"chaashto"|1|"aashtocl"|"aashto_group_classification"|"AASHTO"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"aashto_group_classification"|"A rating based on a system that classifies soils according to those properties that affect roadway construction and maintenance. Soils are classified into seven basic groups plus eight subgroups, for a total of fifteen for mineral soils. Another class for organic soils is used. The groups are based on determinations of particle-size distribution, liquid limit, and plasticity index. The group classification, including group index, is useful in determining the relative quality of the soil material for use in earthwork structures, particularly embankments, subgrades, subbases, and bases. (American Association fo State Highway and Transportation Officials)" "chaashto"|2|"rvindicator"|"rv_indicator"|"RV?"|"Boolean"|"Yes"|3||||||"A yes/no field that indicates if a listed AASHTO classification is representative for the horizon." "chaashto"|3|"chkey"|"chorizon_key"|"Chorizon Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Horizon table. Use this column to join the Horizon AASHTO table to the Horizon table." "chaashto"|4|"chaashtokey"|"chor_aashto_key"|"Chorizon AASHTO Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Horizon AASHTO table." "chconsistence"|1|"rupresblkmst"|"rupture_resist_block_moist"|"Rupture Moist"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"rupture_resist_block_moist"|"The rupture resistance of a block-shaped specimen of 25 to 30 mm size and moist water state. (SSM)" "chconsistence"|2|"rupresblkdry"|"rupture_resist_block_dry"|"Rupture Dry"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"rupture_resist_block_dry"|"The rupture resistance of a block-shaped specimen of 25 to 30 mm size and dry water state. (SSM)" "chconsistence"|3|"rupresblkcem"|"rupture_resist_block_cem"|"Rupture Cement"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"rupture_resist_block_cem"|"The rupture resistance of a block-like specimen of 25 to 30 mm size that has been air dried and then submerged in water. (SSM)" "chconsistence"|4|"rupresplate"|"rupture_resist_plate"|"Rupture Plate"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"rupture_resist_plate"|"The rupture resistance of an air dry plate-shaped specimen of specified size. (SSM)" "chconsistence"|5|"mannerfailure"|"manner_of_failure"|"Manner of Failure"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"manner_of_failure"|"The manner in which soil specimens fail under increasing force. (SSM)" "chconsistence"|6|"stickiness"|"stickiness"|"Stickiness"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"stickiness"|"The maximum capacity of thoroughly puddled soil to adhere to other objects." "chconsistence"|7|"plasticity"|"plasticity"|"Plasticity"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"plasticity"|"The degree to which a puddled, wet soil mass is permanently deformed without rupturing by a slow continuous application of force in any direction. (SSM)" "chconsistence"|8|"rvindicator"|"rv_indicator"|"RV?"|"Boolean"|"Yes"|3||||||"A yes/no field that indicates if a set of descriptors of soil consistence is representative for the horizon." "chconsistence"|9|"chkey"|"chorizon_key"|"Chorizon Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Horizon table. Use this column to join the Horizon Consistence table to the Horizon table." "chconsistence"|10|"chconsistkey"|"chor_consistence_key"|"Chorizon Consistence Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Horizon Consistence table." "chdesgnsuffix"|1|"desgnsuffix"|"horz_desgn_letter_suffix"|"Suffix"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"horz_desgn_letter_suffix"|"One of the four kinds of symbols, that when concatenated, are used to distinguish different kinds of layers in soils. Letter suffixes are used to designate subordinate distinctions within master horizons, and layers using lowercase letters. (SSM)" "chdesgnsuffix"|2|"chkey"|"chorizon_key"|"Chorizon Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Horizon table. Use this column to join the Horizon Designation Suffix table to the Horizon table." "chdesgnsuffix"|3|"chdesgnsfxkey"|"chor_desgn_suffix_key"|"Chorizon Designation Suffix Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Horizon Designation Suffix table." "chfrags"|1|"fragvol_l"|"fragment_volume_l"|"Vol % - Low Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|100.00|"percent"||"The volume percentage of the horizon occupied by the 2 mm or larger fraction (20 mm or larger for wood fragments), on a whole soil base." "chfrags"|2|"fragvol_r"|"fragment_volume_r"|"Vol % - Representative Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|100.00|"percent"||"The volume percentage of the horizon occupied by the 2 mm or larger fraction (20 mm or larger for wood fragments), on a whole soil base." "chfrags"|3|"fragvol_h"|"fragment_volume_h"|"Vol % - High Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|100.00|"percent"||"The volume percentage of the horizon occupied by the 2 mm or larger fraction (20 mm or larger for wood fragments), on a whole soil base." "chfrags"|4|"fragkind"|"fragment_kind"|"Kind"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"fragment_kind"|"The lithology/composition of the 2 mm or larger fraction of the soil (20 mm or larger for wood fragments)." "chfrags"|5|"fragsize_l"|"fragment_size_l"|"Size - Low Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||2.00|3000.00|"millimeters"||"Size based on the multiaxial dimensions of the fragment fraction." "chfrags"|6|"fragsize_r"|"fragment_size_r"|"Size - Representative Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||2.00|3000.00|"millimeters"||"Size based on the multiaxial dimensions of the fragment fraction." "chfrags"|7|"fragsize_h"|"fragment_size_h"|"Size - High Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||2.00|3000.00|"millimeters"||"Size based on the multiaxial dimensions of the fragment fraction." "chfrags"|8|"fragshp"|"fragment_shape"|"Shape"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"fragment_shape"|"A description of the overall shape of the fragment." "chfrags"|9|"fraground"|"fragment_roundness"|"Roundness"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"fragment_roundness"|"An expression of the sharpness of edges and corners of fragments. (Sedimentary Rocks, Pettijohn, 1957)" "chfrags"|10|"fraghard"|"fragment_hardness"|"Hardness"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"rupture_resist_block_cem"|"The hardness of a fragment." "chfrags"|11|"chkey"|"chorizon_key"|"Chorizon Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Horizon table. Use this column to join the Horizon Fragments table to the Horizon table." "chfrags"|12|"chfragskey"|"chor_fragments_key"|"Chorizon Fragments Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Horizon Fragments table." "chorizon"|1|"hzname"|"horizon_designation"|"Designation"|"String"|"No"|12||||||"The concatenated string of four kinds of symbols (five data elements) used to distinguish different kinds of layers in the soil. (SSM)" "chorizon"|2|"desgndisc"|"horz_desgn_discontinuity"|"Disc"|"Integer"|"No"|||2.00|99.00|||"An Arabic numeral used to indicate a significant change in particle-size distribution or mineralogy that indicates a difference in the material from which the horizon(s) formed and/or a significant difference in age, unless that difference in age is indicated by the suffix ""b"". (SSM) This numeral is one of four kinds of symbols, that when concatenated, are used to distinguish different kinds of layers in the soil." "chorizon"|3|"desgnmaster"|"horz_desgn_master"|"Master"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"horz_desgn_master"|"One of four kinds of symbols, that when concatenated, are used to distinguish different kinds of layers in soils. Master horizons and layers are the base symbols to which other characters are added to complete the designations. Capital letters, virgules (/), and ampersands (&) are used. (SSM)" "chorizon"|4|"desgnmasterprime"|"horz_desgn_master_prime"|"Prime"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"horz_desgn_master_prime"|"A character used to indicate that this horizon has an identical horizon designation as some overlying horizon. The two horizons in question are separated by at least one other horizon." "chorizon"|5|"desgnvert"|"horz_desgn_vertical_subdvn"|"Sub"|"Integer"|"No"|||1.00||||"One of the four kinds of symbols, when concatenated, are used to distinguish different kinds of layers in soils. Vertical subdivisions are used to subdivide a horizon or layer designated by a single letter or combination of letters." "chorizon"|6|"hzdept_l"|"horizon_depth_to_top_l"|"Top Depth - Low Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|9999.00|"centimeters"||"The distance from the top of the soil to the upper boundary of the soil horizon." "chorizon"|7|"hzdept_r"|"horizon_depth_to_top_r"|"Top Depth - Representative Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|9999.00|"centimeters"||"The distance from the top of the soil to the upper boundary of the soil horizon." "chorizon"|8|"hzdept_h"|"horizon_depth_to_top_h"|"Top Depth - High Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|9999.00|"centimeters"||"The distance from the top of the soil to the upper boundary of the soil horizon." "chorizon"|9|"hzdepb_l"|"horizon_depth_to_bottom_l"|"Bottom Depth - Low Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|9999.00|"centimeters"||"The distance from the top of the soil to the base of the soil horizon." "chorizon"|10|"hzdepb_r"|"horizon_depth_to_bottom_r"|"Bottom Depth - Representative Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|9999.00|"centimeters"||"The distance from the top of the soil to the base of the soil horizon." "chorizon"|11|"hzdepb_h"|"horizon_depth_to_bottom_h"|"Bottom Depth - High Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|9999.00|"centimeters"||"The distance from the top of the soil to the base of the soil horizon." "chorizon"|12|"hzthk_l"|"horizon_thickness_l"|"Thickness - Low Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|9999.00|"centimeters"||"A measurement from the top to bottom of a soil horizon throughout its areal extent." "chorizon"|13|"hzthk_r"|"horizon_thickness_r"|"Thickness - Representative Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|9999.00|"centimeters"||"A measurement from the top to bottom of a soil horizon throughout its areal extent." "chorizon"|14|"hzthk_h"|"horizon_thickness_h"|"Thickness - High Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|9999.00|"centimeters"||"A measurement from the top to bottom of a soil horizon throughout its areal extent." "chorizon"|15|"fraggt10_l"|"rock_frag_greater_than_10_in_l"|"Rock >10 - Low Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|100.00|"percent"||"The percent by weight of the horizon occupied by rock fragments greater than 10 inches in size." "chorizon"|16|"fraggt10_r"|"rock_frag_greater_than_10_in_r"|"Rock >10 - Representative Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|100.00|"percent"||"The percent by weight of the horizon occupied by rock fragments greater than 10 inches in size." "chorizon"|17|"fraggt10_h"|"rock_frag_greater_than_10_in_h"|"Rock >10 - High Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|100.00|"percent"||"The percent by weight of the horizon occupied by rock fragments greater than 10 inches in size." "chorizon"|18|"frag3to10_l"|"rock_frag_3_to_10_in_l"|"Rock 3-10 - Low Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|100.00|"percent"||"The percent by weight of the horizon occupied by rock fragments 3 to 10 inches in size." "chorizon"|19|"frag3to10_r"|"rock_frag_3_to_10_in_r"|"Rock 3-10 - Representative Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|100.00|"percent"||"The percent by weight of the horizon occupied by rock fragments 3 to 10 inches in size." "chorizon"|20|"frag3to10_h"|"rock_frag_3_to_10_in_h"|"Rock 3-10 - High Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|100.00|"percent"||"The percent by weight of the horizon occupied by rock fragments 3 to 10 inches in size." "chorizon"|21|"sieveno4_l"|"sieve_number_4_l"|"#4 - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"Soil fraction passing a number 4 sieve (4.70mm square opening) as a weight percentage of the less than 3 inch (76.4mm) fraction." "chorizon"|22|"sieveno4_r"|"sieve_number_4_r"|"#4 - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"Soil fraction passing a number 4 sieve (4.70mm square opening) as a weight percentage of the less than 3 inch (76.4mm) fraction." "chorizon"|23|"sieveno4_h"|"sieve_number_4_h"|"#4 - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"Soil fraction passing a number 4 sieve (4.70mm square opening) as a weight percentage of the less than 3 inch (76.4mm) fraction." "chorizon"|24|"sieveno10_l"|"sieve_number_10_l"|"#10 - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"Soil fraction passing a number 10 sieve (2.00mm square opening) as a weight percentage of the less than 3 inch (76.4mm) fraction." "chorizon"|25|"sieveno10_r"|"sieve_number_10_r"|"#10 - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"Soil fraction passing a number 10 sieve (2.00mm square opening) as a weight percentage of the less than 3 inch (76.4mm) fraction." "chorizon"|26|"sieveno10_h"|"sieve_number_10_h"|"#10 - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"Soil fraction passing a number 10 sieve (2.00mm square opening) as a weight percentage of the less than 3 inch (76.4mm) fraction." "chorizon"|27|"sieveno40_l"|"sieve_number_40_l"|"#40 - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"Soil fraction passing a number 40 sieve (0.42mm square opening) as a weight percentage of the less than 3 inch (76.4mm) fraction." "chorizon"|28|"sieveno40_r"|"sieve_number_40_r"|"#40 - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"Soil fraction passing a number 40 sieve (0.42mm square opening) as a weight percentage of the less than 3 inch (76.4mm) fraction." "chorizon"|29|"sieveno40_h"|"sieve_number_40_h"|"#40 - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"Soil fraction passing a number 40 sieve (0.42mm square opening) as a weight percentage of the less than 3 inch (76.4mm) fraction." "chorizon"|30|"sieveno200_l"|"sieve_number_200_l"|"#200 - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"Soil fraction passing a number 200 sieve (0.074mm square opening) as a weight percentage of the less than 3 inch (76.4mm) fraction." "chorizon"|31|"sieveno200_r"|"sieve_number_200_r"|"#200 - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"Soil fraction passing a number 200 sieve (0.074mm square opening) as a weight percentage of the less than 3 inch (76.4mm) fraction." "chorizon"|32|"sieveno200_h"|"sieve_number_200_h"|"#200 - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"Soil fraction passing a number 200 sieve (0.074mm square opening) as a weight percentage of the less than 3 inch (76.4mm) fraction." "chorizon"|33|"sandtotal_l"|"sand_total_separate_l"|"Total Sand - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"Mineral particles 0.05mm to 2.0mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm fraction." "chorizon"|34|"sandtotal_r"|"sand_total_separate_r"|"Total Sand - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"Mineral particles 0.05mm to 2.0mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm fraction." "chorizon"|35|"sandtotal_h"|"sand_total_separate_h"|"Total Sand - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"Mineral particles 0.05mm to 2.0mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm fraction." "chorizon"|36|"sandvc_l"|"sand_very_coarse_separate_l"|"vcos - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"Mineral particles 1.0mm to 2.0mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm fraction." "chorizon"|37|"sandvc_r"|"sand_very_coarse_separate_r"|"vcos - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"Mineral particles 1.0mm to 2.0mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm fraction." "chorizon"|38|"sandvc_h"|"sand_very_coarse_separate_h"|"vcos - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"Mineral particles 1.0mm to 2.0mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm fraction." "chorizon"|39|"sandco_l"|"sand_coarse_separate_l"|"cos - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"Mineral particles 0.5mm to 1.0mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm fraction." "chorizon"|40|"sandco_r"|"sand_coarse_separate_r"|"cos - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"Mineral particles 0.5mm to 1.0mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm fraction." "chorizon"|41|"sandco_h"|"sand_coarse_separate_h"|"cos - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"Mineral particles 0.5mm to 1.0mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm fraction." "chorizon"|42|"sandmed_l"|"sand_medium_separate_l"|"ms - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"Mineral particles 0.25mm to 0.5mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm fraction." "chorizon"|43|"sandmed_r"|"sand_medium_separate_r"|"ms - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"Mineral particles 0.25mm to 0.5mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm fraction." "chorizon"|44|"sandmed_h"|"sand_medium_separate_h"|"ms - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"Mineral particles 0.25mm to 0.5mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm fraction." "chorizon"|45|"sandfine_l"|"sand_fine_separate_l"|"fs - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"Mineral particles 0.10 to 0.25mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm fraction." "chorizon"|46|"sandfine_r"|"sand_fine_separate_r"|"fs - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"Mineral particles 0.10 to 0.25mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm fraction." "chorizon"|47|"sandfine_h"|"sand_fine_separate_h"|"fs - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"Mineral particles 0.10 to 0.25mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm fraction." "chorizon"|48|"sandvf_l"|"sand_very_fine_separate_l"|"vfs - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"Mineral particles 0.05 to 0.10mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm fraction." "chorizon"|49|"sandvf_r"|"sand_very_fine_separate_r"|"vfs - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"Mineral particles 0.05 to 0.10mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm fraction." "chorizon"|50|"sandvf_h"|"sand_very_fine_separate_h"|"vfs - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"Mineral particles 0.05 to 0.10mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm fraction." "chorizon"|51|"silttotal_l"|"silt_total_separate_l"|"Total Silt - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"Mineral particles 0.002 to 0.05mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2.0mm fraction." "chorizon"|52|"silttotal_r"|"silt_total_separate_r"|"Total Silt - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"Mineral particles 0.002 to 0.05mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2.0mm fraction." "chorizon"|53|"silttotal_h"|"silt_total_separate_h"|"Total Silt - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"Mineral particles 0.002 to 0.05mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2.0mm fraction." "chorizon"|54|"siltco_l"|"silt_coarse_separate_l"|"Coarse Silt - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"Mineral particles ranging in size from 0.02mm to 0.05mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2.0mm fraction." "chorizon"|55|"siltco_r"|"silt_coarse_separate_r"|"Coarse Silt - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"Mineral particles ranging in size from 0.02mm to 0.05mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2.0mm fraction." "chorizon"|56|"siltco_h"|"silt_coarse_separate_h"|"Coarse Silt - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"Mineral particles ranging in size from 0.02mm to 0.05mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2.0mm fraction." "chorizon"|57|"siltfine_l"|"silt_fine_separate_l"|"Fine Silt - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"Mineral particles ranging in size from 0.002 to 0.02mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2.0mm fraction." "chorizon"|58|"siltfine_r"|"silt_fine_separate_r"|"Fine Silt - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"Mineral particles ranging in size from 0.002 to 0.02mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2.0mm fraction." "chorizon"|59|"siltfine_h"|"silt_fine_separate_h"|"Fine Silt - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"Mineral particles ranging in size from 0.002 to 0.02mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2.0mm fraction." "chorizon"|60|"claytotal_l"|"clay_total_separate_l"|"Total Clay - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"Mineral particles less than 0.002mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2.0mm fraction." "chorizon"|61|"claytotal_r"|"clay_total_separate_r"|"Total Clay - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"Mineral particles less than 0.002mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2.0mm fraction." "chorizon"|62|"claytotal_h"|"clay_total_separate_h"|"Total Clay - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"Mineral particles less than 0.002mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2.0mm fraction." "chorizon"|63|"claysizedcarb_l"|"clay_sized_carbonate_l"|"CaCO3 Clay - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"Carbonate particles less than 0.002mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2.0mm fraction." "chorizon"|64|"claysizedcarb_r"|"clay_sized_carbonate_r"|"CaCO3 Clay - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"Carbonate particles less than 0.002mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2.0mm fraction." "chorizon"|65|"claysizedcarb_h"|"clay_sized_carbonate_h"|"CaCO3 Clay - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"Carbonate particles less than 0.002mm in equivalent diameter as a weight percentage of the less than 2.0mm fraction." "chorizon"|66|"om_l"|"organic_matter_percent_l"|"OM - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"The amount by weight of decomposed plant and animal residue expressed as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm soil material." "chorizon"|67|"om_r"|"organic_matter_percent_r"|"OM - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"The amount by weight of decomposed plant and animal residue expressed as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm soil material." "chorizon"|68|"om_h"|"organic_matter_percent_h"|"OM - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"The amount by weight of decomposed plant and animal residue expressed as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm soil material." "chorizon"|69|"dbtenthbar_l"|"bulk_density_one_tenth_bar_l"|"Db 0.1 bar H2O - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.02|2.60|"grams per cubic centimeter"||"The oven dried weight of the less than 2 mm soil material per unit volume of soil at a water tension of 1/10 bar." "chorizon"|70|"dbtenthbar_r"|"bulk_density_one_tenth_bar_r"|"Db 0.1 bar H2O - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.02|2.60|"grams per cubic centimeter"||"The oven dried weight of the less than 2 mm soil material per unit volume of soil at a water tension of 1/10 bar." "chorizon"|71|"dbtenthbar_h"|"bulk_density_one_tenth_bar_h"|"Db 0.1 bar H2O - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.02|2.60|"grams per cubic centimeter"||"The oven dried weight of the less than 2 mm soil material per unit volume of soil at a water tension of 1/10 bar." "chorizon"|72|"dbthirdbar_l"|"bulk_density_one_third_bar_l"|"Db 0.33 bar H2O - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.02|2.60|"grams per cubic centimeter"||"The oven dry weight of the less than 2 mm soil material per unit volume of soil at a water tension of 1/3 bar." "chorizon"|73|"dbthirdbar_r"|"bulk_density_one_third_bar_r"|"Db 0.33 bar H2O - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.02|2.60|"grams per cubic centimeter"||"The oven dry weight of the less than 2 mm soil material per unit volume of soil at a water tension of 1/3 bar." "chorizon"|74|"dbthirdbar_h"|"bulk_density_one_third_bar_h"|"Db 0.33 bar H2O - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.02|2.60|"grams per cubic centimeter"||"The oven dry weight of the less than 2 mm soil material per unit volume of soil at a water tension of 1/3 bar." "chorizon"|75|"dbfifteenbar_l"|"bulk_density_fifteen_bar_l"|"Db 15 bar H2O - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.02|2.60|"grams per cubic centimeter"||"The oven dry weight of the less than 2 mm soil material per unit volume of soil at a water tension of 15 bar." "chorizon"|76|"dbfifteenbar_r"|"bulk_density_fifteen_bar_r"|"Db 15 bar H2O - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.02|2.60|"grams per cubic centimeter"||"The oven dry weight of the less than 2 mm soil material per unit volume of soil at a water tension of 15 bar." "chorizon"|77|"dbfifteenbar_h"|"bulk_density_fifteen_bar_h"|"Db 15 bar H2O - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.02|2.60|"grams per cubic centimeter"||"The oven dry weight of the less than 2 mm soil material per unit volume of soil at a water tension of 15 bar." "chorizon"|78|"dbovendry_l"|"bulk_density_oven_dry_l"|"Db oven dry - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.02|2.60|"grams per cubic centimeter"||"The oven dry weight of the less than 2 mm soil material per unit volume of soil exclusive of the desication cracks, measured on a coated clod." "chorizon"|79|"dbovendry_r"|"bulk_density_oven_dry_r"|"Db oven dry - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.02|2.60|"grams per cubic centimeter"||"The oven dry weight of the less than 2 mm soil material per unit volume of soil exclusive of the desication cracks, measured on a coated clod." "chorizon"|80|"dbovendry_h"|"bulk_density_oven_dry_h"|"Db oven dry - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.02|2.60|"grams per cubic centimeter"||"The oven dry weight of the less than 2 mm soil material per unit volume of soil exclusive of the desication cracks, measured on a coated clod." "chorizon"|81|"partdensity"|"particle_density"|"Dp"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.01|5.00|"grams per cubic centimeter"||"Mass per unit of volume (not including pore space) of the solid soil particle either mineral or organic. Also known as specific gravity." "chorizon"|82|"ksat_l"|"sat_hydraulic_conductivity_l"|"Ksat - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||4|0.00|705.00|"micrometers per second"||"The amount of water that would move vertically through a unit area of saturated soil in unit time under unit hydraulic gradient." "chorizon"|83|"ksat_r"|"sat_hydraulic_conductivity_r"|"Ksat - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||4|0.00|705.00|"micrometers per second"||"The amount of water that would move vertically through a unit area of saturated soil in unit time under unit hydraulic gradient." "chorizon"|84|"ksat_h"|"sat_hydraulic_conductivity_h"|"Ksat - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||4|0.00|705.00|"micrometers per second"||"The amount of water that would move vertically through a unit area of saturated soil in unit time under unit hydraulic gradient." "chorizon"|85|"awc_l"|"available_water_capacity_l"|"AWC - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.00|0.70|"centimeters per centimeter"||"The amount of water that an increment of soil depth, inclusive of fragments, can store that is available to plants. AWC is expressed as a volume fraction, and is commonly estimated as the difference between the water contents at 1/10 or 1/3 bar (field capacity) and 15 bars (permanent wilting point) tension and adjusted for salinity, and fragments." "chorizon"|86|"awc_r"|"available_water_capacity_r"|"AWC - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.00|0.70|"centimeters per centimeter"||"The amount of water that an increment of soil depth, inclusive of fragments, can store that is available to plants. AWC is expressed as a volume fraction, and is commonly estimated as the difference between the water contents at 1/10 or 1/3 bar (field capacity) and 15 bars (permanent wilting point) tension and adjusted for salinity, and fragments." "chorizon"|87|"awc_h"|"available_water_capacity_h"|"AWC - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.00|0.70|"centimeters per centimeter"||"The amount of water that an increment of soil depth, inclusive of fragments, can store that is available to plants. AWC is expressed as a volume fraction, and is commonly estimated as the difference between the water contents at 1/10 or 1/3 bar (field capacity) and 15 bars (permanent wilting point) tension and adjusted for salinity, and fragments." "chorizon"|88|"wtenthbar_l"|"water_one_tenth_bar_l"|"0.1 bar H2O - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|2000.00|"percent"||"The volumetric content of soil water retained at a tension of 1/10 bar (10 kPa), expressed as a percentage of the whole soil." "chorizon"|89|"wtenthbar_r"|"water_one_tenth_bar_r"|"0.1 bar H2O - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|2000.00|"percent"||"The volumetric content of soil water retained at a tension of 1/10 bar (10 kPa), expressed as a percentage of the whole soil." "chorizon"|90|"wtenthbar_h"|"water_one_tenth_bar_h"|"0.1 bar H2O - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|2000.00|"percent"||"The volumetric content of soil water retained at a tension of 1/10 bar (10 kPa), expressed as a percentage of the whole soil." "chorizon"|91|"wthirdbar_l"|"water_one_third_bar_l"|"0.33 bar H2O - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|2000.00|"percent"||"The volumetric content of soil water retained at a tension of 1/3 bar (33 kPa), expressed as a percentage of the whole soil." "chorizon"|92|"wthirdbar_r"|"water_one_third_bar_r"|"0.33 bar H2O - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|2000.00|"percent"||"The volumetric content of soil water retained at a tension of 1/3 bar (33 kPa), expressed as a percentage of the whole soil." "chorizon"|93|"wthirdbar_h"|"water_one_third_bar_h"|"0.33 bar H2O - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|2000.00|"percent"||"The volumetric content of soil water retained at a tension of 1/3 bar (33 kPa), expressed as a percentage of the whole soil." "chorizon"|94|"wfifteenbar_l"|"water_fifteen_bar_l"|"15 bar H2O - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|400.00|"percent"||"The volumetric content of soil water retained at a tension of 15 bars (1500 kPa), expressed as a percentage of the whole soil." "chorizon"|95|"wfifteenbar_r"|"water_fifteen_bar_r"|"15 bar H2O - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|400.00|"percent"||"The volumetric content of soil water retained at a tension of 15 bars (1500 kPa), expressed as a percentage of the whole soil." "chorizon"|96|"wfifteenbar_h"|"water_fifteen_bar_h"|"15 bar H2O - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|400.00|"percent"||"The volumetric content of soil water retained at a tension of 15 bars (1500 kPa), expressed as a percentage of the whole soil." "chorizon"|97|"wsatiated_l"|"water_satiated_l"|"Satiated H2O - Low Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||10.00|70.00|"percent"||"The estimated volumetric soil water content at or near zero bar tension, expressed as a percentage of the whole soil." "chorizon"|98|"wsatiated_r"|"water_satiated_r"|"Satiated H2O - Representative Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||10.00|70.00|"percent"||"The estimated volumetric soil water content at or near zero bar tension, expressed as a percentage of the whole soil." "chorizon"|99|"wsatiated_h"|"water_satiated_h"|"Satiated H2O - High Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||10.00|70.00|"percent"||"The estimated volumetric soil water content at or near zero bar tension, expressed as a percentage of the whole soil." "chorizon"|100|"lep_l"|"linear_extensibility_percent_l"|"LEP - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|30.00|"percent"||"The linear expression of the volume difference of natural soil fabric at 1/3 or 1/10 bar water content and oven dryness. The volume change is reported as percent change for the whole soil." "chorizon"|101|"lep_r"|"linear_extensibility_percent_r"|"LEP - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|30.00|"percent"||"The linear expression of the volume difference of natural soil fabric at 1/3 or 1/10 bar water content and oven dryness. The volume change is reported as percent change for the whole soil." "chorizon"|102|"lep_h"|"linear_extensibility_percent_h"|"LEP - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|30.00|"percent"||"The linear expression of the volume difference of natural soil fabric at 1/3 or 1/10 bar water content and oven dryness. The volume change is reported as percent change for the whole soil." "chorizon"|103|"ll_l"|"liquid_limit_l"|"LL - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|400.00|"percent"||"The water content of the soil at the change between the liquid and plastic states." "chorizon"|104|"ll_r"|"liquid_limit_r"|"LL - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|400.00|"percent"||"The water content of the soil at the change between the liquid and plastic states." "chorizon"|105|"ll_h"|"liquid_limit_h"|"LL - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|400.00|"percent"||"The water content of the soil at the change between the liquid and plastic states." "chorizon"|106|"pi_l"|"plasticity_index_l"|"PI - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|130.00|"percent"||"The numerical difference between the liquid limit and plastic limit." "chorizon"|107|"pi_r"|"plasticity_index_r"|"PI - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|130.00|"percent"||"The numerical difference between the liquid limit and plastic limit." "chorizon"|108|"pi_h"|"plasticity_index_h"|"PI - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|130.00|"percent"||"The numerical difference between the liquid limit and plastic limit." "chorizon"|109|"aashind_l"|"aashto_group_index_l"|"AASHTO Group Index - Low Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|120.00|||"The empirical group index formula devised for approximately within-group evaluation of the ""clayey granular materials"" and the ""silty-clay materials""." "chorizon"|110|"aashind_r"|"aashto_group_index_r"|"AASHTO Group Index - Representative Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|120.00|||"The empirical group index formula devised for approximately within-group evaluation of the ""clayey granular materials"" and the ""silty-clay materials""." "chorizon"|111|"aashind_h"|"aashto_group_index_h"|"AASHTO Group Index - High Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|120.00|||"The empirical group index formula devised for approximately within-group evaluation of the ""clayey granular materials"" and the ""silty-clay materials""." "chorizon"|112|"kwfact"|"soil_erodibility_factor_whole"|"Kw"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"soil_erodibility_factor"|"An erodibility factor which quantifies the susceptibility of soil particles to detachment and movement by water. This factor is adjusted for the effect of rock fragments." "chorizon"|113|"kffact"|"soil_erodibility_factor_rf"|"Kf"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"soil_erodibility_factor"|"An erodibility factor which quantifies the susceptibility of soil particles to detachment by water." "chorizon"|114|"caco3_l"|"calcium_carbonate_equivalent_l"|"CaCO3 - Low Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|110.00|"percent"||"The quantity of Carbonate (CO3) in the soil expressed as CaCO3 and as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm size fraction." "chorizon"|115|"caco3_r"|"calcium_carbonate_equivalent_r"|"CaCO3 - Representative Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|110.00|"percent"||"The quantity of Carbonate (CO3) in the soil expressed as CaCO3 and as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm size fraction." "chorizon"|116|"caco3_h"|"calcium_carbonate_equivalent_h"|"CaCO3 - High Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|110.00|"percent"||"The quantity of Carbonate (CO3) in the soil expressed as CaCO3 and as a weight percentage of the less than 2 mm size fraction." "chorizon"|117|"gypsum_l"|"gypsum_l"|"Gypsum - Low Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|120.00|"percent"||"The percent by weight of hydrated calcium sulfate in the less than 20 mm fraction of soil." "chorizon"|118|"gypsum_r"|"gypsum_r"|"Gypsum - Representative Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|120.00|"percent"||"The percent by weight of hydrated calcium sulfate in the less than 20 mm fraction of soil." "chorizon"|119|"gypsum_h"|"gypsum_h"|"Gypsum - High Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|120.00|"percent"||"The percent by weight of hydrated calcium sulfate in the less than 20 mm fraction of soil." "chorizon"|120|"sar_l"|"sodium_adsorption_ratio_l"|"SAR - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|9999.00|||"A measure of the amount of Sodium (Na) relative to Calcium (Ca) and Magnesium (Mg) in the water extract from saturated soil paste." "chorizon"|121|"sar_r"|"sodium_adsorption_ratio_r"|"SAR - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|9999.00|||"A measure of the amount of Sodium (Na) relative to Calcium (Ca) and Magnesium (Mg) in the water extract from saturated soil paste." "chorizon"|122|"sar_h"|"sodium_adsorption_ratio_h"|"SAR - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|9999.00|||"A measure of the amount of Sodium (Na) relative to Calcium (Ca) and Magnesium (Mg) in the water extract from saturated soil paste." "chorizon"|123|"ec_l"|"electrical_conductivity_l"|"EC - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|15000.00|"millimhos per centimeter"||"The electrical conductivity of an extract from saturated soil paste." "chorizon"|124|"ec_r"|"electrical_conductivity_r"|"EC - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|15000.00|"millimhos per centimeter"||"The electrical conductivity of an extract from saturated soil paste." "chorizon"|125|"ec_h"|"electrical_conductivity_h"|"EC - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|15000.00|"millimhos per centimeter"||"The electrical conductivity of an extract from saturated soil paste." "chorizon"|126|"cec7_l"|"cation_exch_capcty_nh4oacph7_l"|"CEC-7 - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|400.00|"milliequivalents per 100 grams"||"The amount of readily exchangeable cations that can be electrically adsorbed to negative charges in the soil, soil constituent, or other material, at pH 7.0, as estimated by the ammonium acetate method." "chorizon"|127|"cec7_r"|"cation_exch_capcty_nh4oacph7_r"|"CEC-7 - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|400.00|"milliequivalents per 100 grams"||"The amount of readily exchangeable cations that can be electrically adsorbed to negative charges in the soil, soil constituent, or other material, at pH 7.0, as estimated by the ammonium acetate method." "chorizon"|128|"cec7_h"|"cation_exch_capcty_nh4oacph7_h"|"CEC-7 - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|400.00|"milliequivalents per 100 grams"||"The amount of readily exchangeable cations that can be electrically adsorbed to negative charges in the soil, soil constituent, or other material, at pH 7.0, as estimated by the ammonium acetate method." "chorizon"|129|"ecec_l"|"effective_cation_exch_capcty_l"|"ECEC - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|400.00|"milliequivalents per 100 grams"||"The sum of NH4OAc extractable bases plus KCl extractable aluminum." "chorizon"|130|"ecec_r"|"effective_cation_exch_capcty_r"|"ECEC - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|400.00|"milliequivalents per 100 grams"||"The sum of NH4OAc extractable bases plus KCl extractable aluminum." "chorizon"|131|"ecec_h"|"effective_cation_exch_capcty_h"|"ECEC - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|400.00|"milliequivalents per 100 grams"||"The sum of NH4OAc extractable bases plus KCl extractable aluminum." "chorizon"|132|"sumbases_l"|"sum_of_bases_nh4oacph7_l"|"Sum of Bases - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|300.00|"milliequivalents per 100 grams"||"The sum of NH4OAc extractable bases (pH 7.0), reported on less than 2mm base." "chorizon"|133|"sumbases_r"|"sum_of_bases_nh4oacph7_r"|"Sum of Bases - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|300.00|"milliequivalents per 100 grams"||"The sum of NH4OAc extractable bases (pH 7.0), reported on less than 2mm base." "chorizon"|134|"sumbases_h"|"sum_of_bases_nh4oacph7_h"|"Sum of Bases - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|300.00|"milliequivalents per 100 grams"||"The sum of NH4OAc extractable bases (pH 7.0), reported on less than 2mm base." "chorizon"|135|"ph1to1h2o_l"|"ph_1_1_water_l"|"pH H2O - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|1.80|11.00|||"The negative logarithm to the base 10, of the hydrogen ion activity in the soil using the 1:1 soil-water ratio method. A numerical expression of the relative acidity or alkalinity of a soil sample. (SSM)" "chorizon"|136|"ph1to1h2o_r"|"ph_1_1_water_r"|"pH H2O - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|1.80|11.00|||"The negative logarithm to the base 10, of the hydrogen ion activity in the soil using the 1:1 soil-water ratio method. A numerical expression of the relative acidity or alkalinity of a soil sample. (SSM)" "chorizon"|137|"ph1to1h2o_h"|"ph_1_1_water_h"|"pH H2O - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|1.80|11.00|||"The negative logarithm to the base 10, of the hydrogen ion activity in the soil using the 1:1 soil-water ratio method. A numerical expression of the relative acidity or alkalinity of a soil sample. (SSM)" "chorizon"|138|"ph01mcacl2_l"|"ph_01m_cacl2_l"|"pH CaCl2 - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|1.80|11.00|||"The negative logarithm to base of 10 or the hydrogen ion activity in the soil, using the 0.01M CaCl2 method, in a 1:2 soil:solution ratio. A numerical expression of the relative acidity or alkalinity of a soil sample. (SSM)" "chorizon"|139|"ph01mcacl2_r"|"ph_01m_cacl2_r"|"pH CaCl2 - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|1.80|11.00|||"The negative logarithm to base of 10 or the hydrogen ion activity in the soil, using the 0.01M CaCl2 method, in a 1:2 soil:solution ratio. A numerical expression of the relative acidity or alkalinity of a soil sample. (SSM)" "chorizon"|140|"ph01mcacl2_h"|"ph_01m_cacl2_h"|"pH CaCl2 - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|1.80|11.00|||"The negative logarithm to base of 10 or the hydrogen ion activity in the soil, using the 0.01M CaCl2 method, in a 1:2 soil:solution ratio. A numerical expression of the relative acidity or alkalinity of a soil sample. (SSM)" "chorizon"|141|"freeiron_l"|"free_iron_oxides_l"|"Free Iron - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"The secondary iron oxides such as geothite, hematite, ferrihydrite, lepidocrocite and maghemite. This form of iron may occur as discrete particles, as coatings on other particles, or as cementing agents between soil mineral grains. It is iron extracted by dithionite-citrate." "chorizon"|142|"freeiron_r"|"free_iron_oxides_r"|"Free Iron - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"The secondary iron oxides such as geothite, hematite, ferrihydrite, lepidocrocite and maghemite. This form of iron may occur as discrete particles, as coatings on other particles, or as cementing agents between soil mineral grains. It is iron extracted by dithionite-citrate." "chorizon"|143|"freeiron_h"|"free_iron_oxides_h"|"Free Iron - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"The secondary iron oxides such as geothite, hematite, ferrihydrite, lepidocrocite and maghemite. This form of iron may occur as discrete particles, as coatings on other particles, or as cementing agents between soil mineral grains. It is iron extracted by dithionite-citrate." "chorizon"|144|"feoxalate_l"|"iron_oxalate_l"|"Oxalate Fe - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.00|150000.00|"milligrams per kilogram"||"The amount of ammonium oxalate extractable iron in the less than 2mm fraction. It is considered a measure of noncrystalline iron in the soil." "chorizon"|145|"feoxalate_r"|"iron_oxalate_r"|"Oxalate Fe - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.00|150000.00|"milligrams per kilogram"||"The amount of ammonium oxalate extractable iron in the less than 2mm fraction. It is considered a measure of noncrystalline iron in the soil." "chorizon"|146|"feoxalate_h"|"iron_oxalate_h"|"Oxalate Fe - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.00|150000.00|"milligrams per kilogram"||"The amount of ammonium oxalate extractable iron in the less than 2mm fraction. It is considered a measure of noncrystalline iron in the soil." "chorizon"|147|"extracid_l"|"extractable_acidity_l"|"Ext Acidity - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|250.00|"milliequivalents per 100 grams"||"A measure of soil exchangeable hydrogen ions that may become active by cation exchange." "chorizon"|148|"extracid_r"|"extractable_acidity_r"|"Ext Acidity - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|250.00|"milliequivalents per 100 grams"||"A measure of soil exchangeable hydrogen ions that may become active by cation exchange." "chorizon"|149|"extracid_h"|"extractable_acidity_h"|"Ext Acidity - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|250.00|"milliequivalents per 100 grams"||"A measure of soil exchangeable hydrogen ions that may become active by cation exchange." "chorizon"|150|"extral_l"|"extractable_aluminum_l"|"Extract Al - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.00|150.00|"milliequivalents per 100 grams"||"The amount of aluminum extracted in 1 normal potassium chloride. The following laboratory method is applied: 55 ml of 1 normal potassium chloride is extracted through 2.5 g of soil sample. The extract is analyzed by use of an atomic adsorption spectrometer or similar instrument (SSIR #1, method 6G9a and NSSH)." "chorizon"|151|"extral_r"|"extractable_aluminum_r"|"Extract Al - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.00|150.00|"milliequivalents per 100 grams"||"The amount of aluminum extracted in 1 normal potassium chloride. The following laboratory method is applied: 55 ml of 1 normal potassium chloride is extracted through 2.5 g of soil sample. The extract is analyzed by use of an atomic adsorption spectrometer or similar instrument (SSIR #1, method 6G9a and NSSH)." "chorizon"|152|"extral_h"|"extractable_aluminum_h"|"Extract Al - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.00|150.00|"milliequivalents per 100 grams"||"The amount of aluminum extracted in 1 normal potassium chloride. The following laboratory method is applied: 55 ml of 1 normal potassium chloride is extracted through 2.5 g of soil sample. The extract is analyzed by use of an atomic adsorption spectrometer or similar instrument (SSIR #1, method 6G9a and NSSH)." "chorizon"|153|"aloxalate_l"|"aluminum_oxalate_l"|"Oxalate Al - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|170000.00|"milligrams per kilogram"||"The amount of ammonium oxalate extractable aluminum in the less than 2mm fraction. This is an estimate of the total pedogenic aluminum, much of which may be in noncrystalline material, or complexed by organic matter." "chorizon"|154|"aloxalate_r"|"aluminum_oxalate_r"|"Oxalate Al - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|170000.00|"milligrams per kilogram"||"The amount of ammonium oxalate extractable aluminum in the less than 2mm fraction. This is an estimate of the total pedogenic aluminum, much of which may be in noncrystalline material, or complexed by organic matter." "chorizon"|155|"aloxalate_h"|"aluminum_oxalate_h"|"Oxalate Al - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|170000.00|"milligrams per kilogram"||"The amount of ammonium oxalate extractable aluminum in the less than 2mm fraction. This is an estimate of the total pedogenic aluminum, much of which may be in noncrystalline material, or complexed by organic matter." "chorizon"|156|"pbray1_l"|"phosphorous_bray1_l"|"Bray 1 Phos - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|500.00|"milligrams per kilogram"||"The amount of phosphorous in the less than 2mm fraction, that is extractable using the Bray1 method. It represents the plant available phosphorous content." "chorizon"|157|"pbray1_r"|"phosphorous_bray1_r"|"Bray 1 Phos - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|500.00|"milligrams per kilogram"||"The amount of phosphorous in the less than 2mm fraction, that is extractable using the Bray1 method. It represents the plant available phosphorous content." "chorizon"|158|"pbray1_h"|"phosphorous_bray1_h"|"Bray 1 Phos - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|500.00|"milligrams per kilogram"||"The amount of phosphorous in the less than 2mm fraction, that is extractable using the Bray1 method. It represents the plant available phosphorous content." "chorizon"|159|"poxalate_l"|"phosphorous_oxalate_l"|"Oxalate Phos - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00||"milligrams per kilogram"||"The amount of phosphorous in the less than 2mm fraction, that is extractable by aluminum oxalate method. It represents the phosphorous level intermediate between total P and water soluble P." "chorizon"|160|"poxalate_r"|"phosphorous_oxalate_r"|"Oxalate Phos - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00||"milligrams per kilogram"||"The amount of phosphorous in the less than 2mm fraction, that is extractable by aluminum oxalate method. It represents the phosphorous level intermediate between total P and water soluble P." "chorizon"|161|"poxalate_h"|"phosphorous_oxalate_h"|"Oxalate Phos - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00||"milligrams per kilogram"||"The amount of phosphorous in the less than 2mm fraction, that is extractable by aluminum oxalate method. It represents the phosphorous level intermediate between total P and water soluble P." "chorizon"|162|"ph2osoluble_l"|"phosphorous_water_soluble_l"|"Water Soluble Phos - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|5000.00|"milligrams per kilogram"||"The amount of water soluble phosphorous in the less than 2mm fraction, that is extractable by distilled water. It represents the mobile phosphorous content." "chorizon"|163|"ph2osoluble_r"|"phosphorous_water_soluble_r"|"Water Soluble Phos - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|5000.00|"milligrams per kilogram"||"The amount of water soluble phosphorous in the less than 2mm fraction, that is extractable by distilled water. It represents the mobile phosphorous content." "chorizon"|164|"ph2osoluble_h"|"phosphorous_water_soluble_h"|"Water Soluble Phos - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|5000.00|"milligrams per kilogram"||"The amount of water soluble phosphorous in the less than 2mm fraction, that is extractable by distilled water. It represents the mobile phosphorous content." "chorizon"|165|"ptotal_l"|"phosphorous_total_l"|"Total Phos - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.00||"percent"||"The estimate of the total phosphorous content of the soil, measured after total dissolution of a size fraction of the soil material. It is reported as a gravimetric percent oxide of the size fraction used." "chorizon"|166|"ptotal_r"|"phosphorous_total_r"|"Total Phos - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.00||"percent"||"The estimate of the total phosphorous content of the soil, measured after total dissolution of a size fraction of the soil material. It is reported as a gravimetric percent oxide of the size fraction used." "chorizon"|167|"ptotal_h"|"phosphorous_total_h"|"Total Phos - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.00||"percent"||"The estimate of the total phosphorous content of the soil, measured after total dissolution of a size fraction of the soil material. It is reported as a gravimetric percent oxide of the size fraction used." "chorizon"|168|"excavdifcl"|"excavation_difficulty_class"|"Excav Diff"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"excavation_difficulty_class"|"An estimation of the difficulty of working an excavation into soil layers, horizons, pedons, or geologic layers. In most instances, excavation difficulty is related to and controlled by a water state." "chorizon"|169|"excavdifms"|"excavation_difficulty_moist_st"|"Excav Diff Moisture"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"observed_soil_moisture_status"|"The soil moisture status for which the excavation difficulty class is assigned for the individual component." "chorizon"|170|"cokey"|"component_key"|"Component Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Component table. Use this column to join the Horizon table to the Component table." "chorizon"|171|"chkey"|"chorizon_key"|"Chorizon Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Horizon table." "chpores"|1|"poreqty_l"|"pore_quantity_l"|"Quantity - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|99.00|"pores per area"||"The number of a selected size of pores per unit area of undisturbed soils." "chpores"|2|"poreqty_r"|"pore_quantity_r"|"Quantity - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|99.00|"pores per area"||"The number of a selected size of pores per unit area of undisturbed soils." "chpores"|3|"poreqty_h"|"pore_quantity_h"|"Quantity - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|99.00|"pores per area"||"The number of a selected size of pores per unit area of undisturbed soils." "chpores"|4|"poresize"|"pore_size"|"Size"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"pore_root_size"|"The average diameter of a pore. (SSM)" "chpores"|5|"porecont"|"pore_continuity_vertical"|"Continuity"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"pore_continuity_vertical"|"Average vertical distance through which the minimum diameter of the pore exceeds 0.5mm when the soil layer is moist or wetter." "chpores"|6|"poreshp"|"pore_shape"|"Shape"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"pore_shape"|"A description of the multiaxial shape of the pore." "chpores"|7|"rvindicator"|"rv_indicator"|"RV?"|"Boolean"|"Yes"|3||||||"A yes/no field that indicates if the pores described are representative for the horizon." "chpores"|8|"chkey"|"chorizon_key"|"Chorizon Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Horizon table. Use this column to join the Horizon Pores table to the Horizon table." "chpores"|9|"chporeskey"|"chor_pores_key"|"Chorizon Pores Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Horizon Pores table." "chstruct"|1|"structgrade"|"structure_grade"|"Grade"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"structure_grade"|"The distinctness of the peds described in terms of ease of separation into discrete units." "chstruct"|2|"structsize"|"structure_size"|"Size"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"structure_size"|"Measurement of the smallest dimension of the selected secondary particles, units, or peds." "chstruct"|3|"structtype"|"structure_type"|"Type"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"structure_type"|"The multiaxial shape of secondary particles, units, or peds." "chstruct"|4|"structid"|"structure_id"|"Structure ID"|"Integer"|"No"|||1.00||||"An integer number assigned by the user to identify a particular row in the table." "chstruct"|5|"structpartsto"|"structure_parts_to"|"Parts to Structure ID"|"Integer"|"No"|||||||"An integer referring to the Structure ID in another row in the same table, intended to indicate if the soil structure described on the current row parts or separates to the structure described on the other row." "chstruct"|6|"chstructgrpkey"|"chor_structure_group_key"|"Chorizon Structure Group Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Horizon Structure Group table. Use this column to join the Horizon Structure table to the Horizon Structure Group table." "chstruct"|7|"chstructkey"|"chor_structure_key"|"Chorizon Structure Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Horizon Structure table." "chstructgrp"|1|"structgrpname"|"structure_group_name"|"Structure"|"String"|"No"|100||||||"The narrative description of the soil structure within a soil horizon." "chstructgrp"|2|"rvindicator"|"rv_indicator"|"RV?"|"Boolean"|"Yes"|3||||||"A yes/no field that indicates if a soil structure is representative for the horizon." "chstructgrp"|3|"chkey"|"chorizon_key"|"Chorizon Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Horizon table. Use this column to join the Horizon Structure Group table to the Horizon table." "chstructgrp"|4|"chstructgrpkey"|"chor_structure_group_key"|"Chorizon Structure Group Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Horizon Structure Group table." "chtext"|1|"recdate"|"record_date"|"Date"|"Date/Time"|"No"|||||||"The date associated with a particular record, expressed as month, day, year -- xx/xx/xxxx." "chtext"|2|"chorizontextkind"|"chorizon_text_kind"|"Kind"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"chorizon_text_kind"|"A text entry is identified by its kind, category, and subcategory. Kind is the highest division of classification. Text kind provides a grouping of text entries according to their subject matter." "chtext"|3|"textcat"|"text_category"|"Category"|"String"|"No"|20||||||"A text entry is identified by its kind, category, and subcategory. Category is a subdivision of kind. ""Agr"" and ""Soi"" are two categories for the text kind ""Nontechnical Description""." "chtext"|4|"textsubcat"|"text_subcategory"|"Subcategory"|"String"|"No"|20||||||"A text entry is identified by its kind, category, and subcategory. Subcategory is a subdivision of category. For text kind ""Nontechnical"" description and text category ""Agr"", subcategory would correspond to the SSSD field ""desnum""." "chtext"|5|"text"|"text"|"Text"|"Vtext"|"No"|||||||"The actual narrative text portion of a text entry. The other parts of a text entry are its identifiers: kind, category and subcategory." "chtext"|6|"chkey"|"chorizon_key"|"Chorizon Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Horizon table. Use this column to join the Horizon Text table to the Horizon table." "chtext"|7|"chtextkey"|"chor_text_key"|"Chorizon Text Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Horizon Text table." "chtexture"|1|"texcl"|"texture_class"|"Texture"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"texture_class"|"An expression, based on the USDA system of particle sizes, for the relative portions of the various size groups of individual mineral grains less than 2mm equivalent diameter in a mass of soil." "chtexture"|2|"lieutex"|"terms_used_in_lieu_of_texture"|"In Lieu"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"terms_used_in_lieu_of_texture"|"Substitute terms applied to materials that do not fit into a textural class because of organic matter content, size, rupture resistance, solubility, or another reason." "chtexture"|3|"chtgkey"|"chor_texture_group_key"|"Chorizon Texture Group Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Horizon Texture Group table. Use this column to join the Horizon Texture table to the Horizon Texture Group table." "chtexture"|4|"chtkey"|"chor_texture_key"|"Chorizon Texture Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Horizon Texture table." "chtexturegrp"|1|"texture"|"texture_modifier_and_class"|"Tex Mod & Class"|"String"|"No"|30||||||"Name for the concatenation of TEXTURE_MODIFIER and TEXTURE_CLASS." "chtexturegrp"|2|"stratextsflag"|"stratified_textures_flag"|"Stratified?"|"Boolean"|"Yes"|3||||||"A Boolean flag that when set (Y) indicates that the textures that comprise a particular texture group, are stratified." "chtexturegrp"|3|"rvindicator"|"rv_indicator"|"RV?"|"Boolean"|"Yes"|3||||||"A yes/no field that indicates if a soil texture is representative for the horizon." "chtexturegrp"|4|"texdesc"|"texture_description"|"Texture Description"|"Vtext"|"No"|||||||"The full texture description for a horizon, using full texture class and in lieu of names rather than abbreviations." "chtexturegrp"|5|"chkey"|"chorizon_key"|"Chorizon Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Horizon table. Use this column to join the Horizon Texture Group table to the Horizon table." "chtexturegrp"|6|"chtgkey"|"chor_texture_group_key"|"Chorizon Texture Group Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Horizon Texture Group table." "chtexturemod"|1|"texmod"|"texture_modifier"|"Modifier"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"texture_modifier"|"A term used to denote the presence of a condition or component other than sand, silt, or clay." "chtexturemod"|2|"chtkey"|"chor_texture_key"|"Chorizon Texture Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Horizon Texture table. Use this column to join the Horizon Texture Modifier table to the Horizon Texture table." "chtexturemod"|3|"chtexmodkey"|"chor_texture_modifier_key"|"Chorizon Texture Modifier Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Horizon Texture Modifier table." "chunified"|1|"unifiedcl"|"unified_soil_classification"|"Unified"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"unified_soil_classification"|"A system for classifying mineral and organo-mineral soils for engineering purposes based on particle size characteristics, liquid limit, and plasticity index." "chunified"|2|"rvindicator"|"rv_indicator"|"RV?"|"Boolean"|"Yes"|3||||||"A yes/no field that indicates if a Unified soil classification is representative for the horizon." "chunified"|3|"chkey"|"chorizon_key"|"Chorizon Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Horizon table. Use this column to join the Horizon Unified table to the Horizon table." "chunified"|4|"chunifiedkey"|"chor_unified_key"|"Chorizon Unified Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Horizon Unified table." "cocanopycover"|1|"plantcov"|"plant_species_cover_percent"|"Canopy Cover %"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|100.00|"percent"||"Percent of coverage (canopy) attributed to a specific plant species." "cocanopycover"|2|"plantsym"|"plant_symbol"|"Plant Symbol"|"String"|"Yes"|8||||||"A unique symbol used to identify a plant genus or a plant species. (The PLANTS Database, USDA-NRCS, National Plant Data Center.)" "cocanopycover"|3|"plantsciname"|"plant_scientific_name"|"Scientific Name"|"String"|"No"|127||||||"The full genus and species name as listed in the PLANTS Database, USDA-NRCS, National Plant Data Center." "cocanopycover"|4|"plantcomname"|"plant_common_name"|"Common Name"|"String"|"No"|60||||||"A generally accepted common name used for a plant in a geographic region, usually a state." "cocanopycover"|5|"cokey"|"component_key"|"Component Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Component table. Use this column to join the Component Canopy Cover table to the Component table." "cocanopycover"|6|"cocanopycovkey"|"comp_canopy_cover_key"|"Component Canopy Cover Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Component Canopy Cover table." "cocropyld"|1|"cropname"|"crop_name"|"Crop Name"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"crop_name"|"The common name for the crop." "cocropyld"|2|"yldunits"|"crop_yield_units"|"Units"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"crop_yield_units"|"Crop yield units per unit area for the specified crop." "cocropyld"|3|"nonirryield_l"|"nonirr_crop_yield_l"|"Nirr Yield - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.00|9999.99|||"The expected yield per acre of the specific crop without supplemental irrigation." "cocropyld"|4|"nonirryield_r"|"nonirr_crop_yield_r"|"Nirr Yield - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.00|9999.99|||"The expected yield per acre of the specific crop without supplemental irrigation." "cocropyld"|5|"nonirryield_h"|"nonirr_crop_yield_h"|"Nirr Yield - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.00|9999.99|||"The expected yield per acre of the specific crop without supplemental irrigation." "cocropyld"|6|"irryield_l"|"irrigated_crop_yield_l"|"Irr Yield - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.00|9999.99|||"The expected yield per acre of the specific crop with irrigation." "cocropyld"|7|"irryield_r"|"irrigated_crop_yield_r"|"Irr Yield - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.00|9999.99|||"The expected yield per acre of the specific crop with irrigation." "cocropyld"|8|"irryield_h"|"irrigated_crop_yield_h"|"Irr Yield - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.00|9999.99|||"The expected yield per acre of the specific crop with irrigation." "cocropyld"|9|"cropprodindex"|"crop_productivity_index"|"Prod Index"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|100.00|||"An index of the capacity of a soil to produce a specific plant under a defined management system." "cocropyld"|10|"vasoiprdgrp"|"va_soil_productivity_group"|"VA Soil Prod Grp"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"va_soil_productivity_group"|"Crop specific groupings of soils indicating potential yields under a high level of management." "cocropyld"|11|"cokey"|"component_key"|"Component Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Component table. Use this column to join the Component Crop Yield table to the Component table." "cocropyld"|12|"cocropyldkey"|"comp_crop_yield_key"|"Component Crop Yield Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Component Crop Yield table." "codiagfeatures"|1|"featkind"|"diag_horz_feat_kind"|"Kind"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"diag_horz_feat_kind"|"Kind of diagnostic horizon or diagnostic feature in the soil." "codiagfeatures"|2|"featdept_l"|"diag_horz_feat_depth_to_top_l"|"Top Depth - Low Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|9999.00|"centimeters"||"The distance from the top of the soil to the upper boundary of the identified diagnostic horizon or to the upper limit of the occurrence of the diagnostic feature." "codiagfeatures"|3|"featdept_r"|"diag_horz_feat_depth_to_top_r"|"Top Depth - Representative Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|9999.00|"centimeters"||"The distance from the top of the soil to the upper boundary of the identified diagnostic horizon or to the upper limit of the occurrence of the diagnostic feature." "codiagfeatures"|4|"featdept_h"|"diag_horz_feat_depth_to_top_h"|"Top Depth - High Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|9999.00|"centimeters"||"The distance from the top of the soil to the upper boundary of the identified diagnostic horizon or to the upper limit of the occurrence of the diagnostic feature." "codiagfeatures"|5|"featdepb_l"|"diag_horz_feat_depth_to_botm_l"|"Bottom Depth - Low Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|9999.00|"centimeters"||"The distance from the top of the soil to the base of the identified diagnostic horizon or to the lower limit of the occurrence of the diagnostic feature." "codiagfeatures"|6|"featdepb_r"|"diag_horz_feat_depth_to_botm_r"|"Bottom Depth - Representative Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|9999.00|"centimeters"||"The distance from the top of the soil to the base of the identified diagnostic horizon or to the lower limit of the occurrence of the diagnostic feature." "codiagfeatures"|7|"featdepb_h"|"diag_horz_feat_depth_to_botm_h"|"Bottom Depth - High Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|9999.00|"centimeters"||"The distance from the top of the soil to the base of the identified diagnostic horizon or to the lower limit of the occurrence of the diagnostic feature." "codiagfeatures"|8|"featthick_l"|"diag_horz_feat_thickness_l"|"Thickness - Low Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|9999.00|"centimeters"||"The distance from the upper to lower boundary of the identified diagnostic horizon or feature." "codiagfeatures"|9|"featthick_r"|"diag_horz_feat_thickness_r"|"Thickness - Representative Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|9999.00|"centimeters"||"The distance from the upper to lower boundary of the identified diagnostic horizon or feature." "codiagfeatures"|10|"featthick_h"|"diag_horz_feat_thickness_h"|"Thickness - High Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|9999.00|"centimeters"||"The distance from the upper to lower boundary of the identified diagnostic horizon or feature." "codiagfeatures"|11|"cokey"|"component_key"|"Component Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Component table. Use this column to join the Component Diagnostic Features table to the Component table." "codiagfeatures"|12|"codiagfeatkey"|"comp_diagnostic_features_key"|"Component Diagnostic Features Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Component Diagnostic Features table." "coecoclass"|1|"ecoclasstypename"|"ecological_class_type_name"|"Ecological Classification Type Name"|"String"|"Yes"|60||||||"The name of a particular ecological classification scheme. An example might be ""West Virginia Grassland Suitability Groups"" or ""NRCS Ecological Sites""." "coecoclass"|2|"ecoclassref"|"ecological_class_reference"|"Ecological Classification Reference"|"String"|"No"|254||||||"The reference citation for a particular ecological classification scheme, typically a publication." "coecoclass"|3|"ecoclassid"|"ecological_class_id"|"Ecological Classification ID"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The identifier of a particular ecological community. For NRCS ecological sites, it is the concatenated form of ecological site type, ecological site MLRA, ecological site LRU, ecological site number and ecological site state FIPS alpha code." "coecoclass"|4|"ecoclassname"|"ecological_class_name"|"Ecological Classification Name"|"Vtext"|"No"|||||||"The descriptive name of a particular ecological community. For NRCS ecological sites, it is the concatenated form of three or six other fields. The actual fields that are concatenated together to form this name differ between range and forest ecological sites." "coecoclass"|5|"cokey"|"component_key"|"Component Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Component table. Use this column to join the Component Ecological Classification table to the Component table." "coecoclass"|6|"coecoclasskey"|"comp_eco_classification_key"|"Component Ecological Classification Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Component Ecological Classification table." "coeplants"|1|"plantsym"|"plant_symbol"|"Plant Symbol"|"String"|"Yes"|8||||||"A unique symbol used to identify a plant genus or a plant species. (The PLANTS Database, USDA-NRCS, National Plant Data Center.)" "coeplants"|2|"plantsciname"|"plant_scientific_name"|"Scientific Name"|"String"|"No"|127||||||"The full genus and species name as listed in the PLANTS Database, USDA-NRCS, National Plant Data Center." "coeplants"|3|"plantcomname"|"plant_common_name"|"Common Name"|"String"|"No"|60||||||"A generally accepted common name used for a plant in a geographic region, usually a state." "coeplants"|4|"forestunprod"|"forest_understory_prod_pct"|"Understory Prod %"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|100.00|"percent"||"The percentage of total annual site production attributed to the specific forest understory plant, expressed as percent of total air dry plant material by weight." "coeplants"|5|"rangeprod"|"rangeland_prod_percent"|"Range Prod %"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|100.00|"percent"||"The percentage of total annual site production attributed to the specific rangeland plant, expressed as percent of total air dry plant material by weight." "coeplants"|6|"cokey"|"component_key"|"Component Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Component table. Use this column to join the Component Existing Plants table to the Component table." "coeplants"|7|"coeplantskey"|"comp_existing_plants_key"|"Component Existing Plants Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Component Existing Plants table." "coerosionacc"|1|"erokind"|"erosion_accelerated_kind"|"Kind"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"erosion_accelerated_kind"|"The type of detachment and removal of surface soil particles as largely affected by human activities. (SSM)" "coerosionacc"|2|"rvindicator"|"rv_indicator"|"RV?"|"Boolean"|"Yes"|3||||||"A yes/no field that indicates if a listed erosion type is representative for the component." "coerosionacc"|3|"cokey"|"component_key"|"Component Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Component table. Use this column to join the Component Erosion Accelerated table to the Component table." "coerosionacc"|4|"coeroacckey"|"comp_erosion_accelerated_key"|"Component Erosion Accelerated Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Component Erosion Accelerated table." "coforprod"|1|"plantsym"|"plant_symbol"|"Plant Symbol"|"String"|"Yes"|8||||||"A unique symbol used to identify a plant genus or a plant species. (The PLANTS Database, USDA-NRCS, National Plant Data Center.)" "coforprod"|2|"plantsciname"|"plant_scientific_name"|"Scientific Name"|"String"|"No"|127||||||"The full genus and species name as listed in the PLANTS Database, USDA-NRCS, National Plant Data Center." "coforprod"|3|"plantcomname"|"plant_common_name"|"Common Name"|"String"|"No"|60||||||"A generally accepted common name used for a plant in a geographic region, usually a state." "coforprod"|4|"siteindexbase"|"site_index_base"|"Site Index Base"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"site_index_curves"|"The number in the National Register of Site Index Curves corresponding to the site index curve used to determine the site index and the annual productivity of forest overstory tree species." "coforprod"|5|"siteindex_l"|"site_index_l"|"Site Index - Low Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||1.00|300.00|||"The height in feet of the dominant or dominant and co-dominant trees at some index age, except for the pinyon-juniper forest type, for which site index is determined by basal area." "coforprod"|6|"siteindex_r"|"site_index_r"|"Site Index - Representative Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||1.00|300.00|||"The height in feet of the dominant or dominant and co-dominant trees at some index age, except for the pinyon-juniper forest type, for which site index is determined by basal area." "coforprod"|7|"siteindex_h"|"site_index_h"|"Site Index - High Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||1.00|300.00|||"The height in feet of the dominant or dominant and co-dominant trees at some index age, except for the pinyon-juniper forest type, for which site index is determined by basal area." "coforprod"|8|"fprod_l"|"forest_productivity_l"|"Productivity ft3/ac/yr CMAI - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.00|9999.00|||"The annual growth of forest overstory tree species." "coforprod"|9|"fprod_r"|"forest_productivity_r"|"Productivity ft3/ac/yr CMAI - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.00|9999.00|||"The annual growth of forest overstory tree species." "coforprod"|10|"fprod_h"|"forest_productivity_h"|"Productivity ft3/ac/yr CMAI - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.00|9999.00|||"The annual growth of forest overstory tree species." "coforprod"|11|"cokey"|"component_key"|"Component Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Component table. Use this column to join the Component Forest Productivity table to the Component table." "coforprod"|12|"cofprodkey"|"comp_forest_prod_key"|"Component Forest Productivity Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Component Forest Productivity table." "coforprodo"|1|"siteindexbase"|"site_index_base"|"Site Index Base"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"site_index_curves"|"The number in the National Register of Site Index Curves corresponding to the site index curve used to determine the site index and the annual productivity of forest overstory tree species." "coforprodo"|2|"siteindex_l"|"site_index_l"|"Site Index - Low Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||1.00|300.00|||"The height in feet of the dominant or dominant and co-dominant trees at some index age, except for the pinyon-juniper forest type, for which site index is determined by basal area." "coforprodo"|3|"siteindex_r"|"site_index_r"|"Site Index - Representative Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||1.00|300.00|||"The height in feet of the dominant or dominant and co-dominant trees at some index age, except for the pinyon-juniper forest type, for which site index is determined by basal area." "coforprodo"|4|"siteindex_h"|"site_index_h"|"Site Index - High Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||1.00|300.00|||"The height in feet of the dominant or dominant and co-dominant trees at some index age, except for the pinyon-juniper forest type, for which site index is determined by basal area." "coforprodo"|5|"fprod_l"|"forest_productivity_l"|"Productivity - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.00|9999.00|||"The annual growth of forest overstory tree species." "coforprodo"|6|"fprod_r"|"forest_productivity_r"|"Productivity - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.00|9999.00|||"The annual growth of forest overstory tree species." "coforprodo"|7|"fprod_h"|"forest_productivity_h"|"Productivity - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.00|9999.00|||"The annual growth of forest overstory tree species." "coforprodo"|8|"fprodunits"|"forest_productivity_units"|"Units"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"forest_productivity_units"|"The unit of measure in which the annual productivity of forest overstory tree species is expressed." "coforprodo"|9|"cofprodkey"|"comp_forest_prod_key"|"Component Forest Productivity Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Component Forest Productivity table. Use this column to join the Component Forest Productivity table to the Component Forest Productivity - Other table." "coforprodo"|10|"cofprodokey"|"comp_forest_prod_other_key"|"Component Forest Productivity Other Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Component Forest Productivity - Other table." "cogeomordesc"|1|"geomftname"|"geomorph_feat_type_name"|"Feature Type"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"One of several pseudo-hierarchical terms used to describe relative levels of scale for geomorphic terms." "cogeomordesc"|2|"geomfname"|"geomorph_feat_name"|"Feature Name"|"String"|"Yes"|50||||||"A word or group of words used to name a feature on the earth's surface, expressed in the plural form." "cogeomordesc"|3|"geomfmod"|"geomorph_feat_modifier"|"Feature Modifier"|"String"|"No"|60||||||"A user specified term(s) used in association with geomorphic features to further define, clarify, and describe the setting of a soil in the the landscape. The terms may, for example, describe relative position, mode of formation, degree of degradation, slope, or geologic time of origin." "cogeomordesc"|4|"geomfeatid"|"geomorphic_feat_id"|"Feature ID"|"Integer"|"No"|||||||"An integer number assigned by a user to identify a particular row in the table." "cogeomordesc"|5|"existsonfeat"|"exists_on_feature"|"Exists On Feature ID"|"Integer"|"No"|||||||"An integer referring to the Feature ID in another row in the same table, intended to indicate a relationship between two or more rows in a table." "cogeomordesc"|6|"rvindicator"|"rv_indicator"|"RV?"|"Boolean"|"Yes"|3||||||"A yes/no field that indicates if a particular geomorphic feature is representative for the component." "cogeomordesc"|7|"cokey"|"component_key"|"Component Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Component table. Use this column to join the Component Geomorphic Description table to the Component table." "cogeomordesc"|8|"cogeomdkey"|"comp_geomorph_desc_key"|"Component Geomorphic Description Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Component Geomorphic Description table." "cohydriccriteria"|1|"hydriccriterion"|"hydric_criterion"|"Hydric Criterion"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"hydric_criteria"|"Criterion code for the soil characteristic(s) and/or feature(s) that cause the map unit component to be classified as a ""hydric soil."" These codes are the paragraph numbers in the hydric soil criteria publication." "cohydriccriteria"|2|"cokey"|"component_key"|"Component Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Component table. Use this column to join the Component Hydric Criteria table to the Component table." "cohydriccriteria"|3|"cohydcritkey"|"comp_hydric_criteria_key"|"Component Hydric Criteria Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Component Hydric Criteria table." "cointerp"|1|"cokey"|"component_key"|"Component Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Component table. Use this column to join the Component Interpretation table to the Component table." "cointerp"|2|"mrulekey"|"main_rule_key"|"Main Rule Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of the rule at the top of the interpretation rule hierarchy (the main rule). Use this key to find the mail rule in the Component Interpretation table." "cointerp"|3|"mrulename"|"main_rule_name"|"Main Rule Name"|"String"|"Yes"|60||||||"The name of an interpretation, such as ENG - Dwellings with Basements. A main rule (interpretation) may contain subordinate rules, which in turn may have other subordinate rules. The main rule entry in this column is the user assigned name (typically connotative) for the interpretation rule at the top of the hierarchy." "cointerp"|4|"seqnum"|"sequence_number"|"Seq"|"Integer"|"Yes"|||1.00||||"Sequential number of the feature being described." "cointerp"|5|"rulekey"|"rule_key"|"Rule Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Rule table in NASIS." "cointerp"|6|"rulename"|"rule_name"|"Rule Name"|"String"|"Yes"|60||||||"A user assigned name (typically connotative) for a particular interpretation rule." "cointerp"|7|"ruledepth"|"rule_depth"|"Rule Depth"|"Integer"|"Yes"|||||||"An interpretation rule may contain subordinate rules, which in turn may have subordinate rules. This is an indicator of the depth within the interpretation hierarchy that a particular rule exists, where zero is the top level." "cointerp"|8|"interpll"|"interp_low_low"|"Interp Low Low"|"Float"|"No"||2|||||"The minimum extreme numeric rating for the interpretation rating." "cointerp"|9|"interpllc"|"interp_low_low_class"|"Interp Low Low Class"|"String"|"No"|254||||||"The rating class term for the minimum extreme of the interpretation rating." "cointerp"|10|"interplr"|"interp_low_rv"|"Interp Low Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|||||"The minimum numeric rating of the representative values for the interpretation rating." "cointerp"|11|"interplrc"|"interp_low_rv_class"|"Interp Low Representative Value Class"|"String"|"No"|254||||||"The rating class term for the minimum of the representative values of the interpretation rating." "cointerp"|12|"interphr"|"interp_high_rv"|"Interp High Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|||||"The maximum numeric rating of the representative values of the interpretation rating." "cointerp"|13|"interphrc"|"interp_high_rv_class"|"Interp High Representative Value Class"|"String"|"No"|254||||||"The rating class term for the maximum of the representative values for the interpretation rating." "cointerp"|14|"interphh"|"interp_high_high"|"Interp High High"|"Float"|"No"||2|||||"The maximum extreme numeric rating for the interpretation rating." "cointerp"|15|"interphhc"|"interp_high_high_class"|"Interp High High Class"|"String"|"No"|254||||||"A rating class term for the maximum extreme of the interpretation rating." "cointerp"|16|"nullpropdatabool"|"null_property_data_boolean"|"Null Property Data Boolean"|"Boolean"|"No"|3||||||"The value of this attribute is set to true whenever any property used in an interpretation returns any null value." "cointerp"|17|"defpropdatabool"|"default_property_data_boolean"|"Default Property Data Boolean"|"Boolean"|"No"|3||||||"The value of this attribute is set to true whenever any property used in an interpretation returns a default value in place of any null value." "cointerp"|18|"incpropdatabool"|"inconsis_property_data_boolean"|"Inconsistent Property Data Boolean"|"Boolean"|"No"|3||||||"The value of this attribute is set to true whenever any property used in an interpretation that is based on multiple observations returns inconsistent results for the low low value, the low representative value, the high representative value and the high high value. A property always returns either a representative value or a low, high and representative value. Values for low low, low representative, high representative and high high are only derived in the case where the values of a property used in an interpretation are based on multiple observations." "cointerp"|19|"cointerpkey"|"comp_interp_key"|"Component Interpretation Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Component Interpretation table." "comonth"|1|"monthseq"|"month_sequence"|"Month Sequence"|"Integer"|"No"|||1.00|12.00|||"An interger number used to sequence the months of the year in their proper order." "comonth"|2|"month"|"month"|"Month"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"flooding_ponding_month"|"One of the twelve months of the year." "comonth"|3|"flodfreqcl"|"flooding_frequency_class"|"Flooding Frequency"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"flooding_frequency_class"|"The annual probability of a flood event expressed as a class. (SSM)." "comonth"|4|"floddurcl"|"flooding_duration_class"|"Flooding Duration"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"flooding_duration_class"|"Average duration of inundation per flood occurrence and expressed as a class. (NSSH)" "comonth"|5|"pondfreqcl"|"ponding_frequency_class"|"Ponding Frequency"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"ponding_frequency_class"|"The number of times ponding occurs over a period of time. (SSM)" "comonth"|6|"ponddurcl"|"ponding_duration_class"|"Ponding Duration"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"ponding_duration_class"|"The average duration, or length of time, of the ponding occurrence. (NSSH)" "comonth"|7|"ponddep_l"|"ponding_depth_l"|"Ponding Depth - Low Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|185.00|"centimeters"||"The depth of surface water that is ponding on the soil." "comonth"|8|"ponddep_r"|"ponding_depth_r"|"Ponding Depth - Representative Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|185.00|"centimeters"||"The depth of surface water that is ponding on the soil." "comonth"|9|"ponddep_h"|"ponding_depth_h"|"Ponding Depth - High Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|185.00|"centimeters"||"The depth of surface water that is ponding on the soil." "comonth"|10|"dlyavgprecip_l"|"daily_avg_precip_l"|"Daily Precip - Low Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|750.00|"millimeters"||"The daily average precipitation for the referenced month. Commonly calculated as the total precipitation for the month divided by the number of days in the month. (February nominally has 28 days)." "comonth"|11|"dlyavgprecip_r"|"daily_avg_precip_r"|"Daily Precip - Representative Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|750.00|"millimeters"||"The daily average precipitation for the referenced month. Commonly calculated as the total precipitation for the month divided by the number of days in the month. (February nominally has 28 days)." "comonth"|12|"dlyavgprecip_h"|"daily_avg_precip_h"|"Daily Precip - High Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|750.00|"millimeters"||"The daily average precipitation for the referenced month. Commonly calculated as the total precipitation for the month divided by the number of days in the month. (February nominally has 28 days)." "comonth"|13|"dlyavgpotet_l"|"daily_avg_pot_evapotrans_l"|"Daily ET - Low Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|300.00|"millimeters"||"Daily average potential evapotranspiration for the referenced month." "comonth"|14|"dlyavgpotet_r"|"daily_avg_pot_evapotrans_r"|"Daily ET - Representative Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|300.00|"millimeters"||"Daily average potential evapotranspiration for the referenced month." "comonth"|15|"dlyavgpotet_h"|"daily_avg_pot_evapotrans_h"|"Daily ET - High Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|300.00|"millimeters"||"Daily average potential evapotranspiration for the referenced month." "comonth"|16|"cokey"|"component_key"|"Component Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Component table. Use this column to join the Component Month table to the Component table." "comonth"|17|"comonthkey"|"comp_month_key"|"Component Month Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Component Month table." "component"|1|"comppct_l"|"component_percent_l"|"Comp % - Low Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|100.00|"percent"||"The percentage of the component of the mapunit." "component"|2|"comppct_r"|"component_percent_r"|"Comp % - Representative Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|100.00|"percent"||"The percentage of the component of the mapunit." "component"|3|"comppct_h"|"component_percent_h"|"Comp % - High Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|100.00|"percent"||"The percentage of the component of the mapunit." "component"|4|"compname"|"component_name"|"Component Name"|"String"|"No"|60||||||"Name assigned to a component based on its range of properties." "component"|5|"compkind"|"component_kind"|"Kind"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"component_kind"|"Identifies the kind of component of the mapunit. Examples are series and miscellaneous areas." "component"|6|"majcompflag"|"major_component_flag"|"Major Component"|"Boolean"|"No"|3||||||"Indicates whether or not a component is a major component in the mapunit." "component"|7|"otherph"|"class_determining_phase"|"SIR phase"|"String"|"No"|40||||||"Phase criterion other than slope, texture, and flooding used to identify soil components." "component"|8|"localphase"|"local_phase"|"Local Phase"|"String"|"No"|40||||||"Phase criterion to be used at a local level, in conjunction with ""component name"" to help identify a soil component." "component"|9|"slope_l"|"slope_gradient_l"|"Slope Gradient - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|999.00|"percent"||"The difference in elevation between two points, expressed as a percentage of the distance between those points. (SSM)" "component"|10|"slope_r"|"slope_gradient_r"|"Slope Gradient - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|999.00|"percent"||"The difference in elevation between two points, expressed as a percentage of the distance between those points. (SSM)" "component"|11|"slope_h"|"slope_gradient_h"|"Slope Gradient - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|999.00|"percent"||"The difference in elevation between two points, expressed as a percentage of the distance between those points. (SSM)" "component"|12|"slopelenusle_l"|"slope_length_usle_l"|"Slope Length USLE - Low Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|4000.00|"meters"||"The distance from the point of origin of overland flow to the point where either the slope gradient decreases enough that deposition begins, or the runoff water enters a well-defined channel that may be part of a drainage network or a constructed channel. (Predicting Rainfall Erosion Losses a Guide to Conservation Planning, Agr. Handbook #537, USDA, 1978)." "component"|13|"slopelenusle_r"|"slope_length_usle_r"|"Slope Length USLE - Representative Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|4000.00|"meters"||"The distance from the point of origin of overland flow to the point where either the slope gradient decreases enough that deposition begins, or the runoff water enters a well-defined channel that may be part of a drainage network or a constructed channel. (Predicting Rainfall Erosion Losses a Guide to Conservation Planning, Agr. Handbook #537, USDA, 1978)." "component"|14|"slopelenusle_h"|"slope_length_usle_h"|"Slope Length USLE - High Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|4000.00|"meters"||"The distance from the point of origin of overland flow to the point where either the slope gradient decreases enough that deposition begins, or the runoff water enters a well-defined channel that may be part of a drainage network or a constructed channel. (Predicting Rainfall Erosion Losses a Guide to Conservation Planning, Agr. Handbook #537, USDA, 1978)." "component"|15|"runoff"|"runoff"|"Runoff Class"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"runoff"|"Runoff potential class for the soil." "component"|16|"tfact"|"t_factor"|"T"|"Integer"|"No"|||1.00|5.00|"tons per acre per year"||"Soil loss tolerance factor. The maximum amount of erosion at which the quality of a soil as a medium for plant growth can be maintained." "component"|17|"wei"|"wind_erodibility_index"|"WEI"|"Choice"|"No"|254||||"tons per acre per year"|"wind_erodibility_index"|"A value in tons/acre/year that is a factor in calculating soil loss by wind. The values are acquired from WEG." "component"|18|"weg"|"wind_erodibility_group"|"WEG"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"wind_erodibility_group"|"Grouping of soils that have similar properties affecting their resistance to soil blowing in cultivated areas. The groups indicate the susceptibility to soil blowing." "component"|19|"erocl"|"erosion_class"|"Erosion Class"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"erosion_class"|"Class of accelerated erosion. (SSM)" "component"|20|"earthcovkind1"|"earth_cover_kind_level_one"|"Cover Kind 1"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"earth_cover_kind_level_one"|"The natural or artificial material that is observed to cover a portion of the earth's surface. It is determined (at least conceptually) as a vertical projection downward. Level one of a hierarchical system. (1992 NRI Instructions)" "component"|21|"earthcovkind2"|"earth_cover_kind_level_two"|"Cover Kind 2"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"earth_cover_kind_level_two"|"The description of ground cover based on a set of vegetal and non-vegetal classes. It is determined (at least conceptually) as a vertical projection downward. Level two of a hierarchical system." "component"|22|"hydricon"|"hydric_condition"|"Hydric Condition"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"hydric_condition"|"Natural condition of the soil component." "component"|23|"hydricrating"|"hydric_rating"|"Hydric Rating"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"hydric_rating"|"A yes/no field that indicates whether or not a map unit component is classified as a ""hydric soil"". If rated as hydric, the specific criteria met are listed in the Component Hydric Criteria table." "component"|24|"drainagecl"|"drainage_class"|"Drainage Class"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"drainage_class"|"Identifies the natural drainage conditions of the soil and refers to the frequency and duration of wet periods. An example of a drainage class is well drained." "component"|25|"elev_l"|"elevation_l"|"Elevation - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|-300.00|8550.00|"meters"||"The vertical distance from mean sea level to a point on the earth's surface." "component"|26|"elev_r"|"elevation_r"|"Elevation - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|-300.00|8550.00|"meters"||"The vertical distance from mean sea level to a point on the earth's surface." "component"|27|"elev_h"|"elevation_h"|"Elevation - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|-300.00|8550.00|"meters"||"The vertical distance from mean sea level to a point on the earth's surface." "component"|28|"aspectccwise"|"slope_aspect_counterclockwise"|"Aspect Counter Clockwise"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|360.00|"degrees"||"One end of the range in characteristics for the slope aspect of a component. This end of the range is expressed in degrees measured clockwise from true north, and is the end of the range that is counter-clockwise from the representative slope aspect." "component"|29|"aspectrep"|"slope_aspect_representative"|"Aspect Representative"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|360.00|"degrees"||"The common, typical, or expected direction toward which the surface of the soil faces, expressed as an angle between 0 and 360 degrees measured clockwise from true north." "component"|30|"aspectcwise"|"slope_aspect_clockwise"|"Aspect Clockwise"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|360.00|"degrees"||"One end of the range in characteristics for the slope aspect of a component. This end of the range is expressed in degrees measured clockwise from true north, and is the end of the range that is clockwise from the representative slope aspect." "component"|31|"geomdesc"|"geomorphic_description"|"Geomorphic Description"|"Vtext"|"No"|||||||"A narrative description of the geomorphic setting of a component. The description may incorporate multiple geomorphic features as well as their relationship to each other. The individual parts of the description are recorded in the Component Geomorphic Description table." "component"|32|"albedodry_l"|"albedo_dry_l"|"Albedo Dry - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.00|1.00|||"The estimated ratio of the incident short-wave (solar) radiation that is reflected by the air dry, less than 2 mm fraction of the soil surface." "component"|33|"albedodry_r"|"albedo_dry_r"|"Albedo Dry - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.00|1.00|||"The estimated ratio of the incident short-wave (solar) radiation that is reflected by the air dry, less than 2 mm fraction of the soil surface." "component"|34|"albedodry_h"|"albedo_dry_h"|"Albedo Dry - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.00|1.00|||"The estimated ratio of the incident short-wave (solar) radiation that is reflected by the air dry, less than 2 mm fraction of the soil surface." "component"|35|"airtempa_l"|"mean_annual_air_temperature_l"|"MAAT - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|-50.00|50.00|"degrees centigrade"||"The arithmetic average of the daily maximum and minimum temperatures for a calendar year taken over the standard ""normal"" period, 1961 to 1990." "component"|36|"airtempa_r"|"mean_annual_air_temperature_r"|"MAAT - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|-50.00|50.00|"degrees centigrade"||"The arithmetic average of the daily maximum and minimum temperatures for a calendar year taken over the standard ""normal"" period, 1961 to 1990." "component"|37|"airtempa_h"|"mean_annual_air_temperature_h"|"MAAT - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|-50.00|50.00|"degrees centigrade"||"The arithmetic average of the daily maximum and minimum temperatures for a calendar year taken over the standard ""normal"" period, 1961 to 1990." "component"|38|"map_l"|"mean_annual_precipitation_l"|"MAP - Low Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|11500.00|"millimeters"||"The arithmetic average of the total annual (liquid) precipitation taken over the standard ""normal"" period, 1961-1990." "component"|39|"map_r"|"mean_annual_precipitation_r"|"MAP - Representative Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|11500.00|"millimeters"||"The arithmetic average of the total annual (liquid) precipitation taken over the standard ""normal"" period, 1961-1990." "component"|40|"map_h"|"mean_annual_precipitation_h"|"MAP - High Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|11500.00|"millimeters"||"The arithmetic average of the total annual (liquid) precipitation taken over the standard ""normal"" period, 1961-1990." "component"|41|"reannualprecip_l"|"rel_effective_annual_precip_l"|"REAP - Low Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|11500.00|"millimeters"||"An estimate of the amount of moisture available for plant use and/or soil forming processes at a given site. It may vary, plus or minus, from ""actual"" precipitation amounts as a function of runon, runoff, temperature, aspect, etc." "component"|42|"reannualprecip_r"|"rel_effective_annual_precip_r"|"REAP - Representative Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|11500.00|"millimeters"||"An estimate of the amount of moisture available for plant use and/or soil forming processes at a given site. It may vary, plus or minus, from ""actual"" precipitation amounts as a function of runon, runoff, temperature, aspect, etc." "component"|43|"reannualprecip_h"|"rel_effective_annual_precip_h"|"REAP - High Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|11500.00|"millimeters"||"An estimate of the amount of moisture available for plant use and/or soil forming processes at a given site. It may vary, plus or minus, from ""actual"" precipitation amounts as a function of runon, runoff, temperature, aspect, etc." "component"|44|"ffd_l"|"mean_annual_frost_free_days_l"|"Frost Free Days - Low Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|365.00|"days"||"The expected number of days between the last freezing temperature (0 degrees Celsius) in spring (Jan-Jul) and the first freezing temperature (0 degrees Celsius) in the fall (Aug-Dec). The number of days is based on the probability that the values for the standard ""normal"" period of 1961 to 1990 will be exceeded in 5 years out of 10." "component"|45|"ffd_r"|"mean_annual_frost_free_days_r"|"Frost Free Days - Representative Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|365.00|"days"||"The expected number of days between the last freezing temperature (0 degrees Celsius) in spring (Jan-Jul) and the first freezing temperature (0 degrees Celsius) in the fall (Aug-Dec). The number of days is based on the probability that the values for the standard ""normal"" period of 1961 to 1990 will be exceeded in 5 years out of 10." "component"|46|"ffd_h"|"mean_annual_frost_free_days_h"|"Frost Free Days - High Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|365.00|"days"||"The expected number of days between the last freezing temperature (0 degrees Celsius) in spring (Jan-Jul) and the first freezing temperature (0 degrees Celsius) in the fall (Aug-Dec). The number of days is based on the probability that the values for the standard ""normal"" period of 1961 to 1990 will be exceeded in 5 years out of 10." "component"|47|"nirrcapcl"|"nonirr_capability_class"|"Nirr LCC"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"capability_class"|"The broadest category in the land capability classification system for nonirrigated soils." "component"|48|"nirrcapscl"|"nonirr_capability_subclass"|"Nirr Subcl"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"capability_subclass"|"The second category in the land capability classification system for nonirrigated soils." "component"|49|"nirrcapunit"|"nonirr_capability_unit"|"Nirr LCU"|"Integer"|"No"|||1.00|99.00|||"The third category in the land capability classification system for nonirrigated soils." "component"|50|"irrcapcl"|"irrigated_capability_class"|"Irr LCC"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"capability_class"|"The broadest category in the land capability classification system for irrigated soils." "component"|51|"irrcapscl"|"irrigated_capability_subclass"|"Irr Subcl"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"capability_subclass"|"The second category in the land capability classification system for irrigated soils." "component"|52|"irrcapunit"|"irrigated_capability_unit"|"Irr LCU"|"Integer"|"No"|||1.00|99.00|||"The third category in the land capability classification system for irrigated soils." "component"|53|"cropprodindex"|"crop_productivity_index"|"Prod Index"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|100.00|||"An index of the capacity of a soil to produce a specific plant under a defined management system." "component"|54|"constreeshrubgrp"|"conservation_tree_shrub_group"|"Cons Tree Shrub Group"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"conservation_tree_shrub_group"|"The identifier for a particular Conservation Tree Shrub Group (CTSG) which that is associated with a soil map unit component. A CTSG is a physiographic unit or area having similar climatic and edaphic characteristics that control the selection and height of growth of trees and shrubs (National Forestry Manual)." "component"|55|"wndbrksuitgrp"|"windbreak_suitability_group"|"Windbreak Suitability (Obsolete)"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"windbreak_suitability_group"|"A grouping for selecting plant species best suited for different kinds of soils and for predicting height growth and effectiveness. (National Forestry Manual)" "component"|56|"rsprod_l"|"range_production_l"|"Range Prod - Low Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|20000.00|"pounds per acre per year"||"The estimated annual potential production of range forage per year." "component"|57|"rsprod_r"|"range_production_r"|"Range Prod - Representative Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|20000.00|"pounds per acre per year"||"The estimated annual potential production of range forage per year." "component"|58|"rsprod_h"|"range_production_h"|"Range Prod - High Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|20000.00|"pounds per acre per year"||"The estimated annual potential production of range forage per year." "component"|59|"foragesuitgrpid"|"forage_suitability_grp_id"|"Forage Suitability Group ID"|"String"|"No"|11||||||"The identifier of the Forage Suitability Group to which the map unit component is assigned." "component"|60|"wlgrain"|"wildlife_habitat_grain"|"Grain Habitat"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"wildlife_rating"|"Suitability of the soil to produce the wildlife element grain." "component"|61|"wlgrass"|"wildlife_habitat_grass"|"Grass Habitat"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"wildlife_rating"|"Suitability of the soil to produce the wildlife element grass." "component"|62|"wlherbaceous"|"wildlife_habitat_herbaceous"|"Herbaceous Habitat"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"wildlife_rating"|"Suitability of the soil to produce the wildlife element herbaceous plants." "component"|63|"wlshrub"|"wildlife_habitat_shrub"|"Shrub Habitat"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"wildlife_rating"|"Suitability of the soil to produce the wildlife element shrub." "component"|64|"wlconiferous"|"wildlife_habitat_coniferous"|"Conifer Habitat"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"wildlife_rating"|"Suitability of the soil to produce the wildlife element coniferous trees." "component"|65|"wlhardwood"|"wildlife_habitat_hardwood"|"Hardwood Habitat"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"wildlife_rating"|"Suitability of the soil to produce the wildlife element hardwood trees." "component"|66|"wlwetplant"|"wildlife_habitat_wetland_plant"|"Wetland Habitat"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"wildlife_rating"|"Suitability of the soil to produce the wildlife habitat element wetland plant." "component"|67|"wlshallowwat"|"wildlife_habitat_shallow_water"|"Water Habitat"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"wildlife_rating"|"Suitability of the soil to support the wildlife habitat element shallow water." "component"|68|"wlrangeland"|"wildlife_habitat_rangeland"|"Rangeland Wildlife"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"wildlife_rating"|"Suitability of the soil to support the habitat requirements for rangeland wildlife." "component"|69|"wlopenland"|"wildlife_habitat_openland"|"Openland Wildlife"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"wildlife_rating"|"Suitability of the soil to support the habitat requirements for openland wildlife." "component"|70|"wlwoodland"|"wildlife_habitat_woodland"|"Woodland Wildlife"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"wildlife_rating"|"Suitability of the soil to produce the habitat elements for woodland wildlife." "component"|71|"wlwetland"|"wildlife_habitat_wetland"|"Wetland Wildlife"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"wildlife_rating"|"Suitability of the soil to support the habitat elements for wetland wildlife." "component"|72|"soilslippot"|"soil_slippage_potential"|"Soil Slip Pot"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"soil_slippage_potential"|"The possibility that a mass of soil will slip when these conditions are met: 1) vegetation is removed, 2) soil water is at or near saturation, and 3) other normal practices are applied. Increasing the hazard of slippage but not considered in this rating are: 1) the undercutting lower portions or loading the upper parts of a slope or 2) altering the drainage or offsite water contribution to the site such as through irrigation." "component"|73|"frostact"|"potential_frost_action"|"Frost Action"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"potential_frost_action"|"An interpretation rating of the susceptibility of the soil to frost heaving." "component"|74|"initsub_l"|"initial_subsidence_l"|"Init Subsid - Low Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|999.00|"centimeters"||"The decrease of surface elevation that occurs within the first 3 years of drainage of wet soils having organic layers or semifluid mineral layers. (NSSH)" "component"|75|"initsub_r"|"initial_subsidence_r"|"Init Subsid - Representative Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|999.00|"centimeters"||"The decrease of surface elevation that occurs within the first 3 years of drainage of wet soils having organic layers or semifluid mineral layers. (NSSH)" "component"|76|"initsub_h"|"initial_subsidence_h"|"Init Subsid - High Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|999.00|"centimeters"||"The decrease of surface elevation that occurs within the first 3 years of drainage of wet soils having organic layers or semifluid mineral layers. (NSSH)" "component"|77|"totalsub_l"|"total_subsidence_l"|"Total Subsid - Low Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|999.00|"centimeters"||"The potential decrease of surface elevation as a result of the drainage of wet soils having organic layers or semifluid mineral layers. (NSSH)" "component"|78|"totalsub_r"|"total_subsidence_r"|"Total Subsid - Representative Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|999.00|"centimeters"||"The potential decrease of surface elevation as a result of the drainage of wet soils having organic layers or semifluid mineral layers. (NSSH)" "component"|79|"totalsub_h"|"total_subsidence_h"|"Total Subsid - High Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|999.00|"centimeters"||"The potential decrease of surface elevation as a result of the drainage of wet soils having organic layers or semifluid mineral layers. (NSSH)" "component"|80|"hydgrp"|"hydrologic_group"|"Hydrologic Group"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"hydrologic_group"|"A group of soils having similar runoff potential under similar storm and cover conditions. Examples are A and A/D. (NSSH)" "component"|81|"corcon"|"corrosion_concrete"|"Corrosion Concrete"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"corrosion_concrete"|"Susceptibility of concrete to corrosion when in contact with the soil." "component"|82|"corsteel"|"corrosion_uncoated_steel"|"Corrosion Steel"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"corrosion_uncoated_steel"|"Susceptibility of uncoated steel to corrosion when in contact with the soil." "component"|83|"taxclname"|"taxonomic_classification_name"|"Taxonomic Class"|"String"|"No"|120||||||"A concatenation of the Soil Taxonomy subgroup and family for a soil (long name)." "component"|84|"taxorder"|"taxonomic_order"|"Order"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"taxonomic_order"|"The highest level in Soil Taxonomy." "component"|85|"taxsuborder"|"taxonomic_suborder"|"Suborder"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"taxonomic_suborder"|"The second level of Soil Taxonomy. The suborder is below the order and above the great group." "component"|86|"taxgrtgroup"|"taxonomic_great_group"|"Great Group"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"taxonomic_great_group"|"The third level of Soil Taxonomy. The category is below the suborder and above the subgroup." "component"|87|"taxsubgrp"|"taxonomic_subgroup"|"Subgroup"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"taxonomic_subgroup"|"The fourth level of Soil Taxonomy. The subgroup is below great group and above family." "component"|88|"taxpartsize"|"taxonomic_family_particle_size"|"Particle Size"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"taxonomic_family_particle_size"|"Particle-size classes are used as family differentiae. Particle-size refers to grain-size distribution of the whole soil and is not the same as texture. (Soil Taxonomy)." "component"|89|"taxpartsizemod"|"taxonomic_family_part_size_mod"|"Particle Size Mod"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"taxonomic_family_part_size_mod"|"Taxonomic family criteria that is used to indicate the presence of more than two strongly contrasting classes in the particle size control section. (Soil Taxonomy)" "component"|90|"taxceactcl"|"taxonomic_family_c_e_act_class"|"CEC Activity Cl"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"taxonomic_family_c_e_act_class"|"Cation exchange activity classes are used as family criteria differentiae. It is the relative cation exchange (CEC) activity level of the soil based on the CEC to clay ratio. (Soil Taxonomy)" "component"|91|"taxreaction"|"taxonomic_family_reaction"|"Reaction"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"taxonomic_family_reaction"|"Indicates the presence or absence of carbonates and the reaction. They are treated together because of their intimate relationship, and are used to indicate family differentiae. (Soil Taxonomy)" "component"|92|"taxtempcl"|"taxonomic_family_temp_class"|"Temp Class"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"taxonomic_family_temp_class"|"The taxonomic family temperature class used to construct the official classification name. It may be null when the taxonomic family temperature class is embedded in the classification name. The actual taxonomic temperature regime is recorded in another place." "component"|93|"taxmoistscl"|"taxonomic_moisture_subclass"|"Moist Subclass"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"taxonomic_moisture_subclass"|"Soil moisture subclasses are taxonomic subgroup criteria, whether included or not in the name of the subgroup. The definition of each subclass is dependent upon the specific taxonomic great group to which it is attached." "component"|94|"taxtempregime"|"taxonomic_temp_regime"|"Temp Regime"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"taxonomic_temp_regime"|"Soil temperature regime as defined in Soil Taxonomy." "component"|95|"soiltaxedition"|"soil_taxonomy_edition"|"Keys to Taxonomy Edition Used"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"soil_taxonomy_edition"|"The edition of Keys to Soil Taxonomy used to classify the soil." "component"|96|"castorieindex"|"ca_storie_index"|"CA Storie Index"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|100.00|||"The California Storie Index expresses numerically the relative degree of suitability of a soil for general intensive agricultural uses at the time of evaluation. The rating is based on soil characteristics only and is obtained by evaluating such factors as soil depth, texture of the surface soil, subsoil characteristics, and surface relief. Storie, R. Earl and Walter W. Weir. 1948. Manual for identifying and classifying California soil series. With 1958 Supplement, revised 1978. Associated Students Store, University of California, Berkley, California." "component"|97|"flecolcomnum"|"fl_ecological_community_number"|"FL Ecol Comm #"|"String"|"No"|5||||||"Numbers correspond to the NRCS printed publication ""26 Ecological Communities of Florida"" 1995. This publication is based on the awareness that a soil type commonly supports a specific vegetative community, which in turn provides the habitat needed by specific wildlife species." "component"|98|"flhe"|"fl_highly_erodible"|"FL HE"|"Boolean"|"No"|3||||||"A data element with a yes/no entry, assigned by soil component, used in Florida. It is used to identify highly erodible land." "component"|99|"flphe"|"fl_potentially_highly_erodible"|"FL PHE"|"Boolean"|"No"|3||||||"A data element with a yes/no entry, assigned by soil component, used in Florida. The basis for identifying highly erodible land is the erodibility index of a soil survey map unit. The erodibility index of a soil is determined by dividing the potential erodibility for each soil survey map unit by the soil loss tolerance (T) value established for the soil. The potential erodibility for a map unit differs according to the erosion type (water or wind erosion). The T value represents the maximum annual rate of soil erosion that could take place without causing a decline in long-term productivity. A soil map unit with an erodibility index of 8 or more is a highly erodible soil map unit. For water erosion, a soil survey map unit is potentially highly erodible if: (1) the RKLS/T value using the minimum LS factor is less than 8 and (2) the RKLS/T value using the maximum LS factor is equal to or greater than 8. (Predicting Rainfall Erosion Losses; A Guide to Conservation Planning, Field Office Technical Guide, Nat. FSA Handbook Sec. 511.23, and Florida Erosion Control Handbook)" "component"|100|"flsoilleachpot"|"fl_soil_leaching_potential"|"FL Leach Pot"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"fl_soil_leaching_potential"|"The potential of the soil to allow chemicals to leave the application site by leaching through the soil, as used in Florida state law. Soils with a rating of High or Medium are considered to pose a potential leaching hazard." "component"|101|"flsoirunoffpot"|"fl_soil_runoff_potential"|"FL Runoff Pot"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"fl_soil_runoff_potential"|"The potential of the soil to allow chemicals to leave the application site with runoff water and/or detached soil particles, as defined for use in Florida. Soils with a rating of High or Medium are considered to pose a potential runoff hazard." "component"|102|"fltemik2use"|"fl_temik_2_use"|"FL Temik"|"Boolean"|"No"|3||||||"The following soil related use restrictions for Temik 10G (aldicarb) exits if the pesticide is to be applied to citrus in Florida. Temik cannot be used within 1000 feet of a drinking water well unless it is known that the well is cased to 100 feet below ground level or to a minimum of 30 feet below the water table in soils that have: 1. A permeability of twenty inches/hour or more (very rapid permeability) and 2. A water holding capacity of less than 0.06 inch/inch of soil (very low water holding capacity)-- in all horizons to a depth of 80 inches or to bedrock if bedrock is within 80 inches of the surface. The choice indicates that if a component has soil properties, according to state labeling, favorable for the application of the pesticide Temik 10G, the entry is Yes. If the component does not have favorable properties the entry is No." "component"|103|"fltriumph2use"|"fl_triumph_2_use"|"FL Triumph"|"Boolean"|"No"|3||||||"Soil related use restrictions for Triumph 4E Insecticide are applicable in certain conditions in Florida. Please note the label for the conditions. The soil related conditions are as follows: 1. A permeability of six inches/hour or more (rapid or very rapid permeability) and 2. A water holding capacity of 0.10 inch/inch of soil or less (low or very low water holding capacity)-- in all horizons to a depth of 80 inches or to bedrock if bedrock is within 80 inches of the surface. The choice indicates that if a component has soil properties, according to state labeling, favorable for the application of the pesticide Triumph 4E Insecticide (trademark), the entry is Yes. If the component does not have favorable properties the entry is No." "component"|104|"indraingrp"|"in_drainage_group"|"IN Drainage Grp"|"String"|"No"|3||||||"A group of soils that share similar recommendations for drainage whether the drainage is subsurface or surface. (Agronomy Guide, ID-160 - Purdue University)" "component"|105|"innitrateleachi"|"in_nitrate_leaching_index"|"IN NO3 Leach Index"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|99.00|||"A number which reflects annual precipitation, rainfall distribution, and hydrologic group. The system allows comparison of the amount of nitrate which could be leached in percolating water. The numbers were obtained from the Midwest National Technical Center and are used in Indiana." "component"|106|"misoimgmtgrp"|"mi_soil_management_group"|"MI Soil Mgmt Grp"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"mi_soil_management_group"|"A system for ranking soils for major uses, developed by Michigan State University. Soils are assigned to a group according to the dominant profile texture, the natural drainage class, and the management groups are listed in the same order as the series named in the complex. (Mokma, D.L., E.P. Whiteside, and J.F. Schneider. 1978. Soil Management Units in Land Use Planning. Mich. State Univ., Ext. Bull. E-1262, 12 pp." "component"|107|"vasoimgtgrp"|"va_soil_management_group"|"VA Soil Mgmt Grp"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"va_soil_management_group"|"A system for ranking soils in Virginia for productivity estimates. Developed by VPI&SU. See Virginia Agronomic Land Use Evaluation System (VALUES) 1993." "component"|108|"mukey"|"mapunit_key"|"Mapunit Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Mapunit table. Use this column to join the Component table to the Mapunit table." "component"|109|"cokey"|"component_key"|"Component Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Component table." "copm"|1|"pmorder"|"parent_material_order"|"Vertical Order"|"Integer"|"No"|||1.00||||"The sequence in which the parent material occurs, when more than one parent material exists for one soil profile. If only one parent material occurs for a soil, i.e. no lithologic discontinuities, no entry is required." "copm"|2|"pmmodifier"|"parent_material_modifier"|"Textural Modifier"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"parent_material_modifier"|"General description of the texture of the parent material. Class limits correspond to those of textural groupings defined in the Soil Survey Manual and family particle-size classes in Soil Taxonomy." "copm"|3|"pmgenmod"|"parent_material_general_mod"|"General Modifier"|"String"|"No"|60||||||"A user specified term(s) used to further describe the nature of the parent material for a given soil." "copm"|4|"pmkind"|"parent_material_kind"|"Kind"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"parent_material_kind"|"A term describing the general physical, chemical and mineralogical composition of the material, mineral or organic, from which the soil develops. Mode of deposition and/or weathering may be implied or implicit." "copm"|5|"pmorigin"|"parent_material_origin"|"Origin"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"parent_material_origin"|"The type of bedrock from which the parent material was derived." "copm"|6|"copmgrpkey"|"comp_parent_mat_grp_key"|"Component Parent Material Group Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Component Parent Material Group table. Use this column to join the Component Parent Material Group table to the Component Parent Material table." "copm"|7|"copmkey"|"comp_parent_material_key"|"Component Parent Material Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Component Parent Material table." "copmgrp"|1|"pmgroupname"|"parent_material_group_name"|"Group Name"|"String"|"No"|252||||||"Name for the concatenation of PARENT_MATERIAL_MODIFIER, PARENT_MATERIAL_KIND, and PARENT_MATERIAL_ORIGIN for each of the parent materials that may occur in a vertical cross section of a soil." "copmgrp"|2|"rvindicator"|"rv_indicator"|"RV?"|"Boolean"|"Yes"|3||||||"A yes/no field that indicates if a listed parent material is representative for the component." "copmgrp"|3|"cokey"|"component_key"|"Component Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Component table. Use this column to join the Component Parent Material Group table to the Component table." "copmgrp"|4|"copmgrpkey"|"comp_parent_mat_grp_key"|"Component Parent Material Group Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Component Parent Material Group table." "copwindbreak"|1|"wndbrkht_l"|"windbreak_tree_height_l"|"Height - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.10|35.00|"meters"||"Windbreak tree height at age 20 years." "copwindbreak"|2|"wndbrkht_r"|"windbreak_tree_height_r"|"Height - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.10|35.00|"meters"||"Windbreak tree height at age 20 years." "copwindbreak"|3|"wndbrkht_h"|"windbreak_tree_height_h"|"Height - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.10|35.00|"meters"||"Windbreak tree height at age 20 years." "copwindbreak"|4|"plantsym"|"plant_symbol"|"Plant Symbol"|"String"|"Yes"|8||||||"A unique symbol used to identify a plant genus or a plant species. (The PLANTS Database, USDA-NRCS, National Plant Data Center.)" "copwindbreak"|5|"plantsciname"|"plant_scientific_name"|"Scientific Name"|"String"|"No"|127||||||"The full genus and species name as listed in the PLANTS Database, USDA-NRCS, National Plant Data Center." "copwindbreak"|6|"plantcomname"|"plant_common_name"|"Common Name"|"String"|"No"|60||||||"A generally accepted common name used for a plant in a geographic region, usually a state." "copwindbreak"|7|"cokey"|"component_key"|"Component Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Component table. Use this column to join the Component Potential Windbreak table to the Component table." "copwindbreak"|8|"copwindbreakkey"|"comp_potential_windbreak_key"|"Component Potential Windbreak Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Component Potential Windbreak table." "corestrictions"|1|"reskind"|"restriction_kind"|"Kind"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"restriction_kind"|"Type of nearly continuous layer that has one or more physical, chemical, or thermal property(ies) that significantly reduce the movement of water and air through the soil or that otherwise provides an unfavorable root environment." "corestrictions"|2|"reshard"|"restriction_hardness"|"Hardness"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"rupture_resist_block_cem"|"The rupture resistance class of block-like specimens from the restrictive feature that have been air dried and then submerged in water." "corestrictions"|3|"resdept_l"|"restriction_depth_to_top_l"|"Top Depth - Low Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|9999.00|"centimeters"||"The distance from the soil surface to the upper boundary of the restrictive layer." "corestrictions"|4|"resdept_r"|"restriction_depth_to_top_r"|"Top Depth - Representative Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|9999.00|"centimeters"||"The distance from the soil surface to the upper boundary of the restrictive layer." "corestrictions"|5|"resdept_h"|"restriction_depth_to_top_h"|"Top Depth - High Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|9999.00|"centimeters"||"The distance from the soil surface to the upper boundary of the restrictive layer." "corestrictions"|6|"resdepb_l"|"restriction_depth_to_bottom_l"|"Bottom Depth - Low Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|9999.00|"centimeters"||"The distance from the soil surface to the lower boundary of the restrictive layer." "corestrictions"|7|"resdepb_r"|"restriction_depth_to_bottom_r"|"Bottom Depth - Representative Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|9999.00|"centimeters"||"The distance from the soil surface to the lower boundary of the restrictive layer." "corestrictions"|8|"resdepb_h"|"restriction_depth_to_bottom_h"|"Bottom Depth - High Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|9999.00|"centimeters"||"The distance from the soil surface to the lower boundary of the restrictive layer." "corestrictions"|9|"resthk_l"|"restriction_thickness_l"|"Thickness - Low Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|999.00|"centimeters"||"The distance from the top to bottom of a restrictive layer." "corestrictions"|10|"resthk_r"|"restriction_thickness_r"|"Thickness - Representative Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|999.00|"centimeters"||"The distance from the top to bottom of a restrictive layer." "corestrictions"|11|"resthk_h"|"restriction_thickness_h"|"Thickness - High Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|999.00|"centimeters"||"The distance from the top to bottom of a restrictive layer." "corestrictions"|12|"cokey"|"component_key"|"Component Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Component table. Use this column to join the Component Restrictions table to the Component table." "corestrictions"|13|"corestrictkey"|"comp_restrictions_key"|"Component Restrictions Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Component Restrictions table." "cosoilmoist"|1|"soimoistdept_l"|"soil_moist_depth_to_top_l"|"Top Depth - Low Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|9999.00|"centimeters"||"The distance from the top of the soil to the upper boundary of the moisture layer." "cosoilmoist"|2|"soimoistdept_r"|"soil_moist_depth_to_top_r"|"Top Depth - Representative Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|9999.00|"centimeters"||"The distance from the top of the soil to the upper boundary of the moisture layer." "cosoilmoist"|3|"soimoistdept_h"|"soil_moist_depth_to_top_h"|"Top Depth - High Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|9999.00|"centimeters"||"The distance from the top of the soil to the upper boundary of the moisture layer." "cosoilmoist"|4|"soimoistdepb_l"|"soil_moist_depth_to_bottom_l"|"Bottom Depth - Low Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|9999.00|"centimeters"||"The distance from the top of the soil to the lower boundary of the moisture layer." "cosoilmoist"|5|"soimoistdepb_r"|"soil_moist_depth_to_bottom_r"|"Bottom Depth - Representative Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|9999.00|"centimeters"||"The distance from the top of the soil to the lower boundary of the moisture layer." "cosoilmoist"|6|"soimoistdepb_h"|"soil_moist_depth_to_bottom_h"|"Bottom Depth - High Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|9999.00|"centimeters"||"The distance from the top of the soil to the lower boundary of the moisture layer." "cosoilmoist"|7|"soimoiststat"|"soil_moisture_status"|"Moisture Status"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"soil_moisture_status"|"The typical soil moisture state of the layer, for the month in question." "cosoilmoist"|8|"comonthkey"|"comp_month_key"|"Component Month Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Component Month table. Use this column to join the Component Soil Moisture table to the Component Month table." "cosoilmoist"|9|"cosoilmoistkey"|"comp_soil_moisture_key"|"Component Soil Moisture Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Component Soil Moisture table." "cosoiltemp"|1|"soitempmm"|"soil_temperature_mean_monthly"|"Monthly Temp"|"Integer"|"No"|||-25.00|50.00|"degrees centigrade"||"The long-term monthly average of the mean daily soil temperature of the layer for the month in question. Long-term is generally considered to be a 30-year average." "cosoiltemp"|2|"soitempdept_l"|"soil_temp_depth_to_top_l"|"Top Depth - Low Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|9999.00|"centimeters"||"The distance from the top of the soil to the upper boundary of the soil temperature layer." "cosoiltemp"|3|"soitempdept_r"|"soil_temp_depth_to_top_r"|"Top Depth - Representative Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|9999.00|"centimeters"||"The distance from the top of the soil to the upper boundary of the soil temperature layer." "cosoiltemp"|4|"soitempdept_h"|"soil_temp_depth_to_top_h"|"Top Depth - High Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|9999.00|"centimeters"||"The distance from the top of the soil to the upper boundary of the soil temperature layer." "cosoiltemp"|5|"soitempdepb_l"|"soil_temp_depth_to_bottom_l"|"Bottom Depth - Low Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|9999.00|"centimeters"||"The distance from the top of the soil to the lower boundary of the soil temperature layer." "cosoiltemp"|6|"soitempdepb_r"|"soil_temp_depth_to_bottom_r"|"Bottom Depth - Representative Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|9999.00|"centimeters"||"The distance from the top of the soil to the lower boundary of the soil temperature layer." "cosoiltemp"|7|"soitempdepb_h"|"soil_temp_depth_to_bottom_h"|"Bottom Depth - High Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|9999.00|"centimeters"||"The distance from the top of the soil to the lower boundary of the soil temperature layer." "cosoiltemp"|8|"comonthkey"|"comp_month_key"|"Component Month Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Component Month table. Use this column to join the Component Soil Temperature table to the Component Month table." "cosoiltemp"|9|"cosoiltempkey"|"comp_soil_temperature_key"|"Component Soil Temperature Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Component Soil Temperature table." "cosurffrags"|1|"sfragcov_l"|"surface_frag_cover_percent_l"|"Cover % - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"Percent of the ground covered by fragments 2 mm or larger (20 mm or larger for wood fragments)." "cosurffrags"|2|"sfragcov_r"|"surface_frag_cover_percent_r"|"Cover % - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"Percent of the ground covered by fragments 2 mm or larger (20 mm or larger for wood fragments)." "cosurffrags"|3|"sfragcov_h"|"surface_frag_cover_percent_h"|"Cover % - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.00|100.00|"percent"||"Percent of the ground covered by fragments 2 mm or larger (20 mm or larger for wood fragments)." "cosurffrags"|4|"distrocks_l"|"mean_distance_between_rocks_l"|"Spacing - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.00|50.00|"meters"||"Average distance between surface stones and/or boulders, measured between edges." "cosurffrags"|5|"distrocks_r"|"mean_distance_between_rocks_r"|"Spacing - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.00|50.00|"meters"||"Average distance between surface stones and/or boulders, measured between edges." "cosurffrags"|6|"distrocks_h"|"mean_distance_between_rocks_h"|"Spacing - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.00|50.00|"meters"||"Average distance between surface stones and/or boulders, measured between edges." "cosurffrags"|7|"sfragkind"|"surface_frag_kind"|"Kind"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"fragment_kind"|"The lithology/composition of the surface fragments 2 mm or larger (20 mm or larger for wood fragments)." "cosurffrags"|8|"sfragsize_l"|"surface_frag_size_l"|"Size - Low Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||2.00|3000.00|"millimeters"||"Size based on the multiaxial dimensions of the surface fragment." "cosurffrags"|9|"sfragsize_r"|"surface_frag_size_r"|"Size - Representative Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||2.00|3000.00|"millimeters"||"Size based on the multiaxial dimensions of the surface fragment." "cosurffrags"|10|"sfragsize_h"|"surface_frag_size_h"|"Size - High Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||2.00|3000.00|"millimeters"||"Size based on the multiaxial dimensions of the surface fragment." "cosurffrags"|11|"sfragshp"|"surface_frag_shape"|"Shape"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"fragment_shape"|"A description of the overall shape of the surface fragment." "cosurffrags"|12|"sfraground"|"surface_frag_roundness"|"Roundness"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"fragment_roundness"|"An expression of the sharpness of edges and corners of surface fragments." "cosurffrags"|13|"sfraghard"|"surface_frag_hardness"|"Hardness"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"rupture_resist_block_cem"|"The hardness of the fragment." "cosurffrags"|14|"cokey"|"component_key"|"Component Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Component table. Use this column to join the Component Surface Fragments table to the Component table." "cosurffrags"|15|"cosurffragskey"|"comp_surface_fragments_key"|"Component Surface Fragments Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Component Surface Fragments table." "cosurfmorphgc"|1|"geomposmntn"|"geomorphic_position_mountains"|"Geomorphic Component - Mountains"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"geomor_pos_mountain"|"A mappable part of the earth's surface (three dimensional) that represents an episode of landscape development of mountains." "cosurfmorphgc"|2|"geomposhill"|"geomorphic_position_hills"|"Geomorphic Component - Hills"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"geomor_pos_hill"|"A mappable part of the earth's surface (three dimensional) that represents an episode of landscape development of hills." "cosurfmorphgc"|3|"geompostrce"|"geomorphic_position_terraces"|"Geomorphic Component - Terraces"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"geomor_pos_terrace"|"A mappable part of the earth's surface (three dimensional) that represents an episode of landscape development of terraces." "cosurfmorphgc"|4|"geomposflats"|"geomorphic_position_flats"|"Geomorphic Component - Flats"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"geomor_pos_flat"|"Description of the geomorphic component for flats." "cosurfmorphgc"|5|"cogeomdkey"|"comp_geomorph_desc_key"|"Component Geomorphic Description Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Component Geomorphic Description table. Use this column to join the Component Geomorphic Description table to the Component Three Dimensional Surface Morphometry table." "cosurfmorphgc"|6|"cosurfmorgckey"|"comp_surface_morph_gc_key"|"Component Surface Morphometry - Geomorphic Component Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Component Three Dimensional Surface Morphometry table." "cosurfmorphhpp"|1|"hillslopeprof"|"hillslope_profile"|"Hillslope Profile"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"hillslope_profile"|"Two dimensional slope segments of a hillslope that have similar geometric, erosional, or depositional characteristics." "cosurfmorphhpp"|2|"cogeomdkey"|"comp_geomorph_desc_key"|"Component Geomorphic Description Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Component Geomorphic Description table. Use this column to join the Component Geomorphic Description table to the Component Two Dimensional Surface Morphometry table." "cosurfmorphhpp"|3|"cosurfmorhppkey"|"comp_surface_morph_hpp_key"|"Component Surface Morphometry - Hillslope Profile Position"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Component Two Dimensional Surface Morphometry table." "cosurfmorphmr"|1|"geomicrorelief"|"geomorph_micro_relief"|"Microrelief Kind"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"micro_relief_kind"|"The kind of slight variations in the height of a land surface that are too small or intricate to delineate on a topographic or soils map at commonly used scales (1:24000, and 1:10000)." "cosurfmorphmr"|2|"cogeomdkey"|"comp_geomorph_desc_key"|"Component Geomorphic Description Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Component Geomorphic Description table. Use this column to join the Component Geomorphic Description table to the Component Microrelief Surface Morphometry table." "cosurfmorphmr"|3|"cosurfmormrkey"|"comp_surface_morph_mr_key"|"Component Surface Morphometry - Micro Relief Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Component Microrelief Surface Morphometry table." "cosurfmorphss"|1|"shapeacross"|"shape_across"|"Slope Shape Across"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"slope_shape"|"The geometric, two dimensional profile (shape) of the slope parallel to elevation contours." "cosurfmorphss"|2|"shapedown"|"shape_down"|"Slope Shape Up/Down"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"slope_shape"|"The longitudinal shape of the slope." "cosurfmorphss"|3|"cogeomdkey"|"comp_geomorph_desc_key"|"Component Geomorphic Description Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Component Geomorphic Description table. Use this column to join the Component Geomorphic Description table to the Component Slope Shape Surface Morphometry table." "cosurfmorphss"|4|"cosurfmorsskey"|"comp_surface_morph_ss_key"|"Component Surface Morphometry - Slope Shape Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Component Slope Shape Surface Morphometry table." "cotaxfmmin"|1|"taxminalogy"|"taxonomic_family_mineralogy"|"Mineralogy"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"taxonomic_family_mineralogy"|"Mineralogy classes are used as family differentiae. They are based on the approximate mineralogical composition of selected size fractions of the same segment of the soil (control section) that is used for application of particle-size classes. (Soil Taxonomy)" "cotaxfmmin"|2|"cokey"|"component_key"|"Component Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Component table. Use this column to join the Component Taxonomic Family Mineralogy table to the Component table." "cotaxfmmin"|3|"cotaxfmminkey"|"comp_tax_fam_min_key"|"Component Taxonomic Family Mineralogy Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Component Taxonomic Family Mineralogy table." "cotaxmoistcl"|1|"taxmoistcl"|"taxonomic_moisture_class"|"Moisture Class"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"taxonomic_moisture_class"|"Soil moisture classes are unique to the family classification, though not included specifically in the name, this is a mechanism to provide clear identification of the actual moisture regime." "cotaxmoistcl"|2|"cokey"|"component_key"|"Component Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Component table. Use this column to join the Component Taxonomic Moisture Class table to the Component table." "cotaxmoistcl"|3|"cotaxmckey"|"comp_tax_moisture_class_key"|"Component Taxonomic Family Moisture Class Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Component Taxonomic Moisture Class table." "cotext"|1|"recdate"|"record_date"|"Date"|"Date/Time"|"No"|||||||"The date associated with a particular record, expressed as month, day, year -- xx/xx/xxxx." "cotext"|2|"comptextkind"|"component_text_kind"|"Kind"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"component_text_kind"|"A text entry is identified by its kind, category, and subcategory. Kind is the highest division of classification. Text kind provides a grouping of text entries according to their subject matter." "cotext"|3|"textcat"|"text_category"|"Category"|"String"|"No"|20||||||"A text entry is identified by its kind, category, and subcategory. Category is a subdivision of kind. ""Agr"" and ""Soi"" are two categories for the text kind ""Nontechnical Description""." "cotext"|4|"textsubcat"|"text_subcategory"|"Subcategory"|"String"|"No"|20||||||"A text entry is identified by its kind, category, and subcategory. Subcategory is a subdivision of category. For text kind ""Nontechnical"" description and text category ""Agr"", subcategory would correspond to the SSSD field ""desnum""." "cotext"|5|"text"|"text"|"Text"|"Vtext"|"No"|||||||"The actual narrative text portion of a text entry. The other parts of a text entry are its identifiers: kind, category and subcategory." "cotext"|6|"cokey"|"component_key"|"Component Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Component table. Use this column to join the Component Text table to the Component table." "cotext"|7|"cotextkey"|"comp_text_key"|"Component Text Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Component Text table." "cotreestomng"|1|"plantsym"|"plant_symbol"|"Plant Symbol"|"String"|"Yes"|8||||||"A unique symbol used to identify a plant genus or a plant species. (The PLANTS Database, USDA-NRCS, National Plant Data Center.)" "cotreestomng"|2|"plantsciname"|"plant_scientific_name"|"Scientific Name"|"String"|"No"|127||||||"The full genus and species name as listed in the PLANTS Database, USDA-NRCS, National Plant Data Center." "cotreestomng"|3|"plantcomname"|"plant_common_name"|"Common Name"|"String"|"No"|60||||||"A generally accepted common name used for a plant in a geographic region, usually a state." "cotreestomng"|4|"cokey"|"component_key"|"Component Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Component table. Use this column to join the Component Trees To Manage table to the Component table." "cotreestomng"|5|"cotreestomngkey"|"comp_trees_to_manage_key"|"Component Trees to Manage Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Component Trees To Manage table." "cotxfmother"|1|"taxfamother"|"taxonomic_family_other"|"Family Other"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"taxonomic_family_other"|"Soil characteristics other than the defined family characteristics of particle-size classes, mineralogy classes, calcareous and reaction classes, and soil temperature classes. These characteristics include depth of soil, consistence, moisture equivalent, slope of soil, and permanent cracks. (Soil Taxonomy)" "cotxfmother"|2|"cokey"|"component_key"|"Component Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Component table. Use this column to join the Component Taxonomic Family Other Criteria table to the Component table." "cotxfmother"|3|"cotaxfokey"|"comp_tax_fam_other_key"|"Component Taxonomic Family Other Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Component Taxonomic Family Other Criteria table." "distinterpmd"|1|"rulename"|"rule_name"|"Rule Name"|"String"|"No"|60||||||"A user assigned name (typically connotative) for a particular interpretation rule." "distinterpmd"|2|"ruledesign"|"rule_design"|"Rule Design"|"Choice"|"Yes"|254|||||"rule_design"|"An indicator of the design scheme of the rule. The entry provides an indication of which end of the fuzzy value range, 0 or 1, represents the most limiting features. Most interpretive rules are designed such that the most limiting features are those with a fuzzy value closest to 1. However, interpretive rules that are designed to evaluate the favorable features of a soil, such as the suitability as a gravel source, may be written such that the most limiting features are those with a fuzzy value closest to 0." "distinterpmd"|3|"ruledesc"|"rule_description"|"Description"|"Vtext"|"No"|||||||"A narrative text definition of a rule." "distinterpmd"|4|"dataafuse"|"data_approved_for_use"|"Ready to use?"|"Boolean"|"No"|3||||||"Indicates whether or not an object is approved for use." "distinterpmd"|5|"mrecentrulecwlu"|"most_recent_rule_comp_wlu"|"Most Recent Rule Component When Last Updated"|"Date/Time"|"No"|||||||"The date of the most recently updated component of an interpretation. This date is not necessarily the when last updated date of the interpretation itself. An interpretation may have a subrule, evaluation or property that was updated more recently than the master interpretation (rule) itself. The time of update of an interpretation component (subrule, evaluation, property) in NASIS is not explicitly reflected in other components that may reference the updated component." "distinterpmd"|6|"rulekey"|"rule_key"|"Rule Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Rule table in NASIS." "distinterpmd"|7|"distmdkey"|"dist_md_key"|"Distribution Metadata Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Distribution Metadata table. Use this column to join the Distribution Interp Metadata table to the Distribution Metadata table." "distinterpmd"|8|"distinterpmdkey"|"dist_interp_md_key"|"Distribution Interpretation Metadata Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Distribution Interp Metadata table." "distlegendmd"|1|"areatypename"|"area_type_name"|"Area Type Name"|"String"|"No"|45||||||"The name of a particular type of area. Area type names include ""state"", ""county"", ""mlra"", etc." "distlegendmd"|2|"areasymbol"|"area_symbol"|"Area Symbol"|"String"|"No"|20||||||"A symbol that uniquely identifies a single occurrence of a particular type of area (e.g. Lancaster Co., Nebraska is NE109)." "distlegendmd"|3|"areaname"|"area_name"|"Area Name"|"String"|"No"|135||||||"The name given to the specified geographic area." "distlegendmd"|4|"ssastatus"|"soil_survey_area_status"|"Survey Status"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"soil_survey_area_status"|"Identifies the operational activity of a soil survey area and currency of published soil information. Examples are Non-Project, Update and Published. As of SSURGO version 2.1, values for this attribute are no longer provided. This attribute will be dropped from the next major SSURGO version." "distlegendmd"|5|"cordate"|"correlation_date"|"Correlation Date"|"Date/Time"|"No"|||||||"The date the final correlation document for a soil survey is signed, expressed as month, year (e.g. 07/1999)." "distlegendmd"|6|"exportcertstatus"|"export_certification_status"|"Export Certification Status"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"export_certification_status"|"The level of certification assigned to a tabular data package for a particular soil survey area." "distlegendmd"|7|"exportcertdate"|"export_certification_date"|"Export Certification Date"|"Date/Time"|"No"|||||||"The date and time that soil survey area tabular data was exported from NASIS." "distlegendmd"|8|"exportmetadata"|"export_metadata"|"Export Metadata"|"Vtext"|"No"|||||||"Narrative text notes (metadata) associated with the assignment of the tabular data certification status for a particular soil survey area." "distlegendmd"|9|"lkey"|"legend_key"|"Legend Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Legend table. Use this column to join the Distribution Legend Metadata table to the Legend table." "distlegendmd"|10|"distmdkey"|"dist_md_key"|"Distribution Metadata Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Distribution Metadata table. Use this column to join the Distribution Legend Metadata table to the Distribution Metadata table." "distlegendmd"|11|"distlegendmdkey"|"dist_legend_md_key"|"Distribution Legend Metadata Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Distribution Legend Metadata table." "distmd"|1|"distgendate"|"distribution_generation_date"|"Distribution Generation Date"|"Date/Time"|"No"|||||||"The date and time that a request to export data, which was submitted by a NASIS user, was actually processed." "distmd"|2|"diststatus"|"distribution_status"|"Distribution Status"|"Choice"|"Yes"|254|||||"distribution_status"|"The current status of a NASIS export request. This status may reflect either a pending request status or a processed request status." "distmd"|3|"interpmaxreasons"|"interp_max_reasons"|"Interpretation Maximum Reasons"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00||||"The maximum number of reasons recorded for the corresponding soil interpretation." "distmd"|4|"distmdkey"|"dist_md_key"|"Distribution Metadata Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Distribution Metadata table." "featdesc"|1|"areasymbol"|"area_symbol"|"Area Symbol"|"String"|"Yes"|20||||||"A symbol that uniquely identifies a single occurrence of a particular type of area (e.g. Lancaster Co., Nebraska is NE109)." "featdesc"|2|"spatialversion"|"spatial_version"|"Spatial Version"|"Integer"|"Yes"|||||||"A sequential integer number used to denote the serial version of the spatial data for a soil survey area." "featdesc"|3|"featsym"|"feature_symbol"|"Feature Symbol"|"String"|"Yes"|3||||||"A symbol that, within the context of a particular soil survey area, uniquely identifies a point or line spot feature." "featdesc"|4|"featname"|"feature_name"|"Feature Name"|"String"|"Yes"|80||||||"A short descriptive name of a point or line spot feature." "featdesc"|5|"featdesc"|"feature_description"|"Feature Description"|"Vtext"|"Yes"|||||||"A narrative description of a point or line spot feature." "featdesc"|6|"featkey"|"feature_key"|"Feature Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Feature Description table." "featline"|1|"areasymbol"|"area_symbol"|"Area Symbol"|"String"|"Yes"|20||||||"A symbol that uniquely identifies a single occurrence of a particular type of area (e.g. Lancaster Co., Nebraska is NE109)." "featline"|2|"spatialversion"|"spatial_version"|"Spatial Version"|"Integer"|"Yes"|||||||"A sequential integer number used to denote the serial version of the spatial data for a soil survey area." "featline"|3|"featsym"|"feature_symbol"|"Feature Symbol"|"String"|"Yes"|3||||||"A symbol that, within the context of a particular soil survey area, uniquely identifies a point or line spot feature." "featline"|4|"featkey"|"feature_key"|"Feature Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Feature Description table." "featpoint"|1|"areasymbol"|"area_symbol"|"Area Symbol"|"String"|"Yes"|20||||||"A symbol that uniquely identifies a single occurrence of a particular type of area (e.g. Lancaster Co., Nebraska is NE109)." "featpoint"|2|"spatialversion"|"spatial_version"|"Spatial Version"|"Integer"|"Yes"|||||||"A sequential integer number used to denote the serial version of the spatial data for a soil survey area." "featpoint"|3|"featsym"|"feature_symbol"|"Feature Symbol"|"String"|"Yes"|3||||||"A symbol that, within the context of a particular soil survey area, uniquely identifies a point or line spot feature." "featpoint"|4|"featkey"|"feature_key"|"Feature Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Feature Description table." "laoverlap"|1|"areatypename"|"area_type_name"|"Area Type Name"|"String"|"Yes"|45||||||"The name of a particular type of geographic area with which the soil survey area overlaps or coincides. Examples include ""state or territory"" and ""county or parish""." "laoverlap"|2|"areasymbol"|"area_symbol"|"Area Symbol"|"String"|"Yes"|20||||||"The identifying symbol given to the specified geographic area with which the soil survey area overlaps or coincides." "laoverlap"|3|"areaname"|"area_name"|"Area Name"|"String"|"No"|135||||||"The name of a geographic area with which the soil survey area overlaps or coincides. Examples include the name of a particular state or county." "laoverlap"|4|"areaovacres"|"area_overlap_acres"|"Overlap Acres"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00||"acres"||"The area overlap of two geographic regions, in acres." "laoverlap"|5|"lkey"|"legend_key"|"Legend Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Legend table. Use this column to join the Legend Area Overlap table to the Legend table." "laoverlap"|6|"lareaovkey"|"legend_area_overlap_key"|"Legend Area Overlap Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Legend Area Overlap table." "legend"|1|"areatypename"|"area_type_name"|"Area Type Name"|"String"|"Yes"|45||||||"The name of a particular type of geographic area to which the legend applies. Examples include ""Non-MLRA Soil Survey Area"" and ""MLRA Soil Survey Area""." "legend"|2|"areasymbol"|"area_symbol"|"Area Symbol"|"String"|"Yes"|20||||||"The identifying symbol given to the specified geographic area to which the legend applies." "legend"|3|"areaname"|"area_name"|"Area Name"|"String"|"No"|135||||||"The name given to the specified geographic area to which the legend applies." "legend"|4|"areaacres"|"area_acres"|"Area Acres"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00||"acres"||"The acreage total of all land and water areas in the specified geographic area to which the legend applies. The number listed here is used for administrative purposes and may differ from that measured using GIS software, or other techniques, due to fact that it was assigned to agree with the acreage listed in the NRCS Natural Resource Inventory for the geographic area." "legend"|5|"mlraoffice"|"mlra_office"|"MLRA Office"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"mlra_office"|"An NRCS business unit responsible for oversight of soil survey production activities of a particular soil survey area." "legend"|6|"legenddesc"|"legend_description"|"Legend Description"|"String"|"No"|60||||||"A short text field used to describe a particular soil survey area legend." "legend"|7|"ssastatus"|"soil_survey_area_status"|"Survey Status"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"soil_survey_area_status"|"Identifies the operational activity of a soil survey area and currency of published soil information. Examples are Non-Project, Update and Published. As of SSURGO version 2.1, values for this attribute are no longer provided. This attribute will be dropped from the next major SSURGO version." "legend"|8|"mouagncyresp"|"mou_agency_responsible"|"MOU Agency Responsible"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"mou_agency_responsible"|"The lead agency designated as responsible for a particular soil survey." "legend"|9|"projectscale"|"project_scale"|"Project Scale"|"Integer"|"No"|||||||"The map scale in which the final map products will be published, expressed as the denominator of the scale, i.e. 24000 = 1:24000." "legend"|10|"cordate"|"correlation_date"|"Correlation Date"|"Date/Time"|"No"|||||||"The date the final correlation document for a soil survey is signed, expressed as month, year (e.g. 07/1999)." "legend"|11|"ssurgoarchived"|"ssurgo_archived"|"SSURGO Archived"|"Date/Time"|"No"|||||||"The date on which the SSURGO product for a particular soil survey is actually archived, expressed as month, day, year -- xx/xx/xxxx." "legend"|12|"legendsuituse"|"legend_suitability_for_use"|"Geographic Applicability"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"legend_suitability_for_use"|"Identifies the relative geographic extent over which a legend has the most up-to-date soil survey data. As of SSURGO version 2.1, values for this attribute are no longer provided. This attribute will be dropped from the next major SSURGO version." "legend"|13|"legendcertstat"|"legend_certification_status"|"Legend Certification Status"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"legend_certification_status"|"The level of certification assigned to a legend. Intended to indicate whether or not the legend should be used and the degree of confidence with which it may be used. As of SSURGO version 2.1, values for this attribute are no longer provided. This attribute will be dropped from the next major SSURGO version." "legend"|14|"lkey"|"legend_key"|"Legend Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Legend table." "legendtext"|1|"recdate"|"record_date"|"Date"|"Date/Time"|"No"|||||||"The date associated with a particular record, expressed as month, day, year -- xx/xx/xxxx." "legendtext"|2|"legendtextkind"|"legend_text_kind"|"Kind"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"legend_text_kind"|"A text entry can be identified by its kind, category, and subcategory. Kind is the highest division of classification. Text kind provides a grouping of text entries according to their subject matter." "legendtext"|3|"textcat"|"text_category"|"Category"|"String"|"No"|20||||||"A text entry is identified by its kind, category, and subcategory. Category is a subdivision of kind. ""Agr"" and ""Soi"" are two categories for the text kind ""Nontechnical Description""." "legendtext"|4|"textsubcat"|"text_subcategory"|"Subcategory"|"String"|"No"|20||||||"A text entry is identified by its kind, category, and subcategory. Subcategory is a subdivision of category. For text kind ""Nontechnical"" description and text category ""Agr"", subcategory would correspond to the SSSD field ""desnum""." "legendtext"|5|"text"|"text"|"Text"|"Vtext"|"No"|||||||"The actual narrative text portion of a text entry. The other parts of a text entry are its identifiers: kind, category and subcategory." "legendtext"|6|"lkey"|"legend_key"|"Legend Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Legend table. Use this column to join the Legend Text table to the Legend table." "legendtext"|7|"legtextkey"|"legend_text_key"|"Legend Text Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Legend Text table." "mapunit"|1|"musym"|"mapunit_symbol"|"Mapunit Symbol"|"String"|"Yes"|6||||||"The symbol used to uniquely identify the soil mapunit in the soil survey." "mapunit"|2|"muname"|"mapunit_name"|"Mapunit Name"|"String"|"No"|175||||||"Correlated name of the mapunit (recommended name or field name for surveys in progress)." "mapunit"|3|"mukind"|"mapunit_kind"|"Kind"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"mapunit_kind"|"Code identifying the kind of mapunit. Example: C - consociation." "mapunit"|4|"mustatus"|"mapunit_status"|"Status"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"mapunit_status"|"Identifies the current status of the map unit. As of SSURGO version 2.1, values for this attribute are no longer provided. This attribute will be dropped from the next major SSURGO version." "mapunit"|5|"muacres"|"mapunit_acres"|"Total Acres"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00||"acres"||"The number of acres of a particular map unit within the geographic area to which the legend applies. The number listed here may differ from that measured using GIS software due to different measuring techniques and rounding practices, or due to the fact that the value has been adjusted so that the sum total of all map units in the legend equals that listed for soil survey area." "mapunit"|6|"mapunitlfw_l"|"mapunit_linear_feature_width_l"|"Linear Feature Width - Low Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||||"meters"||"The approximate width of a particular map unit delineation represented by a linear soil feature on a soil map." "mapunit"|7|"mapunitlfw_r"|"mapunit_linear_feature_width_r"|"Linear Feature Width - Representative Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||||"meters"||"The approximate width of a particular map unit delineation represented by a linear soil feature on a soil map." "mapunit"|8|"mapunitlfw_h"|"mapunit_linear_feature_width_h"|"Linear Feature Width - High Value"|"Integer"|"No"|||||"meters"||"The approximate width of a particular map unit delineation represented by a linear soil feature on a soil map." "mapunit"|9|"mapunitpfa_l"|"mapunit_point_feature_area_l"|"Point Feature Area - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.10|10.00|"acres"||"The approximate area of a particular map unit delineation represented by a point feature on a soil map." "mapunit"|10|"mapunitpfa_r"|"mapunit_point_feature_area_r"|"Point Feature Area - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.10|10.00|"acres"||"The approximate area of a particular map unit delineation represented by a point feature on a soil map." "mapunit"|11|"mapunitpfa_h"|"mapunit_point_feature_area_h"|"Point Feature Area - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.10|10.00|"acres"||"The approximate area of a particular map unit delineation represented by a point feature on a soil map." "mapunit"|12|"farmlndcl"|"farmland_classification"|"Farm Class"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"farmland_classification"|"Identification of map units as prime farmland, farmland of statewide importance, or farmland of local importance." "mapunit"|13|"muhelcl"|"mapunit_hel_class"|"HEL"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"mapunit_hel_class"|"The overall Highly Erodible Lands (HEL) classification for the mapunit based on the rating of its components for wind and water HEL classification." "mapunit"|14|"muwathelcl"|"mapunit_hel_class_water"|"HEL Water"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"mapunit_hel_class"|"The Highly Erodible Lands (HEL) classification for the mapunit based on the rating of its components for water HEL classification." "mapunit"|15|"muwndhelcl"|"mapunit_hel_class_wind"|"HEL Wind"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"mapunit_hel_class"|"The Highly Erodible Lands (HEL) classification for the mapunit based on the rating of its components for wind HEL classification." "mapunit"|16|"interpfocus"|"interpretive_focus"|"Interpretive Focus"|"String"|"No"|30||||||"The targeted landuse for which the Map Unit was developed. The properties of included mapunit components are tailored towards this landuse." "mapunit"|17|"invesintens"|"investigation_intensity"|"Order of Mapping"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"investigation_intensity"|"The level of detail and relative intensity of field observation under which the map unit was developed. Order 1 indicates the highest intensity, and order 5 the lowest." "mapunit"|18|"iacornsr"|"ia_corn_suitability_rating"|"IA CSR"|"Integer"|"No"|||5.00|100.00|||"Corn Suitability Rating (CSR) is an index procedure developed in Iowa to rate each different kind of soil for its row-crop productivity." "mapunit"|19|"nhiforsoigrp"|"nh_important_forest_soil_group"|"NH Forest Soil Grp"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"nh_important_forest_soil_group"|"Interpretative class for the map unit, based on NH developed interpretations." "mapunit"|20|"nhspiagr"|"nh_spi_for_agriculture"|"NH SPI Agr"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|100.00|||"New Hampshire Soil Potential Index for Agriculture, 1992 revision. Used for computation of weighted average SPI on a parcel of land for adjustment of current use land assessment." "mapunit"|21|"vtsepticsyscl"|"vt_septic_system_class"|"VT Septic System"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"vt_septic_system_class"|"The interpretive separations, or class, based on the ability of the map unit to support an onsite septic system. (Ancillary Soil Interpretation Ratings For On-site Sewerage Disposal in Vermont)" "mapunit"|22|"mucertstat"|"mapunit_certification_status"|"Map Unit Certification Status"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"mapunit_certification_status"|"The level of certification assigned to a map unit. Intended to indicate whether or not the map unit should be used and the degree of confidence with which it may be used. As of SSURGO version 2.1, values for this attribute are no longer provided. This attribute will be dropped from the next major SSURGO version." "mapunit"|23|"lkey"|"legend_key"|"Legend Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Legend table. Use this column to join the Mapunit table to the Legend table." "mapunit"|24|"mukey"|"mapunit_key"|"Mapunit Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Mapunit table." "mdstatdomdet"|1|"domainname"|"domain_name"|"Domain Name"|"String"|"Yes"|40||||||"The name of the domain to which a column's values are restricted. A domain is a finite list of character strings that a column's value may assume." "mdstatdomdet"|2|"choicesequence"|"choice_sequence"|"Choice Sequence"|"Integer"|"Yes"|||||||"Specifies the sequence in which the members of a domain should be ordered or displayed." "mdstatdomdet"|3|"choice"|"choice"|"Choice"|"String"|"Yes"|254||||||"A character string that represents a member of a domain. This value must be unique for every member of a given domain." "mdstatdomdet"|4|"choicedesc"|"choice_description"|"Choice Description"|"Vtext"|"No"|||||||"The narrative text description or definition of a member of a domain." "mdstatdomdet"|5|"choiceobsolete"|"choice_obsolete"|"Obsolete Choice?"|"Boolean"|"Yes"|3||||||"Indicates if a choice in a choice list or domain is considered ""obsolete"". If obsolete, data being currently populated would likely use a different choice." "mdstatdommas"|1|"domainname"|"domain_name"|"Domain Name"|"String"|"Yes"|40||||||"The name of the domain to which a column's values are restricted. A domain is a finite list of character strings that a column's value may assume." "mdstatdommas"|2|"domainmaxlen"|"domain_maximum_length"|"Domain Maximum Length"|"Integer"|"Yes"|||1.00|254.00|||"The number of characters in the longest member of a domain. Each member of a domain is an ASCII character string consisting of at least 1 but no more than 254 characters." "mdstatidxdet"|1|"tabphyname"|"table_physical_name"|"Table Physical Name"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The name that is used to physically implement a table in a database management system. In a database, each table's physical name must be unique." "mdstatidxdet"|2|"idxphyname"|"index_physical_name"|"Index Physical Name"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The name that is used to physically implement an index in a database management system." "mdstatidxdet"|3|"idxcolsequence"|"index_column_sequence"|"Index Column Sequence"|"Integer"|"Yes"|||||||"Specifies the sequence of a column in a database table index." "mdstatidxdet"|4|"colphyname"|"column_physical_name"|"Column Physical Name"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The name that is used to physically implement a table column in a database management system. In a database table, each column's physical name must be unique." "mdstatidxmas"|1|"tabphyname"|"table_physical_name"|"Table Physical Name"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The name that is used to physically implement a table in a database management system. In a database, each table's physical name must be unique." "mdstatidxmas"|2|"idxphyname"|"index_physical_name"|"Index Physical Name"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The name that is used to physically implement an index in a database management system." "mdstatidxmas"|3|"uniqueindex"|"unique_index"|"Unique Index?"|"Boolean"|"Yes"|3||||||"Indicates whether or not all values of an index must be unique, or whether duplicate values may exist." "mdstatrshipdet"|1|"ltabphyname"|"left_table_physical_name"|"Left Table Physical Name"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The physical name of a table on the left side of a relationship between two tables." "mdstatrshipdet"|2|"rtabphyname"|"right_table_physical_name"|"Right Table Physical Name"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The physical name of a table on the right side of a relationship between two tables." "mdstatrshipdet"|3|"relationshipname"|"relationship_name"|"Relationship Name"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A name given to a relationship between two tables. If there is more than one relationship between the same two tables, the name of each of those relationships must be unique." "mdstatrshipdet"|4|"ltabcolphyname"|"left_tab_column_physical_name"|"Left Table Column Physical Name"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The physical name of a column of a table on the left side of a relationship between two tables. This column is one of several potential columns used to create a join between the two tables involved in a relationship. The left table column joins to its corresponding right table column." "mdstatrshipdet"|5|"rtabcolphyname"|"right_tab_column_physical_name"|"Right Table Column Physical Name"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The physical name of a column of a table on the right side of a relationship between two tables. This column is one of several potential columns used to create a join between the two tables involved in a relationship. The right table column joins to its corresponding left table column." "mdstatrshipmas"|1|"ltabphyname"|"left_table_physical_name"|"Left Table Physical Name"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The physical name of a table on the left side of a relationship between two tables." "mdstatrshipmas"|2|"rtabphyname"|"right_table_physical_name"|"Right Table Physical Name"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The physical name of a table on the right side of a relationship between two tables." "mdstatrshipmas"|3|"relationshipname"|"relationship_name"|"Relationship Name"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A name given to a relationship between two tables. If there is more than one relationship between the same two tables, the name of each of those relationships must be unique." "mdstatrshipmas"|4|"cardinality"|"cardinality"|"Cardinality"|"Choice"|"Yes"|254|||||"cardinality"|"Indicates whether the relationship between the left table and right table is one to one (left is one, right is one) or one to many (left is one, right is many). For a one to one relationship, a record in the left table is related to no more than one record in the right table. For a one to many relationship, a record in the left table may be related to more than one record in the right table. Neither cardinality implies that a record in the left table necessarily has a corresponding record in the right table." "mdstatrshipmas"|5|"mandatory"|"mandatory"|"Mandatory?"|"Boolean"|"Yes"|3||||||"Indicates if in order for a record to exist in the right table of a relationship, a corresponding record must exist in the left table of that relationship, i.e. mandatory = ""yes"". In other words, when mandatory is ""no"", a record may exist in the right table of a relationship without having a corresponding record in the left table of that relationship." "mdstattabcols"|1|"tabphyname"|"table_physical_name"|"Table Physical Name"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The name that is used to physically implement a table in a database management system. In a database, each table's physical name must be unique." "mdstattabcols"|2|"colsequence"|"column_sequence"|"Column Sequence"|"Integer"|"Yes"|||||||"Specifies the sequence of the columns in a database table." "mdstattabcols"|3|"colphyname"|"column_physical_name"|"Column Physical Name"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The name that is used to physically implement a table column in a database management system. In a database table, each column's physical name must be unique." "mdstattabcols"|4|"collogname"|"column_logical_name"|"Column Logical Name"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A name associated with a column that is more connotative than the column's corresponding physical name. For a SSURGO table, every column's logical name must be unique, making a column's logical name a suitable alias for identifying a column. For SSURGO, column logical names are lower case character strings with no embedded blanks, where individual parts of the logical name may be separated using the underscore character." "mdstattabcols"|5|"collabel"|"column_label"|"Column Label"|"String"|"Yes"|80||||||"A descriptive label associated with a column. For a SSURGO table, every column's label must be unique, making a column's label a suitable alias for identifying a column. For SSURGO, column labels are typically mixed case character strings with embedded blanks." "mdstattabcols"|6|"logicaldatatype"|"logical_data_type"|"Logical Data Type"|"Choice"|"Yes"|254|||||"logical_data_type_ssurgo"|"A column's logical data type is its generic, software independent data type. Since the SSURGO standard does not correspond to any specific database management system (DBMS), the SSURGO metadata records only logical data types. How a logical data type can be physically implemented varies from DBMS to DBMS." "mdstattabcols"|7|"notnull"|"not_null"|"Not Null?"|"Boolean"|"Yes"|3||||||"Indicates whether or not the value of a column in a database table may be null." "mdstattabcols"|8|"fieldsize"|"field_size"|"Field Size"|"Integer"|"No"|||||||"The maximum allowable length of a column whose logical data type is ""string""." "mdstattabcols"|9|"precision"|"precision"|"Precision"|"Integer"|"No"|||||||"The number of decimal digits that should be displayed for a column whose logical data type is ""float""." "mdstattabcols"|10|"minimum"|"minimum"|"Minimum"|"Float"|"No"||2|||||"The minimum allowable value of a column." "mdstattabcols"|11|"maximum"|"maximum"|"Maximum"|"Float"|"No"||2|||||"The maximum allowable value of a column." "mdstattabcols"|12|"uom"|"unit_of_measure"|"Unit of Measure"|"String"|"No"|60||||||"The units of measure in which a column is recorded." "mdstattabcols"|13|"domainname"|"domain_name"|"Domain Name"|"String"|"No"|40||||||"The name of the domain to which a column's values are restricted. A domain is a finite list of character strings that a column's value may assume." "mdstattabcols"|14|"coldesc"|"column_description"|"Column Description"|"Vtext"|"Yes"|||||||"The narrative text description or definition of a column." "mdstattabs"|1|"tabphyname"|"table_physical_name"|"Table Physical Name"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The name that is used to physically implement a table in a database management system. In a database, each table's physical name must be unique." "mdstattabs"|2|"tablogname"|"table_logical_name"|"Table Logical Name"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A name associated with a database table that is more connotative than the table's corresponding physical name. For SSURGO, every table's logical name must be unique, making a table's logical name a suitable alias for identifying a table. For SSURGO, table logical names are lower case character strings with no embedded blanks, where individual parts of the logical name may be separated using the underscore character." "mdstattabs"|3|"tablabel"|"table_label"|"Table Label"|"String"|"Yes"|80||||||"A descriptive label associated with a database table. For SSURGO, every table's label must be unique, making a table's label a suitable alias for identifying a table. For SSURGO, table labels are typically mixed case character strings with embedded blanks." "mdstattabs"|4|"tabdesc"|"table_description"|"Table Description"|"Vtext"|"Yes"|||||||"A narrative text description of what a database table represents or records." "mdstattabs"|5|"iefilename"|"import_export_file_name"|"Import/Export File Name"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The base part of the file name of a table's associated ASCII pipe delimited import/export file. The complete name of a table's associated import/export file is the base name followed by the characters "".txt"". For example, if the base name is ""alpha"", the name of the associated import/export file is ""alpha.txt""." "month"|1|"monthseq"|"month_sequence"|"Month Sequence"|"Integer"|"Yes"|||1.00|12.00|||"An interger number used to sequence the months of the year in their proper order." "month"|2|"monthname"|"month_name"|"Month Name"|"String"|"Yes"|9|||||"flooding_ponding_month"|"The full name of one of the twelve months of the year." "muaggatt"|1|"musym"|"mapunit_symbol"|"Mapunit Symbol"|"String"|"Yes"|6||||||"The symbol used to uniquely identify the soil mapunit in the soil survey." "muaggatt"|2|"muname"|"mapunit_name"|"Mapunit Name"|"String"|"No"|175||||||"Correlated name of the mapunit (recommended name or field name for surveys in progress)." "muaggatt"|3|"mustatus"|"mapunit_status"|"Status"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"mapunit_status"|"Identifies the current status of the map unit. As of SSURGO version 2.1, values for this attribute are no longer provided. This attribute will be dropped from the next major SSURGO version." "muaggatt"|4|"slopegraddcp"|"slope_gradient_dcp"|"Slope Gradient - Dominant Component"|"Float"|"No"||1|||"percent"||"The difference is elevation between two points, expressed as a percentage of the distance between those points. This column displays the slope gradient of the dominant component of the map unit based on composition percentage." "muaggatt"|5|"slopegradwta"|"slope_gradient_wta"|"Slope Gradient - Weighted Average"|"Float"|"No"||1|||"percent"||"The difference is elevation between two points, expressed as a percentage of the distance between those points. This column displays the weighted average slope gradient of all components in the map unit." "muaggatt"|6|"brockdepmin"|"brockdepth_min"|"Bedrock Depth - Minimum"|"Integer"|"No"|||||"centimeters"||"The distance from the soil surface to the top of a bedrock layer, expressed as a shallowest depth of components whose composition in the map unit is equal to or exceeds 15%." "muaggatt"|7|"wtdepannmin"|"wtdepth_annual_min"|"Water Table Depth - Annual - Minimum"|"Integer"|"No"|||||"centimeters"||"The shallowest depth to a wet soil layer (water table) at any time during the year expressed as centimeters from the soil surface, for components whose composition in the map unit is equal to or exceeds 15%." "muaggatt"|8|"wtdepaprjunmin"|"wtdepth_apr_jun_min"|"Water Table Depth - April - June - Minimum"|"Integer"|"No"|||||"centimeters"||"The shallowest depth to a wet soil layer (water table) during the months of April through June expressed in centimeters from the soil surface for components whose composition in the map unit is equal to or exceeds 15%." "muaggatt"|9|"flodfreqdcd"|"flodfreq_dcd"|"Flooding Frequency - Dominant Condition"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"flooding_frequency_class"|"The annual probability of a flood event expressed as a class. This column displays the dominant flood frequency class for the map unit, based on composition percentage of map unit components whose composition in the map unit is equal to or exceeds 15%." "muaggatt"|10|"flodfreqmax"|"flodfreq_max"|"Flooding Frequency - Maximum"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"flooding_frequency_class"|"The annual probability of a flood event expressed as a class. This column displays the highest probability class assigned to an individual component of the map unit whose composition in the map unit is equal to or exceeds 15%." "muaggatt"|11|"pondfreqprs"|"pondfreq_prs"|"Ponding Frequency - Presence"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"ponding_frequency_map_legend"|"The percentage of the map unit that is subject to water being ponded on the soil surface, expressed as one of four classes; 0-14%, 15-49%, 50-74% or 75-100%." "muaggatt"|12|"aws025wta"|"aws_0_25_wta"|"Available Water Storage 0-25 cm - Weighted Average"|"Float"|"No"||2|||"centimeters"||"Available water storage (AWS). The volume of water that the soil, to a depth of 25 centimeters, can store that is available to plants. It is reported as the weighted average of all components in the map unit, and is expressed as centimeters of water. AWS is calculated from AWC (available water capacity) which is commonly estimated as the difference between the water contents at 1/10 or 1/3 bar (field capacity) and 15 bars (permanent wilting point) tension, and adjusted for salinity and fragments." "muaggatt"|13|"aws050wta"|"aws_0_50_wta"|"Available Water Storage 0-50 cm - Weighted Average"|"Float"|"No"||2|||"centimeters"||"Available water storage (AWS). The volume of water that the soil, to a depth of 50 centimeters, can store that is available to plants. It is reported as the weighted average of all components in the map unit, and is expressed as centimeters of water. AWS is calculated from AWC (available water capacity) which is commonly estimated as the difference between the water contents at 1/10 or 1/3 bar (field capacity) and 15 bars (permanent wilting point) tension, and adjusted for salinity and fragments." "muaggatt"|14|"aws0100wta"|"aws_0_100_wta"|"Available Water Storage 0-100 cm - Weighted Average"|"Float"|"No"||2|||"centimeters"||"Available water storage (AWS). The volume of water that the soil, to a depth of 100 centimeters, can store that is available to plants. It is reported as the weighted average of all components in the map unit, and is expressed as centimeters of water. AWS is calculated from AWC (available water capacity) which is commonly estimated as the difference between the water contents at 1/10 or 1/3 bar (field capacity) and 15 bars (permanent wilting point) tension, and adjusted for salinity and fragments." "muaggatt"|15|"aws0150wta"|"aws_0_150_wta"|"Available Water Storage 0-150 cm - Weighted Average"|"Float"|"No"||2|||"centimeters"||"Available water storage (AWS). The volume of water that the soil, to a depth of 150 centimeters, can store that is available to plants. It is reported as the weighted average of all components in the map unit, and is expressed as centimeters of water. AWS is calculated from AWC (available water capacity) which is commonly estimated as the difference between the water contents at 1/10 or 1/3 bar (field capacity) and 15 bars (permanent wilting point) tension, and adjusted for salinity and fragments." "muaggatt"|16|"drclassdcd"|"drclass_dcd"|"Drainage Class - Dominant Condition"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"drainage_class"|"The natural drainage condition of the soil refers to the frequency and duration of wet periods. This column displays the dominant drainage class for the map unit, based on composition percentage of each map unit component." "muaggatt"|17|"drclasswettest"|"drclass_wettest"|"Drainage Class - Wettest"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"drainage_class"|"The natural drainage condition of the soil refers to the frequency and duration of wet periods. This column displays the wettest drainage class assigned to an individual component of the map unit whose composition in the map unit is equal to or exceeds 15%." "muaggatt"|18|"hydgrpdcd"|"hydgrp_dcd"|"Hydrologic Group - Dominant Conditions"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"hydrologic_group"|"Hydrologic Group is a grouping of soils that have similar runoff potential under similar storm and cover conditions. This column displays the dominant hydrologic group for the map unit, based on composition percentage of each map unit component." "muaggatt"|19|"iccdcd"|"icc_dcd"|"Irrigated Capability Class - Dominant Condition"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"capability_class"|"The broadest category in the land capability classification system for soils. This column displays the dominant capability class, under irrigated conditions, for the map unit based on composition percentage of all components in the map unit." "muaggatt"|20|"iccdcdpct"|"icc_dcd_pct"|"Irrigated Capability Class - Dominant Condition Aggregate Percent"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|100.00|||"The percent composition of the map unit that has the capability class displayed in the Irrigated Capability Class" "muaggatt"|21|"niccdcd"|"nicc_dcd"|"Non-Irrigated Capability Class - Dominant Condition"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"capability_class"|"The broadest category in the land capability classification system for soils. This column displays the dominant capability class, under non-irrigated conditions, for the map unit based on composition percentage of all components in the map unit." "muaggatt"|22|"niccdcdpct"|"nicc_dcd_pct"|"Non-Irrigated Capability Class - Dominant Condition Aggregate Percent"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|100.00|||"The percent composition of the map unit that has the capability class displayed in the Non-Irrigated Capability Class - Dominant Condition column." "muaggatt"|23|"engdwobdcd"|"eng_dwob_dcd"|"ENG - Dwellings W/O Basements - Dominant Condition"|"String"|"No"|254||||||"The rating of the map unit as a site for dwellings without basements, expressed as the dominant rating class for the map unit, based on composition percentage of each map unit component." "muaggatt"|24|"engdwbdcd"|"eng_dwb_dcd"|"ENG - Dwellings with Basements - Dominant Condition"|"String"|"No"|254||||||"The rating of the map unit as a site for dwellings with basements, expressed as the dominant rating class for the map unit, based on composition percentage of each map unit component." "muaggatt"|25|"engdwbll"|"eng_dwb_ll"|"ENG - Dwellings with Basements - Least Limiting"|"String"|"No"|254||||||"The rating of the map unit as a site for dwellings with basements, expressed as the least limiting rating class for the map unit, based on the evaluation of each component in the map unit." "muaggatt"|26|"engdwbml"|"eng_dwb_ml"|"ENG - Dwellings with Basements - Most Limiting"|"String"|"No"|254||||||"The rating of the map unit as a site for dwellings with basements, expressed as the most limiting rating class for the map unit, based on the evaluation of each component in the map unit." "muaggatt"|27|"engstafdcd"|"eng_staf_dcd"|"ENG - Septic Tank Absorption Fields - Dominant Condition"|"String"|"No"|254||||||"The rating of the map unit as a site for septic tank absorption fields, expressed as the dominant rating class for the map unit, based on composition percentage of each map unit component." "muaggatt"|28|"engstafll"|"eng_staf_ll"|"ENG - Septic Tank Absorption Fields - Least Limiting"|"String"|"No"|254||||||"The rating of the map unit as a site for septic tank absorption fields, expressed as the least limiting rating class for the map unit, based on the evaluation of each component in the map unit." "muaggatt"|29|"engstafml"|"eng_staf_ml"|"ENG - Septic Tank Absorption Fields - Most Limiting"|"String"|"No"|254||||||"The rating of the map unit as a site for septic tank absorption fields, expressed as the most limiting rating class for the map unit, based on the evaluation of each component in the map unit." "muaggatt"|30|"engsldcd"|"eng_sl_dcd"|"ENG - Sewage Lagoons - Dominant Condition"|"String"|"No"|254||||||"The rating of the map unit as a site for sewage lagoons, expressed as the dominant rating class for the map unit, based on composition percentage of each map unit component." "muaggatt"|31|"engsldcp"|"eng_sl_dcp"|"ENG - Sewage Lagoons - Dominant Component"|"String"|"No"|254||||||"The rating of the map unit as a site for sewage lagoons, expressed as the rating class for the dominant component in the map unit, based on composition percentage of each map unit component." "muaggatt"|32|"englrsdcd"|"eng_lrs_dcd"|"ENG - Local Roads and Streets - Dominant Condition"|"String"|"No"|254||||||"The rating of the map unit as a site for local roads and streets, expressed as the dominant rating class for the map unit, based on composition percentage of each map unit component." "muaggatt"|33|"engcmssdcd"|"eng_cm_ss_dcd"|"ENG - Construction Materials; Sand Source - Dominant Condition"|"String"|"No"|254||||||"The rating of the map unit as a source of sand, expressed as the dominant class for the map unit, based on composition percentage of each map unit component." "muaggatt"|34|"engcmssmp"|"eng_cm_ss_mp"|"ENG - Construction Materials; Sand Source - Most Probable"|"String"|"No"|254||||||"The rating of the map unit as a source of sand, expressed as the most probable class for the map unit, based on the evaluation of each component whose composition in the map unit is equal to or exceeds 15%." "muaggatt"|35|"urbrecptdcd"|"urb_rec_pt_dcd"|"URB/REC - Paths and Trails - Dominant Condition"|"String"|"No"|254||||||"The rating of the map unit as a site for paths and trails, expressed as the dominant rating class for the map unit, based on composition percentage of each map unit component." "muaggatt"|36|"urbrecptwta"|"urb_rec_pt_wta"|"URB/REC - Paths and Trails - Weighted Average"|"Float"|"No"||2|||||"The relative rating of the map unit for use as paths and trails, expressed as a weighted average of numerical ratings for individual soil components in the map unit. The ratings are on a scale of 0.0 to 1.0, with the higher values indicating more limitations." "muaggatt"|37|"forpehrtdcp"|"for_peh_rt_dcp"|"FOR - Potential Erosion Hazard (Road/Trail) - Dominant Component"|"String"|"No"|254||||||"The relative potential erosion hazard for the map unit when used as a site for forest roads and trails, expressed as the rating class for the dominant component in the map unit, based on composition percentage of each map unit component." "muaggatt"|38|"hydclprs"|"hydcl_prs"|"Hydric Classification - Presence"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"hydric_classification_map_legend"|"An indication of the proportion of the map unit, expressed as a class, that is ""hydric"", based on the hydric classification of individual map unit components." "muaggatt"|39|"awmmfpwwta"|"awm_mfpw_wta"|"AWM - Manure and Food Processing Waste - Weighted Average"|"Float"|"No"||2|||||"The relative rating of the map unit for use as a disposal site of Manure and Food Processing Wastes, expressed as a weighted average of numerical ratings for individual components in the map unit. The ratings are on a scale of 0.0 to 1.0, with the higher values indicating increasing limitations." "muaggatt"|40|"mukey"|"mapunit_key"|"Mapunit Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Mapunit table. It also serves as the non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Mapunit Aggregated Attribute table as there is a one-to-one relationship between records in these two tables. Use this column to join the Mapunit Aggregated Attribute table to the Mapunit table." "muaoverlap"|1|"areaovacres"|"area_overlap_acres"|"Overlap Acres"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00||"acres"||"The extent, in acres, of the map unit within the geographic area referenced in the Legend Area Overlap table." "muaoverlap"|2|"lareaovkey"|"legend_area_overlap_key"|"Legend Area Overlap Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Legend Area Overlap Table. Use this column to join the Mapunit Area Overlap table to the Legend Area Overlap table." "muaoverlap"|3|"mukey"|"mapunit_key"|"Mapunit Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Mapunit table. Use this column to join the Mapunit Area Overlap table to the Mapunit table." "muaoverlap"|4|"muareaovkey"|"mapunit_area_overlap_key"|"Mapunit Area Overlap Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Mapunit Area Overlap table." "mucropyld"|1|"cropname"|"crop_name"|"Crop Name"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"crop_name"|"The common name for the crop." "mucropyld"|2|"yldunits"|"crop_yield_units"|"Units"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"crop_yield_units"|"Crop yield units per unit area for the specified crop." "mucropyld"|3|"nonirryield_l"|"nonirr_crop_yield_l"|"Nirr Yield - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.00|9999.99|||"The expected yield per acre of the specific crop without supplemental irrigation." "mucropyld"|4|"nonirryield_r"|"nonirr_crop_yield_r"|"Nirr Yield - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.00|9999.99|||"The expected yield per acre of the specific crop without supplemental irrigation." "mucropyld"|5|"nonirryield_h"|"nonirr_crop_yield_h"|"Nirr Yield - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.00|9999.99|||"The expected yield per acre of the specific crop without supplemental irrigation." "mucropyld"|6|"irryield_l"|"irrigated_crop_yield_l"|"Irr Yield - Low Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.00|9999.99|||"The expected yield per acre of the specific crop with irrigation." "mucropyld"|7|"irryield_r"|"irrigated_crop_yield_r"|"Irr Yield - Representative Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.00|9999.99|||"The expected yield per acre of the specific crop with irrigation." "mucropyld"|8|"irryield_h"|"irrigated_crop_yield_h"|"Irr Yield - High Value"|"Float"|"No"||2|0.00|9999.99|||"The expected yield per acre of the specific crop with irrigation." "mucropyld"|9|"mukey"|"mapunit_key"|"Mapunit Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Mapunit table. Use this column to join the Mapunit Crop Yield table to the Mapunit table." "mucropyld"|10|"mucrpyldkey"|"mapunit_crop_yield_key"|"Mapunit Crop Yield Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Mapunit Crop Yield table." "muline"|1|"areasymbol"|"area_symbol"|"Area Symbol"|"String"|"Yes"|20||||||"A symbol that uniquely identifies a single occurrence of a particular type of area (e.g. Lancaster Co., Nebraska is NE109)." "muline"|2|"spatialversion"|"spatial_version"|"Spatial Version"|"Integer"|"Yes"|||||||"A sequential integer number used to denote the serial version of the spatial data for a soil survey area." "muline"|3|"musym"|"mapunit_symbol"|"Mapunit Symbol"|"String"|"Yes"|6||||||"The symbol used to uniquely identify the soil mapunit in the soil survey." "muline"|4|"mukey"|"mapunit_key"|"Mapunit Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Mapunit table." "mupoint"|1|"areasymbol"|"area_symbol"|"Area Symbol"|"String"|"Yes"|20||||||"A symbol that uniquely identifies a single occurrence of a particular type of area (e.g. Lancaster Co., Nebraska is NE109)." "mupoint"|2|"spatialversion"|"spatial_version"|"Spatial Version"|"Integer"|"Yes"|||||||"A sequential integer number used to denote the serial version of the spatial data for a soil survey area." "mupoint"|3|"musym"|"mapunit_symbol"|"Mapunit Symbol"|"String"|"Yes"|6||||||"The symbol used to uniquely identify the soil mapunit in the soil survey." "mupoint"|4|"mukey"|"mapunit_key"|"Mapunit Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Mapunit table." "mupolygon"|1|"areasymbol"|"area_symbol"|"Area Symbol"|"String"|"Yes"|20||||||"A symbol that uniquely identifies a single occurrence of a particular type of area (e.g. Lancaster Co., Nebraska is NE109)." "mupolygon"|2|"spatialversion"|"spatial_version"|"Spatial Version"|"Integer"|"Yes"|||||||"A sequential integer number used to denote the serial version of the spatial data for a soil survey area." "mupolygon"|3|"musym"|"mapunit_symbol"|"Mapunit Symbol"|"String"|"Yes"|6||||||"The symbol used to uniquely identify the soil mapunit in the soil survey." "mupolygon"|4|"mukey"|"mapunit_key"|"Mapunit Key"|"String"|"No"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Mapunit table." "mutext"|1|"recdate"|"record_date"|"Date"|"Date/Time"|"No"|||||||"The date associated with a particular record, expressed as month, day, year -- xx/xx/xxxx." "mutext"|2|"mapunittextkind"|"mapunit_text_kind"|"Kind"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"mapunit_text_kind"|"Text kind provides a grouping of text entries according to their subject matter. For example, the text kind ""edit notes"" groups text entries that deal with adding or changing data." "mutext"|3|"textcat"|"text_category"|"Category"|"String"|"No"|20||||||"A text entry is identified by its kind, category, and subcategory. Category is a subdivision of kind. ""Agr"" and ""Soi"" are two categories for the text kind ""Nontechnical Description""." "mutext"|4|"textsubcat"|"text_subcategory"|"Subcategory"|"String"|"No"|20||||||"A text entry is identified by its kind, category, and subcategory. Subcategory is a subdivision of category. For text kind ""Nontechnical"" description and text category ""Agr"", subcategory would correspond to the SSSD field ""desnum""." "mutext"|5|"text"|"text"|"Text"|"Vtext"|"No"|||||||"The actual narrative text portion of a text entry. The other parts of a text entry are its identifiers: kind, category and subcategory." "mutext"|6|"mukey"|"mapunit_key"|"Mapunit Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The unique identifier of a record in the Mapunit table. Use this column to join the Mapunit Text table to the Mapunit table." "mutext"|7|"mutextkey"|"mapunit_text_key"|"Mapunit Text Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Mapunit Text table." "sacatalog"|1|"areasymbol"|"area_symbol"|"Area Symbol"|"String"|"Yes"|20||||||"A symbol that uniquely identifies a single occurrence of a particular type of area (e.g. Lancaster Co., Nebraska is NE109)." "sacatalog"|2|"areaname"|"area_name"|"Area Name"|"String"|"Yes"|135||||||"The name given to the specified geographic area." "sacatalog"|3|"saversion"|"survey_area_version"|"Survey Area Version"|"Integer"|"Yes"|||||||"A sequential integer number used to denote the overall serial version of the data (tabular and/or spatial) for a soil survey area." "sacatalog"|4|"saverest"|"survey_area_version_est"|"Survey Area Version Established"|"Date/Time"|"Yes"|||||||"The date and time that a particular version of data (tabular and/or spatial) for the soil survey area was established." "sacatalog"|5|"tabularversion"|"tabular_version"|"Tabular Version"|"Integer"|"Yes"|||||||"A sequential integer number used to denote the serial version of the tabular data for a soil survey area." "sacatalog"|6|"tabularverest"|"tabular_version_est"|"Tabular Version Established"|"Date/Time"|"Yes"|||||||"The date and time that a particular version of tabular data for the soil survey area was established." "sacatalog"|7|"tabnasisexportdate"|"tabular_nasis_export_date"|"Tabular NASIS Export Date"|"Date/Time"|"Yes"|||||||"The date and time that soil survey area tabular data was exported from NASIS." "sacatalog"|8|"tabcertstatus"|"tabular_certification_status"|"Tabular Certification Status"|"Choice"|"No"|254|||||"export_certification_status"|"The level of certification assigned to a tabular data package for a particular soil survey area." "sacatalog"|9|"tabcertstatusdesc"|"tabular_cert_status_desc"|"Tabular Certification Status Description"|"Vtext"|"No"|||||||"Narrative text notes (metadata) associated with the assignment of the tabular data certification status for a particular soil survey area." "sacatalog"|10|"fgdcmetadata"|"fgdc_metadata"|"FGDC Metadata"|"Vtext"|"Yes"|||||||"The FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) spatial and/or tabular metadata for the corresponding soil survey area, in XML format." "sacatalog"|11|"sacatalogkey"|"survey_area_catalog_key"|"Survey Area Catalog Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Survey Area Catalog table." "sainterp"|1|"areasymbol"|"area_symbol"|"Area Symbol"|"String"|"Yes"|20||||||"A symbol that uniquely identifies a single occurrence of a particular type of area (e.g. Lancaster Co., Nebraska is NE109)." "sainterp"|2|"interpname"|"interp_name"|"Interpretation Name"|"String"|"Yes"|60||||||"The connotative name of an interpretation." "sainterp"|3|"interptype"|"interp_type"|"Interpretation Type"|"Choice"|"Yes"|254|||||"rule_design"|"Indicates if the corresponding interpretation is designed as a limitation, suitability or class." "sainterp"|4|"interpdesc"|"interp_description"|"Interpretation Description"|"Vtext"|"No"|||||||"A narrative text description of the logic used to generate an interpretation." "sainterp"|5|"interpdesigndate"|"interp_design_date"|"Interpretation Design Date"|"Date/Time"|"Yes"|||||||"The date and time that the logic of an interpretation was last modified." "sainterp"|6|"interpgendate"|"interp_generation_date"|"Interpretation Generation Date"|"Date/Time"|"Yes"|||||||"The date and time that the corresponding interpretive results for this interpretation were generated." "sainterp"|7|"interpmaxreasons"|"interp_max_reasons"|"Interpretation Maximum Reasons"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00||||"The maximum number of reasons recorded for the corresponding soil interpretation." "sainterp"|8|"sacatalogkey"|"survey_area_catalog_key"|"Survey Area Catalog Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Survey Area Catalog table." "sainterp"|9|"sainterpkey"|"survey_area_interp_key"|"Survey Area Interpretation Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Survey Area Interpretation table." "sapolygon"|1|"areasymbol"|"area_symbol"|"Area Symbol"|"String"|"Yes"|20||||||"A symbol that uniquely identifies a single occurrence of a particular type of area (e.g. Lancaster Co., Nebraska is NE109)." "sapolygon"|2|"spatialversion"|"spatial_version"|"Spatial Version"|"Integer"|"Yes"|||||||"A sequential integer number used to denote the serial version of the spatial data for a soil survey area." "sapolygon"|3|"lkey"|"legend_key"|"Legend Key"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Legend table." "sdvalgorithm"|1|"algorithmsequence"|"algorithm_sequence"|"Algorithm Sequence"|"Integer"|"Yes"|||||||"An integer number used to order the list of valid aggregation methods." "sdvalgorithm"|2|"algorithmname"|"algorithm_name"|"Algorithm Name"|"String"|"Yes"|50|||||"algorithm"|"The name of a method by which a soil property or interpretation may be aggregated. In some table contexts, the default aggregation method for the corresponding soil attribute." "sdvalgorithm"|3|"algorithminitials"|"algorithm_initials"|"Algorithm Initials"|"String"|"Yes"|3||||||"Initials that identify an aggregation method." "sdvalgorithm"|4|"algorithmdescription"|"algorithm_description"|"Algorithm Description"|"Vtext"|"Yes"|||||||"A narrative description of an aggregation method." "sdvattribute"|1|"attributekey"|"attribute_key"|"Attribute Key"|"Integer"|"Yes"|||1.00||||"A integer value that uniquely identifies a soil attribute available in the Soil Data Viewer application." "sdvattribute"|2|"attributename"|"attribute_name"|"Attribute Name"|"String"|"Yes"|60||||||"The connotative name of the corresponding soil attribute." "sdvattribute"|3|"attributetablename"|"attribute_table_name"|"Attribute Table Name"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The name of the SSURGO table that contains the corresponding soil attribute." "sdvattribute"|4|"attributecolumnname"|"attribute_column_name"|"Attribute Column Name"|"String"|"Yes"|30||||||"The name of the SSURGO table column that contains the corresponding soil attribute." "sdvattribute"|5|"attributelogicaldatatype"|"attribute_logical_data_type"|"Attribute Logical Data Type"|"String"|"Yes"|20|||||"sdv_attribute_logical_data_type"|"The logical data type of the corresponding soil attribute." "sdvattribute"|6|"attributefieldsize"|"attribute_field_size"|"Attribute Field Size"|"Integer"|"No"|||1.00|255.00|||"The maximum allowable number of characters in a string attribute." "sdvattribute"|7|"attributeprecision"|"attribute_precision"|"Attribute Precision"|"Integer"|"No"|||1.00|6.00|||"The decimal precision of the corresponding soil attribute." "sdvattribute"|8|"attributedescription"|"attribute_description"|"Attribute Description"|"Vtext"|"Yes"|||||||"A narrative description of the corresponding soil attribute." "sdvattribute"|9|"attributeuom"|"attribute_uom"|"Attribute Units of Measure"|"String"|"No"|60||||||"The units of measure in which the corresponding soil attribute is recorded." "sdvattribute"|10|"attributeuomabbrev"|"attribute_uom_abbreviation"|"Attribute Units of Measure Abbreviation"|"String"|"No"|30||||||"The abbreviated form of the units of measure in which the corresponding soil attribute is recorded." "sdvattribute"|11|"attributetype"|"attribute_type"|"Attribute Type"|"String"|"Yes"|20|||||"attributetype"|"A string that indicates if the corresponding Soil Data Viewer rule pertains to an intrinsic soil property or a soil interpretation." "sdvattribute"|12|"nasisrulename"|"nasis_rule_name"|"NASIS Rule Name"|"String"|"No"|60||||||"A name that uniquely identifies a particular NASIS rule (interpretation)." "sdvattribute"|13|"ruledesign"|"rule_design"|"Rule Design"|"Integer"|"No"||||||"rule_design"|"An indicator of the design scheme of the rule. 1 = limitation 2 = suitability 3 = class When rule design is either ""limitation"" or ""suitability"", this entry provides an indication of which end of the fuzzy value range, 0 or 1, represents the most limiting features. When rule design is ""class"", the rating values are not considered to be logically ordered. Most non-class interpretive rules are designed such that the most limiting features are those with a fuzzy value closest to 1. However, non-class interpretive rules that are designed to evaluate the favorable features of a soil, such as the suitability as a gravel source, may be written such that the most limiting features are those with a fuzzy value closest to 0." "sdvattribute"|14|"notratedphrase"|"not_rated_phrase"|"Not Rated Phrase"|"String"|"No"|254||||||"For a soil interpretation, the phrase to be used when a rating cannot be determined. The default value for this string is ""Not rated"", but NASIS permits the designer of an interpretation to change this default." "sdvattribute"|15|"mapunitlevelattribflag"|"mapunit_level_attribute_flag"|"Map Unit Level Attribute Flag"|"Boolean"|"Yes"|||||||"Indicates if the corresponding attribute is considered to be ""at the map unit level"", in the map unit table hierarchy." "sdvattribute"|16|"complevelattribflag"|"comp_level_attribute_flag"|"Component Level Attribute Flag"|"Boolean"|"Yes"|||||||"Indicates if the corresponding attribute is considered to be ""at the component level"", in the map unit table hierarchy." "sdvattribute"|17|"cmonthlevelattribflag"|"cmonth_level_attribute_flag"|"Component Month Level Attribute Flag"|"Boolean"|"Yes"|||||||"Indicates if the corresponding attribute is considered to be ""at the component month level"", in the map unit table hierarchy." "sdvattribute"|18|"horzlevelattribflag"|"horz_level_attribute_flag"|"Horizon Level Attribute Flag"|"Boolean"|"Yes"|||||||"Indicates if the corresponding attribute is considered to be ""at the horizon level"", in the map unit table hierarchy." "sdvattribute"|19|"tiebreakdomainname"|"tie_break_domain_name"|"Tie Break Domain Name"|"String"|"No"|40||||||"In some cases the column that is being aggregated to the map unit level corresponds to an attribute whose values are restricted to a ranked domain. In this case, this rank value is used to resolve ties. In order to be able to retrieve this rank value, the corresonding domain name must be provided." "sdvattribute"|20|"tiebreakruleoptionflag"|"tie_break_rule_option_flag"|"Tie Break Rule Option Flag"|"Boolean"|"Yes"|||||||"For intrinsic soil properties, whether ties should select the lowest or highest value may be an arbitrary decision. In such a case, this flag can be set, and in advanced mode the user can then specify at run time whether the lowest or highest value should be selected in case of a tie." "sdvattribute"|21|"tiebreaklowlabel"|"tie_break_low_label"|"Tie Break Low Label"|"String"|"No"|20||||||"The term to be displayed for the option to break ties by selecting the lowest value." "sdvattribute"|22|"tiebreakhighlabel"|"tie_break_high_label"|"Tie Break High Label"|"String"|"No"|20||||||"The term to be displayed for the option to break ties by selecting the highest value." "sdvattribute"|23|"tiebreakrule"|"tie_break_rule"|"Tie Break Rule"|"Integer"|"Yes"||||||"tiebreakrule"|"Indicates if ties should be broken by selecting the lowest value (-1) or the highest value (1)." "sdvattribute"|24|"resultcolumnname"|"result_column_name"|"Result Column Name"|"String"|"Yes"|10||||||"The name of the column in which the results of the aggreation process are ultimately stored." "sdvattribute"|25|"sqlwhereclause"|"sql_where_clause"|"SQL Where Clause"|"String"|"No"|255||||||"Explicit constraints used to restrict which records in a table are subject to being aggregated. One of several possible mechanisms for specifying constraints as to which records are subject to being aggregated. Multiple constraint mechanisms may be concurrently specified." "sdvattribute"|26|"primaryconcolname"|"primary_con_col_name"|"Primary Constraint Column Name"|"String"|"No"|30||||||"The name of a column used to constrain which records in a table are subject to being aggregated. One of several possible mechanisms for specifying constraints as to which records are subject to being aggregated. Multiple constraint mechanisms may be concurrently specified." "sdvattribute"|27|"pcclogicaldatatype"|"pcc_logical_data_type"|"Primary Constraint Column Logical Data Type"|"String"|"No"|20|||||"sdv_attribute_logical_data_type"|"The logical data type of the corresponding primary constraint column." "sdvattribute"|28|"primaryconstraintlabel"|"primary_constraint_label"|"Primary Constraint Label"|"String"|"No"|20||||||"A connotative label associated with a column used to constrain which records in a table are subject to being aggregated. This label is displayed in the Soil Data Viewer interface to indicate to the user what kind of constraining value is being requested." "sdvattribute"|29|"secondaryconcolname"|"secondary_con_col_name"|"Secondary Constraint Column Name"|"String"|"No"|30||||||"The name of a column used to constrain which records in a table are subject to being aggregated. One of several possible mechanisms for specifying constraints as to which records are subject to being aggregated. Multiple contraint mechanisms may be concurrently specified. The choice list for the secondary constraint column is constrained to data found in records that match the value specified for the primary constraint column." "sdvattribute"|30|"scclogicaldatatype"|"scc_logical_data_type"|"Secondary Constraint Column Logical Data Type"|"String"|"No"|20|||||"sdv_attribute_logical_data_type"|"The logical data type of the corresponding secondary constraint column." "sdvattribute"|31|"secondaryconstraintlabel"|"secondary_constraint_label"|"Secondary Constraint Label"|"String"|"No"|20||||||"A connotative label associated with a column used to constrain which records in a table are subject to being aggregated. This label is displayed in the Soil Data Viewer interface to indicate to the user what kind of constraining value is being requested." "sdvattribute"|32|"dqmodeoptionflag"|"dq_mode_option_flag"|"Depth Qualifier Mode Option Flag"|"Boolean"|"Yes"|||||||"Indicates if the depth qualifier for the corresponding soil attribute can be changed at run time." "sdvattribute"|33|"depthqualifiermode"|"depth_qualifier_mode"|"Depth Qualifier Mode"|"String"|"No"|20|||||"depthqualmode"|"Indicates the means by which layer depths are qualified: ""Surface Layer"", ""All Layers"" or ""Depth Range"". Pertains to properties of a soil horizon or layer." "sdvattribute"|34|"layerdepthtotop"|"layer_depth_to_top"|"Layer Depth to Top"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|9999.00|||"Layer depth to top, when layer depths are qualified by ""Depth Range""." "sdvattribute"|35|"layerdepthtobottom"|"layer_depth_to_bottom"|"Layer Depth to Bottom"|"Float"|"No"||1|0.00|9999.00|||"Layer depth to bottom, when layer depths are qualified by ""Depth Range""." "sdvattribute"|36|"layerdepthuom"|"layer_depth_uom"|"Layer Depth UOM"|"String"|"No"|20|||||"depthuom"|"The units of measure in which layer depth range is specified (centimeters or inches), when layer depths are qualified by ""Depth Range""." "sdvattribute"|37|"monthrangeoptionflag"|"month_range_option_flag"|"Month Range Option Flag"|"Boolean"|"Yes"|||||||"Indicates if the month range qualifiers for the corresponding soil attribute can be changed at run time." "sdvattribute"|38|"beginningmonth"|"beginning_month"|"Beginning Month"|"String"|"No"|9|||||"flooding_ponding_month"|"Beginning month qualifier (full month name) for soil properties at the component month level or below." "sdvattribute"|39|"endingmonth"|"ending_month"|"Ending Month"|"String"|"No"|9|||||"flooding_ponding_month"|"Ending month qualifier (full month name) for soil properties at the component month level or below." "sdvattribute"|40|"fetchallcompsflag"|"fetch_all_comps_flag"|"Fetch All Components Flag"|"Boolean"|"Yes"|||||||"Indicates if a value for all components should be returned by the fetch phase of the aggregation process, regardless of whether or not component percent composition is null. If this field is not set, values are only returned for components whose percent composition is not null." "sdvattribute"|41|"interpnullsaszerooptionflag"|"interp_nulls_as_zero_optn_flag"|"Interpret Nulls as Zero Option Flag"|"Boolean"|"Yes"|||||||"Indicates if the option to interpret nulls as zero for the corresponding soil attribute should be able to be changed at run time." "sdvattribute"|42|"interpnullsaszeroflag"|"interp_nulls_as_zero_flag"|"Interpret Nulls as Zero Flag"|"Boolean"|"Yes"|||||||"Indicates if null values for the corresponding soil attribute should be conditionally converted to zero at run time." "sdvattribute"|43|"nullratingreplacementvalue"|"null_rating_replacement_value"|"Null Rating Replacement Value"|"String"|"No"|254||||||"The value that should be substituted in lieu of a null value in the aggregation results for the corresponding soil attribute. This value is populated when a null result should be interpreted as something other than null. Examples include flooding and ponding frequency class, where a null value should be interpreted as ""None"", and depth to soil restrictive layer or depth to water table, where a null value should be interpreted as signifying that no restrictive layer or water table exists within a certain depth." "sdvattribute"|44|"basicmodeflag"|"basic_mode_flag"|"Basic Mode Flag"|"Boolean"|"Yes"|||||||"Indicates if the corresponding soil attribute is available in the basic mode of the Soil Data Viewer application." "sdvattribute"|45|"maplegendkey"|"map_legend_key"|"Map Legend Key"|"Integer"|"Yes"|||1.00||||"An integer number that unique identifies a map legend. A map legend identifies some of the attributes needed to create the legend for a corresponding thematic map." "sdvattribute"|46|"maplegendclasses"|"map_legend_classes"|"Map Legend Classes"|"Integer"|"No"|||2.00|100.00|||"The desired number of classes in a thematic map legend. At the current time this value is only required when map legend type is ""Natural Break Classes""." "sdvattribute"|47|"maplegendxml"|"map_legend_xml"|"Map Legend XML"|"Vtext"|"Yes"|||||||"Information that is ultimately used to convey how the map legend for the corresponding soil attribute should be rendered." "sdvattribute"|48|"nasissiteid"|"nasis_site_id"|"NASIS Site ID"|"Integer"|"Yes"|||||||"An integer number that uniquely identifies a NASIS site." "sdvattribute"|49|"wlupdated"|"when_last_updated"|"Last Updated"|"Date/Time"|"Yes"|||||||"The last date in which any data element of a particular NASIS object (area, data mapunit, etc.) was modified." "sdvattribute"|50|"algorithmname"|"algorithm_name"|"Algorithm Name"|"String"|"Yes"|50|||||"algorithm"|"The name of a method by which a soil property or interpretation may be aggregated. In some table contexts, the default aggregation method for the corresponding soil attribute." "sdvattribute"|51|"componentpercentcutoff"|"component_percent_cutoff"|"Component Percent Cutoff"|"Integer"|"No"|||0.00|100.00|||"The component percent composition value below which components should not be included in the aggregation process." "sdvattribute"|52|"readytodistribute"|"ready_to_distribute"|"Ready to Distribute"|"Boolean"|"Yes"|||||||"Indicates if the corresponding soil attribute or Soil Data Viewer rule is ready to distribute publicly." "sdvfolder"|1|"foldersequence"|"folder_sequence"|"Folder Sequence"|"Integer"|"Yes"|||1.00||||"An integer value used to order folders within the same context." "sdvfolder"|2|"foldername"|"folder_name"|"Folder Name"|"String"|"Yes"|80||||||"A connotative name for a folder that indicates its corresponding contents." "sdvfolder"|3|"folderdescription"|"folder_description"|"Folder Description"|"Vtext"|"Yes"|||||||"A narrative description of the contents of the corresponding folder." "sdvfolder"|4|"folderkey"|"folder_key"|"Folder Key"|"Integer"|"Yes"|||1.00||||"An integer value that uniquely identifies its corresponding folder." "sdvfolder"|5|"parentfolderkey"|"parent_folder_key"|"Parent Folder Key"|"Integer"|"No"|||||||"An integer value that identifies the parent folder of the corresponding folder, if any." "sdvfolder"|6|"wlupdated"|"when_last_updated"|"Last Updated"|"Date/Time"|"Yes"|||||||"The last date in which any data element of a particular NASIS object (area, data mapunit, etc.) was modified." "sdvfolderattribute"|1|"folderkey"|"folder_key"|"Folder Key"|"Integer"|"Yes"|||1.00||||"An integer value that uniquely identifies its corresponding folder." "sdvfolderattribute"|2|"attributekey"|"attribute_key"|"Attribute Key"|"Integer"|"Yes"|||1.00||||"A integer value that uniquely identifies a soil attribute available in the Soil Data Viewer application."