- /ftp/gis/metadata/
[To Parent Directory]
10/12/2000 8:14 AM 1000 00README.TXT
7/10/2008 11:01 AM 121708 2004 Barker's Island Bathymetry.xml
9/8/2008 4:02 PM 120903 2006 Color Aerial.xml
7/11/2008 10:30 AM 155401 2006 Color Aerials.xml
4/5/2010 11:00 PM 27136 20090717_TopobathyDataRequestForm.doc
9/25/2019 9:47 AM 63242 2019LIDARMetadata.pdf
2/16/2009 3:57 PM 86381 aardvark.jpg
10/13/2008 10:04 AM 126518 addrplcs geocoded addresses.xml
10/13/2008 10:29 AM 124066 admin dc school districts.xml
7/8/2008 1:49 PM 126204 ADMIN_COS_TIF_Districts.xml
1/20/2009 11:23 AM 123092 admin_DC_Zoning.xml
7/31/2008 8:21 AM 131303 AHI.xml
12/3/2008 9:55 AM 25486 Allegheny County GIS Metadata - Street Centerlines.txt
12/3/2008 9:56 AM 30301 AlleghenyCounty_Streetcl2006.xml
7/31/2008 8:24 AM 132064 ASI.XML
12/10/2009 3:27 PM 998 atc_metadata.sgml
7/31/2008 8:23 AM 128237 BAR.XML
3/29/2005 4:04 PM 550 biketrails_readme.txt
7/28/2008 12:11 PM 174324 blockgroups.xml
4/9/2009 8:08 AM 19710 bong airport.xml
2/24/2009 1:42 PM 7746 break.xml
6/3/2009 2:18 PM 128408 build and unit04.xml
7/9/2008 11:17 AM 124369 CDBG Boundaries 2008.xml
11/3/2008 2:05 PM 128386 cdstrl_cos_parcels.xml
1/20/2009 11:25 AM 126594 cdstrl_COSDC_Current_ownerdata.xml
1/20/2009 11:24 AM 24213 CDSTRL_COSDC_PARCELS_ALL
2/9/2009 10:50 AM 131931 cdstrl_cosdc_parcels_all.xml
4/29/2009 2:56 PM 124713 CDSTRL_COSDC_PARCELS_LOT.xml
10/13/2008 10:34 AM 126594 cdstrl_DC_current_ownerdata.xml
9/29/2008 1:53 PM 170381 census block groups 2000.xml
12/9/2007 2:56 PM 28445 cent_sfcmppt3.html
10/23/2014 11:59 AM 12528 centerlines.xml
4/17/2023 10:05 AM 641353 ChangeFinder Project Report - City of Superior, WI.pdf
9/18/2008 6:14 AM 120945 city councilor bnd.xml
10/14/2008 2:44 PM 57006 City of Superior SAMP.pdf
7/9/2008 11:21 AM 127084 city zoning.xml
4/14/2009 10:17 AM 6093 city_of_superior lidar.sgml
7/10/2008 3:31 PM 5541 contours.txt
12/16/2010 10:36 AM 4673 contours.txt.xml
9/10/2008 11:29 AM 119048 contours.xml
9/10/2008 12:01 PM 120899 cos 2006 aerial
9/9/2008 11:06 AM 120035 cos beats.xml
7/11/2008 11:46 AM 122437 cos fire districts.xml
8/15/2008 7:06 AM 124224 COS fire hydrants.xml
7/11/2008 7:24 AM 124303 COS Floor Plans.xml
8/11/2008 7:27 AM 14351 cos geocoded.xml
7/10/2008 2:32 PM 136422 COS land use.xml
9/3/2008 1:25 PM 127638 cos parcel anno.xml
9/3/2008 11:42 AM 120929 cos parcel hooks.xml
9/3/2008 11:42 AM 129110 cos parcel lines.xml
9/3/2008 11:43 AM 129256 cos parcel lots.xml
9/3/2008 1:25 PM 120859 cos parcels.xml
7/11/2008 11:41 AM 122380 COS Template.xml
9/3/2008 2:57 PM 120859 cos vacated.xml
9/10/2008 12:03 PM 121488 COS2006ColorAerial.xml
1/26/2016 11:59 AM 19094 cos_zoning.docx
7/21/2008 3:23 PM 134903 COSDC Roads.xml
9/29/2008 1:00 PM 133956 COSDC roads1.xml
9/8/2008 3:54 PM 130923 COSDC ROW.xml
9/22/2008 10:46 AM 125614 cosdc wards.xml
9/22/2008 10:43 AM 122512 cosdcwards
7/28/2008 11:07 AM 3368 cosparcels.xml
7/8/2008 1:19 PM 12566 Current ownership table.xml
9/10/2008 11:47 AM 122616 dc 2006 color aerial
7/11/2008 10:47 AM 121281 DC address grid lines.xml
7/10/2008 7:36 AM 119859 DC address_pts.xml
7/11/2008 10:24 AM 117962 DC dem30.xml
7/11/2008 10:36 AM 120455 DC gas tax maps.xml
7/11/2008 10:22 AM 117821 DC hillshade.xml
9/4/2008 7:06 AM 122117 dc manu.xml
9/3/2008 1:25 PM 130534 dc parcels.xml
10/13/2008 10:35 AM 131409 dc plats.xml
9/3/2008 2:39 PM 130034 dc rural anno.xml
9/3/2008 1:35 PM 128801 dc rural arcs.xml
9/3/2008 2:36 PM 128159 dc rural parcels.xml
10/1/2008 1:08 PM 121486 dc sna.xml
7/11/2008 10:50 AM 121808 DC villages address grids.xml
7/9/2008 8:55 AM 155405 DC2006ColorAerial.xml
7/8/2008 6:59 AM 9847 DC_2006_Color_Aerial.xml
7/10/2008 7:35 AM 121274 DC_Address_Leader_Lines.xml
7/10/2008 9:18 AM 134750 DC_Boat Access.xml
7/8/2008 8:20 AM 119285 DC_DEM30.xml
7/8/2008 1:49 PM 122975 DC_Fishing_Piers.xml
7/11/2008 10:06 AM 117935 DC_Hillshade_10FT.xml
7/29/2008 1:47 PM 127114 DC_hunting sites.xml
7/9/2008 10:58 AM 120480 DC_Incorporated_Areas.xml
7/8/2008 1:50 PM 152512 DC_Lake_ClassMerge.xml
7/2/2008 6:39 AM 121721 DC_Lighthouses.xml
7/8/2008 1:51 PM 126710 DC_Marinas.xml
7/9/2008 10:58 AM 121235 DC_Municipalities.xml
7/29/2008 1:46 PM 119673 DC_Parks.xml
1/6/2009 10:15 AM 123283 dc_railroads.xml
7/8/2008 1:50 PM 160558 DC_River_Polys.xml
7/2/2008 6:42 AM 162705 DC_Rivers.xml
7/30/2008 10:33 AM 134903 DC_Roads_class.xml
7/8/2008 1:49 PM 123273 DC_School_Districts.xml
7/8/2008 1:50 PM 188103 DC_Uplands_Islands.xml
7/28/2008 11:08 AM 8358 DCPARCELS.xml
7/28/2008 11:08 AM 2319 DCZONING.xml
7/31/2008 2:41 PM 242606 doq.xml
9/17/2008 1:21 PM 51810 Douglas County Aerial 2006.pdf
8/2/2011 7:37 AM 22592 Douglas County Coordinate System.pdf
7/7/2008 9:53 AM 123300 Douglas County School Districts.xml
7/11/2008 10:46 AM 121297 Douglas County Template.xml
6/12/2008 8:44 AM 39913 Douglas_1990-91_metadata.xml
6/6/2014 9:11 AM 40171 Douglas_2012_metadata.xml
6/6/2014 9:17 AM 251 Douglas_2012_metadata_esritr.log
7/13/2008 9:27 AM 144537 ducks CARL.xml
10/24/2008 7:11 AM 125092 ELEV_GL_Lake_Erie_Bathy.xml
10/24/2008 7:50 AM 122816 ELEV_GL_Lake_Superior_Bathy.xml
7/8/2008 1:50 PM 172172 Enviro_DC_Rivers.xml
10/10/2008 6:15 AM 125358 geod dc plss corners.xml
10/7/2008 7:11 AM 145917 geod town range polys.xml
10/24/2008 9:42 AM 6898 glgis_gl_shore_noaa_70k.xml
7/10/2008 9:05 AM 127314 global DC County Bnds.xml
7/9/2008 2:49 PM 47824 Global widnr wetlands inventory.xml
7/9/2008 12:15 PM 132768 Global_MN_IA_Lake_Bathy.xml
7/15/2009 7:25 AM 226724
6/9/2010 6:27 AM 128272 hazard material sites vd
6/9/2010 6:28 AM 128272 hazard material sites vd.xml
8/14/2015 9:26 AM 27724 hydro_waterbody_data_dict.pdf
12/10/2015 10:19 AM 28839 hydro_waterbody_data_dict.xml
7/14/2008 11:11 AM 14633 lake michigan bathy.xml
10/24/2008 7:42 AM 32901 lake superior bathymetry.pdf
7/3/2009 9:21 AM 122379 lake survey images.xml
12/9/2007 2:45 PM 31362 lake_destrpy2.html
10/24/2008 9:44 AM 7054 lake_huron_bathymetry.xml
10/24/2008 9:44 AM 7081 lake_ontario_bathymetry.xml
10/24/2008 9:42 AM 7163 lake_saint_clair_bathymetry.xml
7/7/2008 1:05 PM 30676 land_cover_grid.pdf
3/10/2016 12:00 AM 8699 landclass.pdf
9/29/2008 2:30 PM 21353 Leefers.txt
4/14/2009 12:37 PM 134352 lidar contours.xml
12/5/2017 12:00 AM 2543121 LIDARQC.pdf
4/22/2004 9:07 AM 22786 mesabipits.shp.html
7/15/2008 9:17 AM 7582 mesabipits_shp.txt
7/10/2008 1:57 PM 7828 Metadata Lake Superior Bathymetry.txt
12/3/2008 10:19 AM 13768 Metadata Ramsey County Map Information (Info).txt
12/3/2008 1:20 PM 11060 Metadata Trout Lake Designation.txt
9/1/2010 6:53 AM 128139 metadata.xml
7/9/2008 12:26 PM 35235 MI_Lake_Contours.htm
7/9/2008 12:26 PM 50341 MI_lake_points_200403.htm
7/9/2008 12:26 PM 51178 MI_lake_polygons_200403.htm
12/3/2008 1:46 PM 121553 mines.xml
10/2/2008 9:12 AM 124244 MNDNR tempate.xml
7/11/2008 10:10 AM 16820 NOAA RNC.txt
7/11/2008 10:16 AM 142698 noaa RNC.xml
7/8/2013 11:00 PM 359815 Pictometry Flight 2013.docx
7/3/2009 9:20 AM 122798 pictometry.xml
3/5/2009 12:01 PM 133603 PLAT BOOK metadata.xml
8/25/2015 5:54 AM 9228 plss.xlsx
1/20/2009 12:05 PM 125412 PLSSCORNERS.xml
7/7/2008 1:55 PM 119297 RASTER.SDE.WISCLand Cover.xml
10/7/2008 7:31 AM 123164 rec archery hunting sites
10/7/2008 7:32 AM 123164 rec archery hunting sites.xml
4/29/2009 1:55 PM 122719 REC_COS_NEMADJI_GOLF_COURSE_FD
4/29/2009 1:57 PM 126046 REC_COS_NEMADJI_GOLF_COURSE_Polys.xml
4/29/2009 2:00 PM 125498 REC_COS_NEMADJI_GOLF_COURSE_Trails.xml
7/8/2008 1:50 PM 119664 Rec_Hunting_Hotspt1_subregions.xml
9/8/2008 4:06 PM 118420 row buffers.xml
12/1/2008 11:54 AM 404717 row_poly.xml
10/7/2008 6:54 AM 133768 samp.xml
12/16/2010 10:35 AM 474 schema.ini
1/28/2009 1:44 PM 125745 SDE.DBO_PLSS_QQ_arc.xml
1/28/2009 1:47 PM 127137 SDE.DBO_PLSS_QQ_poly.xml
1/28/2009 1:48 PM 123618 SDE.DBO_PLSS_sec_poly.xml
1/28/2009 1:49 PM 146219 SDE.DBO_PLSS_town_range_Poly.xml
7/3/2008 1:50 PM 79854 SDE.SDE0.bmp
12/29/2021 12:21 PM <dir> sde10
10/2/2000 2:51 PM 12577 SENS_SPP.TXT
7/20/2008 7:39 AM 41201 soil_metadata_wi031.xml
7/20/2008 7:40 AM 119736 soils DC Metadata.xml
12/9/2007 3:02 PM 35763 strm_troutln3.html
10/14/2008 9:38 AM 122853 struct_cos_churches.xml
4/29/2009 2:54 PM 124671 STRUCT_COS_PUBLIC_STRUCTURES.xml
10/14/2008 9:15 AM 121252 struct_dc_water_control_structures.xml
10/1/2008 1:33 PM 123347 template.xml
9/23/2008 2:03 PM 6892 test.htm
9/23/2008 2:03 PM 79854 test0.bmp
7/28/2008 12:11 PM 173715 tracts.xml
10/14/2008 9:36 AM 123089 trans_cos_alleys.xml
12/22/2008 2:40 PM 129520 trans_cos_asphalt_overlays_2008.xml
7/11/2008 7:59 AM 28893 USFWS NWR.htm
12/3/2008 9:58 AM 123148 vacated streets.xml
9/4/2008 7:15 AM 129055 village parcel arcs.xml
12/21/2021 3:34 PM 9383 WI Douglas Community Sectors-Custom_FGDCdata.xml
12/21/2021 3:33 PM 9404 WI Douglas Neighborhood Sectors-Custom_FGDCdata.xml
7/8/2008 1:51 PM 135097 WI_DC_Boat_access.xml
7/17/2008 3:16 PM 1321 WIDNRSOILS.xml
6/26/2013 11:53 AM 494 WIDOUG13-SID-COMBINED-4INCH-FGDC.prj
6/26/2013 11:53 AM 9382 WIDOUG13-SID-COMBINED-4INCH-FGDC.xml
6/18/2013 1:00 PM 494 WIDOUG13-TIF-TILES-4INCH-FGDC.prj
6/18/2013 1:00 PM 9528 WIDOUG13-TIF-TILES-4INCH-FGDC.xml
6/19/2013 10:14 AM 494 WIDOUG13-TIF-TILES-9INCH-FGDC.prj
6/19/2013 10:14 AM 9528 WIDOUG13-TIF-TILES-9INCH-FGDC.xml
1/24/2022 10:38 AM <dir> WIDOUG16_LiDAR_Metadata
10/2/2000 6:27 AM 22449 WLSBAC.TXT
10/2/2000 6:20 AM 25997 WLSDAM.TXT
10/12/2000 7:32 AM 94720 WLSESI.PDF
10/12/2000 8:08 AM 1678 WLSESI.TXT
10/10/2000 9:32 AM 8069 WLSIN100.TXT
10/2/2000 12:07 PM 32294 WLSMAN.TXT
10/2/2000 6:37 AM 27003 WLSMAR.TXT
10/2/2000 6:42 AM 25857 WLSOES.TXT
10/2/2000 6:47 AM 30135 WLSPPL.TXT
10/2/2000 8:17 AM 31926 WLSPSS.TXT
9/22/2000 11:22 AM 26966 WLSRAIL.TXT
9/29/2000 7:33 AM 1538 WLSROADS.TXT
10/2/2000 8:28 AM 29016 WLSSDA.TXT
9/28/2000 7:18 AM 1447 WLSSTRM.TXT
10/2/2000 9:07 AM 31276 WLSTRI.TXT
9/28/2000 7:26 AM 884 WLSWAT.TXT
8/26/2005 2:51 PM 4661 WLSWAT.txt.xml
10/2/2000 9:13 AM 29001 WLSWIN.TXT