (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting => 8 Somewhat limiting > 5 to < 8 Not limiting =< 5 Null AASHTO Group Index values are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: TAXONOMIC MINERALOGY CLASS (Modality - representative value) Restriction limits: If taxonomic family mineralogy is kaolinitic then the soil clayey rating is reduced by 90%. Null taxonomic mineralogy classes are assigned Not Rated. 11. Depth to thick cemented pan: Depth to thick cemented pan limits site preparation such as shaping and leveling and restricts the installation of small buildings and roads or streets. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer more then 46cm thick where restrictive kind is ""fragipan"", ""duripan"", ""petrocalcic"", ""ortstein"", or ""petrogypsic"" and restrictive feature hardness is not noncemented. Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO CEMENTED PAN THICK (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting =< 50cm Somewhat limiting > 50 to < 100cm Not limiting => 100cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. AND NOT Property used: RESTRICTIVE FEATURE HARDNESS (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting not = noncemented Not limiting = noncemented Null hardness is assigned to the Not limiting class. 12. Depth to thin cemented pan: Depth to thin cemented pan limits site preparation such as shaping and leveling and restricts the installation of small buildings and roads or streets. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer less then or equal to 46cm thick where restrictive kind is ""fragipan"", ""duripan"", ""petrocalcic"", ""ortstein"", or ""petrogypsic"" and restrictive feature hardness is not noncemented. Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO CEMENTED PAN THIN (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Not limiting => 50cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. AND NOT Property used: RESTRICTIVE FEATURE HARDNESS (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting not = noncemented Not limiting = noncemented Null hardness is assigned to the Not limiting class. 13. Subsidence: Soils with high subsidence can cause building and road foundations to shift or collapse, flooring slabs to crack and roadways to buckle. Soil feature considered is total subsidence. Property used: SUBSIDENCE TOTAL (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting => 30cm Not limiting < 30cm Null pH values are assigned to the Not limiting class. 14. Depth to saturated zone: Soils with shallow depth to a water table may become waterlogged and boggy during periods of heavy precipitation and are slow to drain. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first layer where soil moisture layer status is wet or saturated during any month. Property used: HIGH WATER TABLE DEPTH MINIMUM (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting =< 30cm Somewhat limiting > 30 to < 75cm Not limiting => 75cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 15. Unstable fill: Soils that are reconstructed because of land reclamation practices can cause differential settlement. These areas of differential settlement are difficult to identify and are typically destructive to engineering infrastructure. Soil feature considered is the component local phase. Property used: COMPONENT LOCAL PHASE Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""unstable fill"" Not limiting not = ""unstable fill"" Null local phase is assigned to the Not limiting class."|"Yes"|07/19/2005 06:05:08|"398"|"8885"|"372577" "ENG - Sanitary Landfill (Area)"|"limitation"|"Summary: Soils can be a non-member, partial member or complete members of the set of soils that are limited for use as ""Sanitary Landfill (Area)"". If a soil's property within 150 cm (60 inches) of the soil surface has a membership indices greater then zero, then that soil property is limiting. The interpretive rating assigned is the maximum membership indices for one or more of the soil interpretive properties that comprise the ""Sanitary Landfill (Area)"" interpretive rule. Minor restrictive soil features are identified but not considered as part of the overall rating process. These restrictive features could be important factors where the major restrictive features are overcome through design application. Soils are placed into interpretive rating classes per their rating indices. These are not limited (rating index = 0), somewhat limited (rating index > 0 and < 1.0), or very limited (rating index = 1.0). Description: Sanitary landfill (area) is a solid-waste disposal practice where successive layers of refuse are placed on the soil surface. The waste is spread, compacted, and covered daily with a thin layer of soil that is imported from a source away from the site. A final cover of soil at least 2 feet thick is placed over the completed landfill. Properties and qualities that influence trafficability and risk of pollution are the important considerations for area sanitary landfills. Scope: National The interpretation is applicable to both heavily populated and sparsely populated areas. While some general observations may be made, onsite evaluation is required before the final site is selected. Improper site selection, design, or installation may cause contamination of ground water, seepage, and contamination of stream systems from surface drainage or floodwater. Potential contamination may be reduced or eliminated by installing systems designed to overcome or reduce the effects of the limiting soil property. The rating is for soils in their present condition and does not consider present land use. Flooding is a serious problem because of the risk of washouts and pollution downstream and the difficulty of moving trucks in and out of flooded areas. Permeability of the soil is an important consideration in all but the most arid parts of the country. If permeability is too rapid or if fractured bedrock or a fractured cemented pan is close to the surface, the risk of contaminating the water supply by leachate is great. A high water table may also transmit pollutants to the water supply and is likely to restrict truck movement during wet seasons. Slope is a consideration because of the extra grading required to maintain roads on sloping soils. Furthermore, leachate may flow along the soil surface on sloping soils and cause difficult seepage problems in completed fills. Criteria: The interpretive rating is the most limiting of the following restrictive features. 1. Flooding: Flooding has the potential to transport agricultural waste off site and pollute surface waters. Flooding also limits building, recreational, and sanitary facility use and management of these soils. Soil feature considered is maximum flooding frequency classes over 12 months. Property used: FLOODING FREQUENCY (Maximum Duration) (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""occasional"" or ""very frequent"" or ""frequent"" Somewhat limiting = ""very rare"" or ""rare"" Not limiting = ""none"" Null frequency is assigned to the Not limiting class. 2. Depth to permafrost: Permafrost (permanently frozen soil layer) restricts or effects excavation, manipulation, transport, stability, and workability of the soil material. Soil features considered are restrictive feature depth and where kind is permafrost or USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) is ""cpf"" or USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER is ""pf"". Property used: DEPTH TO PERMAFROST (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Somewhat limiting => 50 to =< 100cm Not limiting > 100cm Null depths are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""cpf"" Not limiting not = ""cpf"" Null USDA Texture (In-Lieu-Of) are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""pf"" Not limiting not = ""pf"" Null USDA Texture Modifier are assigned to the Not limiting class. 3. Ponding: Ponding is the condition where standing water is on the soil surface for a given period of time. Soil that pond has restrictions that limit the installation and function of most landuse applications. Soil features considered are ponding duration and frequency classes for all months. Property used: PONDING DURATION (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""very brief"" or ""brief"" or ""long"" or ""very long"" Not limiting not = ""very brief"" or ""brief"" or ""long"" or ""very long"" Null duration is assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: PONDING FREQUENCY (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""none"" Not limiting not = ""none"" Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 4. Seepage: The soil horizon with the maximum Ksat governs the leaching and seepage potential of the soil. When this rate is high, transmission of fluids into and through the soil is unimpeded and leaching and seepage may become environmental, health, and performance concern. Soil feature considered is the layer with the maximum Ksat between a depth of 50 to 100 cm. This condition is not restrictive for soil in Aridic moisture regimes. Property used: PERMEABILITY MAXIMUM IN DEPTH 50-100cm (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting => 14.0 micrometers/sec Not limiting < 14.0 micrometers/sec Null Ksat values are assigned to the Not limiting class. 5. Depth to bedrock: Shallow depth to bedrock may pose construction limitations or environmental and health risks when area landfills are installed. This condition is not restrictive for soil in Aridic moisture regimes. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive type is ""bedrock (lithic)"" or ""bedrock (paralithic)."" Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO BEDROCK (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 100cm Somewhat limiting => 100 to =< 150cm Not limiting > 150cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 6. Depth to cemented pan: Depth to cemented pan may pose construction limitations or environmental and health risks when area landfills are installed. This condition is not restrictive for soil in Aridic moisture regimes. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive kind is ""fragipan"", ""duripan"", ""petrocalcic"", ""ortstein"", or ""petrogypsic"" and restrictive feature hardness is not noncemented. Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO CEMENTED PAN (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 100cm Somewhat limiting => 100 to =< 150cm Not limiting > 150cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. AND NOT Property used: RESTRICTIVE FEATURE HARDNESS (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting not = noncemented Not limiting = noncemented Null hardness is assigned to the Not limiting class. 7. Slope: Steep slopes impede trafficability of heavy machinery and reclamation of borrow sites. Soil feature considered is the component slope. Property used: SLOPE (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting > 15% Somewhat limiting >= 8 and <= 15% Not limiting < 8% Null Slope is assigned Not rated. 8. Depth to saturated zone: Soils with shallow depth to a water table may become waterlogged and boggy during periods of heavy precipitation and are slow to drain. These soils have the potential to contamination the ground water which may create health and environmental hazards. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first layer where soil moisture layer status is wet or saturated during any month. Property used: DEPTH TO HIGH WATER TABLE APPARENT MINIMUM (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 180cm Not limiting => 180cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: DEPTH TO HIGH WATER TABLE PERCHED MINIMUM (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 45cm Somewhat limiting => 45 to <= 90cm Not limiting > 90cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class."|"Yes"|07/14/2005 05:23:38|"979"|"8885"|"372564" "ENG - Sanitary Landfill (Trench)"|"limitation"|"Summary: Soils can be a non-member, partial member or complete members of the set of soils that are limited for use as "" Sanitary Landfill (Trench)"". If a soil's property within 150 cm (60 inches) of the soil surface has a membership indices greater then zero, then that soil property is limiting. The interpretive rating assigned is the maximum membership indices for one or more of the soil interpretive properties that comprise the "" Sanitary Landfill (Trench)"" interpretive rule. Minor restrictive soil features are identified but not considered as part of the overall rating process. These restrictive features could be important factors where the major restrictive features are overcome through design application. Soils are placed into interpretive rating classes per their rating indices. These are not limited (rating index = 0), somewhat limited (rating index > 0 and < 1.0), or very limited (rating index = 1.0). Description: Sanitary landfill (trench) is a method of disposing solid waste by placing refuse in successive layers in an excavated trench. The waste is spread, compacted, and covered daily with a thin layer of soil that is excavated from the trench. When the trench is full, a final cover of soil material at least 2 feet thick is placed over the landfill. Scope: National The interpretation is applicable to both heavily populated and sparsely populated areas. While some general observations may be made, onsite evaluation is required before the final site is selected. Improper site selection, design, or installation may cause contamination of ground water, seepage, and contamination of stream systems from surface drainage or floodwater. Potential contamination may be reduced or eliminated by installing systems designed to overcome or reduce the effects of the limiting soil property. The rating is for soils in their present condition and does not consider present land use. Ratings are based on properties and qualities to the depth normally observed during soil mapping (approximately 5 or 6 feet). However, because trenches may be as deep as 15 feet or more, geologic investigations are needed to determine the potential for pollution of ground water as well as to determine the design needed. These investigations, which are generally arranged by the landfill developer, include the examination of stratification, rock formations, and geologic conditions that might lead to the conducting of leachates to aquifers, wells, watercourses, and other water sources. The presence of hard, nonrippable bedrock, bedrock crevices, or highly permeable strata in or immediately underlying the proposed trench bottom is undesirable because of the difficulty in excavation and the potential pollution of underground water. Properties that influence the risk of pollution, ease of excavation, trafficability, and revegetation are major considerations. Soils that flood or have a water table within the depth of excavation present a potential pollution hazard and are difficult to excavate. Slope is an important consideration because it affects the work involved in road construction, the performance of the roads, and the control of surface water around the landfill. It may also cause difficulty in constructing trenches for which the trench bottom must be kept level and oriented to follow the contour. The ease with which the trench is dug and with which a soil can be used as daily and final covers is based largely on texture and consistence of the soil. The texture and consistence of a soil determine the degree of workability of the soil both when dry and when wet. Soils that are plastic and sticky when wet are difficult to excavate, grade, or compact and difficult to place as a uniformly thick cover over a layer of refuse. The uppermost part of the final cover should be soil material that is favorable for the growth of plants. It should not contain excess sodium or salt and should not be too acid. In comparison with other horizons, the A horizon in most soils has the best workability and the highest content of organic matter. Thus, for a trench-type landfill operation it may be desirable to stockpile the surface layer for use in the final blanketing of the fill. Criteria: The interpretive rating is the most limiting of the following restrictive features. 1. Depth to thick/thin cemented pan: Depth to thick or thin cemented pan may pose construction limitations or environmental and health risks when landfills are installed. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer more then 46cm thick where restrictive kind is ""fragipan"", ""duripan"", ""petrocalcic"", ""ortstein"", or ""petrogypsic"" and restrictive feature hardness is not noncemented. If pan thickness is < 46cm then the rating is reduced by half. Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO CEMENTED PAN THICK (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 182cm Not limiting =< 182cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: DEPTH TO CEMENTED PAN THIN (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 182cm Not limiting =< 182cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. AND NOT Property used: RESTRICTIVE FEATURE HARDNESS (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting not = noncemented Not limiting = noncemented Null hardness is assigned to the Not limiting class. 2. Too clayey: Clayey soils may become sticky when wet and are difficult to spread and compact. This condition is not restrictive for soil in Aridic moisture regimes and is only partially restrictive when clay mineralogy is kaolinitic. Soil feature considered is the first or rv USDA texture of the thickest soil layer between 25 and 180cm or above a restrictive layer and taxonomic family mineralogy. Property used: USDA TEXTURE THICKEST LAYER IN DEPTH 25-180cm (Modality - representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting C, SiC Somewhat limiting CL, SiCL, SC Not limiting All others Null USDA textures are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: TAXONOMIC MINERALOGY CLASS (Modality - representative value) Restriction limits: If taxonomic family mineralogy is kaolinitic then the soil clayey rating is reduced by .5. Null taxonomic mineralogy classes are assigned Not Rated. 3. Flooding: Flooding has the potential to transport agricultural waste off site and pollute surface waters. Flooding also limits building, recreational, and sanitary facility use and management of these soils. Soil feature considered is maximum flooding frequency classes over 12 months. Property used: FLOODING FREQUENCY (Maximum Duration) (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""occasional"" or ""very frequent"" or ""frequent"" Somewhat limiting = ""very rare"" or ""rare"" Not limiting = ""none"" Null frequency is assigned to the Not limiting class. 4. Content of organic matter: Soil in Unified class pt, ol, or oh is high in organic materials, has low strength, and is hard to reclaim. Soil feature considered is the rv or first Unified class of the thickest soil layer above a restrictive layer and between 25 and 180cm. Property used: UNIFIED THICKEST LAYER 25-180cm (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = pt, ol, or oh Not limiting not = pt, ol, or oh Null Unified classes are assigned to the Not limiting class. 5. Content of large stones: Large stone impede the workability of the soil and restrict trafficability of heavy machinery and site reclamation. Soil feature considered is the weighted average percentage of rock fragments of size greater than 75mm in the horizons above a restrictive feature or from 0 to 180 cm deep. Property used: FRAGMENTS > 75mm Wt. Ave. 0-180cm (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting => 50% Somewhat limiting > 25% to < 50% Not limiting =< 25% Null FRAGMENTS > 75mm are assigned Not rated. 6. Depth to permafrost: Permafrost (permanently frozen soil layer) restricts or effects excavation, manipulation, transport, stability, and workability of the soil material. Soil features considered are restrictive feature depth and where kind is permafrost or USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) is ""cpf"" or USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER is ""pf"". Property used: DEPTH TO PERMAFROST (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Somewhat limiting => 50 to =< 100cm Not limiting > 100cm Null depths are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""cpf"" Not limiting not = ""cpf"" Null USDA Texture (In-Lieu-Of) are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""pf"" Not limiting not = ""pf"" Null USDA Texture Modifier are assigned to the Not limiting class. 7. Too acid: Soils with low pH increase metallic ion availability and restricts plan growth and re-establishing vegetation in disturbed area. Soil feature considered is the minimum (pH) of the soil layers. Property used: SOIL REACTION 1-1 WATER (Minimum) (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting < 3.5 Not limiting => 3.5 Null pH values are assigned to the Not rated class. 8. Ponding: Ponding is the condition where standing water is on the soil surface for a given period of time. Soil that pond has restrictions that limit the installation and function of most landuse applications. Soil features considered are ponding duration and frequency classes for all months. Property used: PONDING DURATION (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""very brief"" or ""brief"" or ""long"" or ""very long"" Not limiting not = ""very brief"" or ""brief"" or ""long"" or ""very long"" Null duration is assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: PONDING FREQUENCY (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""none"" Not limiting not = ""none"" Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 9. Salinity: Soils with high salinity have reduced available water capacity, which restrict plan growth and re-establishing vegetation in disturbed area. Soil feature considered is the highest salinity (electrical conductivity) for all horizons. Property used: SALINITY MAXIMUM (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting > 16 mmhos/cm Not limiting <= 16 mmhos/cm Null EC is assigned to the Not limiting class. 10. Too Sandy: Sandy soils may slump and are droughty, making establishments of vegetative cover difficult. Soil feature considered is the first or rv USDA texture of the thickest soil layer between 25 and 180cm or above a cemented restrictive layer. Property used: USDA TEXTURE THICKEST LAYER IN DEPTH 25-180cm (Modality - representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting = ""cos"" or ""s"" or ""fs"" or ""vfs"" or ""sg"" Somewhat limiting = ""lcos"" or ""ls"" or ""lfs"" or ""lvfs"" Not limiting All others Null USDA textures are assigned to the Not limiting class. 11. Seepage: The soil's bottom layer Ksat governs the leaching and seepage potential of the soil. When this rate is high, transmission of fluids through the soil and underlying materials is unimpeded and leaching and seepage may become environmental, health, and performance concern. Soil feature considered is the Ksat of the bottom layer or the layer immediately above bedrock. This condition is not restrictive for soil in Aridic moisture regimes. Property used: KSAT BOTTOM HORIZON (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting => 14.0 micrometers/sec Not limiting < 14.0 micrometers/sec Null Ksat values are assigned to the Not rated class. 12. Depth to bedrock: Shallow depth to bedrock limits the soil's adsorptive capacity and the thickness of the biologically active zone through with waste materials can percolate. Shallow soils may pose environmental and health risks when agricultural and municipal waste materials are applied. These soils may pose construction limitations or environmental and health risks when trench landfills are installed. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive type is ""bedrock (lithic)"" or ""bedrock (paralithic)."" Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO BEDROCK (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 182cm Not limiting => 182cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 13. Slope: Steep slopes impede trafficability of heavy machinery and reclamation of borrow sites. Soil feature considered is the component slope. Property used: SLOPE (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting > 15% Somewhat limiting >= 8 and <= 15% Not limiting < 8% Null Slope is assigned Not rated. 14. Sodium content: Soils with high sodium adsorption ratio have the potential to restrict plan growth and re-establishing vegetation in disturbed area. This condition is not restrictive for soil in Aridic moisture regimes. Soil feature considered is the horizon with the highest sodium adsorption ratio. Property used: SODIUM ADSORPTION RATIO MAXIMUM (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting > 13 Not limiting <= 13 Null SAR is assigned to the Not limiting class. 15. Depth to saturated zone: Soils with shallow depth to a water table may become waterlogged and boggy during periods of heavy precipitation and are slow to drain. These soils have the potential to contamination the ground water which may create health and environmental hazards. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first layer where soil moisture layer status is wet or saturated during any month. Property used: DEPTH TO HIGH WATER TABLE APPARENT MINIMUM (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 180cm Not limiting => 180cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: DEPTH TO HIGH WATER TABLE PERCHED MINIMUM (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 60cm Somewhat limiting => 60 to <= 120cm Not limiting > 120cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class."|"Yes"|10/04/2005 10:14:24|"419"|"8885"|"372560" "ENG - Septic Tank Absorption Fields"|"limitation"|"Summary: Soils can be a non-member, partial member or complete members of the set of soils that are limited for use as ""Septic Tank Absorption Fields"". If a soil's property within 150 cm (60 inches) of the soil surface has a membership indices greater then zero, then that soil property is limiting. The interpretive rating assigned is the maximum membership indices for one or more of the soil interpretive properties that comprise the ""Septic Tank Absorption Fields"" interpretive rule. Minor restrictive soil features are identified but not considered as part of the overall rating process. These restrictive features could be important factors where the major restrictive features are overcome through design application. Soils are placed into interpretive rating classes per their rating indices. These are not limited (rating index = 0), somewhat limited (rating index > 0 and < 1.0), or very limited (rating index = 1.0). Description: Septic tank absorption fields are subsurface systems of tile or perforated pipe that distribute effluent from a septic tank into the natural soil. The centerline depth of the tile is assumed to be 24 inches or deeper. Only the soil between depths of 24 and 60 inches is considered in making the ratings. Soil properties and site features considered are those that affect the absorption of the effluent, those that affect the construction and maintenance of the system, and those that may affect public health. Scope: National Farm and ranch homesteads, outbuildings, and recreational facilities require a means to safely dispose of effluent. Septic Tank Absorption Field interpretations are a tool for guiding the user in site selection for safe disposal of household effluent. The interpretation is applicable to both heavily populated and sparsely populated areas. While some general observations may be made, onsite evaluation is required before the final site is selected. Improper site selection, design, or installation may cause contamination of ground water, seepage to the soil surface, and contamination of stream systems from surface drainage or flood water. Potential contamination may be reduced or eliminated by installing systems designed to overcome or reduce the effects of the limiting soil property. The rating is for soils in their present condition and does not consider present land use. Soil properties and qualities that affect the absorption of the effluent are permeability, depth to a seasonal high water table, depth to bedrock, depth to a cemented pan, and susceptibility to flooding. Stones and boulders and a shallow depth to bedrock, ice, or a cemented pan interfere with installation. Subsidence interferes with installation and maintenance. Excessive slope may cause lateral seepage and surfacing of the effluent in down-slope areas. In addition, soil erosion is a hazard where absorption fields are installed in steep soils. Some soils are underlain by loose sand and gravel or fractured bedrock at a depth less than 4 feet below the distribution lines. In these soils, the absorption field may not adequately filter the effluent, particularly when the system is new; consequently, ground water supplies may be contaminated. Percolation tests are used by some regulatory agencies to evaluate the suitability of a soil for septic tank absorption fields. These tests should be performed during the season when the water table is highest and the soil is at minimum absorptive capacity. 1/ U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Public Health Service, l969 Manual of Septic Tanks, PHS Publication No. 526, p. 8. 2/ Bouma, J. l974. New Concepts in Soil Survey Interpretations for Onsite Disposal of Septic Tank Effluent. Criteria: The interpretive rating is the most limiting of the following restrictive features. 1. Filtering capacity: The soil horizon with the maximum Ksat governs the leaching and seepage potential of the soil. When this rate is high, transmission of fluids through the soil is unimpeded and leaching and seepage may become environmental, health, and performance concern. Soil feature considered is the layer with the maximum Ksat between a depth of 60 to 150cm or to the depth of a cemented restrictive feature. Property used: KSAT HIGHEST MINIMUM ABOVE RESTRICTIVE LAYER 24 to 60 (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting > 42.0 micrometers/sec Not limiting =< 42.0 micrometers/sec Null Ksat values are assigned to the Not limiting class. 2. Flooding: Flooding has the potential to transport agricultural waste off site and pollute surface waters. Flooding also limits building, recreational, and sanitary facility use and management of these soils. Soil feature considered is maximum flooding frequency classes over 12 months. Property used: FLOODING FREQUENCY (Maximum Duration) (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""occasional"" or ""very frequent"" or ""frequent"" Somewhat limiting = ""very rare"" or ""rare"" Not limiting = ""none"" Null frequency is assigned to the Not limiting class. 3. Content of large stones: Large stone impede the workability of the soil and restrict trafficability of heavy machinery and site reclamation. Soil feature considered is the weighted average percentage of rock fragments of size greater than 75mm in the horizons above a restrictive feature or from 0 to 100 cm deep. Property used: FRAGMENTS > 75MM WEIGHTED AVE. IN DEPTH 0-100CM (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 50% Somewhat limiting >= 25% to <= 50% Not limiting < 25% Null FRAGMENTS > 75mm are assigned Not rated. 4. Restricted permeability: The soil horizon with the minimum Ksat governs the rate of water movement through the whole soil. When this rate is low, transmission of fluids into and through the soil is impeded and runoff, infiltration, and percolation of pollutants may become environmental, health, and performance concern. Soil feature considered is the layer deeper then 60 cm and above a restrictive layer with the minimum saturated hydraulic conductivity. Property used: KSAT MINIMUM ABOVE RESTRICTIVE LAYER >60 (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting < 10.0 micrometers/sec Somewhat Limiting => 10.0 and <= 40.0 micrometers/sec Not limiting > 40.0 micrometers/sec Null Ksat values are assigned to the Not limiting class. 5. Depth to permafrost: Permafrost (permanently frozen soil layer) restricts or effects excavation, manipulation, transport, stability, and workability of the soil material. Soil features considered are restrictive feature depth and where kind is permafrost or USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) is ""cpf"" or USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER is ""pf"". Property used: DEPTH TO PERMAFROST (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Somewhat limiting => 50 to =< 100cm Not limiting > 100cm Null depths are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""cpf"" Not limiting not = ""cpf"" Null USDA Texture (In-Lieu-Of) are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""pf"" Not limiting not = ""pf"" Null USDA Texture Modifier are assigned to the Not limiting class. 6. Ponding: Ponding is the condition where standing water is on the soil surface for a given period of time. Soil that pond has restrictions that limit the installation and function of most landuse applications. Soil features considered are ponding duration and frequency classes for all months. Property used: PONDING DURATION (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""very brief"" or ""brief"" or ""long"" or ""very long"" Not limiting not = ""very brief"" or ""brief"" or ""long"" or ""very long"" Null duration is assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: PONDING FREQUENCY (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""none"" Not limiting not = ""none"" Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 7. Depth to bedrock: The depth to bedrock restricts the construction, installation, and functioning of septic tank adsorption fields and other site applications. Shallow soils have limited adsorptive capacity and biologically active zones through with waste materials can percolate. These soils may pose environmental and health risks when used as filter fields. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive type is ""bedrock (lithic)"" or ""bedrock (paralithic)."" Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO BEDROCK (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting =< 100cm Somewhat limiting > 100 to < 182cm Not limiting => 182cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 8. Depth to cemented pan: Depth to cemented pan restricts the construction, installation, and functioning of septic tank adsorption fields and other site applications. Shallow soils have limited adsorptive capacity and biologically active zones through with waste materials can percolate. These soils may pose environmental and health risks when used as filter fields. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive kind is ""fragipan"", ""duripan"", ""petrocalcic"", ""ortstein"", or ""petrogypsic"" and restrictive feature hardness is not noncemented. Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO CEMENTED PAN (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting =< 100cm Somewhat limiting > 100 to < 182cm Not limiting => 182cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. AND NOT Property used: RESTRICTIVE FEATURE HARDNESS (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting not = noncemented Not limiting = noncemented Null hardness is assigned to the Not limiting class. 9. Slope: Steep slopes impede trafficability of heavy machinery and reclamation of borrow sites. Soil feature considered is the component slope. Property used: SLOPE (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting > 15% Somewhat limiting >= 8 and <= 15% Not limiting < 8% Null Slope is assigned Not rated. 10. Subsidence: Soils with high subsidence can cause septic tanks and septic tank adsorption fields to shift or collapse. Soil feature considered is total subsidence. Property used: SUBSIDENCE TOTAL (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting => 60cm Not limiting < 60cm Null pH values are assigned to the Not limiting class. 11. Depth to saturated zone: Soils with shallow depth to a water table may become waterlogged during periods of heavy precipitation and are slow to drain. These soils have the potential to contamination the ground water which may create health and environmental hazards. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first layer where soil moisture layer status is wet or saturated during any month. Property used: HIGH WATER TABLE DEPTH MINIMUM (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 120cm Somewhat limiting => 120 to < 180cm Not limiting => 180cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 12. Seepage: The soil's bottom layer Ksat governs the leaching and seepage potential of the soil. When this rate is high, transmission of fluids through the soil and underlying materials is unimpeded and leaching and seepage may become environmental, health, and performance concern. Soil feature considered is the Ksat of the bottom layer or the layer immediately above bedrock. This condition is not restrictive for soil in Aridic moisture regimes. (added for testing 7/2004) Property used: KSAT BOTTOM HORIZON (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting => 14.0 micrometers/sec Not limiting < 14.0 micrometers/sec Null Ksat values are assigned to the Not rated class. 13. Unstable fill: Soils that are reconstructed because of land reclamation practices can cause differential settlement. These areas of differential settlement are difficult to identify and are typically destructive to engineering infrastructure. Soil feature considered is the component local phase. Property used: COMPONENT LOCAL PHASE Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""unstable fill"" Not limiting not = ""unstable fill"" Null local phase is assigned to the Not limiting class."|"Yes"|07/19/2005 06:05:08|"208"|"8885"|"372552" "ENG - Sewage Lagoons"|"limitation"|"Summary: Soils can be a non-member, partial member or complete members of the set of soils that are limited for use as ""Sewage Lagoons"". If a soil's property within 150 cm (60 inches) of the soil surface has a membership indices greater then zero, then that soil property is limiting. The interpretive rating assigned is the maximum membership indices for one or more of the soil interpretive properties that comprise the ""Sewage Lagoons"" interpretive rule. Minor restrictive soil features are identified but not considered as part of the overall rating process. These restrictive features could be important factors where the major restrictive features are overcome through design application. Soils are placed into interpretive rating classes per their rating indices. These are not limited (rating index = 0), somewhat limited (rating index > 0 and < 1.0), or very limited (rating index = 1.0). Description: Sewage lagoons are shallow ponds constructed to hold sewage while aerobic bacteria decompose the wastes. Lagoons have a nearly level floor surrounded by cut slopes or embankments of compacted, relatively impervious soil material. Relatively impervious soil for the lagoon floor and sides is desirable to minimize seepage and contamination of local ground water. Scope: National Farm and ranch homesteads, outbuildings, and recreational facilities require a means to safely dispose of effluent. Sewage lagoons interpretations are a tool for guiding the user in site selection for safe disposal of liquid effluent. The interpretation is applicable to both heavily populated and sparsely populated areas. While some general observations may be made, onsite evaluation is required before the final site is selected. Improper site selection, design, or installation may cause contamination of ground water, seepage, and contamination of stream systems from surface drainage or flood water. Potential contamination may be reduced or eliminated by installing systems designed to overcome or reduce the effects of the limiting soil property. The rating is for soils in their present condition and does not consider present land use. Soil permeability is a critical property in evaluating a soil for sewage lagoons. Most porous soils will eventually seal when being used for a sewage lagoon. Until they do, however, the hazard of pollution is severe. Soils that have a permeability rate that exceeds 2 inches per hour generally are too porous for the proper operation of sewage lagoons and may cause contamination. Fractured bedrock within a depth of 40 inches may create a pollution hazard. Bedrock and cemented pans create construction problems. Slope must be gentle enough and the soil material must be thick enough over bedrock or a cemented pan to make smoothing practical so that the lagoon is uniformly deep throughout. If floodwater overtops the lagoon, it interferes with the functioning of the lagoon and carries away polluting sewage before sufficient decomposition has taken place. Ordinarily, soils susceptible to flooding have a severe limitation for sewage lagoons. If floodwater velocities are slow and flooding is rarely deep enough to overtop the lagoon embankment, the susceptibility to flooding does not constitute a severe limitation rating. Soils that contain a large amount of organic matter are not suitable for the floor of an aerobic lagoon. The organic matter promotes an anaerobic rather than aerobic environment. Depth to water table is important if it influences the water level in the lagoon. If it does, a pollution hazard exists. Sometimes depth to water table is disregarded if the lagoon floor is of slowly permeable soil material that is at least 4 feet thick. Soils that contain excess rock fragments greater than 3 inches are undesirable sites because the fragments interfere with the manipulation and compaction needed to prepare the lagoon floor. Criteria: The interpretive rating is the most limiting of the following restrictive features. 1. Depth to hard bedrock: Shallow depth to hard bedrock limits site preparation and restricts the installation of basements, shallow excavations, and lagoons. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive type is ""bedrock (lithic)"". Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO BEDROCK HARD (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 100cm Somewhat limiting => 100 to < 150cm Not limiting => 150cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 2. Flooding: Flooding has the potential to transport agricultural waste off site and pollute surface waters. Flooding also limits building, recreational, and sanitary facility use and management of these soils. Soil feature considered is maximum flooding frequency classes over 12 months. Property used: FLOODING FREQUENCY (Maximum Duration) (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""occasional"" or ""very frequent"" or ""frequent"" Somewhat limiting = ""very rare"" or ""rare"" Not limiting = ""none"" Null frequency is assigned to the Not limiting class. 3. Content of organic matter: Soil in Unified class pt is high in organic materials, has low strength, and is hard to reclaim. Soil in Unified class ol or oh are not as restrictive and their interpretive rating is reduce 50%. Soil feature considered is the rv or first Unified class of all soil layers and the most restrictive condition is reported. Property used: UNIFIED (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = pt Somewhat limiting = ol or oh Not limiting not = pt, ol, or oh Null Unified classes are assigned to the Not rated class. AND Property used: USDA SURFACE TEXTURE LAYER Restrictive limits: Not Limiting = ""MPM, SPM, HPM"" Limiting not = ""MPM, SPM, HPM"" 4. Content of large stones: Large stone impede the workability of the soil and restrict trafficability of heavy machinery and site reclamation. Soil feature considered is the weighted average percentage of rock fragments of size greater than 75mm in the horizons between a depth of 0 to 50 cm. Property used: FRAGMENTS > 75mm WEIGHTED AVE. IN DEPTH 0-50CM (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 35% Somewhat limiting >= 20% to <= 35% Not limiting < 20% Null fragment data are assigned Not rated. 5. Depth to permafrost: Permafrost (permanently frozen soil layer) restricts or effects excavation, manipulation, transport, stability, and workability of the soil material. Soil features considered are restrictive feature depth and where kind is permafrost or USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) is ""cpf"" or USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER is ""pf"". Property used: DEPTH TO PERMAFROST (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Somewhat limiting => 50 to =< 100cm Not limiting > 100cm Null depths are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""cpf"" Not limiting not = ""cpf"" Null USDA Texture (In-Lieu-Of) are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""pf"" Not limiting not = ""pf"" Null USDA Texture Modifier are assigned to the Not limiting class. 6. Ponding: Ponding is the condition where standing water is on the soil surface for a given period of time. Soil that pond has restrictions that limit the installation and function of most landuse applications. Soil features considered are ponding duration and frequency classes for all months. Property used: PONDING DURATION (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""very brief"" or ""brief"" or ""long"" or ""very long"" Not limiting not = ""very brief"" or ""brief"" or ""long"" or ""very long"" Null duration is assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: PONDING FREQUENCY (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""none"" Not limiting not = ""none"" Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 7. Seepage: The soil horizon with the maximum Ksat governs the leaching and seepage potential of the soil. When this rate is high, transmission of fluids into and through the soil is unimpeded and leaching and seepage may become environmental, health, and performance concern. Soil feature considered is the layer with the maximum Ksat between a depth of 30 to 150 cm, excluding the surface layer. Property used: PERMEABILITY MAXIMUM IN DEPTH 30-150cm (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting > 14.0 micrometers/sec Somewhat Limiting => 4.0 and <= 14.0 micrometers/sec Not limiting < 4.0 micrometers/sec Null Ksat values are assigned to the Not limiting class. 8. Depth to cemented pan: Depth to cemented pan restricts the construction, installation, and functioning of the installed application. Shallow soils are also difficult to reclaim and re-vegetated. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive kind is ""fragipan"", ""duripan"", ""petrocalcic"", ""ortstein"", or ""petrogypsic"" and restrictive feature hardness is not noncemented. Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO CEMENTED PAN (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 100cm Somewhat limiting => 100 to =< 150cm Not limiting > 150cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. AND NOT Property used: RESTRICTIVE FEATURE HARDNESS (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting not = noncemented Not limiting = noncemented Null hardness is assigned to the Not limiting class. 9. Depth to soft bedrock: Shallow depth to soft bedrock limits construction, installation, and functioning of sewage lagoons. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive type is ""bedrock (paralithic)."" Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO BEDROCK SOFT (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 100cm Somewhat limiting => 100 to < 150cm Not limiting => 150cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 10. Slope: Steep slopes impede site preparation and construction and restrict lagoon size and shape. Soil feature considered is the component slope. Property used: SLOPE (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting => 7% Somewhat limiting > 2 and < 7% Not limiting =< 2% Null Slope is assigned Not rated. 11. Depth to saturated zone: Soils with shallow depth to a water table may become waterlogged and boggy during periods of heavy precipitation and are slow to drain. These soils have the potential to contamination the ground water which may create health and environmental hazards. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first layer where soil moisture layer status is wet or saturated during any month. Property used: DEPTH TO HIGH WATER TABLE APPARENT MINIMUM (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 105cm Somewhat limiting => 105 to < 150cm Not limiting => 150cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. AND NOT Property used: DEPTH TO HIGH WATER TABLE PERCHED MINIMUM (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 45cm Somewhat limiting => 45 to =< 90cm Not limiting > 90cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class."|"Yes"|07/19/2005 05:48:55|"430"|"8885"|"372544" "ENG - Shallow Excavations"|"limitation"|"Summary: Soils can be a non-member, partial member or complete members of the set of soils that are limited for use as ""Shallow Excavations"". If a soil's property within 150 cm (60 inches) of the soil surface has a membership indices greater then zero, then that soil property is limiting and the soil restrictive feature is identified. The overall interpretive rating assigned is the maximum membership indices of each soil interpretive property that comprise the ""Shallow Excavations"" interpretive rule. Minor restrictive soil features are identified but not considered as part of the overall rating process. These restrictive features could be important factors where the major restrictive features are overcome through design application. Soils are placed into interpretive rating classes per their rating indices. These are not limited (rating index = 0), somewhat limited (rating index > 0 and < 1.0), or very limited (rating index = 1.0). Description: Shallow excavations are trenches or holes dug in the soil to a maximum depth of 5 or 6 feet. They are used for pipelines, sewer lines, telephone and power transmission lines, basements, open ditches, grave sites, etc. The excavations are most commonly made by trenching machines or backhoes. Scope: National Soil properties influence the development of building and construction sites, including the selection of the site, the design of the structure, construction, performance, and after construction maintenance. The soil interpretations for shallow excavations are used as a tool in evaluating soil suitability and identifying soil limitations for the practice. The rating is for soils in their present condition and does not consider present land use. Ratings are based on the soil properties that influence ease of digging and resistance to sloughing. Depth to bedrock or cemented pan, hardness of bedrock or a cemented pan, and the amount of large stones influence the ease of digging, filling, and compacting. Depth to the seasonal high water table and flooding may restrict the period when excavations can be made. Slope influences the ease of using machinery. Soil texture and depth to water table influence the resistance to sloughing. Criteria: The interpretive rating is the most limiting of the following restrictive features. 1. Too clayey: Clayey soils may become sticky when wet and are difficult to spread and compact. Soil feature considered is the maximum percent clay between 50 and 180cm. Property used: CLAY PERCENT IN DEPTH 50-180CM (Modality - high, low, and representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting >= 60% Somewhat limiting > 40 to < 60% Not limiting <= 40% Null clay percentage is assigned to the Not limiting class. 2. Cutbanks cave: If soil texture is silt or texture group is sandy or texture modifier is sandy or gravelly or soil order is Vertisols than cutbanks have a high potential to cave in. This tendency is true for all soils but to a lesser degree and the interpretive model is designed to give a rating no less then .1 ""Somewhat limiting"". Extreme care and caution should be used around cutbanks to protect from cave in injury or death. Soil feature considered is the rv or first USDA Texture modifier and class of each layer and taxonomic order. Property used: USDA GROUP-CLASS IN DEPTH 50-180cm (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting matches ""*S *"" or matches ""*S"" or matches ""GR*"" or matches ""* GR"" Somewhat limiting all other USDA textures other then silt Null USDA Texture modifier is assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE IN DEPTH 50-180cm (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Somewhat limiting ""SI"" set at .5 all other textures set at .1 Not limiting none Null USDA Texture class is assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: TAXONOMIC ORDER (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""vertisols"" Not limiting not = ""vertisols"" Null Taxonomic Order is assigned to the Not limiting class. 3. Dense layer: Shallow depth to layers with high bulk density are diffucult to revegetate and reclaim. These layers have low available water capacity and percolation rates. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first soil layer where high bulk density is greater then 1.8. Property used: High Bulk Density 50 to 150cm (20-60"") (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting =< 50cm Somewhat limiting > 50 to < 100cm Not limiting => 100cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 4. Depth to hard bedrock: Shallow depth to hard bedrock limits site preparation and restricts the installation of basements, shallow excavations, and lagoons. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive type is ""bedrock (lithic)"". Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO BEDROCK HARD (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 100cm Somewhat limiting => 100 to < 150cm Not limiting => 150cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 5. Flooding: Soil that floods have limitation on the use and management of these soils. Soil feature considered is maximum flooding frequency classes over 12 months. Property used: FLOODING FREQUENCY (Maximum Duration) (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""very frequent"" Somewhat limiting = ""occasional"" or ""frequent"" Not limiting = ""none"" or ""very rare"" or ""rare"" Null frequency is assigned to the Not limiting class. 6. Content of organic matter: Soil in Unified class pt, ol, or oh is high in organic materials, has low strength, and is hard to reclaim. Soil feature considered is the rv or first Unified class of the soil layers between 50 and 150cm. Property used: UNIFIED 50-150cm (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = pt, ol, or oh Not limiting not = pt, ol, or oh Null Unified classes are assigned to the Not limiting class. 7. Content of large stones: Large stone impede the workability of the soil and restrict trafficability of heavy machinery and site reclamation. Soil feature considered is the weighted average percentage of rock fragments of size greater than 75mm in the horizons above a restrictive feature or from 0 to 100 cm deep. Property used: FRAGMENTS > 75MM WEIGHTED AVE. IN DEPTH 0-100CM (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 50% Somewhat limiting >= 25% to <= 50% Not limiting < 25% Null fragment data are assigned Not rated. 8. Depth to permafrost: Permafrost (permanently frozen soil layer) restricts or effects excavation, manipulation, transport, stability, and workability of the soil material. Soil features considered are restrictive feature depth and where kind is permafrost or USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) is ""cpf"" or USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER is ""pf"". Property used: DEPTH TO PERMAFROST (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Somewhat limiting => 50 to =< 100cm Not limiting > 100cm Null depths are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""cpf"" Not limiting not = ""cpf"" Null USDA Texture (In-Lieu-Of) are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""pf"" Not limiting not = ""pf"" Null USDA Texture Modifier are assigned to the Not limiting class. 9. Ponding: Ponding is the condition where standing water is on the soil surface for a given period of time. Soil that pond has restrictions that limit the installation and function of most landuse applications. Soil features considered are ponding duration and frequency classes for all months. Property used: PONDING DURATION (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""very brief"" or ""brief"" or ""long"" or ""very long"" Not limiting not = ""very brief"" or ""brief"" or ""long"" or ""very long"" Null duration is assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: PONDING FREQUENCY (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""none"" Not limiting not = ""none"" Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 10. Depth to soft bedrock: Shallow depth to soft bedrock limits site preparation such as shaping and leveling and restricts the soils ability to support small buildings with basements. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive type is ""bedrock (paralithic)."" Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO BEDROCK SOFT (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Somewhat limiting => 50 to < 100cm Not limiting => 100cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 11. Slope: Steep slopes impede trafficability of heavy machinery and reclamation of borrow sites. Soil feature considered is the component slope. Property used: SLOPE (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting > 15% Somewhat limiting >= 8 and <= 15% Not limiting < 8% Null Slope is assigned Not rated. 12. Depth to thick cemented pan: Depth to thick cemented pan limit site preparation and restricts the installation of basements, shallow excavations, and lagoons. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer more then 46cm thick where restrictive kind is ""fragipan"", ""duripan"", ""petrocalcic"", ""ortstein"", or ""petrogypsic"" and restrictive feature hardness is not noncemented. Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO CEMENTED PAN THICK (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting =< 100cm Somewhat limiting > 100 to < 150cm Not limiting => 150cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. AND NOT Property used: RESTRICTIVE FEATURE HARDNESS (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting not = noncemented Not limiting = noncemented Null hardness is assigned to the Not limiting class. 13. Depth to thin cemented pan: Depth to thin cemented pan limits site preparation such as shaping and leveling and restricts the installation of small buildings and roads or streets. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer less then or equal to 46cm thick where restrictive kind is ""fragipan"", ""duripan"", ""petrocalcic"", ""ortstein"", or ""petrogypsic"" and restrictive feature hardness is not noncemented. Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO CEMENTED PAN THIN (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Not limiting => 50cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. AND NOT Property used: RESTRICTIVE FEATURE HARDNESS (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting not = noncemented Not limiting = noncemented Null hardness is assigned to the Not limiting class. 14. Depth to saturated zone: Soils with shallow depth to a water table may become waterlogged and boggy during periods of heavy precipitation and are slow to drain. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first layer where soil moisture layer status is wet or saturated during any month. Property used: HIGH WATER TABLE DEPTH MINIMUM (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 75cm Somewhat limiting => 75 to < 182cm Not limiting => 182cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class."|"Yes"|07/14/2005 07:09:53|"302"|"8885"|"372561" "ENG - Small Commercial Buildings"|"limitation"|"Summary: Soils can be a non-member, partial member or complete members of the set of soils that are limited for ""Small Commercial Buildings"". If a soil's property within 150 cm (60 inches) of the soil surface has a membership indices greater then zero, then that soil property is limiting and the soil restrictive feature is identified. The overall interpretive rating assigned is the maximum membership indices of each soil interpretive property that comprise the ""Small Commercial Buildings"" interpretive rule. Minor restrictive soil features are identified but not considered as part of the overall rating process. These restrictive features could be important factors where the major restrictive features are overcome through design application. Soils are placed into interpretive rating classes per their rating indices. These are not limited (rating index = 0), somewhat limited (rating index > 0 and < 1.0), or very limited (rating index = 1.0). Description: Small commercial buildings are those buildings that are less than three stories without basements. The foundation is assumed to be spread footings of reinforced concrete at a depth of 2 feet or at the depth of maximum frost penetration, whichever is deeper. Scope: National Soil properties influence the development of building and construction sites, including the selection of the site, the design of the structure, construction, performance, and after construction maintenance. The soil interpretations for small commercial buildings are used as a tool in evaluating soil suitability and identifying soil limitations for the practice. The rating is for soils in their present condition and does not consider present land use. Ratings are based on properties and qualities affecting the capacity of the soil to support a load without movement and those that affect excavation and construction costs. The properties and qualities affecting load-supporting capacity without movement are presence of a high water table, flooding, and the shrink-swell behavior and compressibility of the soils. Compressibility is inferred from the Unified classification. Properties influencing the ease and amount of excavation are flooding, a high water table, slope, depth to bedrock or a cemented pan, hardness of bedrock or a cemented pan, and the amount and size of coarse fragments. Criteria: The interpretive rating is the most limiting of the following restrictive features. 1. Depth to hard bedrock: Shallow depth to hard bedrock limits site preparation such as shaping and leveling and restricts installation of small buildings and roads or streets. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive type is ""bedrock (lithic)"". Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO BEDROCK HARD (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Somewhat limiting => 50 to < 100cm Not limiting => 100cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 2. Flooding: Soil that floods limit the installation and function for building site applications. Soil feature considered is maximum flooding frequency classes over 12 months. Property used: FLOODING FREQUENCY (Maximum Duration) (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""very rare"" or ""rare"" or ""occasional"" or ""frequent"" or ""very frequent"" Not limiting = ""none"" Null frequency is assigned to the Not limiting class. 3. Content of organic matter: Soil in Unified class pt, ol, or oh is high in organic materials, has low strength, and is hard to reclaim. Soil feature considered is the rv or first Unified class of the thickest soil layer above a restrictive layer and between 25 and 100cm. Property used: UNIFIED THICKEST LAYER 25-100cm (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = pt, ol, or oh Not limiting not = pt, ol, or oh Null Unified classes are assigned to the Not limiting class. 4. Content of large stones: Large stone impede the workability of the soil and restrict trafficability of heavy machinery and site reclamation. Soil feature considered is the weighted average percentage of rock fragments of size greater than 75mm in the horizons above a restrictive feature or from 0 to 100 cm deep. Property used: FRAGMENTS > 75MM WEIGHTED AVE. IN DEPTH 0-100CM (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 50% Somewhat limiting >= 25% to <= 50% Not limiting < 25% Null fragment data are assigned Not rated. 5. Depth to permafrost: Permafrost (permanently frozen soil layer) restricts or effects excavation, manipulation, transport, stability, and workability of the soil material. Soil features considered are restrictive feature depth and where kind is permafrost or USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) is ""cpf"" or USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER is ""pf"". Property used: DEPTH TO PERMAFROST (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Somewhat limiting => 50 to =< 100cm Not limiting > 100cm Null depths are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""cpf"" Not limiting not = ""cpf"" Null USDA Texture (In-Lieu-Of) are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""pf"" Not limiting not = ""pf"" Null USDA Texture Modifier are assigned to the Not limiting class. 6. Ponding: Ponding is the condition where standing water is on the soil surface for a given period of time. Soil that pond has restrictions that limit the installation and function of most landuse applications. Soil features considered are ponding duration and frequency classes for all months. Property used: PONDING DURATION (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""very brief"" or ""brief"" or ""long"" or ""very long"" Not limiting not = ""very brief"" or ""brief"" or ""long"" or ""very long"" Null duration is assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: PONDING FREQUENCY (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""none"" Not limiting not = ""none"" Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 7. Depth to soft bedrock: Shallow depth to soft bedrock limits site preparation such as shaping and leveling and restricts the installation of small buildings and roads or streets. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive type is ""bedrock (paralithic)."" Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO BEDROCK SOFT (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Not limiting => 50cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 8. Shrink-swell: Excessive shrink-swell in the thickest layer between 25 and 100cm deep can cause building foundations to shift, flooring slabs to crack and roadways to buckle. Soil feature considered is percent linear extensibility of the thickest layer between a depth of 10 to 40 inches or above bedrock. Property used: SHRINK-SWELL THICKEST LAYER 25-100cm OR ABOVE ROCK (Modality - high, low, and representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 6% Somewhat limiting => 3% to <= 6% Not limiting < 3% Null linear extensibility is assigned to the Not limiting class. 9. Slope: Steep slopes affect the design and function of installed systems and facilities. Soil feature considered is the component slope. Property used: SLOPE (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting => 8% Somewhat limiting > 4 and < 8% Not limiting =< 4% Null Slope is assigned Not rated. 10. Depth to thick cemented pan: Depth to thick cemented pan limits site preparation such as shaping and leveling and restricts the installation of small buildings and roads or streets. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer more then 46cm thick where restrictive kind is ""fragipan"", ""duripan"", ""petrocalcic"", ""ortstein"", or ""petrogypsic"" and restrictive feature hardness is not noncemented. Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO CEMENTED PAN THICK (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting =< 50cm Somewhat limiting > 50 to < 100cm Not limiting => 100cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. AND NOT Property used: RESTRICTIVE FEATURE HARDNESS (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting not = noncemented Not limiting = noncemented Null hardness is assigned to the Not limiting class. 11. Depth to thin cemented pan: Depth to thin cemented pan limits site preparation such as shaping and leveling and restricts the installation of small buildings and roads or streets. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer less then or equal to 46cm thick where restrictive kind is ""fragipan"", ""duripan"", ""petrocalcic"", ""ortstein"", or ""petrogypsic"" and restrictive feature hardness is not noncemented. Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO CEMENTED PAN THIN (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Not limiting => 50cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. AND NOT Property used: RESTRICTIVE FEATURE HARDNESS (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting not = noncemented Not limiting = noncemented Null hardness is assigned to the Not limiting class. 12. Subsidence: Soils with high subsidence can cause building and road foundations to shift or collapse, flooring slabs to crack and roadways to buckle. Soil feature considered is total subsidence. Property used: SUBSIDENCE TOTAL (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting => 30cm Not limiting < 30cm Null pH values are assigned to the Not limiting class. 13. Depth to saturated zone: Soils with shallow depth to a water table maybe difficult to reclaim and revegetated. These areas are slow to drain and can become waterlogged and boggy during periods of heavy precipitation. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first layer where soil moisture layer status is wet or saturated during any month. Property used: HIGH WATER TABLE DEPTH MINIMUM (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting =< 43cm Somewhat limiting > 43 to <= 75cm Not limiting > 75cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 14. Unstable fill: Soils that are reconstructed because of land reclamation practices can cause differential settlement. These areas of differential settlement are difficult to identify and are typically destructive to engineering infrastructure. Soil feature considered is the component local phase. Property used: COMPONENT LOCAL PHASE Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""unstable fill"" Not limiting not = ""unstable fill"" Null local phase is assigned to the Not limiting class."|"Yes"|07/19/2005 06:05:08|"395"|"8885"|"372573" "FOR - Conservation Tree/Shrub Groups"|"class"|"FOR - CONSERVATION TREE/SHRUB GROUPS ------------------------------------- A Conservation Tree/Shrub Group (CTSG) is a physiograpic unit or area having similar climatic and edaphic characteristics that control the selection and height growth of trees and shrubs. Individual soil components are placed in a CTSG using soil rating criteria. Refer to section 537 of the National Forestry Manual for specific soil rating criteria."|"Yes"|09/19/2005 14:43:04|"1029"|"8885"|"372570" "FOR - Construction Limitations for Haul Roads/Log Landings"|"limitation"|"FOR - CONSTRUCTION LIMITATIONS FOR HAUL ROADS/LOG LANDINGS ---------------------------------------------------------- Refer to section 537 of the National Forestry Manual for specific soil rating criteria. Description: Ratings reflect limitations for constructing haul roads and log landings. Ratings assess: * Earth moving activities to meet standards and specifications for haul roads and log landings. * Excavating, removal and shaping of native soil materials to develop haul roads and log landings for forest harvesting and other management activities. * Cuts and fills less than 10 feet in depth. * The use of bladed crawler tractors, excavators, graders and other primary construction equipment. * Year-round water tables, year-round ponding and permafrost. * Frequency and duration of flooding. Ratings assume: * Construction activities occur during customary periods of such work for the local area. * Roads are up to one mile in length with up to a 20-foot running surface. Ratings do no assess: * Snow-covered soils. Rating Classes (Crisp): * Slight - Little or no limitations to construction activities. * Moderate - One or more limitations that cause some difficulty. * Severe - One or more limitations that make road or log landing construction very difficult or more costly."|"Yes"|09/19/2005 14:43:04|"351"|"8885"|"372586" "FOR - Hand Planting Suitability"|"limitation"|"FOR - HAND PLANTING SUITABILITY ------------------------------- Refer to section 537 of the National Forestry Manual for specific soil rating criteria. Description: * Ratings indicate the expected difficulty of hand planting. Ratings assess: * Activities that include the proper placement of the root systems of tree and shrub seedlings to a depth of up to 12. * The use of bareroot stock, tublings, containerized stock and cuttings. * The use of spades, dibbles, planting bars or other similar planting tools. * Year-round water tables and year-round ponding. Ratings assume: * Necessary site preparation is completed before hand planting. * Planting activities occur during customary periods of such work for the local area. Ratings do not assess: * Non-soil obstacles, e.g., slash. * Human-held powered equipment such as power augers. * Human-caused compacted layers from harvesting or other site activities (only natural restrictive layers are considered). * Frozen or snow-covered soils. Rating Classes (Crisp): * Well Suited - Little or no restrictions to hand planting; planting rates are not affected. * Moderately Suited - One or more restrictions that impede planting and reduce planting rates. * Poorly suited - One or more restrictions that severely impede planting and reduce planting. * Unsuited - Site factors and features prevent the proper planting of seedlings."|"Yes"|09/19/2005 14:43:04|"670"|"8885"|"372590" "FOR - Harvest Equipment Operability"|"limitation"|"FOR - HARVEST EQUIPMENT OPERABILITY ----------------------------------- Refer to section 537 of the National Forestry Manual for specific soil rating criteria. Description: The suitability for operating harvesting equipment. Ratings assess: * The off-road transport or harvest of logs and/or wood products by ground-based wheeled or tracked equipment. * The use of standard rubber-tire skidders and bulldozers used for ground-based harvesting and transport. * Activities that disturb from 35 to 75 percent of the surface area with rutting, puddling or displacement up to a depth of 18. * Year-round water tables and year-round ponding. Ratings assume: * Activities occur during customary periods of such work for the local area. Ratings do not assess: * Non-soil obstacles, e.g., slash. * Frozen or snow-covered soils. Rating Classes (Crisp): * Well Suited- Little or no restrictions to equipment operability. * Moderately Suited - One or more restrictions reduce the effective and safe use of equipment. * Poorly suited - One or more restrictions make the use of equipment impractical or unsafe."|"Yes"|09/19/2005 14:43:04|"559"|"8885"|"372582" "FOR - Log Landing Suitability"|"limitation"|"FOR - LOG LANDING SUITABILITY ----------------------------- Refer to section 537 of the National Forestry Manual for specific soil rating criteria. Description: The suitability of the soil at the forest site to serve as a log landing. Ratings assess: * Efficient and effective use of equipment for the temporary storage and handling of logs. * The use of grappel hooks, skidders, trucks, loaders, cable yarders and other similar equipment. * Activities that disturb 100 percent of the soil surface area with rutting, puddling or displacement up to a depth of 18. * The landscape in its natural setting. * Frequency and duration of flooding, ponding and depth and duration of water table. Ratings assume: * Vegetation and debris is cleared from an area sufficient in size for the road or landing before use begins. Ratings do no assess: * Non-soil obstacles, e.g., slash. * Frozen or snow-covered soil. Rating Classes (Crisp): * Suited - Little or no restrictions to road or log landing suitability. * Moderately Suited - One or more restrictions reduce site suitability. * Poorly suited - One or more restrictions generally make the use of the site for a landing very difficult or unsafe."|"Yes"|09/19/2005 14:43:04|"348"|"8885"|"372551" "FOR - Mechanical Planting Suitability"|"limitation"|"FOR - MECHCANICAL PLANTING SUITABILITY -------------------------------------- Refer to section 537 of the National Forestry Manual for specific soil rating criteria. Description: * The difficulty of planting trees or shrubs using a mechanical planter. Ratings assess: * Activities that include the proper placement of the root systems of tree and shrub seedlings to a depth of up to 12. * The use of bareroot stock, tublings, containerized stock and cuttings. * Year-round water tables and year-round ponding. * The use of mechanical planters that create narrow furrows or trenches to a depth of 12 and are operated on the contour or cross-slope. * The use of mechanical planters on a 3-point hitch with coulter, shank or trench shoe and packing wheel pulled by sufficiently powered equipment. Ratings assume: * Planting activities occur during customary periods of such work for the local area. * Necessary site preparation is completed before mechanical planting. Ratings do not assess: * Non-soil obstacles, e.g., slash. * Human-caused compacted layers from harvesting or other site activities (only natural restrictive layers are considered). * Frozen or snow-covered soils. Rating Classes (Crisp): * Well Suited - Little or no restrictions to mechanical planting; planting rates are not affected. * Moderately Suited - One or more restrictions that impede planting and reduce planting rates. * Poorly Suited - One or more restrictions that severely impede planting and reduce planting rates. * Unsuited - Site factors and features prevent mechanical planting of seedlings."|"Yes"|09/19/2005 14:43:04|"620"|"8885"|"372555" "FOR - Mechanical Site Preparation (Deep)"|"limitation"|"FOR - MECHANICAL SITE PREPARATION (DEEP) ---------------------------------------- Refer to section 537 of the National Forestry Manual for specific soil rating criteria. Description: * Ratings indicate the suitability of using deep soil tillage equipment. Ratings assess: * Activities that include subsoiling, ripping and other subsurface soil disturbance across the slope. * Activities that treat up to 50 to 75 percent of the site to 36 in depth to break up restrictive or compacted layers and increase infiltration for plant growth. * Features and characteristics from the surface to 36 in depth. The use of rippers, subsoilers and other implements pulled by bulldozers (D8 or equivalent) that till at a depth greater than 12. * Year-round water tables and year-round ponding. Ratings assume: * Activities occur during customary periods of such work for the local area. Ratings do not assess: * Non-soil obstacles, e.g., slash. * Human-caused compacted layers from harvesting or other site activities (only natural restrictive layers are considered). * Frozen or snow-covered soils. Rating Classes (Crisp): * Suited - Little or no restrictions to deep mechanical site preparation. * Poorly Suited - One or more restrictions reduce the effective and safe use of equipment. * Unsuited - One or more restrictions generally prevent a sufficient level of deep mechanical site preparation."|"Yes"|09/19/2005 14:43:04|"617"|"8885"|"372547" "FOR - Mechanical Site Preparation (Surface)"|"limitation"|"FOR - MECHANICAL SITE PREPARATION (SURFACE) ------------------------------------------- Refer to section 537 of the National Forestry Manual for specific soil rating criteria. Description: Ratings indicate the suitability of using surface-altering soil tillage equipment. Ratings Assess: * Activities that include modifying the soil surface to prepare the site for planting or seeding. * Activities that treat up to 50 to 75 percent of the site to 12 in depth. Features and characteristics from the surface to 12 in depth. The use of brush rakes, chisels, disks and other similar types of implements pulled by bulldozers or tractors (D6/D7, 150 h.p. tractor or equivalent). * Year-round water tables and year-round ponding. Ratings Assume: * Activities for such work occur during customary periods for the local area. Ratings do not assess: * Non-soil obstacles, e.g., slash. * Human-caused compacted layers from harvesting or other site activities (only natural restrictive layers are considered). * Frozen or snow-covered soils. Ratings: * Suited - Little or no restrictions to surface mechanical site preparation. * Poorly Suited - One or more restrictions reduce the effective and safe use of equipment. * Unsuited - One or more restrictions generally prevent the effective and safe use of equipment."|"Yes"|09/19/2005 14:43:04|"569"|"8885"|"372563" "FOR - Potential Erosion Hazard (Off-Road/Off-Trail)"|"limitation"|"FOR - POTENTIAL EROSION HAZARD (OFF-ROAD/OFF-TRAIL) --------------------------------------------------- Refer to section 537 of the National Forestry Manual for specific soil rating criteria. Description: Ratings indicate the hazard or risk of soil loss from off-road and off-trail areas after disturbance activities that expose the soil surface. Ratings assess: * Sheet and rill erosion from exposed soil surfaces caused by various silvicultural practices, grazing, mining, fire, firebreaks, etc. * Activities that disturb the site resulting in 50 to 75 percent bare ground in the affected area * The use of any equipment type or size and uncontrolled grazing by livestock. Ratings assume: * 50 to 75% exposed, roughened mineral surface layer Ratings do not assess: * Clean tillage and other similar activities that disturb up to nearly 100 percent of the area and change the character of the soil * Histosols. * Individual precipitation or storm events. * The impact of gully erosion. * Sediment production/delivery ratio or streambank or streambed erosion for water courses on the site. * Ground disturbing activities on the amount of surface or subsurface water runoff. Rating Classes (Crisp): * None - There is no erosion hazard associated with this activity. * Slight - Erosion is unlikely under ordinary climatic conditions. * Moderate - Some erosion is likely; control measures may be needed. * Severe - Erosion is very likely; control measures for vegetation re-establishment on bare areas and structural measures are advised. * Very Severe - Significant erosion is expected; loss of soil productivity and off-site damages are likely; control measures are costly and generally impractical."|"Yes"|09/19/2005 14:43:04|"237"|"8885"|"372567" "FOR - Potential Erosion Hazard (Road/Trail)"|"limitation"|"FOR - POTENTIAL EROSION HAZARD (ROAD/TRAIL) ------------------------------------------- Refer to section 537 of the National Forestry Manual for specific soil rating criteria. Description: The hazard or risk of soil loss from unsurfaced roads/trails. Refer to the National Forestry Manual for soil rating criteria. Ratings assess: * The force that natural precipitation events have to dislodge and move soil materials on roads/trails and firebreaks. * Activities on roads and trails that result in bare ground, compaction, and reshaping of the soil surface. * Use by trucks, skidders, off-road vehicles and other similar equipment. * The impact on compacted, bare road/trail surface using the representative value for slope gradient of the soil component Ratings assume: * Roads and trails are generally linear, continuous, and narrow ranging up to 25 feet in width. Ratings do not assess: * Frozen or snow-covered soil. Rating Classes (Crisp): * No Erosion Hazard - There is no erosion hazard associated with this activity. * Slight - Little or no erosion is likely. * Moderate - Some erosion is likely; occasional maintenance may be needed; simple erosion control measures needed. * Severe - Significant erosion can be expected; roads require frequent maintenance; costly erosion control measures are needed"|"Yes"|09/19/2005 14:43:04|"330"|"8885"|"372559" "FOR - Potential Fire Damage Hazard"|"limitation"|"FOR - POTENTIAL FIRE DAMAGE HAZARD ------------------------------- Refer to section 537 of the National Forestry Manual for specific soil rating criteria. Description: The potential hazard of damage to soil nutrient, physical, and biotic characteristics from fire. Ratings assess: * The impact of fires (prescribed or wildfire) of moderate fireline intensity (116-520 btu's/sec/ft) that provide the necessary heat to remove the duff layer and consume soil organic matter in the surface layer. Ratings assume: * Soils with a shallow surface layer lack the capacity to safely absorb the effects of fire. * Steep slopes are more likely to erode if the protective duff layer is removed. * Soil texture and rock fragment content relate to soil erodibility, vegetative recovery rate, and vegetative productivity. * Medium textured soils, with their greater inherent water holding capacity, aaare more likely to be cooler and provide higher productivty potential *Soils with large volumes of rock fragments transmit heat to a greater depth in a shorter period of time. * Soils with less than 2 percent organic matter are more resistant to sheet and rill erosion and have greater water holding capacity. Ratings do not assess: * The time of year in which the fire occurs (winter versus summer). * Fuel moisture content or volume. * Whether conditions Rating Classes (Crisp): *None - No impact to the soil characteristis are expected. * Low - Little negative impact to the soil characteristics are expected. * Moderate - Negative impacts to the soil characteristic may occur. * High - Negative impact to the soil characteristics are expected."|"Yes"|09/19/2005 14:43:04|"10458"|"8885"|"372575" "FOR - Potential Seedling Mortality"|"limitation"|"FOR - POTENTIAL SEEDLING MORTALITY ---------------------------------------- Refer to section 537 of the National Forestry Manual for specific soil rating criteria. Description: The likelihood of death of naturally or artificially propagated tree seedlings, as influenced by soil characteristic, physiographic features and climatic conditions. Ratings assess: * The impact of soil, physiographic, and climatic conditions on the survivability of newly established tree seedlings Ratings assume: * Site preparation is adequate for the establishment of tree seedlings. * Artificially propagated tree seedlings are of adequate size and quality, are adapted to the site, are planted during a time sufficient to assure initial root growth with respect to moisture and temperature, and proper planting techniques are employed. * Near normal monthly and yearly climatic conditions. Ratings do no assess: * Effects of overstory tree canopy greater than 15 feet in height. * Effects of adjacent competing plants less than 15 feet in height. * Effects of seedling pests (rodent, herbivore, insect, etc.). Rating Classes (Crisp): Low - Seedlings are expected to develop normally and become established. Moderate - Root development is sufficiently retarded to cause death of some seedlings (up to 1 in 3) and establishment of surviving seedlings is delayed. High - Seedlings are not expected to survive (at least 2 in 3 die) without special treatment or management."|"Yes"|09/19/2005 14:43:04|"10599"|"8885"|"372579" "FOR - Road Suitability (Natural Surface)"|"limitation"|"FOR - ROAD SUITABILITY (NATURAL SURFACE) ---------------------------------------- Refer to section 537 of the National Forestry Manual for specific soil rating criteria. Description: Suitability for using the natural surface of the soil component for roads by trucks for the transport of logs and other wood products from the site. Ratings assess: * The efficient and safe transport of forest products from the site. * The landscape in its natural setting. * Frequency and duration of flooding, ponding and depth and duration of water table. * The use of trucks (1/2-ton to log-transport capability). * Activities that disturb 100 percent of the soil surface area with rutting, puddling or displacement up to a depth of 18. Ratings assume: * Vegetation and debris is cleared from an area sufficient in width for the road before use begins. * Using the natural setting of the soil without cut and fill construction. * Slopes are less than 20 percent gradient. * Use occurs during customary periods of such activity for the local area. * Roads are generally less than 1 mile in length with up to a 20-foot wide running surface. Ratings do no assess: * Non-soil obstacles, e.g., slash. * Frozen or snow-covered soils. Rating Classes (Crisp): * Suited - Little or no restrictions to natural road suitability. * Moderately Suited - One or more restrictions reduce site suitability. * Poorly Suited - One or more restrictions generally make the use of the site for a natural road very difficult or unsafe."|"Yes"|09/19/2005 14:43:04|"297"|"8885"|"372571" "FOR - Soil Rutting Hazard"|"limitation"|"FOR - SOIL RUTTING HAZARD ------------------------- Refer to section 537 of the National Forestry Manual for specific soil rating criteria. Description: Ratings indicate the hazard or risk of ruts in the uppermost soil surface layers by operation of forest equipment. Soil displacement and puddling (soil deformation and compaction) may occur simultaneously with rutting. Ratings assess: * The operation of equipment on forest sites (3-10 passes) when the soil moisture is near field capacity. * The use of standard rubber-tired vehicles (non-flotation tires). * Year-long water tables < 12. * Soil displacement and puddling which may affect aesthetics, groundwater hydrology, and productivity of the site. Ratings assume: * Rutting depths usually range from 2 to 24 and depends, in part, on the weight of equipment (including carried or pulled loads) and shape and size of wheels. * Lack of organic/vegetation surface cover. * Conditions occurs on soil with slopes and other characteristics that allow use of ground-based equipment. Ratings do not assess: * Impacts of rutting on sloping sites that may channel surface water and affect hydrology. * Frozen soil within 24 of the surface. Rating Classes (Crisp): * Slight - Little or no rutting. * Moderate - Ruts are likely. * Severe- Ruts readily."|"Yes"|09/19/2005 14:43:04|"281"|"8885"|"372587" "GRL-Fencing, Post Depth =<24 inches"|"limitation"|"FENCING: 1. Fencing is the construction and maintenance of barriers for the management of animals and people. Fences are constructed using metal or wooden posts. This rule was developed for conditions where the posts are set to a depth of 2 feet or less into the soil with strands of wire suspended between the posts. 2. The guide, as shown in the Table below, is used to rate the ease of setting posts, maintaining the wire tension, and estimating the replacement and maintenance cost. Excavations for wooden posts are made by power auger or hand dug, metal posts are driven into the soil. 3. Bedrock, cemented pan, and large and small stones influence the excavation of post holes and the driving of posts. Flooding and depth to a seasonal high water table may restrict the season of construction. Flooding also affects maintenance and replacement cost. High water tables raise the maintenance cost and require deeper post settings. High shrink-swell soils require deep post settings or rock jacks to maintain vertical post alignment. Setting posts in permanently frozen soil may cause lose of the insulation qualities of the soil and result in thermokarst topography. Post alignment and maintaining the desired wire tension are often difficult on sandy soils due to their low strength. Soil blowing causes maintenance problems. Frost action results in frost-heaving of the posts. Steep slopes affect the use power augers and the delivery of supplies. During the wet seasons surface creep on steep slopes increases maintenance. Soil reaction and salinity affect the type of post selected and maintenance costs. Table of Criteria for Fencing: LIMITS RATING CRITERIA WELL POORLY RESTRICTIVE OR PROPERTY SUITED SUITED SUITED FEATURE 1. USDA TEXTURE --- --- ICE PERMAFROST 1a. TEXTURE (WEIGHT --- --- SC, SIC, C TOO CLAYEY AVE. 0-24"") 1b. TEXTURE (WEIGHT AV. --- SC, SIC, C --- TOO CLAYEY 0-24"", KAOLINITIC MINERALOGY AND OXIC SUBGROUPS, AND OXISOLS AND UDIC MOISTURE REGIME) 1c. TEXTURE (WEIGHT --- LS, LCOS, VFS, COS, S, TOO SANDY AV. 0-24"") LFS, LVFS FS 2. FLOODING NONE, RARE OCCAS FREQ FLOODING 3. DEPTH TO BEDROCK --- --- <24"" DEPTH TO ROCK (HARD OR SOFT, IN) 4. DEPTH TO CEMENTED --- --- <24"" CEMENTED PAN PAN (IN) 5. WEIGHT PERCENT <25 25-50 >50 TOO GRAVELLY 2 mm-<3"" (0-24"") 5a. WEIGHT PERCENT <25 25-50 >50 TOO COBBLY 3-10"" (0-24"") 5b. WEIGHT PERCENT <5 5-15 >15 TOO STONY >10"" (0-24"") 6. SHRINK-SWELL --- --- >6 SHRINK-SWELL THICKEST LAYER 0-24"", LE (PCT) 7. PONDING --- --- + PONDING 8. DEPTH TO HIGH >2.0 --- <2.0 WETNESS WATER TABLE (FT) 9. SLOPE (PCT) <8 8-15 >15 SLOPE 10. POTENTIAL FROST ACTION --- HIGH --- FROST ACTION 11. SALINITY (MMHOS/CM) --- >8 --- EXCESS SALT 12. SOIL REACTION (pH) --- <3.5 --- TOO ACID"|"Yes"|01/27/2005 06:59:45|"825"|"8885"|"372591" "GRL-Fencing, Post Depth =<36 inches"|"limitation"|"FENCING: 1. Fencing is the construction and maintenance of barriers for the management of animals and people. Fences are constructed using metal or wooden posts. This rule was developed for conditions where the posts are set to a depth of 3 feet or less into the soil with strands of wire suspended between the posts. 2. The guide, as shown in the Table below, is used to rate the ease of setting posts, maintaining the wire tension, and estimating the replacement and maintenance cost. Excavations for wooden posts are made by power auger or hand dug, metal posts are driven into the soil. 3. Bedrock, cemented pan, and large and small stones influence the excavation of post holes and the driving of posts. Flooding and depth to a seasonal high water table may restrict the season of construction. Flooding also affects maintenance and replacement cost. High water tables raise the maintenance cost and require deeper post settings. High shrink-swell soils require deep post settings or rock jacks to maintain vertical post alignment. Setting posts in permanently frozen soil may cause lose of the insulation qualities of the soil and result in thermokarst topography. Post alignment and maintaining the desired wire tension are often difficult on sandy soils due to their low strength. Soil blowing causes maintenance problems. Frost action results in frost-heaving of the posts. Steep slopes affect the use power augers and the delivery of supplies. During the wet seasons surface creep on steep slopes increases maintenance. Soil reaction and salinity affect the type of post selected and maintenance costs. Table of Criteria for Fencing: LIMITS RATING CRITERIA WELL POORLY RESTRICTIVE OR PROPERTY SUITED SUITED SUITED FEATURE 1. USDA TEXTURE --- --- ICE PERMAFROST 1a. TEXTURE (WEIGHT --- --- SC, SIC, C TOO CLAYEY AVE. 0-36"") 1b. TEXTURE (WEIGHT AV. --- SC, SIC, C --- TOO CLAYEY 0-36"", KAOLINITIC MINERALOGY AND OXIC SUBGROUPS, AND OXISOLS AND UDIC MOISTURE REGIME) 1c. TEXTURE (WEIGHT --- LS, LCOS, VFS, COS, S, TOO SANDY AV. 0-36"") LFS, LVFS FS 2. FLOODING NONE, RARE OCCAS FREQ FLOODING 3. DEPTH TO BEDROCK --- --- <36 DEPTH TO ROCK (HARD OR SOFT, IN) 4. DEPTH TO CEMENTED --- --- <36 CEMENTED PAN PAN (IN) 5. WEIGHT PERCENT <25 25-50 >50 TOO GRAVELLY 2 mm-<3"" (0-36"") 5a. WEIGHT PERCENT <25 25-50 >50 TOO COBBLY 3-10"" (0-36"") 5b. WEIGHT PERCENT <5 5-15 >15 TOO STONY >10"" (0-36"") 6. SHRINK-SWELL --- --- >6 SHRINK-SWELL THICKEST LAYER 0-36"", LE (PCT) 7. PONDING --- --- + PONDING 8. DEPTH TO HIGH >2.0 --- <2.0 WETNESS WATER TABLE (FT) 9. SLOPE (PCT) <8 8-15 >15 SLOPE 10. POTENTIAL FROST ACTION --- HIGH --- FROST ACTION 11. SALINITY (MMHOS/CM) --- >8 --- EXCESS SALT 12. SOIL REACTION (pH) --- <3.5 --- TOO ACID"|"Yes"|01/27/2005 06:59:49|"883"|"8885"|"372583" "URB/REC - Camp Areas"|"limitation"|"Summary: Soil interpretations for recreational development are to be used to guide the user in identifying and evaluating the suitability of the soil for specific recreational purposes. The soil survey interpretation rating guides are applicable to both heavily and sparsely populated areas, depending upon the objectives of the user. The ratings are for soils in their present condition and do not consider present land use. These ratings do not consider location and accessibility of the area, size and shape of the area, scenic quality, the ability of the soil to support vegetation, access to water or potential sites for water impoundment. Nor do the ratings consider access to public sewers or the capacity of the soil to support localized sanitary facilities such as septic tank adsorption fields or sanitary landfills. Soils can be a non-member, partial member or complete members of the set of soils that are limited for ""Camp Areas"". If a soil's property within 150 cm (60 inches) of the soil surface has a membership indices greater then zero, then that soil property is limiting and the soil restrictive feature is identified. The overall interpretive rating assigned is the maximum membership indices of each soil interpretive property that comprise the ""Camp Areas"" interpretive rule. Minor restrictive soil features are identified but not considered as part of the overall rating process. These restrictive features could be important factors where the major restrictive features are overcome through design application. Soils are placed into interpretive rating classes per their rating indices. These are not limited (rating index = 0), somewhat limited (rating index > 0 and < 1.0), or very limited (rating index = 1.0). Description: Camp areas are tracts of land used intensively as sites for tents, trailers, campers, and the accompanying activities of outdoor living. Camp areas require site preparation such as shaping and leveling in the areas used for tents and parking areas, stabilizing roads and intensively used areas, and installing sanitary facilities and utility lines. Camp areas are subject to heavy foot traffic and some vehicular traffic. Many soil survey areas in sparsely populated parts of the country have soil surveys of lower intensity. While some general observations may be made, onsite evaluation is required before the final site is selected. Scope: National Soil properties and qualities considered in rating the degree of limitation are those that influence the ease of developing camping areas and the performance of the camping area after development. Soil properties that influence trafficability and promote the growth of vegetation after heavy use are important. For tent or remote campsites, the limitations would be less restrictive. Slope, stoniness, and depth to bedrock or cemented pans are the main concerns in developing camp areas. However, areas associated with picnic areas may have steep slopes and rough terrain for aesthetic purposes. For good trafficability, the surface of camp areas should absorb rainfall readily, remain firm under heavy foot traffic, and not be dusty when dry. Soil properties that influence trafficability are texture of the surface layer, wetness, permeability, and large stones. The limitations of slow permeability and clayey surface texture are not as severe in dry regions of the country; however, silty soils may be more of a problem because they are dusty. Soil properties that influence the growth of plants are depth to bedrock or a cemented pan, permeability, and presence of toxic materials. Soils that are subject to flooding are particularly hazardous for camp areas because of the danger to life and property. Criteria: The interpretive rating is the most limiting of the following restrictive features. 1. Content of organic matter: Soil in Unified class pt is high in organic materials, has low strength, and is hard to reclaim. Soil feature considered is the rv or first Unified class of the surface layer if the layer is greater then 25cm thick. Property used: SURFACE LAYER THICKNESS nssc (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 25cm Not limiting <= 25cm AND Property used: UNIFIED THICKEST LAYER 25-180cm (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""pt"" Not limiting not = ""pt"" Null Unified classes are assigned to the Not rated class. 2. Flooding: Soil that floods limit the installation and function for building site applications. Soil feature considered is maximum flooding frequency classes over 12 months. Property used: FLOODING FREQUENCY (Maximum Duration) (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""very rare"" or ""rare"" or ""occasional"" or ""frequent"" or ""very frequent"" Not limiting = ""none"" Null frequency is assigned to the Not limiting class. 3. Too Stony: Excessive stones (rock fragments, > 10 inch in size) on the soil surface can interfere with equipment operations and are a nuisance for most landuses. Soil feature considered is percent of the soil surface covered by rock fragments > 10 inches in size. Property used: FRAGMENTS >=250MM ON SURFACE (Modality - high, low, and representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 3.0% Somewhat limiting >= .1% to <= 3.0% Not limiting < .1% Null surface cover percentage of rock fragments with an rv >=250mm are assigned to the Not limiting class. 4. Content of large stones: Excessive stones (rock fragments, > 3 inch) in size in soil surface layer are nuisances and may impede maintenance. Soil feature considered is percent by weight rock fragments > 3 inches in size in the surface soil layer. Property used: FRAGMENTS > 75mm SURFACE LAYER (Modality - high, low, and representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 75% Somewhat limiting >= 25% to <= 75% Not limiting < 25% Null > 3 inch rock fragment data are assigned to the Not rated class. 5. Restricted permeability: The soil horizon with the minimum Ksat governs the rate of water movement through the whole soil. When this rate is low, transmission of fluids into and through the soil impedes infiltration and percolation of percipitation and may cause water to pond and wet condition to presist for extended periods of time. Soil feature considered is the layer with the minimum saturated hydraulic conductivity within 100cm of the surface and above a restrictive layer. If the soil is in taxonomic class TOR, UST, or XER SUBORDERS; TOR, UST, or XER GREAT GROUPS; TOR, UST, ARIDIC, or XER SUBGROUPS then the limiting condition is reduced by half. Property used: KSAT MINIMUM ABOVE RESTRICTIVE LAYER (0-100cm) (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting =< .4 micrometers/sec Somewhat Limiting > .4 and < 4 micrometers/sec Not limiting => 4 micrometers/sec Null Ksat values are assigned to the Not rated class. 6. Depth to permafrost: Permafrost (permanently frozen soil layer) restricts or effects excavation, manipulation, transport, stability, and workability of the soil material. Soil features considered are restrictive feature depth and where kind is permafrost or USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) is ""cpf"" or USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER is ""pf"". Property used: DEPTH TO PERMAFROST (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Somewhat limiting => 50 to =< 100cm Not limiting > 100cm Null depths are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""cpf"" Not limiting not = ""cpf"" Null USDA Texture (In-Lieu-Of) are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""pf"" Not limiting not = ""pf"" Null USDA Texture Modifier are assigned to the Not limiting class. 7. Ponding: Ponding is the condition where standing water is on the soil surface for a given period of time. Soil that pond has restrictions that limit the installation and function of most landuse applications. Soil features considered are ponding duration and frequency classes for all months. Property used: PONDING DURATION (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""very brief"" or ""brief"" or ""long"" or ""very long"" Not limiting not = ""very brief"" or ""brief"" or ""long"" or ""very long"" Null duration is assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: PONDING FREQUENCY (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""none"" Not limiting not = ""none"" Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 8. Salinity: Soils with high salinity have reduced available water capacity and may induce salinity toxicity, which restricts vigorous plant growth and re-establishing vegetation in disturbed area. Soil feature considered is the highest value of salinity (electrical conductivity) of the surface layers. Property used: SALINITY SURFACE LAYER (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting => 8 mmhos/cm Somewhat limiting => 4 to < 8 mmhos/cm Not limiting < 4 mmhos/cm Null EC is assigned to the Not limiting class. 9. Too sandy: Soil with sandy surface layer is subject to blowing sand, are hard to re-vegetate, and restricts the soils ability to support multiple use recreational activities. Soil feature considered are the percent clay in the surface layer and the #4 and 200# sieve sizes. Sand percentage is calculated using the difference between the #4 and #200 sieve. Property used: SAND (#4-#200SIEVE) SURFACE LAYER (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting <= 70 Somewhat limiting > 70 and < 90 Not limiting >= 90 Null sieves are assigned to the Not limiting class. AND Property used: CLAY PERCENT SURFACE LAYER (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 15cm Not limiting >= 15cm Null clay percentage in the surface layer is assigned to the Not limiting class. 10. Depth to bedrock: Shallow depth to bedrock limits site preparation such as shaping and leveling and restricts the soils ability to support multiple use recreational activities. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive type is ""bedrock (lithic)"" or ""bedrock (paralithic)."" Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO BEDROCK (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Not limiting => 50cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 11. Depth to cemented pan: Depth to cemented pan limits site preparation such as shaping and leveling and restricts the soils ability to support multiple use recreational activities. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive kind is ""fragipan"", ""duripan"", ""petrocalcic"", ""ortstein"", or ""petrogypsic"" and restrictive feature hardness is not noncemented. Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO CEMENTED PAN (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting =< 50cm Somewhat limiting > 50 to < 100cm Not limiting => 100cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. AND NOT Property used: RESTRICTIVE FEATURE HARDNESS (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting not = noncemented Not limiting = noncemented Null hardness is assigned to the Not limiting class. 12. Slope: Steep slopes impede trafficability of heavy machinery and reclamation of borrow sites. Soil feature considered is the component slope. Property used: SLOPE (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting > 15% Somewhat limiting >= 8 and <= 15% Not limiting < 8% Null Slope is assigned Not rated. 13. Gravel content: Gravel (small stones) in the surface layer is a nuisance and may impede maintenance. Soil feature considered is the surface percent retained on the #10 sieve (100 - #10). This is adjusted for stones by multiplying it times the fraction less than 3"" (1 - (Rock 3-10 + Rock >10)/100). Property used: FRAGMENTS 2MM-75mm SURFACE LAYER (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 50% Somewhat limiting >= 25 to <= 50% Not limiting < 25% Null sieve are assigned to the Not rated class. 14. Sodium content: Soils with high sodium adsorption ratio have the potential to restrict plan growth and re-establishing vegetation in disturbed area. Soil feature considered is the horizon with the highest sodium adsorption ratio. Property used: SODIUM ADSORPTION RATIO MAXIMUM (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting > 12 Not limiting <= 12 Null SAR is assigned to the Not limiting class. 15. Too acid: Soils with low pH restrict plan growth and re-establishing vegetation in disturbed area. Soil feature considered is the (pH) of the surface layer. Property used: SOIL REACTION 1-1 WATER SURFACE LAYER (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting < 3.5 Not limiting => 3.5 Null pH values are assigned to the Not limiting class. 16. Too clayey: Soil with clayey surface layer has slow intake rates, remain muddy for extended periods and compaction may reduce the growth of grass and ornamental plantings. Rating is reduced by half if the soil is in taxonomic class SUBORDERS or GREAT GROUPS (TOR, UST, or XER); SUBORDERS (TOR, UST, ARID, XER, or OXI); or ORDERS (OXISOLS). Soil feature considered is the clay percentage of the surface layer and the taxonomic classification. Property used: CLAY PERCENT SURFACE LAYER (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 40% Somewhat limiting > 40% and in TOR, UST, or XER SUBORDERS or TOR, UST, or XER GREAT GROUPS or TOR, UST, ARID, XER, or OXI SUBORDERS or OXISOLS ORDERS Not limiting =< 40% Null clay percentage is assigned to the Not rated class. Null taxonomic classes are assigned to the Not limiting class. 17. Dusty: Soils with silty surface layer and in taxonomic classes ORDERS (ARIDISOLS); SUBORDERS (TOR, UST, Or XER) or GREAT GROUPS (TOR, UST, Or XER) are dusty when dry. Soil feature considered is the rv or first USDA Texture class of the surface layer. Property used: USDA TEXTURE SURFACE LAYER NSSC (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Somewhat limiting ""SIL"", ""SI"", ""VFSL"", or ""L"" Not limiting all other USDA Textures Null USDA Texture and Taxonomic class are assigned to the Not limiting class. 18. Depth to saturated zone: Soils with shallow depth to a water table maybe difficult to reclaim and revegetated. These areas are slow to drain and can become waterlogged and boggy during periods of heavy precipitation. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first layer where soil moisture layer status is wet or saturated during any month. Property used: HIGH WATER TABLE DEPTH MINIMUM (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting =< 43cm Somewhat limiting > 43 to <= 75cm Not limiting > 75cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class."|"Yes"|07/19/2005 05:50:43|"1404"|"8885"|"372588" "URB/REC - Off-Road Motorcycle Trails"|"limitation"|"Summary: Soil interpretations for recreational development are to be used to guide the user in identifying and evaluating the suitability of the soil for specific recreational purposes. The soil survey interpretation rating guides are applicable to both heavily and sparsely populated areas, depending upon the objectives of the user. The ratings are for soils in their present condition and do not consider present land use. These ratings do not consider location and accessibility of the area, size and shape of the area, scenic quality, the ability of the soil to support vegetation, access to water or potential sites for water impoundment. Nor do the ratings consider access to public sewers or the capacity of the soil to support localized sanitary facilities such as septic tank adsorption fields or sanitary landfills. Soils can be a non-member, partial member or complete members of the set of soils that are limited for ""Off-Road Motorcycle Trails"". If a soil's property within 150 cm (60 inches) of the soil surface has a membership indices greater then zero, then that soil property is limiting and the soil restrictive feature is identified. The overall interpretive rating assigned is the maximum membership indices of each soil interpretive property that comprise the ""Off-Road Motorcycle Trails"" interpretive rule. Minor restrictive soil features are identified but not considered as part of the overall rating process. These restrictive features could be important factors where the major restrictive features are overcome through design application. Soils are placed into interpretive rating classes per their rating indices. These are not limited (rating index = 0), somewhat limited (rating index > 0 and < 1.0), or very limited (rating index = 1.0). Description: Off-road motorcycle trails are primarily for recreational use. Trails for other off-road vehicles may have similar criteria. Little or no preparation is done to the trail, and the surface is not vegetated or surfaced. Considerable compaction of the soil on the trail is expected. Many soil survey areas in sparsely populated parts of the country have soil surveys of lower intensity. While some general observations may be made, onsite evaluation is required before the final site is selected. Scope: National Soil properties and qualities considered in rating the degree of limitation are those that influence the ease of developing off-road motorcycle trails and the performance of off-road motorcycle trails after development. Erodibility, revegetation, trafficability, and dustiness are the main concerns in developing paths and trails. For good trafficability, the surface of a path or trail should absorb rainfall readily, remain firm under heavy traffic, and not be dusty when dry. Considerations for desirable off-road challenges are not included. Soil properties considered are stoniness, slope, wetness, texture of the surface layer, and flooding. Slope affects the soil erodibility. Large stones affect the configuration of the trail. Small stones affect trafficability. Wetness and flooding affect revegetation and frequency of use. Surface texture affects erodibility, trafficability, revegetation, and probability of dust. These soil properties and qualities are. Criteria: The interpretive rating is the most limiting of the following restrictive features. 1. Water erosion: Soils with high K factors and steep slopes have a tendency to erode and when used for paths and trails. Water erosion preventative practices are recommended on these soils. Soil feature considered is the maximum K factor (whole) and slope. Property used: EROSION FACTOR FIRST LAYER NOT ORGANIC (Modality - representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting => .35 Not limiting < .35 Null K factor whole is assigned to the Not limiting class. AND Property used: SLOPE (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting => 8% Not limiting < 8% Null Slope is assigned Not rated. 2. Content of organic matter: Soil in Unified class pt is high in organic materials, has low strength, and is hard to reclaim. Soil feature considered is the rv or first Unified class of the surface layer if the layer is greater then 25cm thick. Property used: SURFACE LAYER THICKNESS nssc (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 25cm Not limiting <= 25cm AND Property used: UNIFIED THICKEST LAYER 25-180cm (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""pt"" Not limiting not = ""pt"" Null Unified classes are assigned to the Not rated class. 3. Flooding: Soil that floods have limitation on the recreational use and management of these soils. Soil feature considered is maximum flooding frequency classes over 12 months. Property used: FLOODING FREQUENCY (Maximum Duration) (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Somewhat limiting = ""very frequent"" or ""frequent"" Not limiting = ""none"" or ""very rare"" or ""rare"" or ""occasional"" Null frequency is assigned to the Not limiting class. 4. Too Stony: Excessive stones (rock fragments, > 10 inch in size) on the soil surface can interfere with equipment operations and are a nuisance for most landuses. Soil feature considered is percent of the soil surface covered by rock fragments > 10 inches in size. Property used: FRAGMENTS >=250MM ON SURFACE (Modality - high, low, and representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 3.0% Somewhat limiting >= .1% to <= 3.0% Not limiting < .1% Null surface cover percentage of rock fragments with an rv >=250mm are assigned to the Not limiting class. 5. Content of large stones: Excessive stones (rock fragments, > 3 inch) in size in soil surface layer are nuisances and may impede maintenance. Soil feature considered is percent by weight rock fragments > 3 inches in size in the surface soil layer. Property used: FRAGMENTS > 75mm SURFACE LAYER (Modality - high, low, and representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 75% Somewhat limiting >= 25% to <= 75% Not limiting < 25% Null > 3 inch rock fragment data are assigned to the Not rated class. 6. Depth to permafrost: Permafrost (permanently frozen soil layer) restricts or effects excavation, manipulation, transport, stability, and workability of the soil material. Soil features considered are restrictive feature depth and where kind is permafrost or USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) is ""cpf"" or USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER is ""pf"". Property used: DEPTH TO PERMAFROST (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Somewhat limiting => 50 to =< 100cm Not limiting > 100cm Null depths are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""cpf"" Not limiting not = ""cpf"" Null USDA Texture (In-Lieu-Of) are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""pf"" Not limiting not = ""pf"" Null USDA Texture Modifier are assigned to the Not limiting class. 7. Ponding: Ponding is the condition where standing water is on the soil surface for a given period of time. Soil that pond has restrictions that limit the installation and function of most landuse applications. Soil features considered are ponding duration and frequency classes for all months. Property used: PONDING DURATION (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""very brief"" or ""brief"" or ""long"" or ""very long"" Not limiting not = ""very brief"" or ""brief"" or ""long"" or ""very long"" Null duration is assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: PONDING FREQUENCY (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""none"" Not limiting not = ""none"" Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 8. Too sandy: Soil with sandy surface layer is subject to blowing sand, are hard to re-vegetate, and restricts the soils ability to support multiple use recreational activities. Soil feature considered are the percent clay in the surface layer and the #4 and 200# sieve sizes. Sand percentage is calculated using the difference between the #4 and #200 sieve. Property used: SAND (#4-#200SIEVE) SURFACE LAYER (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting <= 70 Somewhat limiting > 70 and < 90 Not limiting >= 90 Null sieves are assigned to the Not limiting class. AND Property used: CLAY PERCENT SURFACE LAYER (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 15cm Not limiting >= 15cm Null clay percentage in the surface layer is assigned to the Not limiting class. 9. Slope: Steep slopes impede site preparation such as shaping and leveling and restrict the soils ability to support multiple use recreational activities. Soil feature considered is the component slope. Property used: SLOPE (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting => 40% Somewhat limiting > 25 and < 40% Not limiting =< 25% Null Slope is assigned Not rated. 10. Gravel content: Gravel (small stones) in the surface layer may impede trafficability. Soil feature considered is the surface percent retained on the #10 sieve (100 - #10). This is adjusted for stones by multiplying it times the fraction less than 3"" (1 - (Rock 3-10 + Rock >10)/100). Property used: FRAGMENTS 2MM-75mm SURFACE LAYER (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 65% Not limiting <= 65% Null sieve are assigned to the Not rated class. 11. Too clayey: Soil with clayey surface layer has slow intake rates, remain muddy for extended periods and compaction may reduce the growth of grass and ornamental plantings. Rating is reduced by half if the soil is in taxonomic class SUBORDERS or GREAT GROUPS (TOR, UST, or XER); SUBORDERS (TOR, UST, ARID, XER, or OXI); or ORDERS (OXISOLS). Soil feature considered is the clay percentage of the surface layer and the taxonomic classification. Property used: CLAY PERCENT SURFACE LAYER (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 40% Somewhat limiting > 40% and in TOR, UST, or XER SUBORDERS or TOR, UST, or XER GREAT GROUPS or TOR, UST, ARID, XER, or OXI SUBORDERS or OXISOLS ORDERS Not limiting =< 40% Null clay percentage is assigned to the Not rated class. Null taxonomic classes are assigned to the Not limiting class. 12. Dusty: Soils with silty surface layer and in taxonomic classes ORDERS (ARIDISOLS); SUBORDERS (TOR, UST, Or XER) or GREAT GROUPS (TOR, UST, Or XER) are dusty when dry. Soil feature considered is the rv or first USDA Texture class of the surface layer. Property used: USDA TEXTURE SURFACE LAYER NSSC (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Somewhat limiting ""SIL"", ""SI"", ""VFSL"", or ""L"" Not limiting all other USDA Textures Null USDA Texture and Taxonomic class are assigned to the Not limiting class. 13. Depth to saturated zone: Soils with shallow depth to a water table may become waterlogged and boggy during periods of heavy precipitation and are slow to drain. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first layer where soil moisture layer status is wet or saturated during any month. Property used: HIGH WATER TABLE DEPTH MINIMUM (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting =< 30cm Somewhat limiting > 30 to < 60cm Not limiting => 60cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class."|"Yes"|07/14/2005 07:13:02|"10018"|"8885"|"372545" "URB/REC - Paths and Trails"|"limitation"|"Summary: Soil interpretations for recreational development are to be used to guide the user in identifying and evaluating the suitability of the soil for specific recreational purposes. The soil survey interpretation rating guides are applicable to both heavily and sparsely populated areas, depending upon the objectives of the user. The ratings are for soils in their present condition and do not consider present land use. These ratings do not consider location and accessibility of the area, size and shape of the area, scenic quality, the ability of the soil to support vegetation, access to water or potential sites for water impoundment. Nor do the ratings consider access to public sewers or the capacity of the soil to support localized sanitary facilities such as septic tank adsorption fields or sanitary landfills. Soils can be a non-member, partial member or complete members of the set of soils that are limited for ""Paths and Trails "". If a soil's property within 150 cm (60 inches) of the soil surface has a membership indices greater then zero, then that soil property is limiting and the soil restrictive feature is identified. The overall interpretive rating assigned is the maximum membership indices of each soil interpretive property that comprise the ""Paths and Trails "" interpretive rule. Minor restrictive soil features are identified but not considered as part of the overall rating process. These restrictive features could be important factors where the major restrictive features are overcome through design application. Soils are placed into interpretive rating classes per their rating indices. These are not limited (rating index = 0), somewhat limited (rating index > 0 and < 1.0), or very limited (rating index = 1.0). Description: Paths and trails ratings apply to walking, horseback riding, and similar uses that require little or no cutting or filling. The soils are rated based on the properties and qualities that influence trafficability and erodibility. Many soil survey areas in sparsely populated parts of the country have soil surveys of lower intensity. While some general observations may be made, onsite evaluation is required before the final site is selected. Scope: National Soil properties and qualities considered in rating the degree of limitation are those that influence the ease of developing paths and trails and the performance of paths and trails after development. Stoniness, wetness, texture of the surface layer, slope, flooding, erodibility, and, in dry regions, dustiness are the main concerns in developing paths and trails. For good trafficability, the surface of a path or trail should absorb rainfall readily, remain firm under heavy foot traffic, and not be dusty when dry. These soil properties and qualities are. Criteria: The interpretive rating is the most limiting of the following restrictive features. 1. Water erosion: Soils with high K factors and steep slopes have a tendency to erode and when used for paths and trails. Water erosion preventative practices are recommended on these soils. Soil feature considered is the maximum K factor (whole) and slope. Property used: EROSION FACTOR FIRST LAYER NOT ORGANIC (Modality - representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting => .35 Not limiting < .35 Null K factor whole is assigned to the Not limiting class. AND Property used: SLOPE (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting => 8% Not limiting < 8% Null Slope is assigned Not rated. 2. Content of organic matter: Soil in Unified class pt is high in organic materials, has low strength, and is hard to reclaim. Soil feature considered is the rv or first Unified class of the surface layer if the layer is greater then 25cm thick. Property used: SURFACE LAYER THICKNESS nssc (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 25cm Not limiting <= 25cm AND Property used: UNIFIED THICKEST LAYER 25-180cm (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""pt"" Not limiting not = ""pt"" Null Unified classes are assigned to the Not rated class. 3. Flooding: Soil that floods have limitation on the recreational use and management of these soils. Soil feature considered is maximum flooding frequency classes over 12 months. Property used: FLOODING FREQUENCY (Maximum Duration) (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Somewhat limiting = ""very frequent"" or ""frequent"" Not limiting = ""none"" or ""very rare"" or ""rare"" or ""occasional"" Null frequency is assigned to the Not limiting class. 4. Too Stony: Excessive stones (rock fragments, > 10 inch in size) on the soil surface can interfere with equipment operations and are a nuisance for most landuses. Soil feature considered is percent of the soil surface covered by rock fragments > 10 inches in size. Property used: FRAGMENTS >=250MM ON SURFACE (Modality - high, low, and representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 3.0% Somewhat limiting >= .1% to <= 3.0% Not limiting < .1% Null surface cover percentage of rock fragments with an rv >=250mm are assigned to the Not limiting class. 5. Content of large stones: Excessive stones (rock fragments, > 3 inch) in size in soil surface layer are nuisances and may impede maintenance. Soil feature considered is percent by weight rock fragments > 3 inches in size in the surface soil layer. Property used: FRAGMENTS > 75mm SURFACE LAYER (Modality - high, low, and representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 75% Somewhat limiting >= 25% to <= 75% Not limiting < 25% Null > 3 inch rock fragment data are assigned to the Not rated class. 6. Depth to permafrost: Permafrost (permanently frozen soil layer) restricts or effects excavation, manipulation, transport, stability, and workability of the soil material. Soil features considered are restrictive feature depth and where kind is permafrost or USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) is ""cpf"" or USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER is ""pf"". Property used: DEPTH TO PERMAFROST (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Somewhat limiting => 50 to =< 100cm Not limiting > 100cm Null depths are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""cpf"" Not limiting not = ""cpf"" Null USDA Texture (In-Lieu-Of) are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""pf"" Not limiting not = ""pf"" Null USDA Texture Modifier are assigned to the Not limiting class. 7. Ponding: Ponding is the condition where standing water is on the soil surface for a given period of time. Soil that pond has restrictions that limit the installation and function of most landuse applications. Soil features considered are ponding duration and frequency classes for all months. Property used: PONDING DURATION (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""very brief"" or ""brief"" or ""long"" or ""very long"" Not limiting not = ""very brief"" or ""brief"" or ""long"" or ""very long"" Null duration is assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: PONDING FREQUENCY (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""none"" Not limiting not = ""none"" Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 8. Too sandy: Soil with sandy surface layer is subject to blowing sand, are hard to re-vegetate, and restricts the soils ability to support multiple use recreational activities. Soil feature considered are the percent clay in the surface layer and the #4 and 200# sieve sizes. Sand percentage is calculated using the difference between the #4 and #200 sieve. Property used: SAND (#4-#200SIEVE) SURFACE LAYER (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting <= 70 Somewhat limiting > 70 and < 90 Not limiting >= 90 Null sieves are assigned to the Not limiting class. AND Property used: CLAY PERCENT SURFACE LAYER (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 15cm Not limiting >= 15cm Null clay percentage in the surface layer is assigned to the Not limiting class. 9. Slope: Steep slopes impede site preparation such as shaping and leveling and restrict the soils ability to support multiple use recreational activities. Soil feature considered is the component slope. Property used: SLOPE (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting => 25% Somewhat limiting > 15 and < 25% Not limiting =< 15% Null Slope is assigned Not rated. 10. Gravel content: Gravel (small stones) in the surface layer may impede trafficability. Soil feature considered is the surface percent retained on the #10 sieve (100 - #10). This is adjusted for stones by multiplying it times the fraction less than 3"" (1 - (Rock 3-10 + Rock >10)/100). Property used: FRAGMENTS 2MM-75mm SURFACE LAYER (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 65% Not limiting <= 65% Null sieve are assigned to the Not rated class. 11. Too clayey: Soil with clayey surface layer has slow intake rates, remain muddy for extended periods and compaction may reduce the growth of grass and ornamental plantings. Rating is reduced by half if the soil is in taxonomic class SUBORDERS or GREAT GROUPS (TOR, UST, or XER); SUBORDERS (TOR, UST, ARID, XER, or OXI); or ORDERS (OXISOLS). Soil feature considered is the clay percentage of the surface layer and the taxonomic classification. Property used: CLAY PERCENT SURFACE LAYER (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 40% Somewhat limiting > 40% and in TOR, UST, or XER SUBORDERS or TOR, UST, or XER GREAT GROUPS or TOR, UST, ARID, XER, or OXI SUBORDERS or OXISOLS ORDERS Not limiting =< 40% Null clay percentage is assigned to the Not rated class. Null taxonomic classes are assigned to the Not limiting class. 12. Dusty: Soils with silty surface layer and in taxonomic classes ORDERS (ARIDISOLS); SUBORDERS (TOR, UST, Or XER) or GREAT GROUPS (TOR, UST, Or XER) are dusty when dry. Soil feature considered is the rv or first USDA Texture class of the surface layer. Property used: USDA TEXTURE SURFACE LAYER NSSC (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Somewhat limiting ""SIL"", ""SI"", ""VFSL"", or ""L"" Not limiting all other USDA Textures Null USDA Texture and Taxonomic class are assigned to the Not limiting class. 13. Depth to saturated zone: Soils with shallow depth to a water table may become waterlogged and boggy during periods of heavy precipitation and are slow to drain. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first layer where soil moisture layer status is wet or saturated during any month. Property used: HIGH WATER TABLE DEPTH MINIMUM (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting =< 30cm Somewhat limiting > 30 to < 60cm Not limiting => 60cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class."|"Yes"|07/14/2005 07:13:02|"1406"|"8885"|"372553" "URB/REC - Picnic Areas"|"limitation"|"Summary: Soil interpretations for recreational development are to be used to guide the user in identifying and evaluating the suitability of the soil for specific recreational purposes. The soil survey interpretation rating guides are applicable to both heavily and sparsely populated areas, depending upon the objectives of the user. The ratings are for soils in their present condition and do not consider present land use. These ratings do not consider location and accessibility of the area, size and shape of the area, scenic quality, the ability of the soil to support vegetation, access to water or potential sites for water impoundment. Nor do the ratings consider access to public sewers or the capacity of the soil to support localized sanitary facilities such as septic tank adsorption fields or sanitary landfills. Soils can be a non-member, partial member or complete members of the set of soils that are limited for ""Picnic Areas"". If a soil's property within 150 cm (60 inches) of the soil surface has a membership indices greater then zero, then that soil property is limiting and the soil restrictive feature is identified. The overall interpretive rating assigned is the maximum membership indices of each soil interpretive property that comprise the ""Picnic Areas"" interpretive rule. Minor restrictive soil features are identified but not considered as part of the overall rating process. These restrictive features could be important factors where the major restrictive features are overcome through design application. Soils are placed into interpretive rating classes per their rating indices. These are not limited (rating index = 0), somewhat limited (rating index > 0 and < 1.0), or very limited (rating index = 1.0). Description: Picnic areas are natural or landscaped tracts used primarily for preparing meals and eating outdoors. These areas are subject to heavy foot traffic. Most vehicular traffic is confined to access roads and parking lots. Soils ratings are based on properties that influence the development costs of shaping the site, trafficability, and the growth of vegetation after development. Many soil survey areas in sparsely populated parts of the country have soil surveys of lower intensity. While some general observations may be made, onsite evaluation is required before the final site is selected. Scope: National Soil properties and qualities considered in rating the degree of limitation are those that influence the ease of developing picnic areas and the performance of the picnic areas after development. Soil properties that influence trafficability and promote the growth of vegetation after heavy use are important. Slope and stoniness are the main concerns in developing picnic areas. For good trafficability, the surface of picnic areas should absorb rainfall readily, remain firm under heavy foot traffic, and not be dusty when dry. Soil properties that influence trafficability are texture of the surface layer, wetness, permeability, and large stones. The limitations of slow permeability and clayey surface texture are not as severe in dry regions of the country; however, silty soils may be more of a problem because they are dusty. Soil properties that influence the growth of plants are depth to bedrock, permeability, and the presence of toxic materials. Criteria: The interpretive rating is the most limiting of the following restrictive features. 1. Content of organic matter: Soil in Unified class pt is high in organic materials, has low strength, and is hard to reclaim. Soil feature considered is the rv or first Unified class of the surface layer if the layer is greater then 25cm thick. Property used: SURFACE LAYER THICKNESS nssc (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 25cm Not limiting <= 25cm AND Property used: UNIFIED THICKEST LAYER 25-180cm (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""pt"" Not limiting not = ""pt"" Null Unified classes are assigned to the Not rated class. 2. Flooding: Soil that floods have limitation on the recreational use and management of these soils. Soil feature considered is maximum flooding frequency classes over 12 months. Property used: FLOODING FREQUENCY (Maximum Duration) (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Somewhat limiting = ""very frequent"" or ""frequent"" Not limiting = ""none"" or ""very rare"" or ""rare"" or ""occasional"" Null frequency is assigned to the Not limiting class. 3. Too Stony: Excessive stones (rock fragments, > 10 inch in size) on the soil surface can interfere with equipment operations and are a nuisance for most landuses. Soil feature considered is percent of the soil surface covered by rock fragments > 10 inches in size. Property used: FRAGMENTS >=250MM ON SURFACE (Modality - high, low, and representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 3.0% Somewhat limiting >= .1% to <= 3.0% Not limiting < .1% Null surface cover percentage of rock fragments with an rv >=250mm are assigned to the Not limiting class. 4. Content of large stones: Excessive stones (rock fragments, > 3 inch) in size in soil surface layer are nuisances and may impede maintenance. Soil feature considered is percent by weight rock fragments > 3 inches in size in the surface soil layer. Property used: FRAGMENTS > 75mm SURFACE LAYER (Modality - high, low, and representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 75% Somewhat limiting >= 25% to <= 75% Not limiting < 25% Null > 3 inch rock fragment data are assigned to the Not rated class. 5. Restricted permeability: The soil horizon with the minimum Ksat governs the rate of water movement through the whole soil. When this rate is low, transmission of fluids into and through the soil impedes infiltration and percolation of percipitation and may cause water to pond and wet condition to presist for extended periods of time. Soil feature considered is the layer with the minimum saturated hydraulic conductivity within 100cm of the surface and above a restrictive layer. If the soil is in taxonomic class TOR, UST, or XER SUBORDERS; TOR, UST, or XER GREAT GROUPS; TOR, UST, ARIDIC, or XER SUBGROUPS then the limiting condition is reduced by half. Property used: KSAT MINIMUM ABOVE RESTRICTIVE LAYER (0-100cm) (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting =< .4 micrometers/sec Somewhat Limiting > .4 and < 4 micrometers/sec Not limiting => 4 micrometers/sec Null Ksat values are assigned to the Not rated class. 6. Depth to permafrost: Permafrost (permanently frozen soil layer) restricts or effects excavation, manipulation, transport, stability, and workability of the soil material. Soil features considered are restrictive feature depth and where kind is permafrost or USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) is ""cpf"" or USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER is ""pf"". Property used: DEPTH TO PERMAFROST (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Somewhat limiting => 50 to =< 100cm Not limiting > 100cm Null depths are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""cpf"" Not limiting not = ""cpf"" Null USDA Texture (In-Lieu-Of) are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""pf"" Not limiting not = ""pf"" Null USDA Texture Modifier are assigned to the Not limiting class. 7. Ponding: Ponding is the condition where standing water is on the soil surface for a given period of time. Soil that pond has restrictions that limit the installation and function of most landuse applications. Soil features considered are ponding duration and frequency classes for all months. Property used: PONDING DURATION (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""very brief"" or ""brief"" or ""long"" or ""very long"" Not limiting not = ""very brief"" or ""brief"" or ""long"" or ""very long"" Null duration is assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: PONDING FREQUENCY (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""none"" Not limiting not = ""none"" Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 8. Salinity: Soils with high salinity have reduced available water capacity and may induce salinity toxicity, which restricts vigorous plant growth and re-establishing vegetation in disturbed area. Soil feature considered is the highest value of salinity (electrical conductivity) of the surface layers. Property used: SALINITY SURFACE LAYER (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting => 8 mmhos/cm Somewhat limiting => 4 to < 8 mmhos/cm Not limiting < 4 mmhos/cm Null EC is assigned to the Not limiting class. 9. Too sandy: Soil with sandy surface layer is subject to blowing sand, are hard to re-vegetate, and restricts the soils ability to support multiple use recreational activities. Soil feature considered are the percent clay in the surface layer and the #4 and 200# sieve sizes. Sand percentage is calculated using the difference between the #4 and #200 sieve. Property used: SAND (#4-#200SIEVE) SURFACE LAYER (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting <= 70 Somewhat limiting > 70 and < 90 Not limiting >= 90 Null sieves are assigned to the Not limiting class. AND Property used: CLAY PERCENT SURFACE LAYER (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 15cm Not limiting >= 15cm Null clay percentage in the surface layer is assigned to the Not limiting class. 10. Depth to bedrock: Shallow depth to bedrock limits site preparation such as shaping and leveling and restricts the soils ability to support multiple use recreational activities. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive type is ""bedrock (lithic)"" or ""bedrock (paralithic)."" Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO BEDROCK (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Not limiting => 50cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 11. Depth to cemented pan: Depth to cemented pan limits site preparation such as shaping and leveling and restricts the soils ability to support multiple use recreational activities. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive kind is ""fragipan"", ""duripan"", ""petrocalcic"", ""ortstein"", or ""petrogypsic"" and restrictive feature hardness is not noncemented. Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO CEMENTED PAN (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting =< 50cm Somewhat limiting > 50 to < 100cm Not limiting => 100cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. AND NOT Property used: RESTRICTIVE FEATURE HARDNESS (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting not = noncemented Not limiting = noncemented Null hardness is assigned to the Not limiting class. 12. Slope: Steep slopes impede trafficability of heavy machinery and reclamation of borrow sites. Soil feature considered is the component slope. Property used: SLOPE (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting > 15% Somewhat limiting >= 8 and <= 15% Not limiting < 8% Null Slope is assigned Not rated. 13. Gravel content: Gravel (small stones) in the surface layer is a nuisance and may impede maintenance. Soil feature considered is the surface percent retained on the #10 sieve (100 - #10). This is adjusted for stones by multiplying it times the fraction less than 3"" (1 - (Rock 3-10 + Rock >10)/100). Property used: FRAGMENTS 2MM-75mm SURFACE LAYER (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 50% Somewhat limiting >= 25 to <= 50% Not limiting < 25% Null sieve are assigned to the Not rated class. 14. Sodium content: Soils with high sodium adsorption ratio have the potential to restrict plan growth and re-establishing vegetation in disturbed area. Soil feature considered is the horizon with the highest sodium adsorption ratio. Property used: SODIUM ADSORPTION RATIO MAXIMUM (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting > 12 Not limiting <= 12 Null SAR is assigned to the Not limiting class. 15. Too acid: Soils with low pH restrict plan growth and re-establishing vegetation in disturbed area. Soil feature considered is the (pH) of the surface layer. Property used: SOIL REACTION 1-1 WATER SURFACE LAYER (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting < 3.5 Not limiting => 3.5 Null pH values are assigned to the Not limiting class. 16. Too clayey: Soil with clayey surface layer has slow intake rates, remain muddy for extended periods and compaction may reduce the growth of grass and ornamental plantings. Rating is reduced by half if the soil is in taxonomic class SUBORDERS or GREAT GROUPS (TOR, UST, or XER); SUBORDERS (TOR, UST, ARID, XER, or OXI); or ORDERS (OXISOLS). Soil feature considered is the clay percentage of the surface layer and the taxonomic classification. Property used: CLAY PERCENT SURFACE LAYER (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 40% Somewhat limiting > 40% and in TOR, UST, or XER SUBORDERS or TOR, UST, or XER GREAT GROUPS or TOR, UST, ARID, XER, or OXI SUBORDERS or OXISOLS ORDERS Not limiting =< 40% Null clay percentage is assigned to the Not rated class. Null taxonomic classes are assigned to the Not limiting class. 17. Dusty: Soils with silty surface layer and in taxonomic classes ORDERS (ARIDISOLS); SUBORDERS (TOR, UST, Or XER) or GREAT GROUPS (TOR, UST, Or XER) are dusty when dry. Soil feature considered is the rv or first USDA Texture class of the surface layer. Property used: USDA TEXTURE SURFACE LAYER NSSC (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Somewhat limiting ""SIL"", ""SI"", ""VFSL"", or ""L"" Not limiting all other USDA Textures Null USDA Texture and Taxonomic class are assigned to the Not limiting class. 18. Depth to saturated zone: Soils with shallow depth to a water table may become waterlogged and boggy during periods of heavy precipitation and are slow to drain. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first layer where soil moisture layer status is wet or saturated during any month. Property used: HIGH WATER TABLE DEPTH MINIMUM (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting =< 30cm Somewhat limiting > 30 to < 75cm Not limiting => 75cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class."|"Yes"|07/19/2005 05:50:43|"1405"|"8885"|"372580" "URB/REC - Playgrounds"|"limitation"|"Summary: Soil interpretations for recreational development are to be used to guide the user in identifying and evaluating the suitability of the soil for specific recreational purposes. The soil survey interpretation rating guides are applicable to both heavily and sparsely populated areas, depending upon the objectives of the user. The ratings are for soils in their present condition and do not consider present land use. These ratings do not consider location and accessibility of the area, size and shape of the area, scenic quality, the ability of the soil to support vegetation, access to water or potential sites for water impoundment. Nor do the ratings consider access to public sewers or the capacity of the soil to support localized sanitary facilities such as septic tank adsorption fields or sanitary landfills. Soils can be a non-member, partial member or complete members of the set of soils that are limited for ""Playgrounds"". If a soil's property within 150 cm (60 inches) of the soil surface has a membership indices greater then zero, then that soil property is limiting and the soil restrictive feature is identified. The overall interpretive rating assigned is the maximum membership indices of each soil interpretive property that comprise the ""Playgrounds"" interpretive rule. Minor restrictive soil features are identified but not considered as part of the overall rating process. These restrictive features could be important factors where the major restrictive features are overcome through design application. Soils are placed into interpretive rating classes per their rating indices. These are not limited (rating index = 0), somewhat limited (rating index > 0 and < 1.0), or very limited (rating index = 1.0). Description: Playgrounds are areas used intensively for games, such as baseball and football, and similar activities. Playgrounds require a nearly level soil that is free of stones and that can withstand heavy foot traffic and still maintain adequate vegetation. Soils ratings are based on properties that influence the cost of shaping, trafficability, and the growth of vegetation. Many soil survey areas in sparsely populated parts of the country have soil surveys of lower intensity. While some general observations may be made, onsite evaluation is required before the final site is selected. Scope: National Soil properties and qualities considered in rating the degree of limitation are those that influence the ease of developing playgrounds and the performance of playgrounds after development. Slope and stoniness are the main concerns in developing playgrounds. For good trafficability, the surface of playgrounds should absorb rainfall readily, remain firm under heavy foot traffic, and not be dusty when dry. Soil properties that influence trafficability are texture of the surface layer, wetness, permeability, and large stones. The limitations of slow permeability and clayey surface texture are not as severe in dry regions of the country; however, silty soils may be more of a problem because they are dusty. Soil properties that influence the growth of plants are depth to bedrock, permeability, and the presence of toxic materials. Criteria: The interpretive rating is the most limiting of the following restrictive features. 1. Content of organic matter: Soil in Unified class pt is high in organic materials, has low strength, and is hard to reclaim. Soil feature considered is the rv or first Unified class of the surface layer if the layer is greater then 25cm thick. Property used: SURFACE LAYER THICKNESS nssc (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 25cm Not limiting <= 25cm AND Property used: UNIFIED THICKEST LAYER 25-180cm (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""pt"" Not limiting not = ""pt"" Null Unified classes are assigned to the Not rated class. 2. Flooding: Flooding at frequency greater then rare has the potential to transport agricultural waste off site and pollute surface waters. Flooding also limits the recreational use and management of these soils. Soil feature considered is maximum flooding frequency classes over 12 months. Property used: FLOODING FREQUENCY (Maximum Duration) (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""very frequent"" or ""frequent"" Somewhat limiting = ""occasional"" Not limiting = ""none"" or ""very rare"" or ""rare"" Null frequency is assigned to the Not limiting class. 3. Too Stony: Excessive stones (rock fragments, > 10 inch in size) on the soil surface can interfere with equipment operations and are a nuisance for most landuses. Soil feature considered is percent of the soil surface covered by rock fragments > 10 inches in size. Property used: FRAGMENTS >=250MM ON SURFACE (Modality - high, low, and representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 3.0% Somewhat limiting >= .1% to <= 3.0% Not limiting < .1% Null surface cover percentage of rock fragments with an rv >=250mm are assigned to the Not limiting class. 4. Content of large stones: Excessive stones (rock fragments, > 3 inch) in size in soil surface layer are nuisances and may impede maintenance. Soil feature considered is percent by weight rock fragments > 3 inches in size in the surface soil layer. Property used: FRAGMENTS > 75mm SURFACE LAYER (Modality - high, low, and representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 30% Somewhat limiting >= 5% to <= 30% Not limiting < 5% Null > 3 inch rock fragment data are assigned to the Not rated class. 5. Restricted permeability: The soil horizon with the minimum Ksat governs the rate of water movement through the whole soil. When this rate is low, transmission of fluids into and through the soil impedes infiltration and percolation of percipitation and may cause water to pond and wet condition to presist for extended periods of time. Soil feature considered is the layer with the minimum saturated hydraulic conductivity within 100cm of the surface and above a restrictive layer. If the soil is in taxonomic class TOR, UST, or XER SUBORDERS; TOR, UST, or XER GREAT GROUPS; TOR, UST, ARIDIC, or XER SUBGROUPS then the limiting condition is reduced by half. Property used: KSAT MINIMUM ABOVE RESTRICTIVE LAYER (0-100cm) (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting =< .4 micrometers/sec Somewhat Limiting > .4 and < 4 micrometers/sec Not limiting => 4 micrometers/sec Null Ksat values are assigned to the Not rated class. 6. Depth to permafrost: Permafrost (permanently frozen soil layer) restricts or effects excavation, manipulation, transport, stability, and workability of the soil material. Soil features considered are restrictive feature depth and where kind is permafrost or USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) is ""cpf"" or USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER is ""pf"". Property used: DEPTH TO PERMAFROST (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Somewhat limiting => 50 to =< 100cm Not limiting > 100cm Null depths are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""cpf"" Not limiting not = ""cpf"" Null USDA Texture (In-Lieu-Of) are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""pf"" Not limiting not = ""pf"" Null USDA Texture Modifier are assigned to the Not limiting class. 7. Ponding: Ponding is the condition where standing water is on the soil surface for a given period of time. Soil that pond has restrictions that limit the installation and function of most landuse applications. Soil features considered are ponding duration and frequency classes for all months. Property used: PONDING DURATION (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""very brief"" or ""brief"" or ""long"" or ""very long"" Not limiting not = ""very brief"" or ""brief"" or ""long"" or ""very long"" Null duration is assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: PONDING FREQUENCY (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""none"" Not limiting not = ""none"" Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 8. Salinity: Soils with high salinity have reduced available water capacity and may induce salinity toxicity, which restricts vigorous plant growth and re-establishing vegetation in disturbed area. Soil feature considered is the highest value of salinity (electrical conductivity) of the surface layers. Property used: SALINITY SURFACE LAYER (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting => 8 mmhos/cm Somewhat limiting => 4 to < 8 mmhos/cm Not limiting < 4 mmhos/cm Null EC is assigned to the Not limiting class. 9. Too sandy: Soil with sandy surface layer is subject to blowing sand, are hard to re-vegetate, and restricts the soils ability to support multiple use recreational activities. Soil feature considered are the percent clay in the surface layer and the #4 and 200# sieve sizes. Sand percentage is calculated using the difference between the #4 and #200 sieve. Property used: SAND (#4-#200SIEVE) SURFACE LAYER (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting <= 70 Somewhat limiting > 70 and < 90 Not limiting >= 90 Null sieves are assigned to the Not limiting class. AND Property used: CLAY PERCENT SURFACE LAYER (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 15cm Not limiting >= 15cm Null clay percentage in the surface layer is assigned to the Not limiting class. 10. Depth to bedrock: Shallow depth to bedrock limits site preparation such as shaping and leveling and restricts the soils ability to support multiple use recreational activities. Moderately deep soil with slope greater then 2% and shallow or very shallow soils are considered restrictive. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive type is ""bedrock (lithic)"" or ""bedrock (paralithic)."" Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO BEDROCK (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting =< 50cm Somewhat limiting > 50 to < 100cm Not limiting => 100cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. AND RV Slope is greater then 2% OR Property used: DEPTH TO BEDROCK (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Not limiting => 50cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 11. Depth to cemented pan: Depth to cemented pan limits site preparation such as shaping and leveling and restricts the soils ability to support multiple use recreational activities. Moderately deep soil with slope greater then 2% and shallow or very shallow soils are considered restrictive. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive kind is ""fragipan"", ""duripan"", ""petrocalcic"", ""ortstein"", or ""petrogypsic"" and restrictive feature hardness is not noncemented. Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO CEMENTED PAN (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting =< 50cm Somewhat limiting > 50 to < 100cm Not limiting => 100cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. AND RV Slope is greater then 2% OR Property used: DEPTH TO CEMENTED PAN (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Not limiting => 50cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. AND NOT Property used: RESTRICTIVE FEATURE HARDNESS (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting not = noncemented Not limiting = noncemented Null hardness is assigned to the Not limiting class. 12. Slope: Steep slopes impede site preparation such as shaping and leveling and restrict the soils ability to support multiple use recreational activities. Soil feature considered is the component slope. Property used: SLOPE (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting => 6% Somewhat limiting > 2 and < 6% Not limiting =< 2% Null Slope is assigned Not rated. 13. Gravel content: Gravel (small stones) in the surface layer is a nuisance and may impede maintenance. Soil feature considered is the surface percent retained on the #10 sieve (100 - #10). This is adjusted for stones by multiplying it times the fraction less than 3"" (1 - (Rock 3-10 + Rock >10)/100). Property used: FRAGMENTS 2MM-75mm SURFACE LAYER (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting >= 25% Somewhat limiting > 10 to < 25% Not limiting <= 10% Null sieve are assigned to the Not rated class. 14. Sodium content: Soils with high sodium adsorption ratio have the potential to restrict plan growth and re-establishing vegetation in disturbed area. Soil feature considered is the horizon with the highest sodium adsorption ratio. Property used: SODIUM ADSORPTION RATIO MAXIMUM (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting > 12 Not limiting <= 12 Null SAR is assigned to the Not limiting class. 15. Too acid: Soils with low pH restrict plan growth and re-establishing vegetation in disturbed area. Soil feature considered is the (pH) of the surface layer. Property used: SOIL REACTION 1-1 WATER SURFACE LAYER (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting < 3.5 Not limiting => 3.5 Null pH values are assigned to the Not limiting class. 16. Too clayey: Soil with clayey surface layer has slow intake rates, remain muddy for extended periods and compaction may reduce the growth of grass and ornamental plantings. Rating is reduced by half if the soil is in taxonomic class SUBORDERS or GREAT GROUPS (TOR, UST, or XER); SUBORDERS (TOR, UST, ARID, XER, or OXI); or ORDERS (OXISOLS). Soil feature considered is the clay percentage of the surface layer and the taxonomic classification. Property used: CLAY PERCENT SURFACE LAYER (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 40% Somewhat limiting > 40% and in TOR, UST, or XER SUBORDERS or TOR, UST, or XER GREAT GROUPS or TOR, UST, ARID, XER, or OXI SUBORDERS or OXISOLS ORDERS Not limiting =< 40% Null clay percentage is assigned to the Not rated class. Null taxonomic classes are assigned to the Not limiting class. 17. Dusty: Soils with silty surface layer and in taxonomic classes ORDERS (ARIDISOLS); SUBORDERS (TOR, UST, Or XER) or GREAT GROUPS (TOR, UST, Or XER) are dusty when dry. Soil feature considered is the rv or first USDA Texture class of the surface layer. Property used: USDA TEXTURE SURFACE LAYER NSSC (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Somewhat limiting ""SIL"", ""SI"", ""VFSL"", or ""L"" Not limiting all other USDA Textures Null USDA Texture and Taxonomic class are assigned to the Not limiting class. 18. Depth to saturated zone: Soils with shallow depth to a water table maybe difficult to reclaim and revegetated. These areas are slow to drain and can become waterlogged and boggy during periods of heavy precipitation. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first layer where soil moisture layer status is wet or saturated during any month. Property used: HIGH WATER TABLE DEPTH MINIMUM (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting =< 43cm Somewhat limiting > 43 to <= 75cm Not limiting > 75cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class."|"Yes"|07/19/2005 05:50:43|"1411"|"8885"|"372549" "WMS - Embankments, Dikes, and Levees"|"limitation"|"Summary: Soil interpretations for various water management practices are developed for use in evaluating the potential of the soil for various water management practices. These practices may involve the movement of water to or from a site, holding water on a site, or securing a water source. The soil survey interpretation rating guides are applicable to both heavily and sparsely populated areas, depending upon the objectives of the user. The ratings are for soils in their present condition and do not consider present land use. Soil limitation ratings and associated restrictive features are given for ponds and reservoir areas; embankments, dikes, and levees; and excavated ponds. Minor restrictive soil features are identified but not considered as part of the overall rating process. These restrictive features could be important factors where the major restrictive features are overcome through design application. Soils can be a non-member, partial member or complete members of the set of soils that are limited for ""Embankments, Dikes, and Levees"". If a soil's property within 150 cm (60 inches) of the soil surface has a membership indices greater then zero, then that soil property is limiting and the soil restrictive feature is identified. The overall interpretive rating assigned is the maximum membership indices of each soil interpretive property that comprise the ""Embankments, Dikes, and Levees"" interpretive rule. Minor restrictive soil features are identified but not considered as part of the overall rating process. These restrictive features could be important factors where the major restrictive features are overcome through design application. Soils are placed into interpretive rating classes per their rating indices. These are not limited (rating index = 0), somewhat limited (rating index > 0 and < 1.0), or very limited (rating index = 1.0). Description: Embankments, dikes, and levees are raised structures of soil material that are constructed to impound water or protect land against overflow. They generally are less than 20 feet high, are constructed of ""homogeneous"" soil material (without a core zone), and are compacted to medium density. Embankments that have zoned construction (core and shell) are not considered. Soil properties influence development of embankments, dikes, and levees including site selection, structure design, construction, performance, and after construction maintenance. The soil interpretations for embankments, dikes, and levees are used as a tool in evaluating soil suitability and identifying soil limitations for the practice. The rating is for soils in their present condition and does not consider present land use. Scope: National Ratings are made for the soil that may be source of material for embankment fills. The rating is given for the whole soil, from the surface to a depth of about 5 feet, based on the assumption that soil horizons will be mixed in loading, dumping, and spreading. The ratings do not indicate the suitability of the undisturbed soil for supporting the embankment. Soil properties to a depth greater than the embankment height have an effect on the performance and safety of the embankment. Generally, deeper onsite geologic investigations must be made to determine these important properties. Ratings are based on soil properties and qualities to act as a natural barrier against seepage into deeper layers, without regard to cutoff trenches or other features that may be installed under the pond embankment. Excessive slope in the direction perpendicular to the axis of the pond embankment seriously reduces the storage capacity of the reservoir area. Suitable sites may be difficult to find on slopes steeper than about 10 percent. Embankments, dikes, and levees require soil material that is resistant to seepage, piping, and erosion and that has favorable compaction characteristics. Organic soils are not suitable because of high compression, low strength, and unpredictable permeability. When compacting with tamping rollers (sheepsfoot rollers) or pneumatic rollers, stones over 6 inches in size must be removed; therefore, stony soils are limited for this use. If a water table is present, the depth of usable material and the trafficability are affected. The content of sodium and salts affects the capability for plant growth on embankment surfaces. These properties may also indicate dispersive soils that are highly erosive and susceptible to piping. Soils that contain gypsum may have piping and uneven settling. Low-density silts and clays in the supporting foundation generally have excessive settlement and low strength. Loose soils in arid regions undergo much settlement very rapidly upon becoming saturated as water is impounded. These soils generally do not provide adequate support for embankments. Criteria: The interpretive rating is the most limiting of the following restrictive features. 1. Hard to pack: Fine textured soils high in sodium and gypsum content with high plasticity and liquid limits are difficult to compact. These hard to pact soil are limited for use in building embankments, dikes, and levees. The interpretive model uses the maximum sodium or gypsum rating index and adds the low compaction index. This sum is compared to the liquid limit index and the lowest index is applied to the parent rule. {Soil feature considered is the maximum percent gypsum found in the soil layers. Property used: GYPSUM MAXIMUM (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting => 25% Somewhat Limiting > 5 and < 25% Not limiting =< 5% Null gypsum values are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Soil feature considered is the horizon with the highest sodium adsorption ratio. Property used: SODIUM ADSORPTION RATIO MAXIMUM (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting => 13 Somewhat limiting > 4 to < 13 Not limiting <= 4 Null SAR is assigned to the Not limiting class.} + {Soil features considered are plasticity index and percent passing the 200 sieve of the thickest layer to a depth of at least 180cm or the first cemented restrictive feature. Property used: PI WEIGHTED AVE. ABOVE RESTRICTIVE LAYER (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting => 40 Somewhat limiting > 20 to < 40 Not limiting =< 20 Null plasticity index is assigned to the Not rated class. AND Property used: PASSING #200 SIEVE WEIGHTED AVE. ABOVE RESTRICTIVE LAYER (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 50% Not limiting =< 50% Null 200 sieve is assigned to the Not rated class.} AND Soil feature considered is the thickest layer's liquid limit between a depth of 25 to at least 180cm or the first cemented restrictive feature. Property used: LIQUID LIMIT WEIGHTED AVE. ABOVE RESTRICTIVE LAYER (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting => 50 Not limiting < 50 Null plasticity index is assigned to the Not limited class. 2. Thin layer: Shallow depth to a cemented restrictive layer limits the amount of source materials available for constructing dikes, levees, or water retention embankments. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive hardness is not ""noncemented"". Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO FIRST RESTRICTIVE LAYER (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting =< 50cm Somewhat limiting > 50 to < 150cm Not limiting => 150cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 3. Content of organic matter: Soil in Unified class pt, ol, or oh is high in organic materials, has low strength, and is hard to reclaim. Soil feature considered is the rv or first Unified class of the thickest soil layer above a restrictive layer and between 25 and 180cm. Property used: UNIFIED THICKEST LAYER 25-180cm (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = pt, ol, or oh Not limiting not = pt, ol, or oh Null Unified classes are assigned to the Not limiting class. 4. Content of large stones: Large stone impede the workability of the soil and restrict trafficability of heavy machinery and site reclamation. Soil feature considered is the weighted average percentage of rock fragments of size greater than 75mm in the horizons above a restrictive feature or from 0 to 100 cm deep. Property used: FRAGMENTS > 75MM WEIGHTED AVE. IN DEPTH 0-100CM (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 50% Somewhat limiting >= 25% to <= 50% Not limiting < 25% Null fragment data are assigned Not rated. 5. Depth to permafrost: Permafrost (permanently frozen soil layer) restricts or effects excavation, manipulation, transport, stability, and workability of the soil material. Soil features considered are restrictive feature depth and where kind is permafrost or USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) is ""cpf"" or USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER is ""pf"". Property used: DEPTH TO PERMAFROST (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Somewhat limiting => 50 to =< 100cm Not limiting > 100cm Null depths are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""cpf"" Not limiting not = ""cpf"" Null USDA Texture (In-Lieu-Of) are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""pf"" Not limiting not = ""pf"" Null USDA Texture Modifier are assigned to the Not limiting class. 6. Piping: Fine textured soils high in sodium and gypsum content with low cohesion and liquid limits are subject to piping and are limited for use in building embankments, dikes, and levees. The interpretive model uses the maximum sodium or gypsum rating index and adds the low cohesion index. This sum is compared to the liquid limit index and the lowest index is applied to the parent rule. {Soil feature considered is the maximum percent gypsum found in the soil layers. Property used: GYPSUM MAXIMUM (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting => 25% Somewhat Limiting > 5 and < 25% Not limiting =< 5% Null gypsum values are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Soil feature considered is the horizon with the highest sodium adsorption ratio. Property used: SODIUM ADSORPTION RATIO MAXIMUM (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting => 13 Somewhat limiting > 4 to < 13 Not limiting <= 4 Null SAR is assigned to the Not limiting class.} + {Soil features considered are weight average plasticity index and weight average percent passing the 200 sieve to a depth of at least 180cm or the first cemented restrictive feature. Property used: PI WEIGHTED AVE. ABOVE RESTRICTIVE LAYER (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting =< 10 Somewhat limiting > 10 to < 20 Not limiting => 20 Null plasticity index is assigned to the Not rated class. AND Property used: PASSING #200 SIEVE WEIGHTED AVE. ABOVE RESTRICTIVE LAYER (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 50% Not limiting =< 50% Null 200 sieve is assigned to the Not rated class.} AND Soil feature considered is the thickest layer's liquid limit between a depth of 25 to at least 180cm or the first cemented restrictive feature. Property used: LIQUID LIMIT WEIGHTED AVE. ABOVE RESTRICTIVE LAYER (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50 Not limiting => 50 Null plasticity index is assigned to the Not limited class. 7. Salinity: Soils with high salinity have reduced available water capacity, which restrict plant growth and re-establishing vegetation in disturbed area. Soil feature considered is the highest value of salinity (electrical conductivity) for all layers. Property used: SALINITY MAXIMUM (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting > 16 mmhos/cm Somewhat limiting >= 8 to <= 16 mmhos/cm Not limiting < 8 mmhos/cm Null EC is assigned to the Not limiting class. 8. Seepage: Soils that have gravel or sand in the bottom or thickest layer are prone to seepage when used as materials to build embankments, dikes, or levees. The following child rules are joined by the OR operator and the one with the highest index number determine the interpretive result. Child rules used: Percent Passing the #4 Sieve (Bottom Layer) -- Gravelly: Soil with a gravelly bottom layer is a source of gravel. Soil feature considered is percent passing the #4 sieve of the bottom layer or the last layer above bedrock. Property used: PASSING # 4 SIEVE BOTTOM LAYER (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting >= 50 Somewhat limiting < 50 and > 10 Not limiting <= 10 Null sieves are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Percent Passing the #4 Sieve (Thickest Layer) -- Gravelly: Soil with a thick gravelly layer is a potential source of gravel. Soil feature considered is percent passing the #4 sieve of the thickest soil layer above cemented restrictive feature. Property used: PASSING # 4 SIEVE THICKEST LAYER and NOT BOTTOM. (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting >= 50 Somewhat limiting > 10 and < 50 Not limiting <= 10 Null sieves are assigned to the Not rated class. OR Percent Passing #4 Sieve - #200 Sieve (Bottom Layer) -- Sandy: Soil with a sandy bottom layer is a source of sand. Soil feature considered is estimated sand of the bottom layer or the last layer above bedrock using the difference between the #4 and 200# sieve sizes. Property used: SAND (#4-#200SIEVE) BOTTOM LAYER (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting >= 95 Somewhat limiting > 50 and < 95 Not limiting <= 50 Null sieves are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Percent Passing #4 Sieve - #200 Sieve (Thickest Layer) -- Sandy: Soil with a thick sandy layer is a source of sand. Soil feature considered is estimated sand of the soil's thickest layer above a cemented layer using the difference between the #4 and 200# sieve sizes. Property used: SAND (#4-#200SIEVE) THICKEST LAYER (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting >= 95 Somewhat limiting > 50 and < 95 Not limiting <= 50 Null sieves are assigned to the Not rated class. 9. Depth to saturated zone: Soils with shallow depth to a water table maybe difficult to reclaim and revegetated. These areas are slow to drain and can become waterlogged and boggy during periods of heavy precipitation. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first layer where soil moisture layer status is wet or saturated during any month. Property used: HIGH WATER TABLE DEPTH MINIMUM (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 60cm Somewhat limiting => 60 to < 120cm Not limiting => 120cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 10. Ponding: Ponding is the condition where standing water is on the soil surface for a given period of time. Soil that pond has restrictions that limit the installation and function of most landuse applications. Soil features considered are ponding duration and frequency classes for all months. Property used: PONDING DURATION (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""very brief"" or ""brief"" or ""long"" or ""very long"" Not limiting not = ""very brief"" or ""brief"" or ""long"" or ""very long"" Null duration is assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: PONDING FREQUENCY (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""none"" Not limiting not = ""none"" Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class."|"Yes"|09/14/2005 13:10:35|"10954"|"8885"|"372550" "WMS - Excavated Ponds (Aquifer-fed)"|"limitation"|"Summary: Soil interpretations for various water management practices are developed for use in evaluating the potential of the soil for various water management practices. These practices may involve the movement of water to or from a site, holding water on a site, or securing a water source. The soil survey interpretation rating guides are applicable to both heavily and sparsely populated areas, depending upon the objectives of the user. The ratings are for soils in their present condition and do not consider present land use. Soil limitation ratings and associated restrictive features are given for ponds and reservoir areas; embankments, dikes, and levees; and excavated ponds. Minor restrictive soil features are identified but not considered as part of the overall rating process. These restrictive features could be important factors where the major restrictive features are overcome through design application. Soils can be a non-member, partial member or complete members of the set of soils that are limited for "" Excavated Ponds (Aquifer-fed)"". If a soil's property within 150 cm (60 inches) of the soil surface has a membership indices greater then zero, then that soil property is limiting and the soil restrictive feature is identified. The overall interpretive rating assigned is the maximum membership indices of each soil interpretive property that comprise ""Excavated Ponds (Aquifer-fed)"" interpretive rule. Minor restrictive soil features are identified but not considered as part of the overall rating process. These restrictive features could be important factors where the major restrictive features are overcome through design application. Soils are placed into interpretive rating classes per their rating indices. These are not limited (rating index = 0), somewhat limited (rating index > 0 and < 1.0), or very limited (rating index = 1.0). Description: An aquifer-fed excavated pond is a body of water created by excavating a pit or dugout into a ground-water aquifer. Excluded are ponds that are fed by surface runoff and embankment ponds that impound water 3 feet or more above the original surface. Scope: National Soil properties and qualities that affect aquifer-fed excavated ponds are depth to a permanent water table, permeability of the aquifer, and quality of water as determined by inference from the salinity of the soil. Large stones are also considered because of their effect on the ease of excavation. Criteria: The interpretive rating is the most limiting of the following restrictive features. 1. Cutbanks cave: Soils with high water table are suited for aquifer-fed ponds. However, cutbanks may cave or slump during excavation of the pond reservoir and pose a safety concern when the soil texture is silt or texture group is sandy or texture modifier is sandy or gravelly. This tendency is true for all soils but to a lesser degree and the interpretive model is designed to give a rating no less then .1 ""Somewhat limiting"". Extreme care and caution should be used around cutbanks to protect from cave in injury or death. Cutbanks caving can also reduce the life expectancy of the pond unless practices are applied to limit slumping once the reservoir is filled. Soil feature considered is the rv or first USDA Texture modifier and class of each layer and the top depth of the first layer where soil moisture layer status is wet or saturated during any month. Property used: USDA GROUP-CLASS IN DEPTH 50-180cm (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting matches ""*S *"" or matches ""*S"" or matches ""GR*"" or matches ""* GR"" Somewhat limiting all other USDA textures other then silt Null USDA Texture modifier is assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE IN DEPTH 50-180cm (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Somewhat limiting ""SI"" set at .5 all other textures set at .1 Not limiting none Null USDA Texture class is assigned to the Not limiting class. AND Property used: DEPTH TO HIGH WATER TABLE APPARENT MINIMUM (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 150cm Not limiting => 150cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 2. Depth to water: Soils deep to an apparent water table are not potential sites for aquifer fed ponds. These areas have little potential recharge capacity. Soil feature considered is the depth to the first soil moisture layer status is wet or saturated during any month and where all subsequent layer are either wet or saturated. Property used: DEPTH TO HIGH WATER TABLE APPARENT MINIMUM (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting => 150cm Somewhat limiting > 60 to < 150cm Not limiting =< 60cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 3. Depth to hard bedrock: Shallow depth to hard bedrock limits site preparation and restricts the installation of an Aquifer-fed pond only when an apparent water table is at depth less then 150cm. Soil features considered are depth to water table and top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive type is ""bedrock (lithic)"". Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO BEDROCK HARD (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 100cm Somewhat limiting => 100 to < 150cm Not limiting => 150cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. AND Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first layer where soil moisture layer status is wet or saturated during any month. Property used: DEPTH TO HIGH WATER TABLE APPARENT MINIMUM (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 150cm Not limiting => 150cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 4. Content of large stones: Large stone impede the workability of the soil and restrict trafficability of heavy machinery and site reclamation. Soil feature considered is the weighted average percentage of rock fragments of size greater than 75mm in the horizons above a restrictive feature or from 0 to 100 cm deep and the presence of an apparent water table. Property used: FRAGMENTS > 75MM WEIGHTED AVE. IN DEPTH 0-100CM (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 50% Somewhat limiting => 25% to <= 50% Not limiting < 25% Null fragment data are assigned Not rated. AND Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first layer where soil moisture layer status is wet or saturated during any month. Property used: DEPTH TO HIGH WATER TABLE APPARENT MINIMUM (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting > 150cm Not limiting =< 105cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 5. Slow refill: The soil horizon with the maximum Ksat contained within an apparent water table governs the rate of water movement into an Aquifer-fed pond. When this rate is low, refilling of the pond is slow. Soil features considered are depth to water table and maximum permeability of the layers that occur within that depth. Property used: KSAT MAXIMUM of Apparent Water Table (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting =< 1.0 micrometers/sec Somewhat Limiting > 1.0 and < 14 micrometers/sec Not limiting => 14 micrometers/sec Null Ksat values are assigned to the Not limiting class. 6. Depth to permafrost: Permafrost (permanently frozen soil layer) limits site preparation and restricts the installation of an Aquifer-fed pond only when an apparent water table is at depth less then 150cm. Soil features considered are depth to water table and top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive feature depth and where kind is permafrost or USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) is ""cpf"" or USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER is ""pf"". Property used: DEPTH TO PERMAFROST (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Somewhat limiting => 50 to =< 100cm Not limiting > 100cm Null depths are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""cpf"" Not limiting not = ""cpf"" Null depths are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""pf"" Not limiting not = ""pf"" Null depths are assigned to the Not limiting class. AND Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first layer where soil moisture layer status is wet or saturated during any month. Property used: DEPTH TO HIGH WATER TABLE APPARENT MINIMUM (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 150cm Not limiting => 150cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. 7. Salty water: Salinity soils with a high apparent water table may have reduced potential for aquifer-fed ponds. The water source may be to salty or to high a content of undesirable minerals to be used as a source of livestock or wildlife water. Soil feature considered is the highest value of salinity (electrical conductivity) for horizons that have any portion in the depth range 10"" to 60"" (25-150 cm) and has an apparent water table within 150cm of the surface. Property used: SALINITY MAXIMUM IN DEPTH 25-150cm (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting > 16 mmhos/cm Somewhat limiting >= 4 to <= 16 mmhos/cm Not limiting < 4 mmhos/cm Null EC is assigned to the Not limiting class. AND Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first layer where soil moisture layer status is wet or saturated during any month. Property used: DEPTH TO HIGH WATER TABLE APPARENT MINIMUM (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 150cm Not limiting => 150cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class."|"Yes"|08/23/2005 13:08:59|"10887"|"8885"|"372554" "WMS - Pond Reservoir Area"|"limitation"|"Summary: Soil interpretations for various water management practices are developed for use in evaluating the potential of the soil for various water management practices. These practices may involve the movement of water to or from a site, holding water on a site, or securing a water source. The soil survey interpretation rating guides are applicable to both heavily and sparsely populated areas, depending upon the objectives of the user. The ratings are for soils in their present condition and do not consider present land use. Soil limitation ratings and associated restrictive features are given for ponds and reservoir areas; embankments, dikes, and levees; and excavated ponds. Minor restrictive soil features are identified but not considered as part of the overall rating process. These restrictive features could be important factors where the major restrictive features are overcome through design application. Soils can be a non-member, partial member or complete members of the set of soils that are limited for ""WMS - Pond Reservoir Area"". If a soil's property within 150 cm (60 inches) of the soil surface has a membership indices greater then zero, then that soil property is limiting and the soil restrictive feature is identified. The overall interpretive rating assigned is the maximum membership indices of each soil interpretive property that comprise the ""Off-Road Motorcycle Trails"" interpretive rule. Minor restrictive soil features are identified but not considered as part of the overall rating process. These restrictive features could be important factors where the major restrictive features are overcome through design application. Soils are placed into interpretive rating classes per their rating indices. These are not limited (rating index = 0), somewhat limited (rating index > 0 and < 1.0), or very limited (rating index = 1.0). Description: A pond reservoir area is an area that holds water behind a dam or embankment. Livestock or wildlife watering facilities are examples of the potential application of pond reservoir areas. Soil properties influence development of pond reservoir areas including site selection, structure design, construction, performance, and after construction maintenance. The soil interpretations for pond reservoir areas are used as a tool in evaluating soil suitability and identifying soil limitations for the practice. The rating is for soils in their present condition and does not consider present land use. Scope: National The soils best suited to this use have a low seepage potential, which is determined by permeability and depth to fractured or permeable bedrock, to a cemented pan, or to other permeable material. Ratings are based on soil properties and qualities to act as a natural barrier against seepage into deeper layers, without regard to cutoff trenches or other features that may be installed under the pond embankment. Excessive slope in the direction perpendicular to the axis of the pond embankment seriously reduces the storage capacity of the reservoir area. Suitable sites may be difficult to find on slopes steeper than about 10 percent. Criteria: The interpretive rating is the most limiting of the following restrictive features. 1. Seepage: The soil horizon with the maximum Ksat governs the seepage potential of the soil. When this rate is high, transmission of fluids into and through the soil is unimpeded and seepage may become a performance concern. Soil feature considered is the layer with the maximum Ksat between a depth of 50 to 180 cm. Property used: PERMEABILITY MAXIMUM IN DEPTH 50-180cm (Modality - high, low, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting > 14.0 micrometers/sec Somewhat Limiting => 1.0 and <= 14.0 micrometers/sec Not limiting < 1.0 micrometers/sec Null Ksat values are assigned to the Not limiting class. 2. Depth to bedrock: Shallow depth to bedrock limits site preparation, reservoir depth, and pond maintenance. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive type is ""bedrock (lithic)"" or ""bedrock (paralithic)."" Paralithic bedrock has less limitation then lithic and the rating is reduced by a power of 3. Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. DEPTH TO BEDROCK SOFT Property used: DEPTH TO BEDROCK HARD (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Somewhat limiting => 50 to < 150cm Not limiting => 150cm Null depths are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: DEPTH TO BEDROCK SOFT (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = 0cm Somewhat limiting > 0 to < 150cm Not limiting => 150cm Null depths are assigned to the Not limiting class. 3. Depth to cemented pan: Depth to cemented pan limits site preparation, reservoir depth, and pond maintenance. Soil feature considered is the top depth of the first restrictive layer where restrictive kind is ""fragipan"", ""duripan"", ""petrocalcic"", ""ortstein"", or ""petrogypsic"" and restrictive feature hardness is not noncemented. Depth to restrictive feature must be synchronized with the depth to the restrictive feature horizon shown in the horizon table. Property used: DEPTH TO CEMENTED PAN (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Somewhat limiting => 50 to =< 150cm Not limiting > 150cm Null depth is assigned to the Not limiting class. AND NOT Property used: RESTRICTIVE FEATURE HARDNESS (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting not = noncemented Not limiting = noncemented Null hardness is assigned to the Not limiting class. 4. Slope: Steep slopes impede site preparation and construction and restrict reservoir size and shape. Soil feature considered is the component slope. Property used: SLOPE (Modality - low, high, representative value) Restriction limits: Limiting => 50% Somewhat limiting > 10 and < 50% Not limiting =< 10% Null Slope is assigned Not rated. 5. Excess Lime: Soil containing significant amounts of marly materials are prone to seepage as these materials are dissolved and leached out of the system. Soil feature considered is USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER is. Property used: USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""mr"" Not limiting not = ""mr"" Null USDA Texture Modifiers are assigned to the Not limiting class. 6. Excess Gypsum: Soil containing significant amounts of gypsiferious materials are prone to seepage as these materials are dissolved and leached out of the system. Soil feature considered is USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER is. Property used: USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""gyp"" Not limiting not = ""gyp"" Null USDA Texture Modifiers are assigned to the Not limiting class. 7. Depth to permafrost: Permafrost (permanently frozen soil layer) restricts or effects excavation, manipulation, transport, stability, and workability of the soil material. Soil features considered are restrictive feature depth and where kind is permafrost or USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) is ""cpf"" or USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER is ""pf"". Property used: DEPTH TO PERMAFROST (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting < 50cm Somewhat limiting => 50 to =< 100cm Not limiting > 100cm Null depths are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE (IN-LIEU-OF) (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""cpf"" Not limiting not = ""cpf"" Null USDA Texture (In-Lieu-Of) are assigned to the Not limiting class. OR Property used: USDA TEXTURE MODIFIER (Modality - representative value) Restrictive limits: Limiting = ""pf"" Not limiting not = ""pf"" Null USDA Texture Modifier are assigned to the Not limiting class."|"Yes"|07/14/2005 06:20:33|"978"|"8885"|"372581"