1. Introduction

  2.  Introduction to installing and configuring ArcGIS Desktop
  3.  Minimum System requirements
  4.  Python Requirement
  5.  Questions, feedback, and information
  6. Preparing to install

  7.  Authorizing your Software
  8.  Existing ArcGIS Desktop users
  9. The license manager

  10.  Installing the license manager
  11.  About the license manager
  12. Installing ArcGIS Desktop

  13.  Installation overview
  14.  Installing ArcGIS Desktop on your computer
  15.  Authorizing your software
  16.  The ArcGIS Administrator
  17.  Installing a localized ArcGIS Desktop setup
  18.  Installing ArcGIS Desktop on a network server
  19.  Installing ArcGIS Desktop from a network server
  20.  Installing ArcGIS Desktop silently
  21. Adding additional installation components

  22.  Adding additional installation features
  23.  Adding tutorial data
  24.  Installing ArcGIS Desktop Developer Resources
  25.  Installing the ArcGIS extensions
  26.  Uninstalling ArcGIS Desktop
  27.  Copyright information

Installing ArcGIS Desktop on your computer

The ArcGIS Desktop setup allows you to choose a predetermined set of installation features (complete) or only the specific features required for your installation (custom).

How to prepare to install ArcGIS Desktop


ArcGIS Desktop requires Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable (x86) Update 5. If the Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable is not already installed, running setup.exe will install it before setup.msi is launched. Setup.msi will not install if Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable (x86) Update 5 is not already installed.

  1. Close all applications on your computer.
  2. Verify that your computer meets the system requirements.
  3. If you will be using ArcGIS Desktop Concurrent Use, determine the name of the license manager you will be using for ArcGIS Desktop.
  4. Run the ArcGIS Desktop setup.exe installation program.

How to install ArcGIS Desktop

  1. The ArcGIS Desktop download offers the option to start the installation after the files have been extracted. Choose this method or, to manually launch the setup program, use setup.exe.
  2. During the installation, read the license agreement and accept it, or exit if you do not agree with the terms.
  3. The setup program provides an option for a Complete installation, which installs the applications, style files, templates, and optionally licensed extensions. The Custom installation option allows you to choose specific installation components.
    installation folder
  4. The installation location will be identified in this dialog box or in the custom dialog box, if a custom option was selected. An upgrade will not allow you to select or change the installation location. The parent location of an upgrade installation is retained and the software is installed to <parent folder>\Desktop<version number>. For example, if ArcGIS 10.3 for Desktop was installed to D:\MyGIS\ArcGIS\Desktop10.3, the 10.7.1 installation folder will be D:\MyGIS\ArcGIS\Desktop10.7. If you need to install to a different location, manually remove your existing installation before starting the 10.7.1 installation.
  5. If Python is selected for installation, you must choose the installation location or select the default. The previous Python installation location will also be retained during the upgrade. See Python requirements for more information. Python folder
  6. When the setup is complete the ArcGIS Administrator Wizard is displayed, allowing you to configure a Concurrent or Single Use authorization. Refer to The ArcGIS Administrator for details. ArcGIS Administrator Wizard

Modifying installation features

You can add or remove components after installing the software. See Adding ArcGIS Desktop installation components for more information.

Additional installation components

The additional ArcGIS Desktop components, such as ArcGIS Tutorial Data, Data Interoperability extension, ArcGIS Desktop and ArcGIS Desktop Developer Resources, can be installed separately, if they are required.